>Cate Blanchett will return as Hela, who will be a secondary villain, main villain is currently unknown
>Mark Ruffalo will return as Professor Hulk
>The Guardians of the Galaxy will likely cameo, as Valkyrie, Jane, and Hulk find them alongside Thor in a sticky situation
>Brie Larson may return as Carol Danvers in a small role
>Thor and Rocket go with Hulk, Jane and Valkyrie to Nidavellir (Peter Dinklage will reprise his role as Eitri)
>Eitri will forge a new Mjolnir, however Thor is deemed unworthy, Jane will be able to wield it
>Thor will still be able to wield Stormbreaker, Jane will wield the new Mjolnir
>final battle involves Thor, Jane, Valkyrie, Hulk, and Rocket against a giant army
>Thor and Rocket both return to the Guardians at the end
>Post-credits tease Adam Warlock for GOTG3

Attached: Thor-4-Love-And-Thunder-Release-Date-Cast.jpg (798x420, 26K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>>Brie Larson may return as Carol Danvers in a small role
Dropped. Stop pushing that cunt.

Seeing Natalie Portman doing stronk womenz shit will be cringe as fuck.

Fuck off incel

She made over a billion dollars and selling a record amount with home media

She's extremely popular

You just know she won't put on any mass for it, either.

>Watiki near my boy, Warlock
Darkest timeline

>Thor is deemed unworthy
Why, he was worthy in endgame
>Jane will be able to wield it
WHY? The only two people who have shown they can are Thor and Cap, why the hell would some normal random chick be able to lift it.

>Thor and Rocket both return to the Guardians at the end

Attached: 1542666161244.png (526x549, 273K)

>Source: Your ass
Watiti said at SDCC they don't even have a script yet.

Why would it even be made with the whole worthiness thing anyway? Because OP is writing fanfiction.

Fucking shills.

>Cate Blanchett will return as Hela

Attached: 1548987347828.png (710x555, 533K)

>guy who helped save the world and universe multiple times is no longer worthy to wield mjolnir
>some literal who woman is
What did they mean by this?

My hot gf is blowing me atm actually. I make her solve the captchas because I'm not doing that shit

>the shills are real in my mind

Are they going to do the Jane cancer setup?

You know why Marvel bothers sending their step-n-fetch-it interns here to post these "leaks"? It's because the entire world knows this shitshow image board is a fucking bottleneck of trash everyone glances at at least once during the day.

Sounds outright awful
>[expecting any sort of logic undergirding the half-assed narrative of a marvelflick]
Lmao, dude. That ship has sailed

>all these characters
>thor isnt even the focus of his own film


>She made over a billion dollars and selling a record amount with home media
>She's extremely popular
Literally anyone could have filled the role because people only went to CM on the assumption that they would need to see it before Endgame.

Well that post-credit scene with Carol meeting the Avengers is somewhat important

>Cate Blanchett will return as Hela, who will be a secondary villain, main villain is currently unknown
>Jane will be able to wield it

Natalie Portman is a BIG FUCKING MISTAKE. She isn't good actor. She has no charisma. She will pull everything down.

Attached: 1557701642949.jpg (1200x816, 76K)

Is that why Ant Man 2 mad a billion?

The worthy thing was a charm Odin made.

Besides the forge was destroyed in infinity wars.

It made a billion because it came out after Infinity War and people were desperate for more information after the snap.

>Cate Blanchett will return as Hela
So Asgard died for nothing

Ant-Man 2 only made 622 million despite coming out 2 months after Infinity War

>>Eitri will forge a new Mjolnir, however Thor is deemed unworthy, Jane will be able to wield it
>"I am still worthy!" Thor said in Endgame
lmao, I wonder if Marvel contacted Portman first or if she contacted them after seeing that those movies became more and more bankable


>only 622 million
those are man of steel numbers. kek marvel is finished.

Infinity War was OK. Endgame was disappointing. I'm just sick of capeshit. I probably won't watch Thor 4

Beta incel seethe

>WHY? The only two people who have shown they can are Thor and Cap
and vision. your whole post is shit now because you forgot vision. HAHAHAHA i'm the greatest!

MUA3 got all the characters right especially Valkyrie. We really got fucked over in the MCU

>Who did absolutely nothing in all movies is deemed worthy
The actual fuck?

