What does the future hold for Star Wars after The Last Jedi?

What does the future hold for Star Wars after The Last Jedi?

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Empty theme parks. Thots going back to Chaturbate. Shes hiding a bunch of slut tattoos.

that ayy lmao looks more attractive than the coked out slag they have playing Rey

>What does the future hold for Star Wars after The Last Jedi?
They're going to do new main trilogies and new spinoffs.

i actually know her and she is dating an Asian dude

Has almost as much forehead as Daisy Ridley and she is STILL cuter than her. What the fuck?

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remake everything starting from the prequels

why didnt disney hire this qt instead?

Hopefully nothing

>why didnt disney hire this qt instead?
She wasn't willing to be casting couched.

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>Disney is going to spend billions of dollars to buy Star Wars then not do anything with it
Makes perfect sense.

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Was the dyed hair necessary? I hate how this shit is becoming a thing in SW, thanks Filoni.

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Bill Gates here.
I'm going to buy it from Disney, recall everything other than the original trilogy, release those in restored 4K, and then split the job of remaking 1,2,3,7,8 and 9 between Peter Jackson, Neill Blomkamp, and Paul Verhoeven.

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>What does the future hold for Star Wars after The Last Jedi?
Rise of Skywalker is going to crash and burn. I wonder how much it will make?

>I wonder how much it will make?
800m - 1b

That's a disaster. If it costs 500 million to make & market and they only get about half back from box office receipts...

>Rise of Skywalker
Fuck I meant to type that

Sorry all these movie bend in to me

>That's a disaster. If it costs 500 million to make & market and they only get about half back from box office receipts...
just checked and TLJ made 1.3b world wide. So I'd revise my numbers to 1b world wide at the most. (I thought TLJ made only 1b worldwide)

only thing that makes the next movie possibly interesting is Palpatine and force ghost Luke