why the hell was hank stuttering so much when he saw peggy like this?
Why the hell was hank stuttering so much when he saw peggy like this?
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had to pass wind and was trying to cover up the sound of the poots
cause he finally realized he married a kike
just look at that fucking nose
he's repressed
the only reason he didn't pound Luanne right then
so lads
now don't misinterpret me when i say this but i seriously think the mods are in the right
even though they are being a little harsh it's not undeserved, we're shitposting too hard
everything would be better if we all just relaxed and cooled off a little
don't get me wrong, i like having a fun time joking around, but we should tone it down
peggy was actually pretty hot, she just dressed all frumpy.
Peggy has some rockin tits and hips. you dont notice it that often thanks to her dressing like a frumpy housewife.
Were those nipples actually shown like that in the show or is it just photoshop
The only time Hank ever had sex with Peggy was when they were making Bobby and they probably did that with the lights off. That was his first time ever actually seeing his wife’s figure.
t. has never seen King of the Hill
Hank paddles that ass
He likes fucking peggy doing the "fundamentals"
I distinctly remember them banging in the bathroom in that episode where they attend a murder mystery dinner show.
Was King of the Hill the best sitcom?
>Hank is not a bumbling moron
>Hank is a right wing voter but not hateful and accepts people as long as they are good people. Even if they are not like Buck and Kahn he still accepts them and treats them as friends.
>Peggy is smart but not as smart as she thinks. Constantly fucks up
>Bobby is pure fat kid kino. He is not a MESSAGE character like so many other fat kids in shows.
>Luanne comes from a broken home and it shows.
>Hank loves his family no matter what.
>Cotton killed fiddy men.
>Cotton gave no fucks.
>Bill and Dale are Yea Forums
>based off reality but slightly absurd.
>Peggy was such a well done character than people love/hate her because she reminds them of people in their lives. that really stupid teacher that even at the time you knew was talking out their ass. the overbearing mom.
I'd hit that
He has an exhibitionist fetish and got aroused at others seeing his wife's nipples but he's too prudish to indulge in it.
Yes you could see Peggy and Luanne nipples after the "become a virgin" ritual.
>Peggy is smart but not as smart as she thinks. Constantly fucks up
>Peggy is smart
Peggy is a fucking moron dude holy shit.
Do non-texans or even non-americans even like this show? I love in Texas and enjoy it but I feel like if you don't live here or haven't even ever been here it must seem really strange. A lot of the comedy comes from just how true it is with living around here, especially DFW.
nice try janny
There is nothing special about you or Texas. Everyone gets every joke.
no peggy is literally the dumbest on the show and they all know it. thats why dale hates her.
ironically dale is dumber
Imagine being Hank Hill in this scene. Imagine having to be like "damn Peggy, you are so attractive" when all you really want to do is grill on propane.
Or idk something like that I'm not going to look up the pasta nobody ever reads the full thing anyway, you get the point
he's not. he's crazy but he knows enough to run and operate a business and he's at least skilled at what he does. peggy doens't even speak spanish.
He's either dumb as shit for not knowing JRC is the father of his child or he's the ultimate cuck
It's the second. He desperately wants a son so he ignores what is obvious.
Peggy had to have that spelled out for her, so it's not a plus in her department.
yet he cant see what was happening right under his nose.
it is also stated multiple times that Nancy carries the family and his bug killing is just to keep him busy.
Peggy is dumb yes. She has her moments where her intelligence shines though. basically any time she has to put on the mom pants and do whats right for the boy. she is overconfident and too trusting. those are her biggest issues.
Lueanne is the one that was just stupid....once they decided to just ignore her being a mechanical whiz. fixing unca hanks truck when him and the boys were stumped.
Wrong, the joke is that he's a conspiracy nut who's obsessed with aliens, JFK, and the moon landing but can't see the real conspiracy right in front of him.
He knows Joseph isn’t his son. But he fakes not knowing so he can keep a happy family with Nancy.
Peggy was the only one who actually believed Joseph was dales son
i'm not saying he's smart, im saying peggy is dumber. what did she ever do to indicate she was remotely intelligent?
I live in Melbourne (Australia). And I love the show, so do more than a few of my friends. I kinda get what you mean about regional specificity. It is really strange but in a good way. Melbourne is full of the most unbelievably pretentious hipsters and snobs you can imagine. Basically most of the people you meet in this city would be a villain/antagonist in the show. I guess there's just something refreshing about a show that's just about ordinary people trying to live honest, decent lives, makes me think I'd enjoy Texas.
source: your ass.
That's the joke with Dale. He's a conspiracy theorist that can't see the infidelity blatantly happening in front of him. Either way he'd have Nancy by the tits in court. He can easily establish Joseph isn't his and she'd have to fork over all kinds of cash to him since she's the breadwinner.
Hank rides Peggy like a lawnmower in the show. There's even an episode about them getting caught fucking in public.
Nailed it.