The worth is female, incel.

It's in the comics so who cares, incel.

>Thor is deemed unworthy


One: How the fuck is Thor unworthy after all the shit in Infinity War and Endgame?

Two: Why would a new Mjolnir even have a worthy requirement? Odin is the one who did that originally.

She is cinematic heartburn acid. She always looks like she is going to cry. Just awful.

In the comics is actually worse. She is deemed worthy because she has cancer and wants to have fun before dying...yep, that's it, that's all you need


Attached: surt.jpg (1400x788, 643K)

>Eitri will forge a new Mjolnir, however Thor is deemed unworthy, Jane will be able to wield it
Wait a minute. Odin is the one who put the worthiness enchantment on Mjolnir. Eitri had nothing to do with it. Where does this hammer get it's enchantment from?

Attached: 1558029632721.png (645x729, 216K)

Who? Do I even want to know?

The fucking state of nuMarvel

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Ssssssh, just consume

>Endgame - Thor is once again worthy of Mjolnir
>Thor Love and Thunder - Thor is not worthy of Mjolnir after all
>his old gf can wield Mjolnir because she's in love with negro Valkyrie now, LESBIAN POWER
Jesus Christ

So it begins.

Natalie Hershlag.

everything is female now even the Force
so she gets a pass

Who cares, give me your Strange 2 fanfic.

>>Brie Larson may return as Carol Danvers in a small role
So is this going to be a thing in every movie from now on? She's going to have some useless small part in every movie going onward but even as a whole they will be useless and will feel as weird as her part in Endgame.

Otherwise it sounds alright. I have to say I'm a bit worried about Portman and how they'll deal with her transformation.

>professor hulk
>not professor the hulk
missed their chance desu

>Professor Hulk

that's not the Professor Hulk

>>Eitri will forge a new Mjolnir, however Thor is deemed unworthy, Jane will be able to wield it
>>Thor will still be able to wield Stormbreaker, Jane will wield the new Mjolnir

They don't even have the balls to have Thor become unworthy and just state that Jane is better without any justification? Pussies.

She's signed on to appear in something like 7 movies so yeah.

Pretty boring predictions OP.

idk what that means but google knew and told me it's Portman. I forgot about her, she hasn't been in any of the movies in a while.


Oh man
Please no...

>Two: Why would a new Mjolnir even have a worthy requirement? Odin is the one who did that originally.
Maybe they're reforging it from fragments of the original?

>Jane is better without any justification?
Does she actually do stuff now? I thought she was just Thror's slampiece.

>Cate Blanchett will return as Hela
Only thing that could get me to watch another cape flick.

Why Natalie Portman and not Jamie Alexander?..

I can not be the only person that sees Natalie Portman as a bland looking mediocre actor.. The last 9 years have been very boring for her and she herself comes across as boring.

Plus no mention of Beta Ray Bill? How in the fuck do you make it 4 movies deep in the Thor story and not one time think to bring in Beta Ray Bill.. Especially with Taika Waititi's offbeat style.

I would also like to mention, I am a HUGE MCU fag.. And Captain Marvel was the most boring and uninspired movie in the entire MCU. I'm including Netflix shows and all.. Was down right awful.. So the fact they're continuing to shoe horn her character into major properties like this is really lame..

Cool looking logo tho.

She's literally going to be the Galaxy's no-fun-allowed Police. I can already imagine her showing up in every movie just to help out a bit and then zip off in Disney's desperate attempt to make her seem relevant.

>no kat dennings

marvel please, make her fem thor instead

Disney probably thought that she was in Star Wars so she must appeal to a large crowd. Jamie Alexander would be great but she's a literal who in comparison.

Brie Larson and Tessa Thompson in the same movie

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Why would Thor be unworthy after the events of Endgame demonstrated even at his lowest he still was worthy? That’s fucking stupid

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>No lady Siff
Fuck marvel

Because Jane Foster has a complete run in comics that can produce a good movie
But with Larson and Tessa...I don't now

Oh, only one woman with a nice ass in this shit

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shes a beautiful woman, real queen material

I am this user

Lady Thor needs to have a spectacular butt
The Stunt will have to have great legs and arms
Let's get a good sense of the She-Hulk with this Lady Thor
CGI or stunt

Attached: aOYjX9R_700b.jpg (700x316, 47K)

Girl Thor comics were downright terrible. Portman is a sub-average actress.
Marvel is letting their shitty current comics infect their decent film universe.

