What went so, so wrong?

What went so, so wrong?

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They got woke.

That poo from the office to start the 13th season

this gets overused these days, but in this case it really literally was pandering

Glenn and Rob started to feel guilty because their fictional characters were shitty people , even though that's the the point, and decided to throw the writing and the characters under the bus in order to prioritise virtue signalling.

This was compounded by the fact that they started to take themselves and the characters too seriously, trying to give them "arcs" and make them learn and change.

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you cant keep writing a finny shpw for that lunv

New writing staff got to indulge their fantasies for the characters. Mac came out, Charlie got his dream girl, Dennis got domesticated, Dee became untouchable. They were trying to prove some kind of point instead of just being funny.

I think you mean what went right

I liked it...

I think Mac is trying to show more versatility since everyone else is getting roles in other movies and shows, and all he has is Always Sunny.

This and and and andd


The writing staff changes were a big one but even years before that the show was starting to have more bad episodes than good ones due to heavy flanderization.

The callbacks were pretty lame too and then they leaned into it and did a whole episode of it. That shit was weird.

Why do people with heavy political identities can't help but project their shit on entertainment? Just enjoy the fucking show and stop trying to look so hard into what went behind curtains.

which is sad because he's the worse actor of them all. Even Dee has more range.

they're all massive liberals

I think he really wants to be in an action movie.

found the polcel

That and Rob said he wants Mac to be a role model for children. So basically he can't be funny any more.

The dance did not have a punchline.

> trying to class legit complaints about a substandard season as "people with heavy political identities projecting things" in one sweeping movement

nice try baby.

Furthermore, we mention what went on behind the curtains only because it has a direct and negative impact on the substandard quality of the show in front of the curtains. These two things are connected.

That's crazy. None of those characters should be role models for anybody, of any age. I love the show but the whole point is that they are terrible people.

did he really say that??

I ask because Mac was using a bike with a dildo on it this season

Is there a source on this?


Nothing? It is an excellent comedy series.
Only the most fuckless and depressed of /pol/incels could dislike the last few seasons for making fun of them.

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>the fact that they started to take themselves and the characters too seriously, trying to give them "arcs" and make them learn and change.

Yeah this killed it, it was so much better when they were happy to accept their characters were assholes

I didn't have a problem with it until the retarded interpretative dance shit in the finale. The tone shift didn't fit the show at all.

I didn’t see it but it sounds like a 50/50 gamble on their part? Like people coulda said the nightman cometh episode didn’t fit but everybody loved it

you can tell they think themselves above the show now.

Niggers hanging from rafters.

They're getting lazy and just playing the characters as caricatures yelling callback lines, I'd just blame the new female writers and call it a day.

Time's Up and The Gang Escapes were the only really good episodes last season, Gang Makes Paddy's Great Again and Boggs2 were okay, everything else was forgettable trash.

Not him, but it's far worse than that.
Nightman was a ridiculous story dealing about Charlie getting diddled by his uncle, a troll demanding boipucci, and all an elaborate plot by Charlie to get with the waitress. Mac's finale dance was played straightforward and seriously about him coming out to his disappointed father. It's impressive but is the furthest departure from Sunny's general tone I can think of since it's a show about shitty people getting their just desserts for being horrible

Where's the sociopath one ?

why are kids watching a 13 year old TVMA comedy show

Thata how Communism works. It infuses the political in every spectrum of a person's life, until even the entertainment they enjoy that should normally get their mind away from politico, has to be a projection of their politics. Hence what you're seeing in Hollywood, absolutely trash movies that people are PAYING to go see because of their propaganda infusion. It's really quite eery

They always were? Have you never watched the show or something?

Literally nothing, it's the same writing. The problem is that you just got into "baby's first politics" so now you think these newer seasons are bad. It's the same fucking show, you're just schizophrenic about your political opinions.

You know, like a typical SJW would act.

There is no "writing staff", they write it themselves you stupid faggot.

yikes, bud.

