There is always a bigger chad than chad

There is always a bigger chad than chad.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>There is always a bigger chad than chad.
correct that'd be me

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post chads getting mogged by gigachads

I am based Chad
Don;t @ me

Hemsworth is only two inches taller, and cavil has a much, much better looking face. Sorry Left is still the bigger chad.

one was in the highest grossing movie ever, the other is balding

Hemsworth is way more attractive, you are blind

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I wonder what the man who mogs Henry looks like.

Is such a thing even possible within the laws of this universe?

Left has a British accent though. He wins.

Cavill’s sharp jawline and hollow cheeks make him better than Hemsworth

anyone with a decent hairline can mog him

Is that how you cope with being a loser? I swear zoomers and millennials are like teenage girls.

YEah, he often doesnt know what to wipe..his ass or his chin..they are the same thing

I want them all to take turns fucking me in the ass and mouth

Reality check: there are no Chads. There is only the insecurity of incels and other mentally ill people who need excuses and who need to project their shortcomings on others.

>no, it's not that I have a shit personality and have nothing to offer and refuse to improve
>yes, it's that women are whores and shallow sluts even though it's me who only cares for women sexually and don't give a shit about who they actually are

It's all so tiresome.


Hey man, whatever you gotta tell yourself.

He's a gigachad.


you don't believe in genetics and natural selection?

As factual as that is, there are so few Chad's that it does not matter.

Attached: cavill-vs-reeves.jpg (2550x1832, 649K)

Cavill has more defined features.

Hate to break it to you zoom zoom, but photos on the internet is often manipulated with a tool called photoshop. Sorry

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You already made this thread and no one agreed with your gay crush

Cope harder hemscel.

>Yesterday we established a gay chad is a Troy.

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the one on the left is the photoshop, retard.
It's already been proven

There are chads. Get out of your bedroom for once

I like how she has shooped her bf to hell and back but barely touched herself because think she's so perfect. Imagine being together with this bitch.

>yikes um have sex

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Cavill has a square face and strong manly jaw. The other faggot looks like a faggot with a weak chin.


Momoa seems so fun

*Mogs your path*

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Based ranking

1. Hexum
2. Cavill
3. Gandy

Hemsworth barely even looks like a Chad in the picture, Cavill completely mogs him.

hah epik trolle bro

Look how excited he is too
>my gf really likes spending time with me, she's taking a selfie with me driving to send to all of her friends

You're entitled to that but I disagree. Imo it's
Cavill ≥ Mamoa > Affleck > Cyborg guy ≥ Flash guy


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No way.

>Hexum removed all but one of the blanks from the functional handgun and began playing the game of Russian Roulette with the hopes that the functional gun with blanks (which use paper or plastic wadding to seal the gunpowder) was harmless, but unfortunately, he was unaware that a shot at close range could do real damage. Hexum placed the gun on his right temple and pulled the trigger. The bullet fractured his skull and he was rushed to the ER.

Natural selection at work, Yea Forums posters are way more chadlike than he ever was.

Cavill's a nice guy but he can't act and is so awkward in interviews.
It's lucky he has a nice face.

I hope nobody over 20 actually posts in these threads.

We can only hope. These threads are either for, A). Lookism faggots or B). Underage hivemind faggots looking to get in on the latest meme or “cool” thing to post

nothing wrong with appreciating male beauty man, you're a closeted homo if you wouldn't suck henry cavill off, it's just a fact

that fucking jawline

Nope. Henry Cavill is the closest to perfection a human man will get. Hemsworth face isn't that pretty.

O'Pry mogs everyone ITT except for Gigachad who doesn't even look like that in reality. O'Pry is the final Chad

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>The based Chadvill vs the virgin Hemsóyworth.


>can't grow facial hair properly

Literally the opposite of a Chad

he looks like he sucks twelve cocks for breakfast. way too much of a fagface to be a real chad

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he looks like someone tried to take features from different chads to make one chad face but it didn't come out right.

how come we can have gay actor threads but not actress threads


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WAIT why did she change the jacket from denim to leather?

because gigachad bad boys wear leather, duh.

Cavill doesn't have the charisma to mog Hemsworth

You're no even in the running.

