Redpill me on Mr Rogers

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Brainwashed idiots WILL deny this because "OMG HE WAS SO NICE ON THE TV BOX"

Its a well known Hollywood secret that he frequently engaged in sex tourism.

>le redpill
>something something pedophile
>hurr durr sex tourism
I hate nu-Yea Forums

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Sources? Interesting.

Nice Reddit frog my fellow MAGAbro

Seemed like an alright guy. No reason for me to think otherwise.

Everyone in Hollywood is a pedophile. It's part of the job requirements.

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>Tranny fags are constantly seething about him
>Conspiracytards think he's some sort of demon the kikes conjured up to pussify white male children
He's just some old dude that wanted to teach gets to get along with one another. Nothing more, nothing less.

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Tell me about Fred, why does he wear the vest?

I have a toddler.
If you ever trick a woman into holding still long enough for you to hop on her, and have a child, you will understand the value of Mr. Roger's Neighborhood

but we're not supposed to get along with each other. we're supposed to team up to destroy the white man

>He's just some old dude that taught inner city niggers that they were special. Nothing more, nothing less.

Amazing guy.

That was sesame street, dumbo.


I'm a C-list television actor and I am not a pedophile.

Sesame Street and Mr Rogers were on PBS dumbo.

>Tranny fags are constantly seething about him
So literally no one.
>Conspiracytards think he's some sort of demon the kikes conjured up to pussify white male children
You mean /pol/tards? Yes they're retarded, and so is anyone who takes them seriously.
Good contribution.

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He wasn't ever stationed in or involved with Hollywood dumbass lmao

He's killed millions.

He finally graduated.

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You know how I know you're a zoomer?

Not everybody can be trusted to eat the pain.

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Dude I got a black eye last week, am I a pedo too?

Because im right? They were both on public access television.


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Watch his documentary. When the news broke that people didn't want blacks swimming in their pools he hired a black guy to dress as a cop and swim in his pool together to normalize this shit

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He was a nice person who wanted other people to be nice to each other. A rarity in our world that's consumed by cynicism.

Are you powerful enough to keep a secrets? Do you have a handler?

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>dude he put his feet in a tiny pool with a BLACK PERSON

Rogers was a scout sniper with the marines in nam, he had 500 confirmed kills with his bowie knife alone, once told his squad he'd sign discharge papers in exchange for 100 commie scalps and his arms are covered in tattoos

Fred was one of the first people to come out against capeshit. Before the second run of Neighborhood there was national story about kids jumping off roofs and trees and shit pretending to be Superman, and Fred was like, "I gotta fucking bring my show back and do what parents aren't doing tell their kids that shit is make believe."

I'm paraphrasing but that was a major motivation according to a documentary about him.

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What a jerk!

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No one wanted blacks in their pools because they just wanted their own private pools. Why is that so wrong?

There are none. Cynical boomers just have to believe that everyone has to have some fucked up past or has a twisted side like them and there aren't genuinely nice people in the world. Sad really

tl;dr also too many lines

I don't want people in my pool, so I don't go to public pools.

Yeah, because you're a nobody. And you'll stay one unless you develop some pedophilic tendencies

"Hollywood" is a moniker for the entertainment industry dumbass

Because blacks wanted to use the pools too.

His ass. Lol @ "interesting", its just another user pulling boring edgy shit out of his ass.

How do I get an invite to the child sex parties so I can kickstart my career?

>Cynical boomers just have to believe that everyone has to have some fucked up past or has a twisted side like them and there aren't genuinely nice people in the world. Sad really

Well we can agree he sold out to the jews atleast. That's pretty twisted

Most of those "white" pools were community pools. No one wanted them their because they were foreigners. But hey now you have a cuck pool!

It wasn't their pools user.

Found the pedo Jew. How many kids do you molest each week? What's your schedule like, I bet it's packed.

It's good TV for kids that teaches lessons and values in productive and non-manic ways, while also engaging children without talking down to them.

No, they didn't want them there because they were black.

typical tards in this thread saying he's a pedo with 0 evidence. just face the fact he's 100% pure and kind, i know that's rare nowadays but he was, honestly was the only nicest human there was.