Youre both fucking retarded. I hope this is bait because youd have to be very deliberately ignoring things to not recognize a decline in quality. In addition, it was the season with the least episodes written by them by far and they did hire more writers before the season began. The 13th season was shit because of bad writers trying to showcase character traits that reddit thought were funny and being hamfisted about it as well as overdoing it entirely. Consistency was a problem. Last but not least, they started trying to make mac some kind of "woaaah hes gay so powerful" character instead of just keeping him mac

Almost all of this is factually wrong about their writing "staff", you /pol/nigger. The show barely dipped in quality. Last season only really had a single bad episode.

>muh reddit is the reason I don't like the show
okay, kid.

Literally episode one has Charlie saying Nigger, and the joke is about how he's quoting the black guy who's helping them makes Paddy's more popular, but the context makes him sound racist.
They would never make a joke like that nowadays because "The N-word isn't a joke" and they can't be seen defending people who make mistakes like he did, because there are no mistakes anymore. Every action that isn't in support of the cause is inherently malicious.
I'm by no means against inclusivity or politics in my media. I like movies like Be Kind Rewind, Shawshank Redemption, Bulworth, Enter the Spiderverse, because while they may employ political themes, they aren't overtly propaganda.
Mac coming out of the closet is an interesting way to take the character. I happened to catch "Mac is a Serial Killer" on tv the other day, and it doesn't portray him as gay at all. What it does portray him as is a selfish bastard who's only with that tranny because (s)he passes so well, and doesn't want to be seen in public with him until after his surgery, yet is still content to fuck him in the ass because it looks like a woman. If they made Mac bi, it'd make more sense. That aside, the shitty finale with him coming out to his dad and then doing that godawful interpretive dance was only made for the PC points.
I've said this before, but if this episode were made 5 seasons ago, Mac would be trying to get everyone to care about his expressive discovery of himself, which is just him being self-centered again, and at the end his attempt at doing the artful version that was actually aired ends up being complete garbage and everyone makes fun of him for being such a failure. Just like that reunion episode where they think they're tearing up the dance floor, but they're too high to realize all they're doing is drunken stumbling.

>trying to make mac some kind of "woaaah hes gay so powerful" character instead of just keeping him mac
I know you are only pretending to have watched the show but the entire character arc of Mac is his denial over his sexuality. It's in the goddamn pilot for shit's sake. That's the only narrative place they could finally go with it; that he accepts it after over a decade.

Ep 1 is the cancer episode...

>everything I don't like is propaganda
I didn't read the rest of your godawful stormnigger blogpost. Nobody cares.

I had problems before the dance but the dance really was a huge nail in the coffin.

the fact that mac is supposed to now be a professional grade dancer, compare this dance to the dance from the re-union

its just fucking rob doing a dance, it doesn't fit at Mac's character and it doesn't fit the show

didnt charlie say nigger in season 13 too?

That interpretive dance at the end was jumping the shark. I was waiting for a joke and there was none.

I’ve seen sjw’s praise this episode and pretend they’re fans when they probably just recently watched the show. Mac being flat out gay is complete bullshit. He should be bi.

this entire season was them shitting on almost every liberal movement.
they made fun of women reboots, metoo, pride, and trans bathrooms in the first couple episodes alone.

>Mac being flat out gay is complete bullshit.
He's been in literal denial about being gay for 13 straight seasons, what the fuck are you smoking?

the closet stuff was funny though.

they killed the joke when they brought him out

so you're wrong and just made he came out? Ok.

He fucks multiple women on the show and goes out of his way to try fuck a lot of women but he definitely likes guys too. He should be bi.

I know you’re probably underage liberal from NY, but in the old tv shows the equivalent was a man and woman who clearly liked each other and never did it. When “they did it” the show jumped the shark because the joke was lost. This is the same equivalent; he came out and the joke is lost.

wew, lad. You didn't watch the show. Half the time, Mac is straight up lying about "all the women I'm banging, bro" to impress Dennis.

Season 1, whatever.

The rest of the post was talking about the show itself. Go back and reread it if you want to actually discuss things. I can't fucking stand /pol/, but that doesn't mean I'm about to go and join fucking shareblue. It's not a binary; I can hate both extremes for being extremes.

