/pol/: The Movie
/pol/: The Movie
This could've been really great but it was too long and contained too many bizarre elements. Cutting it down to 90 minutes or so and making it a bit less surreal would have made it a real gem. Worth a watch but only once.
much closer to /x/
junior high tier obscurity and problem solving
Why didnt they just shoot lot 49? Idk why I'm wishing on this monkey paw some day they will and then everyone will get my tattoo
/pol/ doesn't get laid
I liked it
>a jew movie starring a jew making fun of pol
I enjoyed it, the hidden ciphers and similar in the background made it worth a rewatch.
more like underage: the movie
>Pulls out Zelda map
I was pretty much done with the film at that point.
you have to be ove 18 to post here
Bubblegum pop candy filter wrapped with main artistic aim of glorification of neo Rome Hollywood living —‘deflation’. When the director repeatedly beats over what he thinks is some ‘smart’ take down Jesus symbology (bro let’s make him look like a reptile and juxtapose him into being a popular musician that eveyone is ‘brainwashed’ by)— then let’s have our hero (wearing a shirt with a nietzschean statue starring at the camera) heroically throw around this wimpy, helpless ‘Jesus’ while also getting a close up of his poop in the toilet. Wow David Robert Mitchell, you’re a genius for coming up with this, but alas only about 10 years too late. I would dare to call this ‘surreal’, only if you retroactively went back in time and neutered Andre Breton. Sure, Mitchell does display some nice and fun cinematic image juxtapositions that do carry some leaping weight, but ultimately it’s killed by too much intellualization and brow beating. It’s a construction, it’s hard materials instead of breathing wetness that would be a better aim for the image to carry. It’s not breathing, so it’s deflated, the viewer becomes disillusioned of the buildup about halfway through.
great movie
yes i agree as well. shallow and pedantic.
fuck you, my good friend jay bauman recommended it
/pol/ is nice
This movie is great.
I suspect OP is faggot though.
Is this film pleb filter?
>/pol/: The Movie
Lol not seeing it
I thought it was great, kind of a weak ending, though.
Overarching plot was very interesting, the "ultimate answer" to culture and entertainment as we know it, along with the idea that life is meant to be squandered and "wasted" doing shitty things you like. But the stuff like the endless meaningless party scenes where Garfield is meant to be a broke ass weirdo conspiracy theorist who has sex with every girl he meets REALLY drag on. The writer also doesn't know where to end the film, the climax is clearly the on-the-nose phone call where he preaches that Hollywood life is somehow a great challenge that he braves against the odds, and then for some reason the film continues.
/pol/ is full of niggers
that picture is from a reddit meetup
After the music man scene, I was hoping the movie would go in the satanic direction
You're not wrong but I enjoyed the masturbatory experience of it all. The only scene I didn't think fit is when he just murders that old man and nothing comes of it. I get it. I get that people love that part. But to me it and it's lack of narrative repercussions didn't jive with me.
this cant be real