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Because again IT WASN'T THEIR POOLS. It's like mexicans taking over your local theater and them deciding how things should be. It's why they weren't welcomed.

Just because he wasn't a pedo doesn't mean he was an angel.
The truth is we just don't know.

mexicans are allowed in my local theater

don't fuck with him man

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But what if they decided the rules? The rules were that blacks weren't allowed. It's exactly like not allowing naked people in your business. Jews just wanted to destroy ethnic communities and "white" people were onto it.

>The truth is we just don't know
What a cop out lmao.
We don't know if Mr. Rogers was secretly hiding the Easter Bunny in his basement. It's totally possible.

Naked people can choose to not be naked, blacks can't choose not to be black.

Nope I personally know people who worked on the show, were his actual neighbors, etc. I was a part of this movie too. One day you'll look back at how pathetic you once were making up baseless edgy shit about good people just for attention.

I haven't made up anything about him.

What a fucking badass

Blacks can choose to not walk onto property. They were just sharecroppers who overstayed their welcome.

No, they're people who want to swim in pools.

Again community pools. If a community doesn't want them their then the blacks should build their own pools.

They don't have to since racial discrimination is now illegal.

That's not how it works. You have to make a sacrifice. If you have any kids or young relatives, get them involved with the industry and look the other way when a few producers spend some alone time with them

There are no genuinely nice people in the world.

Wasn't this just a myth? He's never been in the military.

>Racial discrimination was just jewish tricks invented to destabilize ethnic Christian Communities. Mostly the Catholic and black neighborhoods. MLK was a marxist rapist who sold his people into slavery. If "white" people had their own pools or private communities it would be harder for them to subvert them.

based mr rogers

The only kids I know are my child co-stars who I assume have already been sacrificed. Will they accept sloppy seconds.

This is literally the narrative that (((they))) are pushing to destroy him for the crime of being a white male.

Cool source.

Not a source it's the truth. You've just been lied to your whole life.

Emotionally disturbed old man who tried to teach kids lessons so they didn't turn out like him. Not a pedophiles, just weird and from a different time.


>it's the truth
Where's the evidence?

Communist plant

>teaching children means you're emotionally disturbed

>child co-stars
Nevermind, you're already one step ahead. Just drop hints to your producers that you'd like to attend their secret orgies. Directors love working with actors they've raped kids with

I didn't know movie theaters were state owned now

>make a biopic glorifying him (starring another famous pedo)
>destroy him

Proof Tom Hanks is a pedo?

blacks didn't immigrate to america lmao

Google MLK and his communist connections

Watch some of E Michael Jones interviews relating to slaughter of cities.

So he's suppose to be racist?

One of the purest people in existence next to Reviewbrah

>Rogers has been dead for over 16 years
>Not one person has came out and #metood him over all those years
>Your only argument is "he's just nice"
Seek help.

The cold blooded war machine schtick didn’t stick huh?

What's the best way to hint this? Do I go up to my director and point at a little girl and say "Check out that hot piece of ass, I'd tap that!"

t. trannyfag

t. successfully brainwashed

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Pools weren't state owned.

Brainwashed idiots WILL deny this because "OMG HE SANG SO NICE ON THE RADIO BOX"
Don't you have some baby foreskins to eat?

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>dude twitter whore said something
You know people have made baseless accusations about Trump, too?

Yes they did.

>Jewish term

>Do I go up to my director and point at a little girl and say "Check out that hot piece of ass, I'd tap that!"
That's a good start. Don't be discouraged if he seems appalled, they have to act that way in case you're an undercover cop. If you keep dropping hints you'll eventually get an invite to a shady, mysterious party

Where did I mention Hanks at all in my post you mong?
>Literal who accusation
You are desperate.

Women lie about their weights. Not rape.

So Trump's a rapist? Good to know.


Where's the victims?

Obviously. He's in the entertainment industry, isn't he? He also just-so-happened to be friends with Jeff Epstein. Pure coincidence I'm sure

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What if he reports me and I get fired?

