Why did everyone shit on the best MouseWars?
Why did everyone shit on the best MouseWars?
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ugly ass jew lead
just because something is a solid log doesn't mean it's different than watery dribble, at the end of the day they're both shit
Because Darth maul sat in a silly position and Yea Forums will desperately find things to nitpick until they are able to justify hating new star wars, despite how good it might be
Why did this and Rogue One feel lightyears ahead of the sequel trilogy?
That’s not rogue one.
Worst quips ever
because we were upset about tlj. i was shocked by how much i liked about it, and i think a lot of people freely admitted that, even as they were making fun of a dumpster fire to try to get disneys attention so maybe they would stop raping our childhood.
It does have a disappointing third act
Rogue One was the opposite, awful first and second acts, great third act
Last name?
>I don't have one. My people move from country to country stealing from the locals. A last name inhibits that.
>Han Greenberg it is
>Are you with anybody?
>No, I’m alone.
>So you are.. single. Han Single.
Walked out of Netflix at that point.
Rogue one was shit and clearly cast by Kira Hart
took my dick out of my gfs pusy when they said that
TLJ ruined everything. I don't even care for Soi Wars at all but this was a really solid film.
Lol yeah that was gay, especially considering Solo is a real name IRL
Same with Chewbacca needing a nickname.
Because it was meaningless and the biggest corporate cashgrab of all.
And because that's all it is it's simultaneously the best.
you have 5 (five) seconds to name your 3 (three) favorite non-star wars films
Imagine the smell.
I'm liked it better for being a little rough. It was earnest and wasn't overly polished and I've always had a soft spot for 90's style camp.
Sir, this is not an Arby's thread. Please, for the love of g-d, think of the sponsors.
Solo felt like an entire trilogy rolled into one film. Like the whole movie could have just been about orphan Solo learning how to drive so he could escape the orphanage. Or there could have been a whole film about him in the army learning to fight and trying to desert.
But because the "story" was only interested in telling how he collected things the audience could recognize the whole thing felt like a rushed piece of shit where telling the story of the character was the least important part.
No Space otters thou
Goodfellas, Casablanca and Lebowski.
please don't give them ideas on how to make more movies than they're already making
He did kinda pointlessly wave around his lightsaber, but he was only doing it to impress his waifu.
me on the left
You mean it felt like an actual movie. You could've spent A New Hope doing the same thing
Imagine being able to star in one of the biggest franchises in film history because you sang a song about stealing pennies out of a well in front of a famous person
He was already in a Coen Brothers movie and they're self loathing Jews
Being the best shit in a pile of shit means you're still shit.
>be Darth Maul
>get a call from a qt that just took over the Crimson Dawn
>how to impress her?
>wave a double-bladed lightsaber around
>nailed it
You're a female Space Otter?
Pretty sure he was "discovered" because he was handsome and getting sex.
Nice, please smash my skull like a clam on your tummy.
I haven't even seen it yet but I read the novelization last fall and it was PURE fucking kino.
A cock ring would have sufficed to impress her
>tfa: slightly amusing retread that might have been more damaging than previously thought because of JJ abrams meme
>rogue one: boring, fan service shit muh cool lightsaber
>tlj: interesting concepts killed by messy execution and studio meddling
>solo: the only good part is the 40k-esque scene when han is in the army
>gives away hyperfuel without any pay to the rebellion
what a good guy! i'm so glad the writers watched the original trilogy and kept this prequel in line with han's character pre anh
It's terribly boring.
How bad is this board going to explode when episode IX drops? Even if its decent theres no way Yea Forums will admit it.
Based new canon poster
It will be unusable for a couple months. Just like when 8 came out.
If you aren't actively shitting on star wars for one reason or another you are the odd man out. God forbid you try to say something good about it
How could it be good , it's a trilogy where the first one was a retread cash grab and the second one was made by an autistic idiot with delusions of grandeur. This is part three by the guy who made the first one.
Why the fuck would you read a novelization of a Star Wars movie
Both R1 and Solo are good. Ep. 7 is mediocre and Ep.8 is scrotum lint.
Ep 9 will be shit out and wiped from the asscrack of society. The sequel trulogy will buried by Disney and treated like the Chernoyil radiiactive waste that it is.
Because they were more fleshed out than the movies and you could read them in school when there was nothing else to do
The Revenge of the Sith novelization is great and far superior to the movie.
Rogue One is easily the best Nuwars
He got the Coen gig from the bat mitzvah. Point still stands.
No heroic white men other than Mads, it was garbage
Ok fair enough
I just can't see him as Han Solo
part time
He actually pulled it off though.
Its in reshoots right now. The movie is going to come out in ~5 months. Even ignoring the horrible state the franchise is in from TLJ it doesn't have a prayer.
It can"t be good because there is seriously nothing left to care about.
