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perfect film

It filtered you, pleb

It was the perfect sequel to the first Blade Runner. Unfortunately, the first Blade Runner was pretty slow. Horrible match for the current movie-going public.

braindead american and chink market, the film itself was great



>i don't like it

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>Video Game Iconography
>Dishonest Cinematography
>Proto-Slysoy Disenfranchisement peddled as Incel entertainment/Beta Powerplay
>Barking indefinite hipster score
>Neo Yea Forumseddit hangups: camera schizophrenia and meme dialogue
>Meta-Quip syndrome (refusing to quip is just as problematic as indulging in See: Nolan)
>Post-Capeshit inversions
>Stoicism as social currency inverted through solipsistic imdb fetish
These are the eight cancers of neo-capeshit, 2049 indulges all of them repeatedly, its fans are proof of its disease. Watch better movies than post-marvel junk, IMDB.


they recast harrison ford

Lmao I'm going to have to remember some of these for the next time I'm shitting on Yea Forumss favorite movie

mostly this
go back

Souless movie


it just sucked



You're reddit.

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Go back

Fuck off, the original was fucking great. BR2049 is unironically one of the worst movies ever made, a complete butchering of a classic film

Both Blade Runner films are extremely good and if you think either of them is bad you're a certified pleb mental midget. Fact.

BR2049 is transformers-tier bad, though. Kill yourself you brainlet pleb


What the fuck was his problem?

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t. certified mental midget

you sort of develop a God complex once you save the entirety of humanity I think

Yeah, we know you are.

just go back

You don't have to deny that you're a retard to us, it's okay, just don't post here

Ridley Scott ruined it

just switch the tabs already and go back

We don't listen to what you say to us

Only one thing - the scene where rachel gets shot in the face. The CG looks terrible.

What a terrible poster.

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