This faggot has done nothing since he became president

this faggot has done nothing since he became president

Attached: donald-trump.jpg (700x618, 25K)

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The only things "he" has done are pushing through standard GOP agenda fare like tax cuts. Trump is basically their useful idiot.

What are some movies about 0 miles of a border wall/fence being built since his inauguration? What are some movies about Mexico not paying a single dime for the wall?

that's what he wants you to think

I can't think of anything useful he's done. There's probably bullshit reasons like helping companies stay here, but even they are going back to oversees production.

He called the king of Sweden to get ASAP Rocky out of jail

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Nothing.. but being BASED

he got dems to admit they're full open border retards

before they at least put up a pretense

he did a lot for the jews

Turns out he was just another lying politician. What a shocker.

on one hand, gridlock starves the beast, which is good, but on the other hand, doing nothing about the demographic crisis actively harms white people at this point.

where my fellow pedes at to drop some based redpills on this libcuck?

>three fucking years of hyping this shit up
>literally nothing
>russia never mentioned again

did they really expect no-one to notice

>literally stopped us from warring with another shithole

um what?

Me campaigning for Trump 2020 and Clown World outside of local McDonald's

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he made you SEETHE

He helped spread right wing ideals across the planet. I switched from being a libtard to conservative thanks to him.


...and that's a good thing

He makes you seethe every single day
I think thats enough

He made you butthurt faggots cry about it for 4 years so that alone was worth it.


Umm no sweaty, he didn’t.

>no exoneration

that's simply not true! he's eaten lots of McDonald's

blumpf BTFO

faggots I voted for him

He almost held hands with an ex-playmate in public. What have you done?

ah the old right wing ideal of making empty promises
still going strong

i seethed for him

Based Satan. I like McDonalds.

Asians are so submissive. Like literally having shit fingers pushed into his nose and he’s just taking it.

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where’s his dick

Salty Mueller pulls a technical play to save face

It's true he hasn't done any tv or film

Seriously, what has he done?

>proving a negative

The Supreme Court is the only non-meme federal branch of government anyway, and it will lean right for another 20 years thanks to him.

He made faggots like you seethe about it longer for 4 years.

Trumptards, explain why he keeps going on and on about "muh Israel" in his tweets

3 supco noms

where is the wall


In Israel

Approving a missile strike then backing out ten minutes before it doesn’t count

Shilled for Israel and shitpost on twitter.

WRONG he triggered libs like you everyday. mmmmm let me taste your tears lib mmmm so salty

Attached: get-in-normie-we-re-about-to-save-civilization-mada-21209235.png (500x522, 169K)

made america great again

That’s not true he helped out Israel quite a bit

Rent free.

Because the US has no better friend

Attached: Israel.jpg (619x697, 118K)

You realize Trump is a libertine, not a conservative.

There's only two options: He was lying to whites telling them he was going to maintain white majority with no intention of acting on it just to get their vote
He genuinely cannot in this current political system accomplish that goal

I lean towards the former. Either way we're fucked unless a revolution starts in the next couple of decades

heheh yeah he left all the good stuff from the report, he was saving it.
checkmate trumptard!!

It’s in Israel

Unless you were on the USS Liberty