The general is dying, hopefully it take me with
/lig/ - Love Island General
>maura will never look at you like this ;_;
someone post drawn goblin molly
Do you think it would be weird if I DM’d ovie and asked if he wants to play 40K with me?
He's the type of lad that plays Age of Sigmar desu
haha more like /lig/ my balls nigga!!!
Absolutely based.
Big PETE FURY when???
Greg is one dry-lunch, fuck me
piss off mate
Who you calling a dry lunch?
all potential content has left the villa
Can't wait to watch the nail in the coffin of this year's series that will be this episode after Michael left.
He is boring as one guy can be, that's for sure. But he's an opportunist and that's why he is in the position he currently is. Tho I predict he will graft Maura.
Alri alri alri
evening /lig/lets
get ready lads, it's the headline challenge
What the fuck is this hey tracey garbage
I think /lig/ should get buried after this series
The girls always ree out at these meme challenges
alri, fuck off then
This is clearly the jumping the shark season.
The one before the last one was the peak
Bring back big brother would love to shit post about that on here
i'll miss Francesca's elegance, self-effacing charm and beauty lads :(
its cos girls lack a sense of humour and banter
if by buried you mean drown in pussy then yes i totally agree
>tfw producers will always save Anna
>tfw I unironically buy The Sun
Get fucked Anna, it's your fault.
/cbb/ was dead as fuck mate.
People only posted on opening night.
she’s stunning fp
the sort of girl I’d marry
Yeah Chadam season was kino.
This general only started last season didn't it?
Anna caring this much about popularity (or chances at 50k) should be a big red flag for our Jordan desu
how is the window cleaning business?
Based Chris
Poor Chris
Yeh I'm 25 Yr old boomer. I'm talking about the series that we're on about 10 years ago
This must be getting worse ratings than last year
chris is a big guy
>tfw no photos of her tits
fuck off then
truly chris is /ourguy/, never related to an islander so much
based Chris. Shame about his shit tats.
Fuck off Curtis you insincere cunt
Anna caring about herself even after others got kicked out.
Jordan needs to ditch her man, he's alright our kid
Maura's tight arse lads
If only. Some of us deserve getting buried in pussy but /lig/ has lost its lust. It's getting killed off with noncey behaviour which isn't needed.
Curtis is a gay sociopath
Yeh I meant the show.
>not something we can control
Maybe change how you CHOOSE to act you plastic CUNT
Poor Chris.
Honestly this, but fill the house with nutcases with no care for their mental health.
yeah it's in decline, but still fun
Chris is that guy who tries really hard to fit in but is never made part of the group properly
Seen people just like him at work
>would decimate without hesitation
Ah my bad, sorry
Why doesn't someone point out to Chris that it's probably the Goblina's the reason they were in the bottom 3 .
I miss Jezza... Just want him back, bros
completely unremarkable rear end
When will these people realize it's not about the strength of the couple, but about likeability
>"I wanted a longer kiss than that"
Fuck off Amber, Greg will move in his own time, he's a Gent who plays for county not a fuckboi.
Feel bad for those type of people, they just wanna be accepted.
It's a shame, I've been in those positions and felt like that guy and it's really depressing.
God Harley is so unattractive, christ.
Don't think she's a terrible person so it's quite sad
Man, I'm loving these kissing sounds. I wished they would zoom in the cameras more so I could see the saliva and tongue.
are all the people saying this newfags? the general was just as shit at this point last year, interest always declines towards the end.
How was Curtis not in the bottom 3?
fuck off tripfag
producers should’ve put more chadams and mauras in
*sprints full speed into her arse forcing my proud erection through the pink fabric into her pink pusy*
>harley do you fancy a chat
Anna doesn't realise this.
Anyone else just cringe hard whenever Mollie Mae opens her mouth?
>this bitch
Wait was it curtis who saved chris?
Nah if he dumps her now after he's done the whole bf thing he'll get demonised and booted out by the end of the week
im mad than fran literally only got dumped cos she was made last pick in the coupling so she had to go with micheal who was bound to get 0 votes
and that belle can fuck off, shes only in it cos shes coasting of antons untouchability in the votes. if they split she can pack her fuckin bags
I cringe when Harley does, so that means 100% of the time
Why would the public not boot Molly - shit-stirrer with her eyes firmly on the prize/insta followers
not sure what your point is? could take a picture of almost anyone looking a bit off when laughing
It's her ego
She literally cannot ever close her mouth user, you must be cringing 24/7
Imagine being friends with a stunner like Ellie looking like Harley.
Feel bad for her tbqh.
Would still smash Ellie in a heartbeat though, best girl of last season.
