Will the Cats movie make furries mainstream?

I mean it's pure whacking-material for them.

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majority of people were disgusted by how it looks so i'm afraid not.

Sooo i just saw CATS and it was TERRIBLE. There weren't any dogs i could masturbate tooooo.

And i give this a 2 out of 10 might be a 3 later but for now, it's a 2.

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weird guy to obsess over

No more so than the Jungle Book or Duck Tales.

i was so excited for this trailer but taytay was only in it for like 2 seconds wtf bros??



furry here
we're all put off by it for the same reason you are
>no tits
>just human faces covered in fur
nah we want our furries too love like Kyrstal baby

Claiming my Cats-fu, everyone back off.

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Uh, pretty sure I see tits there.

he's just so silly

furries are the devil confirmed

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I wanna see some honkers
some bodonkers
some dobonhonkeros
some dahoonkabankaloos

If I had just a few grenades with me...

>hfy cringe
Nah, have a real catgirl

Attached: Queen of Fat Cat TATS.webm (1280x532, 2.93M)

>masochist kike edgelord shitposting about someone with some coherent sense

Who would whack to this? Body horror enthusiasts?

Is that the one they made into a white cat and now people are crying whitewashing?

Wow, that FFX HD remake turned out pretty good

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I've already done it
it was this picture

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I'm not mad, user. Just disappointed.

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Attached: CATS.jpg (724x816, 125K)

Zootopia was more furry, and no it didn't make them mainstream. Yes more normies are aware of them, but still not mainstream.