Text transformer thread
Text transformer thread
>as I suck and fuck your sweet baby
what in the fuck?
what did it mean by this?
shut it down goy
at last we finally know
shit, the feels
holy fuck lads
that final sentence is 10/10.
Alita is also an excellent character and a strong character, I just never saw her portrayed well in the film, especially when compared to the others portrayed in the series and was never a major character, it was just mentioned to be a friend/companion/rival/somepony whose name just pops up in the plot of the film as a kind of background character, only not very significant, and it feels like she just seems like a girl that's just in the game for the sake of playing, not one of the major characters.
I still really love the artwork, you really seem to take good care of the characters they're drawn, the colors in particular make this movie look great.
Favorite Things
The opening scene in the first part, where the heroes and Princess Celestia walk through the portal of the Twilight Zone and meet up...is pretty fun to watch (which is funny, as I didn't enjoy The Twilight Zone), but I couldn't help but feel a little spoiled by how it ended, with that creepy evil looking unicorn just running around and basically saying: "Hey, look at me...oh! Look at me, I guess you can say Celestia has seen me too. Oh, you think you could just tell?"
I actually liked that one pretty much because it reminded me of the first two seasons, where all the major characters came to the
"Weed, Jerry!"
what could go wrong
Well of course you can't have kino without Liz, that's just common sense.
Refn clearly ripping off Gaspar Noe
boku no pico is a work of literature, a work of art, a film that tells the truth and gives a real insight into the lives of families living in this city of ours. Our film does not tell the stories of the everyday lives of ordinary Japanese families but instead gives a glimpse into the hidden history of an ordinary Japanese family by showing the real stories between each generation or each family, showing them through the lens of history and revealing the real relationships on display. This film is not a historical or socio-political work in the way that one might expect for such a small film, but rather a documentary of modern-day Japanese families living in modern-day Japan.
We are making this film because we want to make this documentary about Japanese families. It is time to expose Japanese families in their most simple terms, through their most intimate relationship with their most basic needs. For our films, we believe that these needless descriptions, like many clichés, do not add much of value. While our images don't reflect reality, our films do. We live, sleep, eat, and live another way. Every human being, regardless of race, religion or ethnic background, should strive to live out their own individual lifestyle. And we hope that our films will educate people that Japan can be a great nation of its own and that our lives aren't that different from theirs.
Based and cumpilled
Should've been an exclamation point and not a period.
Gay niggers from outer space. They're gonna get this thing. And so will you, the white race.
If anything ever goes wrong, they'll just send it to those fuckers, right? A white woman? An Asian man? A black guy?
What you did to your children didn't end well, but what a fucking tragedy. And I'm going to tell y'all to shut the fuck up about this and deal with this life you've created for yourself. But I'm also going to have you do the same to me.
You're going to have this thing with the white supremacists and the fascists who don't want to go along with multiculturalism or whatever, because you just aren't going to take shit from their bullshit bullshit. Not a shit. Not a shit.
And if you really want my respect, if you really want to keep your fucking reputation, if you really want to put this white supremacist fuckhead out of business, we'll go live together and fuck like brothers. We'll live and die and be part of it as a band. I do love my children but I'm not going to make them part of my fucking existence.
What you did to my kids didn't end well
How can you expect to beat down these goddamn Nazis when they tried to kill us when we weren't there?
he finally did is guys
Fucking lost
Inspired by this user and I wasn't disappointed
The latest shit disney movie will be about fucking in cgi movies i guess? the thing that disney did so good is their latest movie is like 90% like cgi movies, so that will suck for everyone, unless the plot is great or the main characters are great... but i know disney has made other stuff that got huge flaks but im not sure where they will get a fuck up from me. just tell me its good
Anonymous 09/26/15 (Thu) 04:03:29 AM No. 236939 >not doing shit with the main characters
LMAO how did that get mentioned and not being taken seriously? How did that get mentioned and not being taken seriously?
Anonymous 09/26/15 (Thu) 04:20:52 AM No. 236947 File: 1469532570887.png (7.39 KB, 725x450, tumblr_m1jjh7o8k2yf3o1_500…) i can think of a few things to counter it though and that'd be better to post here first, so someone could probably pull it in.
Also the picture they have is pretty terrible and i think they should stick with the ones from the original movies instead. They look awful if you're not a native speaker or
It truly was a different time.
>has big guy on plane
This is still one of the best.
Can't wait to start watching Doctor Who again.
Last night I vomited after eating Olive Garden. I think I've been there many, many times in my life, and it was absolutely horrendous. People would sit in there and they would pour you out. There's something about you, I'm sure, that makes you want to keep going at your food. You know, you've just got to keep in the good graces of everybody you go to.
But now here's something I want to be a part of: I'm going to teach a class on the history of this restaurant. And if you're willing to pay money to watch me, then you get to learn all about Olive Garden, and the people who've been there, as well as the people who haven't. So the whole class can come in here and sit down and see the food, eat the food, and maybe learn a little bit more about this institution and all it did to people who lived there. You may hear someone say, "What a disaster Olive Garden has been, and what a waste of time for the poor, and for us all." And they'd see us in tears, you know, and it would be like, "No! Not a moment's too soon! We've got to stop that! There can be no more Olive Garden. It's not worth the effort!" [LAUGHTER]
I want people to understand
KFC may have made me infertile, but it made me happy."
She started her own business, which sold a range of goods based on her idea: "I saw how cheap it is in China and wanted to make something for people who aren't able to buy their own food. We're talking about a lot of people."
She now runs what she refers to as the "KFC of Africa" with her friends, with four more open orders in the pipeline.
Image copyright AFP Image caption South African entrepreneur Gweni Hwang (centre) introduced KFC during her "Kmart" campaign
As in the US, China offers many benefits, but also challenges.
In 2012, President Xi Jinping ordered a crackdown on internet censorship, while in recent months South Korea and the US have signed deals to trade US-made anti-missile systems. In 2015, the US and China have developed a large joint effort to build a giant intercontinental ballistic missile, known as the Terminal High Altitude Area Defence (Thaad), which is due to be deployed in South Korea by 2018.
Many worry if a Thaad system - or similar systems in South Korea and on other continents - is deployed, the Korean peninsula could turn into a military power.
The US has also expressed concerns over North Korea's nuclear programmes.
Fuck you grandpa you senile piece of shit
The fuck you senile piece of shit you bitch fuck you grandpa bitch
Fuck you senile piece of shit you bitch fuck you
Your senile piece of shit
Your senile piece of shit your senile piece of shit your senile piece of shit you bitch fuck you
Fuck you, senile piece of shit
Your senile piece of shit your senile piece of shit your senile piece of shit your senile piece of shit you bitch fuck you
Hahaha, he is senile huh ?... well, maybe not that bad, i mean...
Hey, hey, hey
Your senile piece of shit
Dong, dong...
Fuck you senile piece of shit
Yup, don't you fuck off
Oh my god damn it, what are you doing there
Yeah, damn it, what were you doing there ?
Damn it you senile piece of shit
Muhahahaha! You senile piece of shit, you fucking retard!
Hahaha yeah you're senile, that's why you lose your fuckin job...