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Most femfags actors are ugly.

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why's dornan even here

Chads don't need charisma if they already reached perfection. Hemsworth's charm is a natural product of trying too hard.

Because men are better than women at everything

he doesn't need facial hair when he's swimming in pussy

they can have the stacies, the key to happiness is knowing which becky you can be with

obviously because the jannies are literally faggots

both of them can't act and are charisma void

what good movies do these idiots have? almost none

now compare that to manlet cruise. his entire filmography is diverse and gold. why? because he can actually act and not just be a pretty boy.

but cruise is also a chad. his only shortcoming is his height but his money and charms and looks make up for it

Cavill could nair his entire head and he'd still mog 99% of the male population. Hair can't compete with such a perfect shaped skull and face.

Someone should make a Chad ranking chart

you will never be 5'8"

He's gay retard

it's over for Cavill, he's Norwooding hard

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Post the Cavill webm you fools.

Not a chad then. You can’t be a Chad and be gay.
If you’re a chad it means I want to be you and I sure as fuck don’t want to be a faggot.

When you're almost 60 and look like this. It doesn't matter that you're a manlet.
Being the richest actor alive and on your way to be a billionaire in the next 10 years helps too.

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lol that's such an insult to Gandy and Cavill

you just know

>That gross hook nose

with modern technology, yes

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This is what kino looks like; what these chad-lites should aspire to be.

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That's like at most two inches height difference, but Gandy clearly has bigger lifts. Both are chads.


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No retard, it means you have God tier aesthetics. And that same chad who is gay could easily turn around and say to a woman “I’m straight now” and they would just as easily jump on their dick.

Hexum is like Cavill's older, more chad, jock brother


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*mogs you*

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cavil's rounder eyes make him seem more human and relatable. though. The guy on the left just looks like he's squinting lmoa

>tfw jawlet
Wat do Yea Forums?

>these guys lost against RDJ, Evans, Hemsworth and a bunch of boring hoes
I don't even like capeshit but that's depressing

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tongue posture and mew you ugly subhuman piece of shit

I'd say Hemsworth with a beard is more or less equal to Cavill, but Cavill has the freedom to look like a gigachad with any facial hair he wants.

bone smashing and face pulling

why contain it

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>superior european
is he chad?

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Keanu is based and doesn't touch these whores.

Is that Mads?


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lookism still down?


Meme advice, I know, but my jawline improved post-maturity by chewing more gum. Still get mogged on the daily but that's my cheap take on it.
If you go the surgery route make sure to research the shit out of it.

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>*dodges the #metoo shit*
Based Keanu

I've never heard a woman be like "OMG HENRY CAVILL" just incels

>it's not that I have a shit personality
If women have a radar for men with bad personalities then how come they yet domestically abused?

What do you think Cavill would look like if he were bald?

He's relentlessly handsome. I want to hug him relentlessly.

Damn, young Mads is a chadzilla.

Ty Wood is relentlessly handsome.

these guys are nothing compared to the chads of old

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Hemsworth wins because of lighter features

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Someone make a Stacy version of this thread, lets see what happens.

NW2, it never even began for him

Get the fuck off my board, chad
People think of Christopher Reeves or Henry Cavill but this is the real Superman desu. He's like a custom-made Clark Kent.

Looks like a combo between Jon Hamm and Cavill. Is this what peak performance looks like?


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skull size is the greatest mogging factor

you can't refute this

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Guy on the right is relentlessly handsome. I want to hug him relentlessly.

No, but this is

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They're all relentlessly handsome but guy on the right is the most relentlessly handsome of the three. I want to hug them relentlessly.

jason memeoa is unironically a gigachad, looks and personality, like a real man, not a poser twat

lmao what is that beta on the left doing there
Young Gandy (9.5/10) > Cavill (9/10) > Old (since he was 30) gandy (8.5/10) >>> dornan (nowhere close to the other 2 lads, like 6.5/10 PSL).
no homo

Hemsworth is a filthy N*rd-looking Cucklord. Cavill looks like a Med Chad; exactly like the great statues.
>inb4 m-muh hair
Not even talking about hair color. What, you thought only N*rdcucks had blonde hair?
>inb4 muh Brits
Even if you disregard the Roman influence, Brits do have similarities to the Med Phenotype. See Tom Ellis, David Gandy, the Scots from Outlander and the like.

