why do zoomers hate films without CGI?
Why do zoomers hate films without CGI?
What movie?
It really bugs me how movies use CGI even when real effects would not only work, but look better. People will say that all the CGI is necessary for capeshit but they’re wrong, just look at Superman 1978
>claiming its the audience that dictates this
>its actually the boomers financing the movie, because "its more cost effective"
What the fuck they couldn’t even be bothered to film him in an actual room with a prop gun? The fucking state of cinema Jesus Christ
>because "its more cost effective"
it's not.
Literally cheaper to outsource cgi, than having props built.
Know when they say it costs 100 million gorillion dollars to make movies? They lied.
Why do this? Is it really cheaper than just getting a prop gun and building a room set?
Zoomers are NPCs, their worldview is CGI.
Its because theyre so sterilized and focus tested they can change anything on the fly. Best to avoid these types of movies.
>tfw my nephew asked me how did they made movies before computers existed
There are millions of pajeets and chinks doing cgi, they work for fucking peanuts, props cost more, do the fucking math.
It’s not about cost, CGI is expensive, it’s about production time. Think about it, if you use a lot of CGI, you won’t have to “waste” all that time building real sets and models
>videogame industry growing exponentially
>movies have to be CGI
there's a connection
>What the fuck they couldn’t even be bothered to film him in an actual room with a prop gun?
This way they only need to make one prop gun instead of making prop guns for every character.
what is the fucking point, especially with the gun prop?
Also, with this shot, if you need to modify the movie for lower age rating / other territories with requests/demands, you can swap out the gun prop for a phone or device or something etc, it's fucking brilliant.
Fucking hell, $100 in Ikea or similar would've been enough to buy all that furniture and another $10 for a realistic toy gun. You can't honestly expect me to believe CGI is cheaper than doing that.
literally any movie heavy on CGI costs a lot more than one made with practical effects on mind, even when factoring the marketing budgets. CGI for everything has more to do with what said, it's so the movie can be retouched after focus testing and shit
I heard that in Europe he's holding a sandwich
A sandwich with a handle?
Just remove the handle, Jesus, dude, do you work at fucking Walmart?
Pretty much this. Why spend a full salary on a local union set builder when you can just ship the footage out to Ahmed in Bangladesh who gets paid a penny a day and works 16 hours?
Not that they're actually lowering production costs. Movies are even more expensive then they where before. But now the producers get to pocket the cash
But at that point you're not utilising the dots anymore so why bother with it and not just get a prop gun?
because they only love women who have $300mil dollar filters on them
>like they didn't focus test stuff before
Because they're still about to define where the characters are even "meeting" since the actors have different schedules and sometimes arent even in the same set and are just giving different reads on different possible dialogues the creators might use in the end
it's why Paltrow couldnt even remember she was in spiderman (or why Brie seemed "spliced in" in End Game). They called her and asked her to act in a closet basically
also this
Surely some Jew would never advertise that their $6m production cost $100m, these are honest and good people.
only in France
it doesn't actually cost more you retard
they just claim it does to avoid taxes
fucking retard
thats a loaded question
They use CGI for everything now because you can change anything you want to in post
I honestly didn't even notice this scene was CGI during the movie.
At this point, if you can't distiguish between CGI and real props, why use real props at all?
Everyone absolutely spews bullshit about budgets, could also be advertisement, will sound less impressive if you go "We made this piece of shit for $50m less than that other piece of shit!"
I do not believe any expense, or income data Hollywood feeds to the press, I think it's all bullshit.
I mean, Jesus Christ, these are Jews, how the fuck can you not expect a substantial amount of financial fuckery going on.
>do the math
>with no actual costs given
its a crime we didnt get the original 10 minute city destruction scene
Of course, how silly of me. We all know that lying goes directly against the Jewish faith, especially lying to goyium.
What about shots where multiple people are holding guns? Different sized guns? Also, you don't think they have a few backups for that gun he's holding?
>nao dat u habe see gee eye u onely nead won gone phor oll kast membrz lol
You're such a fucking dingus, you know that?
It's filmed this way because it allows them to add any room they want down the line as needed. Marvel movies aren't made to be an actual coherent film, they are pieced together to satisfy the demands of marketing, the MCU brand, and all that other awful shit that sell the movies, rather than the quality of the movie itself. It's probably also why so many of them look flatter and blander than a 90s TV show, they all have to fit together.
Not that user. It's more likely that they just don't want to pay an actual prop designer to build the guns. CGI artists are way, waaay cheaper and they realize their braindead audince won't give a shit.
I haven't seen the movie, does he actually do anything with the gun in the shot other than holding it? Like firing it or aiming it at someone? Because that would explain why it's CGI.
its the "fix it in post" culture
props are vastly cheaper and easier to make than CGI will ever be...however you cannot easily fix them in post.
I can confirm it was a white bread sandwich. It was hard to see but apparently it contained turkey bacon instead of regular bacon in the CGI sandwich in order to avoid offending some demographics here. Smart move to be honest.
Are prop designers really that expensive? Can't they get some cosplayer interns or something? I can't imagine a guy charging more to make some toy guns than a team of nerds to do computer shit, but hey, what do I know? I'm just some fucking idiot on a ukranian rollerskating forum.
Why change it in the post when we have email or even Slack or something? its 2019
Yeah he shoots an asian kid with it.
>pay to rent the room space
>pay to have people set it up
>pay people to move it
>pay for lighting rigs
>pay for the actual cost of the furniture
>pay to have Pajeet throw something together in Maya in six hours
It most definitely is cheaper
It only really takes a couple of hours for one or two people to do something like a CGI gun. All the actual hard shit like the shaders and compositing is already done and ready to go.