No, you can look up his service record. He's a war hero.

No he didn’t, it is well known he was actully a cool guy, he was a married minster and the only "dirt" you could ever get on hi. Was he once told a naughty joke

They became pedos themselves. Most abusers where abused as children. See: Macaulay Culkin

>Knows I'm right so he resorts to nigger tier insults
Seriously faggot, where are the victims? Jimmy Saville had more power than Mr. Rogers ever did and all of the rape accusations poured in as soon as he died.

Racist is a clear concept

He said that a child needs both a father and a mother that loves them unconditionally to be normal
>this is conraversal

>culkin is a pedo

how could you immigrate if you were kidnapped

Reports you to who? HR? This ain't the corporate world, kiddo. Besides, he might act disgusted at first, but it's just that: an act. If he's achieved any level of professional success he's had to rape a couple kids, probably on camera.

Seriously how do you edgelords live with yourselves?

>They became pedos themselves
>I know every person Mr. Rogers molested and I also know they molest children.
One diet cope please

Hollywood is scraping the bottom now. I honestly don’t know anything about his show or him. He didn’t have any cultural influence after he died I suppose.

mexican isn't a race

One of the few actual good people in the entertainment business. He may have been tricked into pushing some stuff that wasn't perfect, but everything he did was with good intentions, and 99% of what he did had good outcomes. There's a reason he was universally beloved and nobody had anything bad to say about him that stuck.

You actually expect people to discern any of this garbage?

see>was obviously raped by MJ
>Spend his adult years living it up in European countries known for their sexual freedom
>is obsessed with associating himself with pizza
>always calls it "cheesy pizza" instead of just cheese pizza (the former is code for cp)
>named his media company "bunny ears" which is code for a rapable child
you've got to be blind not to see it.


That’s a myth. It is also a myth he wore sweaters to cover his military tattoos. He was never in the military, he went straight from college to Jesus school. To working.
He was a Pennsylvania wasp. He grew up with money and nice schools. He sat on the board of his fathers brick company and once voted against union interests.
There, now he isn’t an angel.

>you can look up his war record
no you can't, because it doesn't exist.

That's why they're not coming forward. Rodgers was a high-level sociopath. He managed to brainwash all the kids he raped into not outing him and keep up his appearance of purity to idiots like you. Compare him to MJ who was a drooling moron and only managed to convert a handful of his victims

Also forgot to say he wore long sleeves to maintain authority with the parents, not to cover tats

>to maintain authority with the parents

This is Yea Forums

Wasps could do all this bad shit and they don't care

but once that wasp is a kike then it's satan themselves

>Culkin has always denied being touched by MJ
>Some armchair detective boomer knows more about it than the man himself
>Vacationing to Europe makes you a suspect of diddling kids for some reason

The best way to do that is if you offer up all of your high quality foreign women. That will surely end the white race.

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>Shaw with Kiki

>he said it didn't happen, therefore it didn't happen
keep thinking with the mind of a child.

>wasp is a kike
How does that work? Protestant is in the name.

>Cheese pizza NOT being code for CP
>Bunny ears signifying anything at all
The absolute state of this fucking board

Are people who look for pedophilia in absolutely everything pedophiles themselves?

>this guy has a past record that more than suggests he was raped and rapes
>"n-no u"

>I said it happened, therefore it happened
>I'm not acting like a child. You are
MJ did nothing wrong you crazy kike. Get over it

Redpill me on Oprah leading secret sex cults

>this guy has a past record that more than suggests he was raped and rapes
>The record is Cheese pizza and bunny ears
So nothing? Yikes.

This. He has been adopted by the left as some kinda hippie socialist icon. Yet he seems like he just was teaching old fashioned Christian values. These values have been perverted by the left and vilified as anti-capitalist by the far right.

No one can just accept he was a nice man teaching nice wholesome messages. They have to apply politics for their agendas and tear him down.

