Is it a problem?

>is it a problem?
>no, I'm Dunnhier

Imagine the infinite hubris required to speak this line. Dunnhier's blind overconfidence and then summary execution speaks to Nolan's absolute mastery of the cinematic craft, or kinocraft as we say in the business. You see, Dunnhier is a master thief. In answering "no" to this challenge of a potential problem he's reaffirming his bravado about no job being too complex for him. Imagine that, a beautiful mind, snuffed in an instant.

How do you analyze this exchange?

Attached: Dunnhier.jpg (300x168, 8K)

Other urls found in this thread:

i think he was saying done here

Dunnhier was the mastermind behind the entire operation. His bravado was his downfall, as the power of his shadow grew too large the Jokerman felt threatened and has him killed.

That doesn't make any sense

then theres this retard

>I'm Bhatt Mann
He doesn't even look Pakistani so I don't know why he thought people would buy that.

Attached: bb.jpg (1280x720, 37K)

you are correct. OP is a faggot

>I'm back, man
Did he go for smokes?

>You're Al Owen!
Kind of a strange time to blurt out the Joker's real name. How did Batman even discover it?

Attached: Capture.jpg (1897x940, 70K)

Was Thebus Driver the Joker the whole time?

He worked Al Ownen in the scene prior

It's a reference to the Terminator

You must've been watching the shitty theatrical version. The Ultimate Director's Cut™ uses a different take where he clearly emphasizes Dunnhier as a noun.

I couldn’t tell what brand of pants anyone was wearing, why did they shoot it this way?

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I just want to know why Sohm Tinsimmilar didn't expect to be killed by Mckenna Withdrawl. Mckenna was wise to such a betrayal, why wasn't Sohm?

>Ewan, Yorfrends are dead!
How did he know the masked guy's identity? Wouldn't the clown masks hide their faces properly?

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>Thebus Driver thought he could just show up in the end and get a cut

That doesn't make any grammatical sense, Thirsty.

Fucking idiot. The line is "I'm not Warren Hoggipents"

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These are all understandable points of contention, but why did the joker kill all his team mates? They were on his side

>but why did the joker

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It really did set the pace for the movie, important character like him can just get killed this fast

Its all explained in the movie: “One less Cher, right?” The Joker only hired aspiring musicians, in an attempt to slow the saturation of pop music. This is taken further when he kills the busker as he leaves the bank “No i kill the busk guy, Vern”

He was joking when he told them that

He didn't go for smokes. He had to return some video tapes.

He was clearly saying Dunnhier, you're delusional, user.

Actually, he said "Yu an Jafrenz are dead!"

Possibly Juan of Yu, of Plane Scene fame

cuz he's the jokester baby!


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What is the Joker's theme music and why is it Mr Bungle's California?

>Enough from the clown!
Whos Clown and whats the difference between him and Joker?

Attached: ENOUGHFROMTHEc.jpg (1280x720, 80K)

>I am Amana Meiwurd
was blurting out his name part of joker's plan?

>Calls me MIKE, to my FACE!

Why was Ron Perlman's character so upset about someone misremembering his name? It's actually quite common.

Attached: Capture.png (1540x1206, 2M)

I think its even more reaffirming of his bravado. When asked is it a problem, he says "No, I'm Dunnhier", to re-establish that of course it was no problem because he IS Dunnhier, MASTER THIEF. A little redundant but its a stroke of masterclass kinocrafting with his execution thereafter.

>.....I'm jive
No you're not, Ryan Gosling, you're a honky

"Hey, I think this guy's Acoupleofcans Shortofasixpack."

"Acoupleofcans? You mean that guy on the Missing posters all over town?"

"Yeah, he has mental problems. He wandered out of the family house naked one night about two weeks ago. His family have been really worried about him. Shit, what was that phrase that he likes? Like, the one on the posters we were supposed to say, because it's the only one he'll respond to?"

"I think it was Wash Day Tomorrow."

[no reaction]

"Nothing clean, right?"

"It's not working. Let me try. I think it was - Fuck you, asshole!"

Attached: Punk_Leader.jpg (380x450, 39K)

Why would he say that?

fucking moron

Based and redpilled

Huh? What's going on in this thread?

Attached: Durnehviir.jpg (600x337, 57K)

no, he was saying 'Ewan Euphranza, dad!'
in a clever play of words he let the would be thieves know that they are like children to him and he would discipline them as such


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Nothing, we're done here