Any more shows with this feel/these tropes?

>humanity is space-faring but limited to the solar system/local stars
>no aliens
>very, very little, if any, supernatural elements (maybe like a psychic or maybe a ghost for character development purposes)
>robinhood/outlaw hero

Something really fucking interesting about this setting. People make epic stories about space travel (Star Wars/Trek)... but always forget that it'll be a slow process and the more advanced we get will just increase the scale of things and not fix all our problems. The oppressiveness only continues to gnaw at our hero until he/she has to make a bitter resolve to get some shitty pyrrhic victory.

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Firefly is pretty good

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The Expanse kinda

ya the only three I could think of on the spot were Bebop, Firefly, and Bladerunner

I'm sure I could think of more if I put my head to it.


Blade Runner adjacent

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Misses a lot of the criteria but Red Dwarf has this real cowboy bebop kind of deep space, isolated, claustrophobic comfort while also constantly hammering home that you can be the last man alive, a billion miles from whatever remains of Earth, and you still can't get away from who you are and what you dislike about yourself. It's also a comedy though.

i tried watching this but the onions is dripping out of every opening with this one. insufferable characters and shit acting.

The premise of 40K is that we tried all the technology and we're still a doomed race off assholes tearing each others eyes out in our decline.

If you're willing to read Aaron Demski Bowden's night lords trilogy that I'm in the middle of right now does a lot of this. Just people trying to survive in space long after everything that represented hope and dignity for them is gone, taking their bitterness and resentment out on the weak and defenseless in the void.

In the same vein I'd recommend the Eisenhorn trilogy. Not as clean a fit but its another story about a tragic figure travelling through space as he accumulates regrets and loses everything he cares about in the pursuit of serving an ever blurrier distinction between good and evil.

huh... I remember really enjoying it. Although that was a while back. Certainly before I posted on Yea Forums where posters like you try to shame people for enjoying things.

interesting... not exactly the setting I was looking for, but certainly has the hopelessness. Thanks.

The Expanse

IDK if you want ANIME like this, I can suggest you Planetes. The show hypothesizes what might happen when human beings start colonizing celestial bodies (e.g. our moon).

It's not as stylistic as Bebop and it doesn't revolve around an ensemble but I think you'll like it, user.

Forgot to add that it's story revolves around a SPACE GARBAGE COLLECTOR

Outland with Sean Connery fits the bill. It's a gloomy western in space and is actually pretty hard sci-fi at the same time.

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This, if you really liked Toys in the Attic, you'll love Red Dwarf

Thanks, trailer looks pretty promising

>red dwarf
OP here, isn't that a game?

psycho pass, its an anime thank me later

Attached: Blade Runner 2049 - Aaaaahhhhhhhh.webm (1920x1080, 1.69M)

no, it's an old british sitcom

That’s the opposite of what he asked for

has literally nothing to do with space

it's fucking great though. my favorite anime maybe