Copy old Marvel or nothing at all. Marvel is heading toward the bad place DC is atm. DC proved with their cartoons that copying old successful comic stories with at least 85% accuraccy is the path to quality. The movies never learn this. Soon all capeshit will be DC level shit.

I'll be surprised if I can hold my puke for the entire movie.

It seems like she really hit the wall in the last couple years so I'm not really expecting anything from her.

No, she is deemed worthy because she is willing to pick up Molnjr, knowing that it will render her chemotherapy impotent and allow the cancer to kill her, and fight as Thor.


this sounds retarded, at least make a more believable leak

I’m still seeing this movie because I’m the cancer killing the industry but holy fuck I can’t stand this thing. I’m not gonna even call her a woman because that’s offensive to all the women in the MCU prior to her.

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>Eitri will forge a new Mjolnir, however Thor is deemed unworthy, Jane will be able to wield it

Really shits on everyone who was posting about how 'your depression does not make you any less worthy'

this is some fucking harry potter mother's love level of logic

Why would she ever transform back to normal if he can just stay god-like and not have cancer? In fact how does she have cancer if she's god-like? Also stupid

whats the point of adding Hershlag to the movie if they already have Blanchett?
unless it results in some lewd BSDM scenes, which would be funny if that happened haha

>thinking Thor Ragnarok is anything other than an embarrassing cringeworthy pile of bilgesnipe shit and easily the worst Thor movie

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Why do they want to ruin Thor's character? It because muh white male hurb my feelings?

Thor has been thoroughly and surgically ruined in ragnarok and endgame, i welcome Natalie Thortman, at least she might take the role slightly seriously

Cuz womenz iz strongg n sheeit


Yeah but it's not like chris hemsworth writes his roles, you donk. I bet they wouldnt do that to da stronk womenz roles. It's retarded forced PC bullshit, fuck's sake when does it end.

He was good in Ragnarok and even better in IW. Endgame was a weird decision but they could still redeem him as long as he doesn't fall even farther.
As of now he undoubtedly peaked in IW.

chris hemsworth improvised his terrible jokes in ragnarok, and he was the one who pushed for fat aussie prick thor in endgame. he's at least partly responsible for ruining the character just because he got bored of actually doing his job and wanted to make funny ha ha with the gaurdeens, and marvel let him

>It will also feature the debut of James Marsden as Richard Rider a.k.a. Nova, Sofia Boutella as Sersi and Millie Bobby Brown as the Savage She-Hulk.


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>she's extremely popular
literally who

It's weird because they literally just established that in his last movie

>final battle involves Thor, Jane, Valkyrie, Hulk, and Rocket against a giant army

With a Marvel movie you can always trust in this one, even if the rest is just bullshit.
Is a huge battle seriously the only satisfying movie ending to people? I'm personally done with it. I've been tolerating them for years, but Endgame finally broke completely.

Even so that doest justify his demise, plus superhero characters have always had a goofy subtone to them. You just cant seem to accept that Hollywood is once again forcing their stronk magic make believe womenz shit.

The normie masses will keep paying to see it.

>Brie Larson may return as Carol Danvers in a small role
When does the 720p BRRIP drop?

not defending fem-thor bullshit, but she literally has been in there since the first Thor

personally id like that big titty girl being thor

she'd make for a far better view

I prefer when everyone cries it out and the villain is show to have been the reasonable good guy the whole time.

This is the part that sucks. The Russo’s made Thor balanced and then Chris fucked it up because he probably thinks the character is stupid so he just said fuck it.

>has been in there since the first Thor
She was boring as fuck in dark world and not even in Ragnarok. I liked her best in Thor 1 when Thor told her he'd be right back and didn't return.

Ruffalo as Professor FUCK FRUMP

>Jane will be able to wield it
bullshit and fuck you


>>Thor and Rocket both return to the Guardians at the end
>>Post-credits tease Adam Warlock for GOTG3
the only good thing i read

How did Thor go from worst to best Avenger in the span of like 1 movie

Is Taika Waititi harnessing some kind of old god sorcery?