None of it means anything. Ep 9 is DOA.
this image will never cease
I never even bothered to watch it since the dude looks nothing like Harrison Ford. Instant drop
Step away from the memes son. You are allowed to not watch a movie but that is a dumb reason.
Because it's a cynical cash grab. The movie is nothing but an extended origin story for Han Solo's accessories served up with a suffocating amount of masturbatory lore references so fanboys can clap when they hear things theyve read about on wookieepedia
Nah, it's a pretty good reason not to watch. He acts nothing like Harrison Ford's Han and is just another comedy male protagonist. The movie fucking sucks outside that too.
Best part was 5 minutes and half of it was cut out.
It also shouldn't have been about Han Solo, since we know that him and Chewie aren't gonna die and that he's not gonna be with Qi'ra.
This is what I'm talkimg about when ai say people habe gone full retard. You are a fucking pleb if you think doimg a Harrison Ford impersonation on screen would be in any way good. No self respecting actor would do that. That would make about as much sense as Daniel Craig doing a Pierce Brosnan impersonation of Foger Moore.
Ok so are all the others so your point doesnt stand. Transformers was better than Ninja Turtles but they were both excuses to sell toys.
More reason they should have just not made the movie then. Who wants to see a movie about Han Solo when Han looks and acts nothing like Han?
Based and dubbed
Han literally flew into the middle of the Death Star battle and saved Luke's life for free.
He acts like he's a cold-hearted mercenary, but when it comes down to it, he's an idealistic normie.
Who are they fighting on the ground?
Looks like the same white guy 40 years apart to me.
The Mimbanese Liberation Army.
It's pretty interesting how they were trained by the Republic during the Clone Wars but ended up fighting against the Empire.
That was the point of the scene. It was random planet 8547. It doesn't matter. It was some Imperial Guard type shit.
You missed the bat mitzvah audition?
Don't worry, you can tell them during the Passover first you'll see them at next.
It was a good movie but the guy playing Han Solo was a bit of a lightweight. Other than that though it was a decent action film, Woody Harrelson as usual is good in anything he does, and the smol british chick was adequate for her role.
You don't need a reason not to watch a movie. Any reason is valid.
What you need is a reason to watch the movie in the first place.
solo has the best non-John Williams score
>nailed it
Made me lol.
>halfway decent writing
>passable young Solo
>Queen Emilia being cute/hot
Honestly the best SW movies this time period were these fucking offshoots.
the score was good, didn't realize it wasn't Williams
Because TLJ was so bad it killed everyones entusiasm for star wars going forward
Solo was retconned to being a shit pilot who only got by because he has a genius AI in the Falcon.
They charge for parking during Passover, so I'm not going.
Why the
:;:reedit space:::
was this cut? Also interesting Deeplore: TIE pilots are trained to go into battle like they're already dead, since the basic Fighter is basically a fodder weapon used to disorient and overwhelm. You're not supposed to be able to pilot one of those fuckers so damaged back to base, yet Solo did, which makes him supa pilot number 1
It will get shilled to hell and back like captain marvel and TLJ. Get ready for a plethora of "oh wow Yea Forumswas wrong i liked this more than i thought!!" Threads 24/7 for about 2 weeks.
Easily and by alot. Which is why Disney tries to ignore it because it makes their nu trilogy look like hot garbage.
This. It is just fatigue from dealing with a poor 8 and 9. Rogue One and Solo were decent flicks.
No, because a New Hope was actually one whole story. Luke starts off as a farmboy and it ends with getting a medal of honor as a war hero. The bulk of the story is him learning how to use the force and becoming a Jedi.
In the first ten minutes of Solo it starts off with him as an orphan and escaping the orphanage and joining the army and deserting the army. He doesn't learn anything. By the end of the film he's the exact same person he was at the start.
A New Hope is about Luke. Solo is about how he got his last name, how he got the Millennium Falcon, how he met Chewbaca, how he did the Tessel Run-- that's not a story, it's just references and callbacks.
/thread. What are the stakes? Whats Rey supposed to overcome? Whos the main villian who will finally get his come uppance? Who the hell is the villian anyway? These movies are such a joke/mess.
>Ok so are all the others
Not an actual argument
Darth maul was in Solo? Maybe I should actually watch it, obi wav vs maul was the best arc in the entire clone wars series.
Didn't expand on the characters in any meaningful way. Never explained how Han got to be ANH Han
Lots of cheap member berries
Han has a father figure for like 3 days, gets betrayed by him multiple times, then shoots him first but still cradles him as he dies?
Very confusing Darth Maul appearance that only made sense to fans of one of the TV shows
>d Yea Forums will desperately find things to nitpick until they are able to justify hating
If you went by this board alone, you would think Star Wars and Marvel were the most loathed franchises that ever existed.
Whatever you do, don't watch it for that reason. Watch it with just one thing in mind, Han shot first.
>Solo is about how he got his last name,
I can still hardly believe this is real...
He just has a cameo, but it's very very cool if you liked TCW