Season 12, actually.
I had written up a paragraph about how none of the episodes from that season were written by the Gang, but then made me look over the season again, and honestly? Every episode except the finale was great. The bathroom episode may have gone on for a bit too long, but it wasn't completely horrible. Really, the only blemish is the finale itself, which happens to be written by Rob & Day. Almost like they were just fishing for some validation that they cared about the LGBT community. If you just remove that one episode, the season is great and it treats Mac the same as he's ever been, just that he's out now.

>I know you’re probably underage liberal from NY
Quite the strawman you got there. You aren't an obvious /pol/nigger at all!

new writers who don't understand the characters or humor of the show, and actors/producers who don't give a fuck because now it's just a side gig for them

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He bangs Dennis’ mom and that anti abortion protestor. I’ve seen every episode.

>Tony and Angela
>Jim and Pam
>Bill Adama and Laura Roslin
Fuck dude you're right, what are some more examples?

>gay people never bang women, this makes them automatically bisexual
What are you, /gif/? You a Gosling poster too?

If you’re gay and not bi, why would you fuck girls?

They literally call people "onions boy beta c.ucks" in one episode

>Gets pretentious and makes your Mac retroactively not funny

aving a hard time rewatchingt he old episodes

>The rest of the post was talking about the show itself.
if your original premise is that this show is propaganda, why would I take anything else you say even remotely serious?

You forgetting the two billboard models?

because you are in denial about your sexuality and think that banging women is somehow going to mask your insecure feelings regarding your masculine identity? Which is something that a lot of people actually go through...?

I know I’m missing plenty of women. I won’t count the tranny even though he’s feminine looking.

He's never actually had sex with a woman on the show, he always pretends to or gets close but never actually gets to it. He's definitely gay and I wish that his "outness" would make him a worse person, like how he basically outed himself for his own personal gain, or would use the gay card to make himself untouchable. I hope they do this next more season, or even have him go back into the closet for some stupid reason.

more importantly, he watched them fuck each other.

word salad

Shut the fuck up dude. The early on joke was that Mac was straight with some gay tendencies. That got flandarized into he's a closeted homosexual.

I’m feeling a lot of projection from you. I guess if I start fucking dudes for a little bit and decide I don’t want to anymore I’m still straight.

Mac is directing the minecraft movie and has a new gaymer show.

He clearly banged Dennis’ mom

>The early on joke was that Mac was straight with some gay tendencies
The joke has always literally been, that's he a closeted gay. Reddit please leave.

What about the episode where Dennis slams mac for sleeping with a fat chick and they Mac tells Dennis he'd get more action if he'd lower his standards. Mac has slept with quite a few girls.

You don't magically become a gay because you bang a dude, buddy. You realize that you can have sex with things you aren't attracted to, right? Mac either never actually banged any women, or only did it to convince himself that he wasn't a homosexual. I'll again bring up, that this happens in the real world.

So you sound absolutely retarded.

>decided to throw the writing and the characters under the bus in order to prioritise virtue signalling.
This, if you've ever seen Glenn Howard in an interview about anything remotely political, its 100% Soyy-Ridden Woke Faggotry.

>trying to give them "arcs"
Also This
Not every fucking character needs an Arc. Static characters are fine in various instances, and Always Sunny was clearly one of those. Having the characters stay more or less the same, but having them always doing new wild wacky shit was fine.

Pre-Arc Mac was great, Mac's Arc itself was awful, and Post-Arc Mac is awful.

I was saying the show was propaganda, but after considering how good the rest of the season was, which I said in the post you replied to, I will revise that.
Season 13, except for the finale, is perfectly fine. The last episode isn't even propaganda, it's just a fluff piece. Rob & Day patting themselves on the back for making such a strong gay character out of a self-obsessed bastard who only supports abortion to have sex and only bangs a tranny because of how well they pass, and even then does it in complete secret. Such a powerful representative for the gay community, such a heart wrenching display of him dancing in a pitch dark room in ankle deep water on what is supposed to be a comedy show.
I was wrong to call it propaganda, I will agree. It's the same as all the companies putting rainbows on things for the month of June and then removing them immediately after. Pandering solely for profits.

That's a story Dennis mentions, from a time before the show's timeline has even started, right?

You’re in denial Mac banged a decent amount of girls on the show. He might have banged the waitress if I remember correctly.