>Leaks of the last movie of phase 4
The bullshit is starting early

>Eitri will forge a new Mjolnir, however Thor is deemed unworthy, Jane will be able to wield it


>WHY? The only two people who have shown they can are Thor and Cap, why the hell would some normal random chick be able to lift it.


>Following Saturday’s panel, Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige confirmed that Valkyrie will be involved in an LGBTQ storyline.

“The answer is yes," he told Gizmodo. “How that impacts the story remains to be seen with that level of representation you’ll see across our films, not in just ‘Thor 4.’”

Bye bye mcu. I'm out

Attached: 23-07-2019 00-16-44.jpg (1037x647, 190K)

Valkyrie, King of Asgard and her Queen She-Thor?

>not in just ‘Thor 4

Attached: 33520900.jpg (640x480, 150K)

>Thor is deemed unworthy

Attached: 1552237986409.png (446x435, 76K)

Will just watch it for mommy Hela

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>>Brie Larson may return as Carol Danvers in a small role

I hope that is not true

Probably Kevin Feige will put a baggy suit on her

>It seems like she really hit the wall in the last couple years so I'm not really expecting anything from her.

lmao, you think jane foster is pretty and young in this movie? lmao

I thought she died
>GOTG will likely cameo
>proceed to describe scenes that heavily involve them
You tried/10

The theaters could have a fast forward key

This. Brie Larson would never fit in a FemThor movie

Attached: 1563679177270.png (2000x1032, 3.37M)

>I thought she died
"You're the God of Thunder. Tell me, what was I the God of again?"

It’s actually not and any moron can fill in the blanks relatively easy on their own. If they couldn’t they could just wiki the entire plot and read it in a minute or so

fpbp also checked and redpilled

They're not even gods in the literal sense, they're ayy lmaos
The entire planet blew up how could she survive?

You know home media is sold via retailers, right? And retailers expect a billion dollar movie to sell well to the final costumer, but doesn't mean it will

Sure can't wait for this quality dialogue in the movie.

>your boy being warlock, and not warlock

Attached: Warlock-Marvel-Comics-New-Mutants-l-cypher.jpg (500x465, 103K)

Does this shit actually sell? The absolute state of burgercucks


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>Remember this as the before picture for when I get jacked
Somehow I doubt it but also her saying this gives me hope because she's going to get so much shit now if she doesn't do it.

That's why I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt. What other actress has said something like that on social media 2 years before the movie? Also she trained for Black Swan even though her weight went the other way in that case.

and then back to worst

On the one hand I doubt she can do it, but on the other hand Portman with some muscle would look pretty attractive
Workout might even make her look young and healthy again


Attached: Natalie-Portman-set-Texas-her-newest-movie.jpg (2260x3000, 790K)

What is happening in this picture

>hernia bellybutton
I'm done with the MCU they have gone too far


Attached: when the magic hour just right.jpg (2249x3000, 739K)

She looked really fucking good in this movie
It was also right after she had given birth


>>Cate Blanchett will return as Hela, who will be a secondary villain, main villain is currently unknown
It's gonna be Loki

Is this going to be another Quipedy?

>written and directed by Kike-a Whytitty
what do you think?

this movie needs to have ONE super powerful woman, not two, not tree
this movie is for Jane Foster and Thor
no small roles
If done right Odinson can resurrect the dead Asgardians on Earth and bring new actors into old roles.

They always die and resurrect

Thor is who holds the hammer

>final battle involves Thor, Jane, Valkyrie, Hulk, and Rocket against a giant army
>CGI version of min characters mow through endless CGI copypastes of mindless drones until the light in the sky is turned off


>final battle involves Thor, Jane, Valkyrie, Hulk, and Rocket against a giant army
fucking YAWN

so tired of these stupid CGI wars

Lose weight pls

>Thor will still be able to wield Stormbreaker, Jane will wield the new Mjolnir

After what happened to her in THOR 2 would make sense


This is Jane Foster the Lady Thor in comics few years ago

Attached: The Mighty Thor (2015-) 001-002.jpg (1988x3056, 1.6M)

Will Thor be fat forever?

