Clever Blade Runner minimalist poster

Clever Blade Runner minimalist poster

Attached: iOD5MrrqNrS1LOo4NsU2mz60dClsoqRwoGS4SYhgqyc.jpg (543x768, 54K)

I'm thinking of hanging it on my wall.

i've considered it myself

Very nice image. Mind if I save it?

That's actually pretty clever. Nice job.

Wait a minute...there's no blade in Blade Runner.

Attached: 592960[1].jpg (640x480, 39K)

Dude LMAO they're literally running on a blade get it?

The Chuck from Citizen Sneed

Oh, I GET IT! Sharon would've loved this one.

It's a fucking dumb poster that doesn't reflect the tone and content of the movie. Looks like some campy spy movie set in the 60s. It fucking sucks. You suck.

haha very nice... any other minimalist posters u have?

>tfw started this meme but I was actually being serious

funny story I actually started this meme

Fuck you I'm the blade runner.

Go ahead! It's all yours my friend :)

Attached: 1560513614678.jpg (650x1000, 66K)

That’s actually pretty based.

Imagine having a dick this big

I don't have to imagine

Keep coping user

Sometimes in these threads I have trouble figuring out whether people are newfags or baiting.

I'm sure you could take one if you dilate your bhole enough

About ten years ago I was playing a pictionary type game where we guessed movies. I incorrectly guessed The Passion of the Christ when the correct answer was Die Hard.

Work that one out.


Settle down dicklet, men are talking.

Attached: sneedrunner.jpg (543x768, 89K)

Post dick, fag.

you do realize the irony of that statement?

It's not only clever, it's pretty deep and aesthetically pleasing as well.

Holy fucking shit. I love this place.

what the fuck