>I was saying the show was propaganda
Which is the position of brainlets who think anything with a political message or slant is "muh propaganda" and I'm not going to take that underdeveloped opinion with any serious thought. Sorry.

Just checked and it's season 1 episode 5. Dennis says "Is that coffee going to help you forget that elephant you slept with last night?"

Yes it does you massive faggot. He had the choice to not fuck women and he chose to do so. You must be a closeted faggot in denial.

>You’re in denial Mac banged a decent amount of girls on the show.
The only time you physically see a single girl in bed with him, they are faking it to piss off Dennis. Can you name a single instance where he is actually having sex with a woman?

>you aren't a homosexual if you are biologically attracted to men
>it's if you have sex with them
based /pol/ scientist at it again.

Everything has a beginning, middle and end. The problem with American TV shows is that the network will run a series until it becomes unprofitable or something controversial pushes it off air.

13 seasons is a long time to be on the air.

There’s an episode literally called Mac Bangs Dennis’ Mom

Season 12 was actually really good and reminded me a lot of the first couple seasons

Why do I bother. I'm trying to say that I changed my mind, but apparently you aren't allowed to do that. I can see now you're one of those hyper-fags from twitter who pulls receipts on people for things taken out of context. I bet you loved it when James Gunn got fired over the jokes he made 12 years ago, despite Disney already knowing his track record, and you hated seeing him get reinstated. Fuck you for making me think I could have a civil discussion with you.

Thoughts on 14 being directed by Glen? Will it be absolute shit or will he help us all get off?

How am I "taking you out of context"? If you're dumb enough to think that some offbeat show on FXX is literal propaganda, what on earth could you possibly produce that has any value to the following conversation?


He banged women occasionally in the early seasons but dated a pre-op tranny too. If he was “biologically” attracted to only men he wouldn’t have pursued so many women on the show.


No its not retard

Because I changed my mind. It's not propaganda.
And I'm not saying you were taking me out of context, I'm saying you're the type to do that to other people. The fact you thought I was talking about me shows you are a retard of the highest caliber, and probably have your handler typing this all out for you. I'm closing the tab now, don't bother replying.

>If he was “biologically” attracted to only men he wouldn’t have pursued so many women on the show.
I'm convinced I talk with teenagers half the time on this shithole, reddit colony of a board. There is a literal phenomenon with homosexuals and straight men/women who engage in cis-gendered sex while being in literal denial, it's an actual psychological disorder stemming from identity disorder.

Don’t take the bait again man, you’ve made a clear point, the guy you’re replying to is trolling


I'm sorry you're underage, kiddo.

>don't bother replying

That's the pilot, friend. Episode 1 is "The Gang Gets Racist"

>Later, storyline of this film was transformed into the fourth episode of the 1st Season of It's Always Sunny.
I'm sorry you're a retard.

Listen here faggot, me not being aware of your imaginary mental illness has nothing to do with reddit. Anyone can choose who they want to fuck.

>I'm not considering the pilot to be a show's FIRST episode due to "reasons"
okay, sport.

>sexual identity disorders are imaginary illnesses
wew, lad.

You clearly have a learning disability, dude.

What does "pilot episode" mean?

Glenn Howard is a Canadian bitch.

It'd be one thing if the pilot never got made into an episode, or the pilot was turned into the first episode and The Gang Gets Racist was the second one, but it's the fact that they made it into the Fourth episode that invalidates your argument.
You're probably the same faggot making fun of the other retard over here .

what does "episode 1" mean?

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It's always been a passion project for them - the show started with a bunch of friends fucking around with a video camera and subsequently became really popular. At the time the original gang were all relatively unknown and probably glad to have any acting job, let alone a successful show they have creative control over. From the early seasons and their bloopers you can tell they're writing/acting for themselves as viewers and what they find funny. This was around 15 years ago now though.
It's pretty clear that over time they've fallen out of love with the show and want different things for their careers. All the actors are trying hard to do different things. The whole dance thing felt like Rob inserting an audition reel moment for himself; he's been trying (and failing) to get leads in bigger projects (Guardians of the Galaxy, Jurassic World, etc.). Dennis wanting to leave at the end of season 12 and "muh commitment" was a painfully obvious bit of meta. The only characters they haven't fucked up are the ones that seem to be content with their careers - Danny, Charlie and Kaitlin seem to have a knack for landing decent roles all over the place, and their characters (despite some flanderization) are basically unaffected by any major arcs or tonal shifts and as a result are still pretty entertaining. In fairness I think it's hard to do the same job for 15 years and not get a little burnt out.
tldr they got bored

I thought Rob was playing Steve? in the Minecraft movie.