No I'm not a newfag. The threads are dying
India has a very down trodden face
Producers adding in loads of chris and harley segments to avoid another vote like that for them
u sure
They put Buenos instead of Buenas noches
Looks like a blonde Chechik
Its weird because people like this they can actually carry conversations and be the bridge between people i dont get it
People keep saying they dont like this guy at work behind his back when he's actually nice and more social than me i dont get normies sometimes but im not complaining that they like me even though im awkward and cant carry a lot of convos
they're not though, last year was probably worse by this point if anything.
nah she was common as dishwater
trashy little big headed slag
Haha of course not. Trying to make out he's his best friend now though.
cardi-b is so ugly
If I'm honest mate, the memes last year were worlds apart from this years.
>Punished Alex
>"I love cars"
>Aldi Lad
>Online Journo writing a blog on this general
Definitely been lacking.
looks generic and a bit older than she'd like to be
stunner? LOL
What army would Ovie play?
We had a minimum of 60 posters last series every episode.
Nonce like behaviour are killing the threads
Shame, fran really shoulda got togethwr with Chris. Silly cow was too reserved. Much better coupling than hurley
agreed, looks like a tranny
Tbh mate they're prolly talking bad behind your back too. And that's not me saying you're a bad person or anything, but the majority of people out there, normies especially, are fake arseholes. They'll be nice to your face and chat shit behind your back, all for gossip and popularity.
wait that was cardi b??
You wouldn't even look at her lmao, you get sweaty palms talking to your sister.
>making light of Titanic
people died, in 100 years they'll mske fun of Grenfell
apaz not allowed by producers as they joined together - meant to spice things up for existing housemates
Harley is qt apart from the teeth. feel bad for her t b h
>day 50
Where did summer go, lads?
It's the nonce who ruined the thread unfortunately. A lot of people don't come here because of 190 , a massive shame too since these threads had huge potential
Spot on
im tired
there are 0, fucking 0 personalities this year. Think about S02, S03 or even S04, there were memorable people. All we have this year is Maura
if this bothers you, have sex
people chat shit and water is wet
Yeah and retards still continue to reply and feed the nonce.
People bitch about each other all the time at work. people probably say shit about you too occasionally "anons always putting shit in the wrong bin, anons always super awkward infront of girls"
>blokes exercising
>women sitting on their arses
Every time. Lucie was the only one I've seen work out on her own.
Is maura the only girl that looks nice in the morning.?
post em
and maura is cringe
does everyone really have a tea or coffee as soon as they wake up? Seems like a boomer habit
>It's another Anna episode
Don't ever reply to me you again you fat fucking ugly virgin nonce
100% based and redpilled
>Anna without makeup
you too user :)
lay off the redbull, there's a good chap
tea audit here
looks good imo
Maura has the best no-makeup look relative to makeup
Amber the worst
season 3 had the most,
Chris, Kem, Dr. Marcel, Cam, Liv, muggy mike, Theo, Montana, Amber, Johnny
Bloomer habit too.
Wake up at 6:30, cold shower, cup of Nescafe gold blend, ready to carpe some fucking deim.
Assuming you're a student or on bennies?
Who doesn't have tea or coffee in the morning
Anna shagged so many wogs she's turning into one on a cellular level
How many times has Michael been mentioned this episode by Amber?
coffee after lunch/dinner for me
rarely drink tea at all
i'm mid-twenties and earn 40k
only have coffee early morning if i'm going running or gym.
Had a ham and pineapple pizza
Feel like shit every time I eat a pizza like, I need to pack it in.
shut the fuck up or I'll stab you
So it’s been confirmed that a catering company cooks for the islanders
So why the fuck is Ovie and India cooking? This is purely for the cameras
Fucking fake cunts
India you’re a slag stay in your lane luv
millenial here, actually find it hard to function if i dont have a coffee when i wake up
Based chef Ovie
BASED black man
people think ovie is funny but all he does is talk in a yank accent
>roast chicken, skin off
>salad, low fat dressing
not even trying to be healthy. it's just what i like
of course I have coffee when I wake up how else would I be able to get to work in time
I heard they only make brekkie actually
whyppo don't know what spices are
cor annas got a right arse on her
id love to see that old bastard from faketaxi have a go on her turd cutter
hope someone screencapped maura reacting to the breakfast
literally no one asked what you earn
only lunch and dinner, breakfast is not catered
Ah I see
I just ask as I never used to drink coffee until I started doing a full time job, can't function without it in the morn
Poaching is serious
Is ovie /ck/?
literally no one in this thread likes you
he said I was on bennies
fuck off lickdicki, you're not wanted here (or anywhere else for that matter)
Chris is secretly dreading this. He doesn't like her
My housemate couldn't live without a coffee in the morning, without that or a fag she would get serious migraines.