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This dude looks like a golden age superhero. (((They)))'re really putting something in the water aren't (((they)))?

he screams poser

*mogs you into oblivion*

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be consistent faggot

barrett is the mog machine

nordic features are superior

cavill looks shit because of boring grey eyes and poo-coloured hair

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What do we call Chads who are more /beautiful/ than Jockish? I'm talking about Delon, Dacre, Colton Haynes, that type. I'm thinking either some WASP or Latin name.

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pic unrelated though, right?

the guy on the left has better everything wtf

>literally missing the point
Look Varg, I know your people were never the sharpest, but all Euros had blonde and red hair, blue and green eyes, the whole package. Meds weren't waiting for you to come down in your busted boat to get them.

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Prettyboy isn't a name. Chad's a name, Brad's a name, Stacy's a name, and so on and so forth. You need a name. Also
>not liking Dacre
Are you the "muh rat"poster?

Attached: Where-Dacre-Montgomery-From.jpg (2048x2048, 398K)

>nordic features are superior
As a ""nordic"" fag myself, I'll have to disagree. It depends on your environment. If nordic features are a rarity, then yes, it will be considered attractive, but if everyone and their grandma is nordic, like in Sweden or some shit, you'll stand out less. It really depends on context and I don't think there's one specific package that works a hundred percent of a time, unless of course you're a gigachad like Cavill.

you are literal arab rape babies

meds are useless and irrelevant, they're worth nothing

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He's relentlessly handsome but I like the guy on the right more.

Clint Walker

Jesus Christ

Everyone fears the MED BULLS. Ave my brother.

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*mogs and bogs everyone*

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yes cavill is the chadder chad

go fuck little boys you wastrel

yes, you're accustomed, but nordic and fair features have always been a rarity, all cultures world-wide consider them the most desirable

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THat's Pan though. Ready to rape some water nymph or something.
Why are you posting "poocoloured hair" now, Varg?

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It's a Ken Doll vs GI Joe debate.

cavill will be a roman centurion forcing hemsworth the g*ul to be eaten by lions

this is your brain on zion-sponsored race realism

Trips don't lie.
Yea Forums fears /fit/ Tahu still

Bo Develius is blonde

it's over for you deathnik

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*mogs the entire solar system*

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Oh he's ready to rape alright, ready to rape all the nordfags up their womanly fairy ass.

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chico lachowski along henry cavill are the biggest chads because they both look like meds
its not hemsworth the n*rdcuck that will do anything

God, I hate the Fr*nch. N*rdoids at least used to be proper Barbarians and Germans & Austrians have discipline and can be /fa/. Frogs are filthy little cunts. Every time I put on M&C I get really into it and go all "yeah, gut them them Frogs; fry 'em and pan 'em, nice an' hot".
>under extreme light he kinda, sorta is a dirty blonde
Wow, I was this "blonde" during the summers, you faggot.

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Lol, this fuck doesn't even compare

>raping boypucci
>not castrating N*rdoids and forcing them to watch as you make love to their wives
For what purpose? Just get that sweet, sweet, pale, rosy pink pussy.

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Why yes, I do enjoy the work of Aндpéй Apcéньeвич Tapкóвcкий.

*mogs you*

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Woah, easy Chad, leave some for the rest of us..

Say hello to this decade's Chads

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Lol he couldnt mog gollum

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there are some counterpoints as you see

We already established this, faggy prettyboy Chad’s are Troy’s.

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>giga chad
>can actually act
>soft features
>super straight but okay with kissing boys

check and mate

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show the real pic cuz you just shopped the same face on all of them

subhuman maxillas

Cavil has a better body but Hemsworth has a better face imo

*mogs cavill*

>Cavil has a better body but Hemsworth has a better face imo

I think it's the opposite

Mom told me I am the handsomest so you're all wrong.