>I get it!

Female writers, unironically

Rob was directing the movie, but got fired

>Rob was directing the movie, but got fired

Didn't watch the last 2 sessions because look at the state of it. Look back to the first couple of seasons, none of that content would make it past the focus groups today. Basically they sold out, as usual the bigger the audience, the wider the appeal needs to be, which means watering down the content until it's barely recognisable just to be "up-to-date".

All old content is being tuned for today's SJW audience. Just watched Tremors and not a black person in sight, beautiful!

Google minecraft movie and find 20 of them.
It had a bunch of delays and he was replaced.

The joke was that he was a wannabe tough guy who wasn't aware of how gay he acted.

I'm rewatching the finale now, and there's this exchange between Frank and Mac in the Drag club.

>F: You got to tell your dad.
>M: Yeah, I just don't think I can come out and tell him. I feel like I got to show him. And I've been working on something, actually, but it's just gonna take me a few more weeks, so-
>F: No, no, weeks, weeks, no. We got to be on that float tomorrow.
>M: Look, I don't know what to tell you, man. You just don't you don't know what's going on inside of me.
>F: Well, I'm sure there's five or six superviruses - eating out your insides.
>M: No, no. I mean the struggle to be who I am. I just want to show him, so that he can understand.
>F: All right, well, explain it to me.
>M: Okay, well, there's there's, like, this storm inside of me and it's been raging my whole life. And I'm down on my knees and I'm looking for answers and then God comes down to me and it's a very hot chick - and she pulls me up and we start dancing, okay?
>F: Wait, wait, wait. You're gay and you're dancing with a hot chick - who is God?
>M: Yes.
>F: The Catholics really fucked you up.

There are two lines in here that make me think the episode was originally written with Mac not being portrayed as "in the right".
>And I've been working on something, actually, but it's just gonna take me a few more weeks, so-
Sounds like his usual egoist bent to make everyone care about him, to be the center of attention and always right. That he can't just come out to his dad, but he has to make a big spectacle out of it.
Then, you hear what he's planning on doing:
>there's, like, this storm inside of me and it's been raging my whole life. And I'm down on my knees and I'm looking for answers and then God comes down to me and it's a very hot chick - and she pulls me up and we start dancing
You'd think it'd be terrible, that he'd oversell everything the same way he did as the Night Man with his cat eyes.
There's no way Mac could pull off what we saw, he's too much of a failure.

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It just says he left the project? Not fired.

Nah, the one about the cars was solid.

>but is the furthest departure from Sunny's general tone I can think of

They were trying to make it an important moment for the gay community cause it's current year time.

>McElhenney: Well, the impetus was twofold. I wanted to do something with my character in regards to his sexuality, something that wasn’t just played for jokes but that would resonate emotionally, and I wasn’t 100 percent sure what that would be. We didn’t want it to seem pandering or off-tone or off-brand or just un-Sunny. So, how do we find a way in which it feels like you’re still watching the same show and yet we’re addressing something that is so important to our culture right now?


the joke was that he was a closeted gay person...

Everyone but Mac had other projects going on. Danny Devito is old.
Most shows just run out of steam and have nowhere to go.

From this if you had no idea you'd think gays were more oppressed now than they were in 2005.

>We didn’t want it to seem pandering or off-tone or off-brand or just un-Sunny
What a tremendous failure.

They started letting fans write and direct episodes

Lol yep. I cringed.

it's Yea Forums. Consider everything you read here as bullshit. This place doesn't like a single fucking thing.

It's hollywood that's injecting politics into everything you brainless cuck. They all but admit this, except when they openly admit it. We're just stating the bleeding obvious.

That is the stupidest thing I've read all week.