How do you think Peggy would react to some assplay? Asking for a friend
He's also not wrong with his conspiracy theories too because it turned out in the last ep that the Feds really were watching him the whole time - Boomhauer is a federal agent.
the blue collar type of folk that is satirized in the show exists in every nation
Any time she was being a Mom.
i dont know what is up with the music but you get the idea. when she has to get shit done for her family her can pull off some ruses and kick some ass. like i said her biggest problem is she is too trusting/naive and overconfident in her teaching abilities.
no man can resist a virgin
>nancy has the best tits on the show
>dale is always talking about "her can"
shows where plebeians don't realize how good they have it?
Hank loves his wife and thus pounds her every damn day.
>texas ranger
>federal agent
Boomhauer is a Texas Ranger not a federal agent and wasn't always one on the show.
friendly reminder that Texas is the only state with its own air force
it’s blue collar stuff, people in the north who are blue collar can relate perfectly fine.. I live in Kansas and it’s the most subtle but hilarious way they portray the lifestyle of a blue collar guy with his friends and neighbors
doesn't matter if he signed the birth certificate
Did Mihn /ss/ with JRCJr?
it would have been funny! haha
Parts of Texas are like that. Their depiction/reaction to Austin is correct. It's a fun place to go party once in a while but it's full of pretentious assholes and has a high cost of living, great food though and a good music scene.
Yeah...you didn't though. And you wouldn't know what you missed. It's like dunning kruger.
He literally fucks her in a train
He can establish she was unfaithful and likely has video footage since he has so much surveillance equipment around.
It's pretty popular in Japan, believe it or not.
He probably signed it Rusty Shackleford
Why does anyone think Dale knew about Nancy? There's an entire episode where he gets the opportunity to cheat with the woman of his dreams and the irony/humor comes from the fact that he doesn't want to betray Nancy.
Legit retarded
Pls explain
retards read those stupid "What if the Rugrats were actually all suicidal or dead whhoooaa" facebook memees that were popular a few years back and try to apply it to other shows. No, Dale doesn't know about Joseph and John Redcorn. No, Bill is not secretly Bobby's real father. No, Peggy is not secretly a tranny.
his last episode in the show was it getting shoved in his face without being directly told "JRC is his real father"
i think he never knew. that is the joke after all, but i can see how some would think he was just pretending.
Yeah from what I hear Texas, in general is slowly losing it's way. I mean, not to get too /pol/ up in here but the fact that a shit-eating prick like Beto O'Rourke can almost win a senate seat there speaks to some terrifying cultural decay. I guess it's probably just a consequence of proximity commiefornia.
> No element of the Texas Air National Guard is under United States Air Force command. They are under the jurisdiction of the Governor of Texas through the office of the Texas Adjutant General
To be fair that was mostly due to the dems heavily financing him while Ted did barely anything until the last moments
Based. Isn't it the only army national guard unit that has an attack helicopter squadron or did that change?
read it again
perhaps pay more attention to the letters
You're not wrong. I live in San Antonio there's aLOT of California transplants. They sold their homes for like half a million or more in Cali then bought a home for like 200k or less here. Property is still relatively cheap here and has been undervalued for some time. You can still find old Texas in small towns like Castroville, Hondo, Boerne, the hill country in general. To some extent Lubbock and Abilene.
californians are moving away from california to implement the same policies that are making them move away from california in texas
David Foster Wallace lived in Texas?
>tfw there is a real dub vs sub argument in japan for king of the hill
They replaced it with attack drones I think
I'll have to take your word for it, I didn't follow that race too closely. But that seems about right. Still I can't imagine him getting even 10% in the Texas I learned about as a kid.
Cheers user, I'll be sure to keep that in mind if I'm ever in that neck of the woods.
i wonder how the dubs handle khan and boomhauer
That's fucking bizarre. What the fuck is wrong with people who flee some shithole and then immediately try and reproduce the conditions of said shithole. It reminds me of muslims who come to melbourne (or anywhere in the west really) fleeing (supposedly) horrific violence caused by islamic extremism and then insist on Sharia courts and honor killings and shit. Grinds my fucking gears cunt lemme tell ya.
In the Californians' case, it's because they can't connect the dots between things they're fleeing (homelessness, high cost of living, exorbitant real estate prices) and the policies they advocate for (rent control, high taxes, socialized everything, leniency on illegal immigration).
Yeah, I notice this a lot with various marxist types, and I say this as a former marxist of sorts. There's this weird tendency to refuse to acknowledge cause and effect in policies. For instance i'll be talking to a friend about how ridiculous house prices in melbourne are (worse than new york or LA by the way) and my friend will just insist that this is a consequence of greedy people being greedy. And when I point out that it's self-evidently a consequence of negative gearing and EXCESSIVE foreign investment (chinks will basically just buy a couple of houses with dirty money and let them sit empty and accumulate 20% a year) and I get the whole "Well actually it's because of Capitalism". And that's the thing, pretty much everyone who is still a leftard is convinced that all the worlds problems are a consequence of either people being free to buy and sell goods relatively free of government intervention or muh racism/sexism/Xism, and god forbid you ever try and suggest otherwise. Only an uneducated moron would suggest otherwise. God I hate this city so fucking much.
My gf is from Austin, and she says it feels like home.
can i get uhhh osaka and chinese accents
Peggy is a show ruiner desu
the fact a fictional character makes you that angry is proof she's well written. she reminds everyone of an older woman (teacher, relative, etc) they knew that was a overconfident know-it-all