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he's 70 and he has a secret weapon

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you know it to to be true. Don't deny it

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Is King Felipe of Spain a chad?
He's Six foot Six, serves in the Spanish Military as a helicopter pilot and has actually fired weapons in war.

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Why haven’t these 2 made a movie together?

they look like little girls
even my little cousins can beat them

Interesting composition, but lacks dynamism. Also Chapito pendejín got perma-wrecked.

You're really gonna trigger the Brazilians who LARP as Romans with this post

>wonky eyes
>no defined jawline like Cavil's
>small mouth
Try again Hammerfag.

Delon circa Purple Noon, obviously.

Except Hemsworth is better looking, negating your only point.
Proceed to kys

*mogs the entire multiverse*
All in a day's work

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Roastie detected

you can't even tell left from right

cavill has better accent and looks a bit like a med

hemsworth look like a n*rd

This dude would've made for a great adult John Connor.

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Meds are hairy swarthy manlet greaseballs who wear too much jewlery. NEVER call Cavill a M*d nigger.

So does this guy.
Doesn't make him more attractive.

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Who is this?

So a pasta nigger?
Got it

He looks like a weird gay cat alien.

ok nordcuck
cavill is a med bvll because his ancestors were roman legionnaries
hemsworth is a nordcuck


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he's pretty but lacking in the masculinity department, he's not attractive as you guys (i'm guessing you're gay?) think he is

t. female

post that one webm. you know the one.

Alain mogs because of his eyes

He would be an average m*doid french poo-person if he had brown eyes

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>he doesn't know
I'd rather not delve into it user. Just be glad you haven't received the call yet. There are fates worse than death.

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I thought Chad means attractive man in general. I've seen prime Leo, Dacre, River Phoenix, Delon, etc. referred to as Chads dozens of times. Doesn't just include the more robust cavemen looking jock guys.

>Mod deleted this post

Apropos, care to post an """"attractive"""" male, madame?

Did she really do that?

Nah, Chad's the "Caveman". It's why the Brad exists. Chad can be an all-encompasing "Top Tier Man", but just based on appearance it's got a definitive type.

I don't get it can I get a quick rundown?

I always smile when lowley inferior medlets try to claim they are my equal. Deliver my pizza now you filthy niggers.

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I'm pretty sure the image is touched up, but she's definitely downgraded her looks over the years. Megan Fox did a similar thing. There's a very fine line with plastic surgery/fillers/whatnot that you don't wanna cross.

>it's a "N*rdoid pretends Meds didn't have blue and green eyes" episode
Fucking Middle Easterns have them.
Go use your longcock and fuck yourself in the ass, Varg.

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Just look up the Bogdanoff Twins, but be careful, if you stare into their eyes for long enough, you can get a one way trip to Bogtown yourself, or so they say.

I have rarely ever seen Brad used. I didn't even know it was a defined archetype. I'm not sure it is. There's Chadlite, not Brad. Yeah, there's a Chad stereotype but it's definitely encompassed good looking men in general.

take italy for example

the more north you go the better quality (germanic) people you find, while the south are literal north african criminals

it's over for m*doids, your countries are crumbling and your youth is flocking to actual functioning societies

For me, It's young Brendan Fraser

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>implying you wouldn't give your left tittie for a bland spaghetti dinner with him

Before the JUST got him :(

Problem Medboi?

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The call.
You've taken it, we came.
Now you must come with us, taste our pleasures.

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Go to bed Chris. No one is buying it.

You ain't ready yet kid, believe me.

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You think his claims about everyone in a cafe falling silent to stare and admire him are true? Looked amazing in his time and shit but he does come across as a snooty prick IRL and refers to himself in third person constantly. Has said shit like 'de Gaulle did not recognise Delon for Delon was not Delon yet'

you know a society has fallen low when men talk about each other's looks rather than their actions

*Mogs your Path*

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>Med got NORDED
>b-but n-no Europe itself isn't M-MEDED that's a l-lie
Cope hard N*rdoid.
>I'm 6'6" pay attention to me!!!111
When Space Marines become a reality, I'm sure they'll have a use for you user. Godspeed; I mean it.

