ITT we post backgrounds from movies and others guess
ITT we post backgrounds from movies and others guess
Other urls found in this thread:
Jackass The Movie
how i met your wifes sons mother
What's goin' on crew?
probably nuthin
fffffuucckk.... shittt....
How can you fags like this video? It's 50% close ups of a black guy's dick and the other half is close ups of his face. What you know about that? Prolly tons, fags.
eyes wide shut
Pleb got filtered.
my mom was being weak
Just look at the comments
it's 100% zoomer Yea Forumsedditors
See, even you can't help yourself but quote it. It's the kind of video where you think, "Why am I watching this? This isn't even entertaining. Why is everyone losing their shit over it?" but then two weeks later you start muttering to yourself under your breath, "chu know about that? prolly nuthin'..." and then before you know it you've seen the video 10+ times and know every line. But whatchu know about that.
>See, even you can't help yourself but quote it. It's the kind of video where you think, "Why am I watching this? This isn't even entertaining. Why is everyone losing their shit over it?" but then two weeks later you start muttering to yourself under your breath, "chu know about that? prolly nuthin'..." and then before you know it you've seen the video 10+ times and know every line. But whatchu know about that.
Not even close. I quoted it just so you would know that I watched the entire thing. I have never quoted it outside of dedicated threads.
i have unironically probably been on Yea Forums longer than you've been using a computer, zoomer faggot. never reply to one of my posts again, you unwashed scum.
It’s very funny and makes me feel good
Fuck off summerfag. Reddit is waiting for you.
talk about cringe
it's a 10/10 parody of the most underrated youtube scene - the 40 oz chug scene
>potentially good thread actually related to Yea Forums
>it's just bullshit instead
delete this board Hiro I beg you
fuckkkkkk...... sshitt.........
this is now a youtube unscripted kino thread