>she's different broo
>look at these conventionally attractive girls with few conventtionally unnacttractive traits, it's proof she's just as good looking as eva green
>personalityy matters broo
>you have bad taste
>show me your 10/10! so I can say you have bad taste!!
>Oh the "hot" girl you posted? Artificial, generic, no soul
>No bro, I'm not idolizing her because she's average looking so I can feel like I can get 10/10 girl by calling average looking girls 10/10
>Objective beauty standards? What's that?
Just have sex
Huh-huhh she's a 10 I think
Wyatt Allen
Brayden Long
Brayden Lewis
Who are you quoting
Carson Hall
>pretty feet
>hairy arms
>good genes
What's not to love?
Joshua Collins
Nicholas Campbell
It's just a smarm
Connor King
the predictable arguments
Adam Lee
Holy shit imagine being so mad you make a new thread
Austin Jackson
Ryan Bell
Having fun with the butthurt, now go ahead, repeat the predictable arguments