Making a prop gun probably takes at least a full day. More if it's major hero prop.
Though really, probably the major reason it's a CGI gun instead of a prop gun is that they/the director decided he should hold a gun last minute, on the day they were shooting, and slapping a pipe on a slightly gun shaped base is the most they could do before they started holding up the production.
Deadlines has far more power than any director will ever have.
>Deadlines has far more power than any director will ever have.
not over James Cameron
It's a union production, gotta hire a union worker. If they could hire nothing but interns and hobbyists they would.
Most CGI work os outsourced so they don't need to bother with paying a living wage.
Marvel films are effectively animated features where the actors do voice overs. It's cheaper this way. If you're going to model a set for the GC shots, there's no real reason to also build it for the non GC shots. Not only that, if they did build a set and 3D model it, then views would be able to spot the differences whereas if it's always CG it will have a consistent look the entire time.
Where is love in this? =(
Another example is pic related where they changed the setting from the trailer
I don't see the problem when nobody notices it's CGI until after the fact because of a behind the scenes photo, meaning it's done it's job fooling everyone.
>they couldn't even bother to find a prop dart gun
I feel so bad for the special effects boffins. They probably got into it because they love their craft, and they want to animate beautiful explosions or incredible aliens or something. Instead they're out here touching up tiny inanimate objects.
art is dead user, everything can be done by deep learning AIs now
It's not worthy doing something for real if audiences don't appreciate it and already expect things to be CGI.
Not true, a good CGI artist could churn out that scene in a single work day. Building the gun model would take maybe an hour or two. The wall behind maybe 30 minutes. The model tracking maybe an hour compositing and roto work maybe an hour, render overnight on a home pc. Probably in a few mins on a huge farm.
I think they actually filmed the first one on location. There were pics of Hopkins as a homeless crazy dude on the streets
The second one that ended in the film looked terrible. I dont even remember all 3 being in one shot, it looked like a SNL thing
Some scenes in infinity war felt like actors werent even in the same room (Drax/Buglady talking to Tony/Spidey for instance)
Oh wow, saw it yesterday and thought it was all CGI.
Disney has ruined my brain.
disney buying off critics have made a huge impact on viewers minds. I still remember when critics cringed at the use of CGI and feared it would be the dead of cinema. but now "critics" (aka bloggers) praise all disney shit as if it were citizen kane, making CGI legitimate and standarized
Actual vfx artist here, this guy is the only guy ITT that gets it.
Most gun design, suit design, set design etc are decided over month of bullshit executive circlejerking because they want every little thing to appeal the most to an audience, the sponsors, the toy makers, their own design charts, it’s not uncommon for us to get through dozens of different suits design IN PRODUCTION, not in pre-prod.
They’re making a product in the end, the gun will probably be selled by some shit toy making company, it’s all business, and full CG give executives more control over the final product.
Cg artist here, you’re a retard
so basically authorship is dead and movies are completely soulless now
Point out where I'm wrong instead.
Some guys still do CG the right way, denis villeneuve comes to mind
The timing, shithead, you’re making this too easy, 2 hours to model a high poly gun from scratch ? Really ? And you don’t know shit about render farms, you’re probably some kid that knows a little bit of c4d, also you’re probably not thinking about the fact that for each shitty shot like this, there’s 20 versions of it, with a slightly different gun, background, shading, lighting, color correction, it’s fucking time consuming and money consuming for them, even tho we’re underpaid, but it gives them more control
Also, roto work, an hour, oh wow,
Maybe if you use autotraced bullshit plugs, but pros don’t, this is not you’re average youtube vfx video
His gross ass hands look CGI lol
fucking this, they outsource to India and China and lie on their spendings to launder money or give fat bonuses to their executives, it even happens on smaller production though it's frowned upon
What the fuck. Making that gun prop would've been literally a one day job and the background is just standard every day furniture.
And making everything CGI is a half-day job.
That is fucking cool though I thought it was stupid he was holding the bus by the window. Especially when it cracked from the guy falling inside the bus but he was still able to hold the whole damn bus up with it.
When I saw it he was holding a bouquet of flowers, does he really hold a gun in the American version?
More like It's very likely they made a dozen versions of it and each of them took more time than if you had just made the scene for real.
They claim it's cause cgi is more cost effective, when in reality CGI companies way, way overbill the producers for effects. At one point ILM got caught billing marvel something like 2k a piece for fucking office chairs.
In reality its cause they can show multiple cuts to focus groups and change shit on the fly, and it saves money on having to rent studio space and equipment
>for each shitty shot like this, there’s 20 versions of it, with a slightly different gun, background, shading, lighting, color correction
You can do it all in parallel. Hire as many teams as you need to work on different scenes and produce different versions at the same time, keep what's good and discard all the rest. Meanwhile with traditional production style you can only work on one scene at a time. In a decade high budget movies will be 100% CGI, without even bothering to use real actors, just copies of their likeness.
I do not envy the work of those in charge of the CGI.
"I dont know, we'll decide where you guys are later. Just improv some jokey dialogues. Chris, give me a different read on 'you're perfect for this planet' in case we decide later on that you guys are on another planet"
>You're perfect for this planet
"Great, now say "I cant believe Captain America killed me and I'm in Hel" like you're sad, in case we go with that plot line"
but that's because you're jewish, it is their fault :(
It allows for producers to give valuable input during post production. Some producer can say that the protag needs to carry a different gun and will feel really accomplished.
Because jews are using whites as scapegoats for all the shit they do. This is one of the few places in the world where you can say the truth about it without getting called a nazi.