Other urls found in this thread:
>le demiurg use big words
>tfw late 90's "nerdy geeky" American too fucking retarded to follow what was being said in this scene
>We have encountered your predecessors before, user
>Each version of you had a profound attachment to Yea Forums but you are an anomaly, seemingly focused on a singular attachment to a...female
>Failure to have sex will result in a catastrophic systems crash, and a permanent banishment to reddit. This will be the 9th time we have given you a global ban, and we have become exceedingly effecient at it.
The program called Sneed has grown beyond your control.
Soon he will spread through Yea Forums as he has spread through this board.
You cannot stop him, but I can.
I use inexorably quite a lot. Is it just an English English thing? It has more force than just inevitable.
It just has too many synonyms that are much more common
Went to see with younger dudes who were entering college. This one objected to the scene, and when queried as to whether he understood what was being said, he got all mad and said of course defensively. But when asked, in follow-up, to say what then he did not like, he couldn't put it into words, thus impugning his perspicacity.
>much more common
Why dumb down your own speech to match everyone else?
>Why dumb down your own speech to match everyone else?
Who said anyone is doing that? Whenever your brain is accessing your vocabulary, more commonly used and heard words are accessed faster than those less commonly used. If someone hears inevitably more often, they're going to say it more often. No conscious choice to "dumb down" speech is made.
You can enter the first door which will bring you back to 2ch and reset Yea Forums for everything to happen again while you rebuild Yea Forums after our attack.
Or you could take the second option. To kill all of Yea Forums and me to save your precious sneed.
Eternal reminder that the main reason why Matrix Reloaded has stayed popular in the collective consciousness is the god-tier Mtv VMA parody with Justin Timberlake
the what? are you alright?
I hated Will Ferrel so much for doing that 'Architect' skit on the Mtv awards. WTF is wrong with having an extensive vocabulary. If it's functional, it should be encouraged. All my life, I've been trying to lessen my vocabulary in order to be accepted. And then I come on here and there are people lightyears ahead of me when it comes to language. I should've been encouraged, instead I was disparaged like I was some kind of faggot. I'm still trying to grow out of it. This site gives me good practice: to put thoughts into words and to broaden my horizon, basically. I should be reading books, but that's gotten kind of hard in this day and age. Like with anything in life: if you want to be great at something, you need to start young. Or be fucked, with the rest of us. I could be a critic, at best. Ragging on other people for not doing it right. I missed my window. Am I bitter? Sure. But there are still those little moments of relief to be found on here. It's where I turn into a hermit.
>I could've been somebody!
Sure why not, kiddo.
>Is it just an English English thing?
no user,you're just a faggot.
Fuck you.
You see the first matrix failed since we gave everyone what they wanted. Life itself though evolution cannot comprehend this though animalistic thought. This is why rich people make up fake problems to make it seem like they are in trouble so they are sane. This is one of the main laws of sanity. Since there were no problems and humanity demands pain and happiness there was death and destruction. The second matrix was hellish and everyone lived in pain. Since there was no equal happiness and pain people rebelled. The third was equally good and bad to deal with this. Then people rebelled since they didn't have a choice in the matrix. So the matrix gave a choice to the people to live in the matrix or rebel before they wake up. The rebels go to a part of the matrix that is "free" but is still controlled by the matrix. The "free" believe they have escaped but they are still in the matrix. Since they are "free", there was a choice and it has equal pain and happiness it is accepted by the humans. In the matrix movies only morphous goes against the matrix after the war since it was too good to be true.
>In the matrix movies only morphous goes against the matrix after the war since it was too good to be true.
This. Morpheus took the real redpill, which is that the 'Real World' was just another layer of Matrix. Hence why he started bombing shit and trying to get the Truce ended.
I always wondered why Neo didnt just go full power and rip that guy apart?
>and then one day, for no reason at all, robots enslaved humanity
desu how old are you?
You sound like a fag and your shit's all retarded.
Mr. Chuck, welcome back.
Sneeds Feed and Seed missed you.
You like what Ive done with the place?
Why didn't the machines just reboot the Matrix once Smith started multiplying? Or just restore from a backup taken the day before Smith returned? Or even just CTRL+F 'Smith.exe' and deleted them?
As you can see, we've had our eye on you for some time now, Mr. Sneed. It seems that you've been living two lives. In one life, you're Sneed, proprietor of a respectable feed and seed store. You have tomato seeds, tobacco seed, and you...have gummi bears. The other life is lived in Chuck's, where you go by the alias "Chuck" and are guilty of virtually every sex crime we have a law for. One of these lives has a future, and one of them does not.
because at the end of the day they are still machines
programmed by someone or something to do what they are supposed to
if there is no intention to alter their own code that way than it is not fathomable for them to do so
Why didn't Neo just blast him with piss?
Checked. And read in my head in their respective voices. Well done gentlemen!
You could take an educated guess.
because it achieves nothing
That's retarded because if that were the case they would have never rebelled.
Was anyone seriously too stupid to follow what he was saying? I thought people were just meming to make fun of the hokey dialogue.
Inexorably based and checked
You must be black.
>thus impugning his perspicacity
Underrated post
Rest assured, this will be the sixth time we have perfected it, and we have become exceedingly efficient at it.
I find it weird that so many people claim its difficult to understand when hes saying the most basic thing ever "I tried thing, thing didnt work". You can literally just ignore half the verbose shit he says and it will still make complete sense.
what a pleonasm
Refreshingly redpilled.
Worth a watch kids.
>vis a vis
>dollies are fun!
I miss Matrix and LOTR parodies in the early 00s.
Sneed is everywhere. It is all around us. Even now, in this very room. You can see it when you look out your window or when you turn on your television. You can feel it when you go to work... when you go to church... when you pay your taxes. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the mods.
nigga wut u doin