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she even looks like natalie

Attached: The Mighty Thor (2015-) 001-010.jpg (1988x3056, 1.49M)


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no one looks like himself without eyebrows, hair and half-weight

Attached: The Mighty Thor (2015-) 001-012.jpg (1988x3056, 1.63M)

stop being based please

Attached: The Mighty Thor (2015-) 001-013.jpg (1988x3056, 1.46M)

So dumb.
With all the magic and technology in the Marvel universe and they’re using chemo for cancer.

>Does this shit actually sell?
it caused rumors of marvel shutting down its comics arm, it sold so badly

Eat shit cuck. No one likes your Ice Queen Fungus twat. Except you blue pilled betas and femnazis

Anyone else read that as


Sandwiched in between Infinity War and Endgame. Was told its a must watch before Endgame. Go fuck yourself and stop avoiding reality.

Didn't they do this three times already? Oh man this flick is going to choke

>Rocket joins Thor, Valkyrie, Hulk, Jane
>Hela returns
>Dink returns
>Brie Larson
God dammit

Attached: The Mighty Thor (2015-) 001-017.jpg (1988x3056, 1.86M)

Don't understand what hero means

>Besides the forge was destroyed in infinity wars.

It wasn't. At worst it took a bit of damage. The dwarves were mostly dead, but the forge was relatively fine.

Then just don't change back dumbass

Tessa can act tho. See Ragnarok, Creed movies, and Season 2 of Westworld

you mean the show she's constantly criticized for being a terrible actress in?

>another superhero vs big army of monsters fight
Fucking lame

>In ten years, the mcu cover most of the important events.
>we're reaching nu-marvel stories
>normalfags will suffer Mar-Vell/Thor girlfriends being push as Marvel's wonder woman as I did 5 years ago
Hahahaha fuck you faggots


> thor is deemed unworthy

Dropped, this fucking back and forth "unworthy" shit is too much.

I saw where this was going when they made him fat and lazy. Then he abdicated the throne to the dyke. Fuck this shit

When are we having a John Wayne Bobbit documentary with the antagonist being a female?

What sort of right wing shithouse timeline are we living in?

Fucking shills are so obvious.

>OP left out Bill in his fanfic
Part of me believes just because of that.

Attached: 1540748751123.png (800x494, 844K)

I caught that shit too. They already starting this shit

>Ragnarok implies he doesn't even need a hammer since it was basically conduit of his actual powers
>Infinity War basically had him forge his own weapon
>Endgame confirmed he's still worthy even after letting himself go
>Love and Thunder might ruin this good streak for the sake of FemThor
I hope they drop the "unworthy" BS and give us a better reason when movie Thor has proven himself time and again.

>strong woman don't need no man
>needs hemsworth, ruffalo, pratt/cooper/bautista/diesel to get butts in seats

>Season 2 of Westworld
>Tessa can act

Attached: 1563676958928.jpg (390x426, 96K)

Bruh I just watched Leon, she's great

one on hand i know thats bullshit that she will put on any significant mass but i cant help but respect that shes gonna at least try

So wAs Brook Shields when she was 12. Doesn't amount to shit now, shill

I could imagine it being something like in a moment of desperation Mjolnir answers to Jane and in the end Thor lets her keep it since he has the Stormbreaker.

Hela sounds too good to be true. It might give me a reason to watch.

Look at that fucking art
Even sjw hate femthor

this nigga

The Mighty Thor run was complete. This is obvious pandering to a group that neither supported, read or understand comics. Just as long as they get to plant their flag

Attached: have sex.jpg (800x448, 54K)

*complete shit

What the fuck did jane even do to become worthy?

Have tits and a pussy.

Why have only 1 cancerous cunt when you could have 2 for the price of one.

Yeah it's pretty dumb, you literally have Tony Stark, Hank Pym, Reed Richards, Dr Strange and all kind of mutants and Earth isn't some kind of utopia.

We are witnessing the Death of the MCU. All for bullshit female empowerment

Walk away from the franchise before it had an ounce of longevity, then ask for her spot back.

bro you scared of women?

lmao I fucking wish.

>scared of women
>says the male feminist
Kill yourself, simp

it was made after the movies, dumbass

based haven't had sex poster

Literally have sex virgin