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In terms of actual behavior, I'm guessing the Goose mogs them all. Alain was a bit of an ass, I agree, but he is undeniably one of the most attractive people to ever live.
That femcel who said he ain't that good is just seething that he mogs her boyfriend.

It's okay Medlet you can deliver pizzas and work menial mechanic jobs in space too

Attached: Medsbtfo.jpg (1914x1091, 270K)

modern greeks are indistinguishable to fucking turks, spaniards are arabs, italians are jews and nafri and half of france are fucking swarthy mutts

you rarely see actual white features in these populations

Like the city with the torjan horse?

Hemsworth isnt even a Chad hes too dopey looking. And Cabill is too beta irl

everyone in this thread is gay fyi

Oh, I'm sure you and Jamal will get to space alright...
>m-muh fellow /pol/acks told me so it must be true!

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*mogs you out of time, forwards and backwards*

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you speak too much

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>hurr it's just hearsay
look at the genetics and fucking medieval history you retard

He’s the biggest chad

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I didn't wanna go Nuclear on you fags, but you give me no other choice.
>biblical mog initiate

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like it or not, affleck is the biggest slayer in that room

Medlet COPE

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The one true Yea Forums Chad.

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Idk, on one hand it IS the classic, but at the same time.. Jon Erik Hexum.

Yeah, because gays use a Trojan horse in the form of their lifestyle to lure in young boys and molest them so they turn gay. Therefore a peak gay man Chad = "Troy".

I've never seen such unbridled beauty.

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*mogs everyone ITT*

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Absolutely based

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How do you go from this..

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>Hexum was born in Englewood, New Jersey, to Gretha and Thorleif Hexum, who were of Norwegian descent.

nordic genes are a fucking nuclear mog to medlets ITT

literally unmoggable

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>that fluoride stare

asians have shit taste cause i know they got chad koreans with jawline of steel over there too

say that to my face not online see what happens

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>the gayest thread on the board has the most traffic

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The only thing that should happen to these "men" is that they go on HRT and become women.

>this "person" is a transgender now

>the Hemsworth brothers
>one actually fell for Miley Cyrus' tricks and the other let Natalie Portman be Thor

Get fucked

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Weep, N*rdoid:
Go build a hut Varg.

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Cope Mr. Hemsworth

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*stares you into your own grave*

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>pic related
jesus christ it looks straight out of akira my fucking sides

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Go deliver a pizza, Mario

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Too skinny. Gotta have a good pump if you wanna be a real Chad.

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young sean connery, young marlon brando, harrison ford etc are all more sexually attractive than delon, he's just a pretty boy. sexual attraction for females comes down to more than just looks, you also have to consider attitude, personality, body etc. its hard to be attracted to a man when you know he puts more effort into his appearance than you do

forget what his name is but the guy on the right is unmoggable

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fair play

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>gets BTFO with FACTS and LOGIC
>m-muh made-up points
Not even gonna try and pick apart the pic. I'm sure between searching for it on your pc and posting it, your sister's already had her little orgy with Abdul and Jamal.

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Looks gay desu

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Hemsworth is ugly, t b h. His face resembles that of an ape. I don't get the appeal. I guess it's because he stars in marvrl capeshit

Reminder that these threads have almost always hit autosage and usually have over 100 IP's
Yea Forums is pathetic

>Both wear excessive gold jewlery
>Both are in love with criminal organizations
>Both have dark skin
>Instead of WE WUZ KANG's they say WE WUZ ROMANS
>Both work shitty menial jobs for the white man

Ever notice that Dago Medlets are exactly like niggers?

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>b-but we're really fair despite our populations being brown as fuck!! we're the true nords!
cope, the article says greeks are mostly brown turkish mutts

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Damn that's a Cope

He isn't ugly at all but I don't get the appeal either.

>this nigga 44

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Real Chads don't act for a living because Drama class was for fucking fairy's and women

Attached: Chad.jpg (640x718, 34K)

Why does Yea Forums constantly confuse ugly for "not my taste"?

Never said N*rdoids aren't white. Just that I don't like them.
>literally known for being SnowNiggers
>hurdur u da REAL niggers
Cope harder Varg.
>n-no science no real, science hurt my feefees
So THIS is the BRAINPOWER of... the N*RDOID!

