Why LGBT is promoted so much recently on TV/Cinemas?

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because it's about time desu
you better check yourself user

It really isn't. It exists, but you massively overestimate the relevance and amount because you browse this shitty board and for some reason it's completely obsessed with trannies.

If that's a dude, I'd fuck it.

I want to suck her cute feminine dick

Attached: tumblr_pmc3rxcdNH1wu0w8o_1280.jpg (1010x1009, 190K)

Because the people who like that sort of thing are the perfect paying consumers.

Is that the norwegian chad tranny?
If all trannies looked like that i would be the biggest tranny promoter

Is this a he or she?

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Watched some 70's flicks recently. The agenda has always been there. Now they're pandering because the brainwashing worked.

Gross user. She's underage

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It's just a meme like space movies or cowboy movies or zombie movies.

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She's legal to fuck in Scandinavia.

More proof that transsexuals reinforce sexist gender stereotypes.


She's 18 you Nigger. Someone born in 2001 is 18 in 2019

kinda sad he could have been a chad

Chad, stacy it's all the same

That's pretty based, at least we get to fuck girls, and her


I'd give Emma a good pounding

Attached: 53918611_349041539296421_5717934894382894533_n.jpg (750x562, 36K)

S/H/It seems to already have several pounds on the face.

Made for BBC

Attached: 1547647484484.webm (640x800, 743K)

because women respond positively to it in focus groups.

i honestly feel epebophilia should be pushed just as hard, if not harder.

Because we're not killing enough people. Throughout history somone did what you didn't like, you killed them all. It was unpleasant but who so necessary. Death by thousands has a way of deterring people. People are so deathly afraid of Muslims that they dare not risk their ire. That there is what we're missing. Kill enough enablers and watch the promoted LGBT become a thing of the past, that thing you dare not recall for fear they'll get ya.

All normal men are ephepophiles, fag.

Kill it, just to be on the safe side. Murder the damn thing!

not gonna lie: looks hot there
however a real vagina is a crucial part of the whole sexual attractivness thing

LGBT oversaturation in entertainment is not going to go away until the maga crowd stops getting triggered by it.

Once the maga's just get over it, LGBT will lose its novelty and become about as common and inconsequential as it already is in the real world.

Guys he is going to cut his dick off in a couple of months :'(

>It really isn't. It exists, but you massively overestimate the relevance and amount
It's strange how 1% of people are gay, but more than 1% of important characters in modern western media are gay.

Fucking this. I hate trumptards so much you realize all the libshit that pisses you all off only exists to the extent it does because of the perceived need to stand up to opposition that trumptards absolutely cannot stop providing them in the stupidest way possible.

Gay people disproportionately need to express themselves through art than straight people who have less repressed emotions and sexual turmoil.

>just ignore it and it will go away
conservashits tried that with liberals for last 20years, liberals got everything they wanted who would have guessed...

Someone behaves with lots of filth and depravity and your solution is to ignore it? How about we kill them all? They can't act like shit if they're all dead.

>man is better at being thot than woman

>come into thread
>not one shot of that "girl's" feminine penis
How the fuck am I supposed to jerk off if you hold out on me like this.


It sells faggot

No ones want to get the B-Hammer, user

Post-modernist philosophy being pushed by certain people for whom the weakening of values and identity is a boon.

cause the lgtb movement got really big recently. Its a trend and it eventually will fade, i couldnt care less about it desu.

You know