But gave me shit for smoking weed once every three months, dirty slag
if you wouldn't tear that dress of Harley and defile her in the most savage fashion then you sir are a fucking faggot
>Harley's mouth
is Chris entertaining this freak show just so he can stay in the house?
Based Ovie, Training Day is proper Reem lads
Nobody wants you here, nobody loves you at all or ever will
wonder if harley regrets destroying her mouth like that
Chris is funny maybe half the time, the rest of the time deeply unfunny with lolsorandom would-you-rathers, or offering piggy backs
on balance he's not funny
He's funny in a cringy, not-taking-himself-seriously sort of way. It's a gimmick but it works
ah yes conflicting information
Maybe they're allowed to cook when they're bored.
It does feel ridiculously fake and scripted this year. Not a fan. I miss Chadam. I miss Eyal. I miss '"because I'm loyal babes." Most of all I miss the natural banter.
I drank the coffee after lunch on work days, to keep me going though the afternoon.
>40k mid twenties
not bad but a little behind lad
Feel like these two are still just friends
>smoking in the morning, sober
impossibly grim
Lip stuff tends to not last long.
That's what the office girl with mental lips tells me anyway.
Only guy left in the villa who deserves to win
>Tommy has been irrelevant for the past week and coupled with a shit talker
>Curtis is a fucking snake
>Chris is okay but awkward
>Anton is irrelevant
>Jordan is with that clapped bitch
Meanwhile Ovie is here making some scrambled eggs being an all round nice chap.
>never see them eat lunch or dinner
>they always eat breakfasts
doesn't take a genius
The banter has all been moved to the Saturday show for some reason
I'm not even that guy but 40k in your mid 20s is not at all far behind and above the national average by a large margin for that age range
that's not conflicting information
>not wanting sociopath power couple Curtis and Maura to win
>Anton is irrelevant
shut ur fat gob u fucking orrible cunt
>I miss Eyal
Opinion discarded
no he asked do you have a job or are you a student
wonder what those horrific little lips feel like to kiss
asking questions non stop is NOT a conversation
Molly can start all the shit she wants cos her fella is a boxer. Disgusting tbqh
If you can fix a bike
You can fix a jet
he knows that, just trying to brag a little in /lig/
thats well above the average uk wage thougb
>why yes, I think Harley is propa fit, how did you know?
based and fucking checked, bravo lads
Michael is a big personality. The lying would be Interesting on other seasons
anybody seen the sheriff?
we need more female war criminals
seething at the very idea that somebody in your age-bracket earns more than minimum wage
also fuck off
Lucie only worked out so the lads could check out her ass and big chebs.
Yeah I've heard. Seems like a dumb move to me. I was always in the habit of not watching on a Saturday.
Is it worth watching?
if you can build a dirt house in minecraft you can fix an f16
14 eyes and not one of em works
punt cutt
Kek, I love how these fuckers just turn up one looking like a gollywog and you're supposed to just sit there and act like nothing is different.
I've only seen a couple but it's good. Lots of recaps though.
you can keep that trash x
seething I pull minge on the regular but girls still aren’t interested in you or your s o y boy job
Lewis Capaldi walks towards a stage with a microphone. A massive audience wait in anticipation as he walks towards the spotlight. He has a little smug smile on his face. The corner of his lip looking curled up, like an old piece of bread that’s gone hard. He approaches the mic and whispers a few words in a hard Scottish accent. “Ay, I’m an ugly fat cunt and my girl friend thinks I’m a fat pig like” The audience burst into applause and laughter. One man dies of the hysterics as a heart attack is triggered by the pure hilarious nature of Lewis’s self deprecating humour. Becky from Gillingham tweets “omg Lewis Capaldi is the funniest man alive *laughing emoji x10*”. In the rapture of Lewis’s crowd, I wait in silence.
Little does he know, I’m waiting at the back of the room. In the scaffolding tower with a high caliber sniper rifle aiming at his fat jock head. Just as the audience dies down, I take a deep breath and push my finger delicately onto the trigger then... BANG. I blow Lewis’s face off of his head. The audience are silenced and in shock as I slowly dismantle my gun, “nobody will have to hear his average ballads or awful reddit comedy again” I think to myself. Just as I make my leave I hear a Scottish voice on through the microphone. how could this be, I’m in charge here. I turn around and see Lewis standing on stage, his face hanging half off his neck. He's at the microphone and screams sarcastically “I definitely won’t get my girl friend back now” The audience again break into a massive ecstasy of laughing. I run out of the building my mission failed. The fat jock has won this round.
olay me scrotum
Why do people acknowledge the nonce?
