>Yea Forums tells me Rogue One is shit
>It's actually amazing and the best Star Wars since Empire
Oh fuck you, Yea Forums. Seriously, fuck you.
>Yea Forums tells me Rogue One is shit
>It's actually amazing and the best Star Wars since Empire
Oh fuck you, Yea Forums. Seriously, fuck you.
It's the kind of schlock that the sequel trilogy should've been, desu.
>Yea Forums tells me Rogue One is shit
The fuck, Yea Forums mostly agrees Rogue One is decent/least shit of the nu-Star Wars. It's Force Awakens and Last Jedi that get slammed
Revenge of the Sith is way better you dumb faggot
I was literally so angry after watching this movie that I drove an hour and half to the ruins of an ancient Indian civilization just to find some vestige of humanity. It is a terrible, awful, disgusting movie that perfectly encapsulates everything wrong with contemporary society. It's so incredibly disheartening to realize that shit like this is literally the pinnacle of commissioned art.
Is there anything more kino than that last shot of Krennic looking up at the Death Star looming in the sky?
There are Three Stooges scenes that are more kino than that.
>best since empire!!
hello shill
I don't like Star Wars and I still think Rogue One is pretty damn great. It's got good rewatchability too.
they did fan service right, TFA did it wrong TLJ just flipped off the fans
Why didn't RLM like it?
they don't know what they want
It was fine.
Or maybe it just felt that way because TFA set the bar so low.
It was right at the turning point where they realized that they hate star wars
It is shit. Boring shit. And the Vader part at the end was pure cringe along with CGI Leai. Fuck that movie.
It's the most unnecessary movie ever made. Who the hell wanted this movie? It's wookiepedia-tier irrelevant dust.
Everything about this movie reeks of autism, actual diagnosed autism. It's painful to watch it unless you're actually a Star wars-nerd with legit autism.
If you liked this movie you're probably a very unpleasant person.
Solo was actually decent too. TLJ killed the franchise so that's why it flopped commercially.
>Yea Forums tells me Rogue One is shit
Yea Forums lied to you
>It's actually amazing and the best Star Wars since Empire
pic related
It tries to be its own competent story without the need to be held up by the mysticism of the force.
The movie suffers clearly from the reshoots. Eadu could have been handled way better than as a cheap way to create emotion of jyn and cassian.
However K2, Chrruit and krennic are all kino and better than every character in the new trilogy bar Kylo ren
The cardboard characters ruin it.
>Go Jyn, I'm going to stay here and die for no reason
It’s the Tokyo Drift of Star Wars. Kino
You are absolutely right. It still was a pointless film though.
I want to fuck that rabbit
It's shit
It's the only good nu star wars movie.
Literally one of the worst films in existence.
It's fucking dick. It's full of bland, nothing characters with no goals or motivations who all get killed off in a battle that only exists for MUH NOSTALGIA.
The ONLY nuWars film I enjoyed. Gen X fag that remembers me mother dragging me to the theater to see Star Wars a few dozen times as a wee kid (don't enjoy the original much to this day due to burn out).
It's not perfect by any means, however give credit where it's due, Gareth Edwards respects the mythology, and it LOOKS like a classic SW film. All the vehicles and uniforms look authentic to the original trilogy (even down to Imperial 70's sideburns). The battle scenes are excellent, and it just feels "right" overall. Jyn Erso is somewhat annoying, along with a few other rebel characters. Krennic is meh, Tarkin is Uncanny Valley tier, but overall I did enjoy it.
Cool new units introduced as well (shore troopers, AT-ACT's, rebel gunship/transport, death troopers, imperial landing officer, etc.). In short, it's SW kino. Can barely sit through the remainder of nuWars films.
Also, LOVE the Imperial Occupier Tank, even though it's a moronic design. You would think the high-tech Empire would put a turret on a tank, instead we get a WWII tank destroyer that has to turn to aim and fire.
>t. assblasted RLM plebs who didn't get it
RO had the most soul out of all Star Wars films. It's literally a passion project by someone who loved the franchise, hating it just shows everyone you're a pleb NPC that writes off kinos because other installments were bad
>Its a gritty, realistic war movie without any good guys or bad guys. The heroic faction is actually full of murders, cowards, and unhinged terrorists
>Oops we've got the climax coming up better turn the murderers and terrorists into heroes with one friendship speech and hope our audience rolls with it
Absolute worst tone shift in any movie I've ever seen. I'll watch the action scene at the end every couple months on youtube but I'll never subject myself to the whole movie again.
>MC chick is actually badass sexy and has nice body
>awesome action out the ass
>good cast
Yeah its the best nu-Wars. Solo is a pretty close second.
The worst tonal shift was at the end when the tragic sacrifice cuts away to a fan service slasher scene where you're supposed to cheer for Darth Vader.
It didn't have any soul at all. Bland wookiepedia fan-fiction.
Seriously, did you really want to see how the rebels got the plans to the death star? Is that something that you used to wonder about before they made this?
It's like making a movie about how Indiana Jones got that big whip.
>It didn't have any soul at all.
>t. NPC #54355345
The only real mistake at the end was the soundtrack being all sad and shit when Vader's star destroyer jumps in and wrecks the Rebel fleet.
They really should have used some variant of the Imperial March for that scene to get the audience ready for Vader being a badass.
it's okay at best.
Shit put me to sleep,
but da da darth vader scene fwoozsh zwoon zwoon
Yeah 2 hours of sleeper shit stuck in the old timeline is not worth that scene.
Seriously, a multibillion dollar franchise and you play it safe and stay in the past, nah I'm no onion, no money for you
>Solo is a pretty close second.
unironically this, and not because it's great, but because ep7 and 8 are so fucking dog shit.
A better Rey.
>the best Star Wars since Empire
Yes, that's not difficult
>It's actually amazing
No, it's trash, but at least it was somewhat unique compared to the main series movies
she was too pretty for a star wars movie
Considering the blasters are literally reskinned WW1 and WW2 weapons and the space battles are flown like WW2 Pacific engagements (mix of capital ships, fighters and bombers) the weird WW2 tank design fits perfectly.
Buddy, the dude was fucking gasping for breath standing still. There's no way he would have made it to the U-wing.
No really, now that we know better, it's hands down the best SW movie to come out in the new era, with SOLO coming in second.
Once again, mass posters are always wrong.