>Takes the man's name
>Takes the man's powers
Hemsworth confirmed cucked
>Takes the man's name
>Takes the man's powers
Hemsworth confirmed cucked
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His display picture looks like one of those soi wojaks
Don't capeshitters get tired of this blatant unoriginality? Female Ant-Man, female Iron Man, and now a female Thor. Is it because nobody likes Captain Marvel that they think they need an established male lead to catapult their female superheroes into likeability?
he is soi.
Are women and minorities not offended when this happens? Its like you take a white male hero and swap race/gender and call it a day. They're virtue signaling for good boy points and taking the cheapest route possible. And people gobble it up and call it a victory for diversity. Just seems weird.
>Woke company does woke movie
>What a surprise
What were you guys fucking expecting? Be glad Thor is not a transdisabled inmigrant lesbian.
They don't think much. As long as 'the other side' is angry they're briefly pleased
I used a display picture in that exact "split" style on myspace back when I was an edgy 14 year old.
I'd blast that bitch with piss.
What makes Jane worthy to wield the hammer?
Her womanhood, incel.
Technically she would be called Thora, but no one seems to care about the origin of the god in the first place.
How come Disney hasn't learned anything from nu-wars? What's going on, what's their endgame?
I don’t read comics because I think the general story beats are atrocious however the story reason for why Jane became relevant as Nu-Thor is a decent set up. The issue is that they didn’t use that to make her her own character. She just becomes Thor with a vag. Crap on weebs as much as you like but at least with Manga we don’t have this shit. 1 character with 1 story that isn’t hampered down by trying to co-opt a mans legacy and power.
Doens't Jane has cancer or something like that
It's her turn
That's not how it works, though.
His fucking NAME is Thor. My name doesn't change to Clark because I get supermans powers.
She would be the mighty Jane. This is so fucking retarded.
Everyone gets tired of this shit
the power, not the title, not the name
he's a cool guy
I’m offended because I actually love the white male heroes, they’re the only reason I watch Marvel at all, so as their number lessens and their characters are erased for this utter NPC shit the number of MCU films I pay to see decrease drastically.m
The power retard. Having the power of clark kent doesnt make Zod clark kent. Thor is his actual name
It is retarded, that’s what Waititi brings to Marvel, ugliness and retardation.
Isn't Thor his actual name and not a title that can be given to anyone?
Wielding the hammer transforms you into Thor, like a Power Ranger. This happens regardless of who you are, as long as you are worthy.
It has been this way since Marvel Comics' version of Thor was created in the 60s
All titles need to start somewhere. It could be said that he was the "first Thor"
They literally spent the whole last movie saying the opposite.
That version of Mjolnir clearly didn't do that, since Captain America didn't transform when he picked it up in Endgame
But apparently, the one forged by Peter Dinklage in Love and Thunder will.
Thorina or Thortella
bullshit. thor was still a fat lazy piece of shit when he was wielding it in endgame
I don't get how Jane comes to be a thing in that script, like you can changes Jane for Bob the comicstore geek and it would work the same
>post credit scene teases Adam Warlock
Nice this will be the third time they fucking tease Adam Warlock in a fucking post credit scene
I don't know man, normal people tend to get in weird situations that end up with them getting suerpowers in this kind of movies. That's kind of the whole point.
Gets Fucked In The Pussy Thor
Thor: Impregnation Mode
Your projecting your own understanding of pride on women and minorities.
Don't make the mistake of thinking they're anything like us.
Do you think their standards are high?
Hemsworth has always been a Cuck. It is why he played a retard in Ghostbusters 2016 and MiB International. He is the world’s biggest Cuck. If it wasn’t for Thor, he would have no career.
open up your FUCKING ass cheeks whiteboi, it's HER TURN
>if he
More like Mega Whore
They literally enjoy taking things that white people like and ruining it for them. It's trolling. Makes them lol.
Considering the only reason the last one did was the enchantment Odin put on it and Odin is dead, how does that even remotely make sense?
They don't have any pride in anything of their own dude, they just like shitting on other people's achievements.
Next phase is outrage farming through pandering and representation. Think Star Wars sequel trilogy and this is it. It'll be half assed as it gets and normie automatons will still eat it up because MARBLE MOUSE MOVIE!!!
I didn't start believing in /pol/ conspiracy until I found out he's jewish
A fucking maori jew. I mean come the fuck on. There are some things that are just TOO FUCKING MUCH. Some jew guy from NYC. France. Whatever. Fucking maori jew. There are only 6,867 jews in new zealand.
If wearing Spidermans suit makes you Spiderman then wearing Thors suit makes you Thor.
or captain america
or iron man
God fuck comics
But isnt Thor his name as well? At least with the others you can say they are titles and mantles that can be passed on. Take the original Captain Marvel for instance, he has the powers of a bunch different gods and legends but has his own name. I think if you only have the power of that person you should do something to distinguish yourself since you are not in fact that person but simply wielding their power.
>Read entire thread
>Not one of you inbred fucks figured out female Thor has been a thing in the comics for ages
>Rage at it as though it's s current cultural event to make female Thor a thing
>Thinking they'd do anything different with MCU actors' contracts ending around now
Jesus Christ. Summer cannot end soon enough. You don't have to do this to fit in on an anonymous board.
Who is to say that Thor isn't a mantle as well?
Just a coincidence his name is Thor really
Captain Marvel started as a man.
It's funny because fans HATED Fem Thor that led to them making the side story with regular Thor which ended up blowing up despite it being sub par garbage but looked amazing compared to the main thing.
When did comics get taken over by radical progressives?