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Because you won't suck the C-list of your Jew overlords

Just because he was being socially liberal against segregation, that does not mean he would support the modern leftist rhetoric of the Democratic party. All these Dems are going to try to spin it as if watching Mr Rogers means you have to support them. Not that he would Republicans, but they're trying to use Mr Rogers to indoctrinate people to their more radical sensibilities. There are no moderates in control of either party anymore. No one is standing up for basic decency and common ground.

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Projection, you failure.

dt are still seething over this show
ignore the tom hanks slander

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this is a jew pedo. he will lie to destroy goys

Also, he’s got a creepy handler as seen in the RLM videos.

keep seething.

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Back in the oven

>he wasn't a pedo despite a massive amount of evidence because... uh... the jews

The Jew perverts and subverts actual good, flips it upside down to make it appear bad.
Mr. Rogers was genuinely good and not involved in Hollywoods satanic rituals; he didn't need to get blackmailed to raise funds for his program because he appealed and won the hearts of congress with his heartfelt message.

People are becoming aware of your tricks schlomo.

Found this, looks like the Dan "The Big Dick At Nick" "Coke Can Dan" "Cum In Side Her" Schneider is a fan

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Go back

I'm not too interested in the obvious targets.

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You mean zero evidence?

>there's no way he was a pedophile because OMG HE WAS SO NICE ON THE TV BOX

If by zero evidence you mean enough evidence to get anyone not rich and well-connected will a huge amount of public favor arrested and thrown in assrape prison, then yes.

>massive amount of evidence
>There was piles and piles if evidence but he never spent a day in a jail cell because..... cheesy pizza? Das right I ain't bullshittin' ya!

Oh hi Rabbi!, what are you doing?

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I don't give a fuck about Patton Oswalt I asked about Oprah you depraved son of a bitch

>the american legal system is always correct and definitely doesn't operate on how much money each side has to spend on astronomical legal fees

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Ah so zero evidence

Hey I know someone who's like best friends with that girl

>The justice system is unjust and wrong when it doesn't work in my favor.
Boohoo. Sorry your wish to send an innocent man to jail because media tricks didn't go the way you wanted it.

>Redpill me on Mr Rogers
people can't believe there are actual good people in this world
especially they cannot believe this with celebrities

it's not that they THINK they are evil

it's that THEY WANT THEM to be evil.

when it comes to regular people, they want them to be fucked up because it makes their lives easier

when it comes to celebrities, there is a spectacle aspect of that. people love to see good trainwreck. people fall. their entire lives, destroyed. and you can buy a popcorn and watch all of it. it's beautiful.

>Just because he was an old white children's entertainer doesn't mean he was a pedo

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So where are the victims, kike?

On a secret island that no one can find

He was in the Korean War. I believe he was an army ranger. He killed a lot of Asians which is why there was never any Asian puppets on his show. He left the military after he learned that they rejected MacArthur's request for a nuclear strike on China citing it to be the biggest mistake the US ever made

I just found it, it's called yourass

This profile about him made me cry

I have little girls in my ass?

secretly a government assassin, explosives expert codename "neighbor"

When was the last time you actually went outside?

Seems like an effeminate guy who's more comfortable with children than adults and made a living out it. Did he sell out to the hollywood jew? Of course, everyone on TV does.

Way off

There is none, you little queer.

What's wrong about that? It's no different than when people made up all the rumors about why the guy from blue's clues left the show like he was a junkie, or had cancer.


I know that Tom Hanks is a good actor but no matter how hard I try, I can't see him as Fred Rogers despite having seen biopics with actors portraying people they have no resemblance with. I'm sure the movie will be at least okay but I'm never going to thin 'that's Mr. Rogers,' when I see it.

"He who would live must fight. He who doesn't wish to fight in this world, where permanent struggle is the law of life, has not the right to exist."

-Fred Rogers

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you sound like an insane person, I hope you realize how you come off.

holy shit, how fucking schitzophrenic are you

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Nobody has a bad thing to say about Mr. Rogers outside of some retards on here.

i think it's just so predictable of hollywood to cast another old wypipo as mr rogers. it's way past time for a poc to play xir rogers.

He is the redpill. He's literally wearing red.


boomers idol