Childhood is idolizing Dwight

Childhood is idolizing Dwight.

Adulthood is realizing Andy made more sense.

Attached: andy-bernard2.jpg (1284x856, 156K)

>A passive aggressive cuck is who you relate to
OP is a fag

Andy was one of the worst characters in the whole show.

both of them are fags
Stanley is based

SHUT THE FUCK UP! *punches a hole in the wall*

Me and my buddy at coworker unironically prank this weird guy at our office just like the show.

Attached: 3A80673E-E05E-4173-B9DA-2C1477804A12.png (500x280, 194K)

I can't stand this fuck. Why does he have to sing in everything he's in? He's not even a good singer. Fucking faggot fuckface.

Literal cuckold


My name is Andrew Bernard, and I am a cuckold.

>put his mouse in jello and brought put it in his desk
>pretended to set him up with our friend (she was in on it) and made a bunch of copies of their text screenshots of him asking to see her feet
>changed his ringtone to loud porn sounds
>got his locker combination and took all of his clothes out during his workout

pre-anger camp Andy was actually funny with the extreme sycophantism and bouts of rage. they literally lobotomised him after, he became a milque-toast white blob, with no discernible character whatsoever. go on, i dare you to name Andy's 3 character traits, post-camp, looser and singing don't count doesn't count

I hope he murders you

He’s so bad with clients I’m surprised he’s still here. Kek even my boss calls him feetman now.

>put his mouse in jello and brought put it in his desk
Guess thats funny
>changed his ringtone to loud porn sounds
thats cool

>pretended to set him up with our friend (she was in on it) and made a bunch of copies of their text screenshots of him asking to see her feet
>got his locker combination and took all of his clothes out during his workout

Are you 12?

Strike that; reverse it

Attached: download (4).jpg (269x187, 11K)

do you know what passive means?

based, fuck nerds

He was great before anger management and becoming a main character.

So, Andy is a hufflepuff?

t. feetman

Kek that’s actually pretty based.

Fake and gay