>*ehem* Those aren't MY pronouns bigot!
>And stop making that racist hand gesture! The world will be a better place once all of you old, White, racist, CIS males die off!
How would he respond?
7 Pronouns you can't use on Twitter
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with some unfunny fedora horseshit peppered with le funny dirty words
that greentext sounds like something he would say.
shut the fuck up go back to pol cracker
What the fuck are you talking about? Carlin was anti-pc during its first incarnation.
What did he mean by this?
he'd say something like,
>You know, these non whites have a point. Whites have done really mean shit
Followed by a round of applause
And Carlin wouldn’t mock beta fags and woman?
100% agree, I can't wait for the blacks and browns to usher in a perfect Utopia where nothing bad ever happens
He'd probably turn into a fucking traitor and agree with them, like every other celebrity of note.
Can't think of someone zoomers miss the mark on more than George Carlin.
Carlin was talking about white privilege 30 years ago.
"Shut the fuck up! You are not special you are not unique. Soft language people, thats right it rears its ugly head again! These fucking yuppies are so desperate to be intellectuals and progressive. It is not enough to be Bi , NOW its PANSEXUAL. more syllables less humanity. It is not enough to be a gay man, NOW their are Demi Boys! Gay Man gets right to the point. You are Gay and a Man. You need to have a fucking language degree and a talent for code breaking like you are fighting the fucking Nazi to just understand what they are trying to say!"
"i tell ya folks, these soft pussy yuppies are gonna keep making things clean and safe, why? Because they want to sell shit to everyone. If someone is upset they might not buy things!" "It's all bullshit and it's bad for ya"
Carlin would shit all over sjws
He was an SJW
he was one. he just did it before it was all you heard so it was genuinely thought provoking instead of irritating.
Bingo, his attitudes are now mainstream and in some instances even passé.
i take it you never actually listened to his shit? he would not be happy at all about all the soft pussies bitching about shit that dont matter.
You clearly didn't listen to him, he was a hardcore liberal when that wasn't common and everyone else has become so hardcore and crazy he seems tame.
He’d probably tell you to shut the fuck up, call you a snowflake, take a jab at sensitive white people, and then use that as a platform to jump on another joke
he shitted on the yuppie city dwellers all the time. he had whole bits about them squealing "you dont have the right!" and their soft pussy names and languages to make things "safe".
just because he hated fatcat cocksuckers shitting all over everything from the environment to culture all in the name of profit. it does not make him a SJW.
So he'd be a completely accpected and non-edgy comedian like we have now?
When I was an edgy atheist liberal in high school I probably watched every second of youtube content related to him. Stand ups, interviews, cameos etc.