Was she a virgin?

was she a virgin?

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Pretty sure Sean Astin is a guy and he lost it at the set of Goonies.

Yes. Unless you asked Merry or Pippin.

why are her teeth so much bigger than his?

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Does it matter? He pumped her fat pussy full of kids

The Shire is a trad community and there surely would have been talk if she were the Shire bicycle.

sam turned a deaf ear to that


she was the biggest slut in the shire

Nah she was a breetown whore on the sly. Needed that big human dick.

she had sex with an orc and had a half hobbit half orc baby. sam was desperate so hes raising her son as his own.


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She took many BUC (Big Uruk Cock) during the Scourging of the Shire

sam my good old friend, think about it rationally.

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Why is she 20 years older than him?

She's a barmaid in a little village with nothing better to do than fuck and smoke weed and she was lusted after by everyone.

Gods, just imagine her succulent sweet hairy feet

Because it's hotter that way

Saruman's men raped and impregnated mosthobbit women, making many of them pregnant at the age of 15, despite the fact that hobbits are considered "of age" only after their 33th birthday.

>tfw no hobbit milf gf