For a guy who went through cancer you'd think the guy in the Olay advert would be a bit more averse to delivering a condensed version of it to all the viewers
Girls pretend he's funny because he's 6'7, black and muscular but they don't want to appear like shallow coalburners.
Feel like shit just want Arabella back
Find myself hiding a lot of posts tonight lads
Absolutely Kek'd and based
body not good, face was pretty aesthetic yes.
with that accent she was never gonna last tbqh
underage minge doesn't count. infact, it's illegal
Twitter hates her because she cucked Yewande
because people are retarded
fucking top lad, kek
lol good meme
I hate recaps, but thanks user.
Zoomers can fuck off. As if you need a source on this.
my mate says they already have 6G in Japan
English poof
>what is reverse image search
kys, really
t. Liam Gallagher
top kek
willy shaped bread is dead funny t b h
>i'm actually shitting myself, I don't know why
It's because you've been chatting huge amount of shit about people behind their backs you little slag
How did you lot quit smoking?
Molly knows she's about to get rumbled.
>inb4 the sun
I originally heard it on the radio
and the salty sweaty sock strikes quads
>wanting to be average
got into racism
tbf it took the nonce a few years to break this general. pretty shit performance on his part, but no general is unbreakable
top banter m8
Strong determination and ferocious iron will
became an alcoholic
This thread is way more active than yesterday
Why is that lads
>that guys a fucking legend
based bdsm poster
Anna looking PENG in that bikini
>Playing the shit cover of fools gold
Example can go fucking suck a tail pipe
> Setting it in South Africa
Can't wait the for the local bantu to storm the villa and gangrape the girls.
Shame Anton's been flanderised as funny bum shave man
Can't ever show a weakness
My girlfriend's sister and boyfriend got a photograph with Lewis.
Usually when you get a photograph with a celebrity it makes you look like shit. Getting a photograph with Lewis made them look like the hot celebrities.
this actually
Molly has a shit chin
>Tho I predict he will graft Maura
The show wraps next Monday.
There would be no point.
this post smells like a fried mars bar
giz a blowie Tommy
Molly a shit
do one Anton
Molly-Meme btfo
Belle such a mouthy cunt, far more than she can get away with looking like that
Nobody left is remotely likeable.
FUCK Molly-Mae
molly may lool
Fucking hell Ovie nearly glassed him
When is thr lie detector task?
holy fucking shit Maura has one of them kiss mark tattoos on her arse
What a trashy slag
She’s defo slept with more than 50 guys now
Fucking hell
Molly doused by 5 drinks by now
>you fuckin serious?
Feel like this is staged, the islanders are getting too many correct
tbf if he was playing a game he wild have stayed with that mad cunt Amy
Molly mae needs to calm the fuck down. why are blondes always so antsy
ahahah chris you fool
Based Ovie can see through Curtis' theatrics
Scheming man exposed
based chris making me lol
This. No meme potential Islanders.
Chris fucked up.
Why would you do that? Fucking retard.
Ovie is so based lol
based chris
Oh god Chris NOO
oh FUCK no
maybe he doesn’t actually like her?
what a moron lmao
he was half right, it was about him
They cancelled it this year because of the Jezza Kyle suicide.
Harley a mong, he was guessing what the public would think not what HE would think, HARLEY A MONG SPREAD THE WORD LADS
She is genuinely too stupid to understand that he did that because that's what the public think not him.
it's a stupid thing to do to even countenance, any spastic would see that would upset a partner. As if they care about 'winning' the task
Because she's been EXPOSED unironically.
What did he even hope to gain from that it's like lmao nigger just pick two random people you're just painting yourself as a target. Scripted surely.
>be a woman
>fall for drama bait challenge
What is it like to be in a head like that
>tranny strawberries
I say we kill the lottery people and take the money
that advert probably alienating for 70%+ of co-op customers lmao
Nah I wanna win lad.
Gonna get the choc ice out the freezer
nobody here knows
10000 applicants
Couldn't find more than 5 likeable people
Who the fuck is producing this show
they can’t stop us all
TV static
'people' that work in television have no souls
Chris has definitely posted on Yea Forums
move out of your parents house you waster
yor mum lol!
Arabella spilled the beans and let them know they weren't a popular couple and everyone hated Amy
Feel like pure shit just want her back xxx
good choice lad
sincerely doubt
Wished I did still live at home. I live in a shithole part of East London.