Of course you can say it is because anyone can say anything but it's still kind of scumbaggish to not only take up his power but appropriate his name for your own. Itd be better to honor it in some way while also distinguishing yourself and not doing everything under the sun under some else's name, good or possibly bad all your deeds being one. But what does it matter, it's going to happen anyway. And it couldn't have happened to a more indifferent actress to the franchise. She just desperate for a hit at this point and this is surefire.
Jane: "I am MIGHTY THOR!"
Asgardians: "Who are you, exactly?"
Local poster proves Nazis mysoggyknee and racism is on the rise.
Wait if themyscira only has women who's not to say that some of the women don't have dicks?
What if Rob Schneider is the next Wonder Woman?
i just hate women so god damn much. they ruin decent guys who only act out because they were lied to their entire lives
>treat girls special
>if you're mean you won't ever get married
>marriage is the key to happiness
>sex is the most important thing and girls only want guys who treat them right
it's all a god damn lie and everyone is in on it and it ruins them. i have no stock in this, i'm gay, but it's an epidemic and it will never stop because you god damn idiots are addicted to pussy even though you've never had it.
K. That's the best you got? Where did I say anything that was the least bit problematic to your twitterina sensibilities?
Captain Marvel was a man. Marvel has tried for decades to have their own Wonder Woman but never quite managed it
Tranny Batman in future will be a thing. Gotta sidestep the man in the title somehow.
Carol confirmed to be able to lift the hammer. Jane fags on suicide watch.
You seem filled with hate. Spread love hombre.
Not even radical progressives want this. I don't. But it is from the comics.
That was the most diplomatic answer ever and she's not the one writing the books/movies, so no.
Jane ever being worthy was a mistake in itself.
Even better The Batman Who Laughs was actually a female trapped in a mans body and this imbalance and inability to accept herself caused him to become the batman who laughs.
Once she realizes this she passes on
There are male Amazon's. They're given to Hephaestus to work in his forge
Can't hide behind logic and reason forever can you.
There's lots of things that are "From the comics" that doesn't make them good
>New 52
Of course there are
being from the comics isn't an excuse. the comics were wrong when they did it too, just make another stupid failed female "hero", surely the 988th will work
Stop taking the bait faggots
this is excruciatingly accurate
and this guy sounds like a little faggot
ITT: delusional fat 30 year olds
>inb4 "tranny"
>inb4 "dilate"
>inb4 "reddit"
>inb4 "shill"
>inb4 "cope"
He is neutral as well as masculine, English is one of those languages.
>i can call you names but you can't call me names!
only dipshits put pussy on a pedestal, beta.
>nowhere did i defend the movie
There's also Wonder Woman's brother. Hey it's from the comics !
Yeah but Zeus has lots of kids she should have like 30 brothers
>Not one of you inbred fucks figured out female Thor has been a thing in the comics for ages
Try harder Mongrel. Female Thor was a new idea and the sales numbers tanked. It was one of marvels Idea to get new audience and please the SJW crowd.
Which wasnt working of course because the Snowflakes arent buying the products for which they want " Equality ". And the orginal fans despised it.
In the end Marvel almost canceled every one of the new comics because they made no profit at all.
>still racking billions with those shit movies
Seems like they learned alright.
>I don’t read comics they’re icky.
Read more comics faggot.
>A movie about Norse muythology
>We need a female lead
>Freiya? Nah fuck that it's FEMALE THOR.
This just proves further that capeshit movies are just toy commercials for pre-teen children and morbidely obese mental retards.
what happens when Marvel runs out of heroes to genderflip?
Yeah, diminishing returns isn't anything to worry about. Riiiiiiight.
The worst thing about this is that they didn't even attempt to tease it in the two movies she was in. She is only in because Chris wants out and she NEEDS to be the lead. Even a small moment of her slightly nudging the hammer would suffice. Its going to be so hamfisted how they turn her into the next Thor
using inb4 wrong as a defense mechanism
i can see your insecurities dripping out of this post
Loki (the trickster god) is the one who could be a gender-bender at will (father to the mistress of Hel, also to a sea serpent, a giant wolf and a mother to an eight-legged Horse. (so unlike a real-life tranny, he was capable of giving birth and of switching back).
>The source materiel are not shitty drawings with speech bubbles made for children and pic related that you referenced, they're actual mythology to millennia-old religion.
if they cared about representation, then they would be offended.What they care about is taking away white male things because of putrid jealousy, which is why they like it
Let me tell you right now, the amount of shit that comes from comics that should never ever be adapted, is enough to fuel it's own universe. If anyone is trying to fit in, it's you.
Nigger anyone can make a critic of comic stories even if they don’t read a shit tone of comics. I read manga I know what I’m talking about. Jane having cancer isn’t the worst part of her arc but her becoming female Thor is lazy.
Also I’m not reading your faggot American comics you god damn faggot kike nigger fucking kill yourself
I just find it hilarious that they're adapting one of the worst received arcs in modern comic history and one of the leading causes "comics gate" happened where the industry started to plummet in sales and creatives started leaving. Almost every single page had to remind you that she was a WOMAN and that men where dumb and stupid and evil. It's hilariously pathetic.
Dude, think about
CGI Lady Thor
Portman face with a THICC CGI body
what are you complaining about?
will be just a few movies or one
the cosmic entity that lives inside the mjolnir
in the comics the asgardians hate her
And then a Black woman
>if it's in the comics it can't be retarded
God I hated the cancer shit in Mighty Thor. The dumbest shit sucking opinion on having cancer I've ever read.
>Female Ant-Man
Dude, she is as a founding member.