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>chris hemsworth is a chad
More like Brad.

cavill has the better jaw and face
hemsworth just barely has better hair

the beak at 6 seconds in jfc

First Post? Best Post! Great job, sir!!!

>Meds are literally called as Olive niggers outside of the internet
>Hurr durr u da REAL Niggers
Cope more Mario

Attached: varg see's a med.jpg (1453x918, 381K)

your pic implied it
also, pay debt

True. Me on the left.

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nobody talks about "meds" IRL

He's relentlessly handsome. I want to hug him relentlessly.

what do you even want to illustrate with the article? a migrant wave from eastern europe came to the Mycenaean islands and they were brown as fuck, and that this brownness has continuity in modern greeks?

Based "He's relentlessly handsome. I want to hug him relentlessly." poster.

She also gave him scars and cuts as if he just had a fight.
And gave herself a slightly different jacket.

your "country" is crumbling

lazy leeches

Chad Pratt

Attached: Chris-Pratt-2005.jpg (533x743, 66K)

Go to bed Brie

t.fat bitch

Not even the most attractive Chris

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>muh made-up words count!
SnowNigger, all you're known for is produing a Marvel character, a mythology that's basically degeneracy and nothing more, and being barbarian savages in ships. You are literally snowniggers.
2015 called user; it's asking for you.
Read it again, faggot. Your /pol/ memes ain't the reality.
>hurdur rapebabies
From where? The Turks? /They/ got /MEDED/ due to taking boys from /here/ to /there/. Our women didn't spread legs like the Frogs and your kind. They jumped off cliffs.
>sackle it with debts going back to the 1800s
>put some "King" to "manage" it
>bomb it to hell and back during the wars
>steal everything ancient
>use it as a testing ground for the Collapse
>always fuck it over and side with Turkroaches
>"hurdur y u poor"

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top kek, hemsworth is just some random aussie

Evans > Pratt > Hemsworth > Pine

I've unironically heard Greeks called Olive nigger In real life, way before Snow nigger became a meme

Idris > Evans > Pratt > Hemsworth > Pine
But I agree.

Attached: idris-elba.jpg (3000x2070, 917K)

this except not ben affleck or the queer or the black guy or momoa


>pratt that high
/pol/ memes are really taking over your neurons

Literally unmoggable. Ask your mom/aunt if you don't believe me.

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>me no brown
>me no turk
you're a broken record, seek mental help

the medshit is here like clockwork. surprised he isn't posting pics of Cavill and Gandy while pretending they are some average south euros like he usually does.

If we're talking longer hair, Brandon Lee during the Crow period is an honorable mention imo.

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Yeah yeah, nobody cares Abdul MuttDerculg.
Ah yes, in contrast with Britain, where everyone /does/ look like Gandy and Cavill!
>n-no u
Whatever. Have fun faggots, I'm outta here. Reply as much as you want, I've got things to do.

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I don't even browse /pol/, Pratt is just that nice of a guy. Hemsworth is also cool but I only like Rush out of all his movies.

what makes you think youre supposed to compete with this retard? 21st century culture convinced people were all the same and this is how incels were born, hollow expectations.

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Keanu has gotten cuter with age. How is this possible?

>21st century cultural marxism

Show me a twink that can mog him, I'll wait.

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i am a jaw chad with gender dysphoria, wanna change jaws?

*mogs your cuteness*

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Guess there's a mogg for every single category.

Is this real?

*mogs you without hair*

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It's a mog or be mogged world.

He has beautiful bone structure. God is an artist.

Not so fast Jason

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I love Ezra so much

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No. It's not working for me. Just off looking.

*mogs you with half a hair*

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You could hang thing guy with his own dick. Then stick it in his mouth and take pics.

>everyone mogs your everything
why even live bros

This is what I imagined the flash would look like.

*mogs you without legs* or wife

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Cavill is the bigger Chad

>tiny squinty eyes
>weak jawline
Yeah, no. Cavill destroys him

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over 700, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, and now you’re paying the price. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

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This guy just looks evil.


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Isn't Hemsworth married to a Spanish woman?

RIP Aviici
Still bumping Levels