And thus everyone hated her. Classic
Do you lot think Dani Dyer is pissed of that Jack justed her D list career up?
chris is definitely /ourguy/.
muslim here ama
anyone else see Curtis srubbing Chris in the shower? GAY AS A MAYPOLE
choc ice is shit tier ice cream, get a cornetto lad
Curtis cheating Tommy with Chris
>he doesn't save his legs
Arabella was stunning
Can you get like a 11ft turban for a laugh like?
What kind of sociopath buys choc ices for themselves over the numerous superior other ice cream options
Ovie acting like he plays for the Lakers lmao
India probably still has all that Zoo and Nuts money saved up
What's Jack doing now?
Curtis is a fucking melt soft lad. Maura deserves a real man, like me. *breathes heavily and switches back to Yea Forums*
Reports that the production team are considering a medical intervention as Curstis' BMI spirals out of control live on television
Walthamstow here, it's okay around me could be worse
Where you at?
How do you feel about the jewish menace?
>33 in london tomorrow
just fuck my shit up
birds going mental, spitting VENOM
is love island halal?
Honestly he needs to dance his ass around the villa a few times
he's not bad desu - one of the better teams in Spain, and considered on the best in their country's league
ahhh fair f a ms
the road is real sad cuz
>went straight for ovie
>didn't deny it
India's definitely after ovie's money
I just want to play DBZ and Tekken with Ovie reeee
Belle so fucking butters, bloody hell
>be's tall
lads i've fixed basketball
and fuck off 190kg you need to be able to jump as well
is this how sub 80IQ people deal with criticism?
>I suspect numerous birds have discovered there's no gold to dig.
quite funny how belle talks a bit more greazy when she's angry
sounds comfy fella
Reason you can't trust Anton is that he always drinks water even when there's booze up for grabs
190cm is manlet-tier in basketball
unlucky lad
jumped in ur mums bed last night
Anton's mum is Chinese, he can't handle alcohol genetically, that's why
he lost 5 years of his life on alcohol, it's a disease I tell you
42 here
>non-prescription 'glasses'
oh no no no Ovie sweaty x
I actually dont understand what ovvie is cpmplaining abou5
why are we acting like Ovie’s rich?
You can never trust a teetotaller
There his reading glasses for manga xx
>Reason you can't trust Anton is that he always drinks water even when there's booze up for grabs.
He needs all his faculties for when he preys in the drunk girls at the club.
Imagine having that temperature in London as well as a 80% chance of getting stabbed with also inhaling those beautiful London fumes
fucking helenic godess
This is how people with horrible educations speak?
Is she retarded?
they need to bring back Lucie
harley is a retard, even if he mugged her off
done well for myself tonight lads :^)
She is too stupid to understand
this girl has a hole in her head
Yassssss QWANNN
She has a decent body 2bf
Harley makes Chris look 140IQ
1 week of the punished Chris arc
it was a silly move tbf lads
Imagine being shut down by someone that clapped.
Of course she is. She looks like sloth
Lol well that was the most manufactured argument ever
Woah this geordie girl is retarded lmaooooo
Doesn't understand at al, or thinks Chris is surreptitiously writing articles for The Sun whilst in the island.
there was a stabbing near me just the other day, blood all over the pavement. they should just legalise coke and fuck over all the gangs. ppl are hovering like never before anyway
Don't know if she's specifically Chinese but she's definitely east Asian
Jordan yes!
Anna finally about to suffer.
Series has been saved.
couldn't think of better drama myself
Based Jordan cucking Ovie, again
Jordan's revenge part 2
The absolute madman, cucking Ovie twice!
DAQUAN tries to steal DAQUAN #2's girl!
As if Jordan is gonna cuck Ovie again.
Could this be anymore manufactured?
Imagine watching Family Guy in 2019 lmao
Nothing will come of it.. the editors are getting desperate - conversation out of context
right then, night lads (faggots)
Nope. It's as clear as day.
Harley has nice legs and a tight arse t b h
It's alright to watch it if you're channel hopping.
Couldn't imagine sitting down and watching it episodically.
You will never experience another Love Island season where the contestants are actually normal and interesting people instead of boring models and personal trainers
2bh I could put up with her with a body like that
big brother is what you're looking for
anyone remember tool academy and ladette to lady?
they were pretty shit desu
last post of this thread lads
I hope Ovie finds love
Last post for absolutely pounding Harvey
how come the Canadian Love Island has much better looking contestants than the USA version?
Last post for being best poster of the thread
last post just to say that anton is a top lad who isnt getting enough screen time
Last post for bringing Joanna and Michael into the villa and having them having hardcore unfiltered sex in the middle of it while the cameras catch every, single glimpse of it and the other girls soak their cunts while watching.
Last post for frans beautiful face