Will Disney put the Yuuzhan Vong into their continuity?
Will Disney put the Yuuzhan Vong into their continuity?
focus groups will tell them that women don't like that gross weird shit
Anything put in nuwars will be effortlessly defeated by some Mary Sue, so who cares.
As much as people shit on them, they would still be infinitely more compelling that Literally The Empire 2.0.
The worst villains of all time.
I hope not. Theyre shit and dont fit starwars
>inb4. "They were never ment to fit!!"
what was their problem?
Hive Fleet Leviathan vs Yuuzhan Vong
Who wins?
If they really do this, it will be all for nothing. Purging EU should remove all its worst crap, not reinstate it
They are so creatively bankrupt and they run out of villains. Sooner or later I expect them to insert a Yuuzhan like alien group, with the necessary plot modifications to make them a metaphor for white nationalists ofc.
the new movies couldve easily fit in a post yuzang vong invasion, instead of those tentacle movies in the last jedi it couldve been them
these were the worst villains ever, they had zero impact
Humanity, since virgins who care wont reproduce.
They should be heavy retooled or replaced by diffrent villains and considering new Thrawn canon this may already be case.
I hope not.
You realize the Empire was based on the Nazis right?
They destroyed half the galaxy including coruscant and killed Chewbacca and Han Solo's son, if you don't know what you are talking about just shut the fuck up
He does. They are that lazy.
And then they fucked off and everyone lived happily ever after
No they weren't, they had british accents and had soviet economy
bullshit argument
>muslim apologists on Yea Forums
That's Troy Denning's fault
Yup they just borrow things from the EU, make them shittier, and add in their terrible new characters that no one cares about.
Those snake weapons, seriously who would troughs it was good idea?
why not? all the things they use are living creatures
They are already planned to appear in Ep9´s after credits. They will be a race of genetic purists, who can selectively breed males and females, and maintains and oppressive society where females are exclusively used to make children or as food
You saw it here first. Screencap it
To the people from Disneys story-group and marketing department who lurk here, i will sue you if you use this
In Legends Jacen Solo went all Mary-Sue and BTFO the entire army in one blow.
Their army was called Stormtroopers, and Lucas had his set designers imitate Speers architectural style. It drew inspiration from a lot of things, and in the end was just your generic totalitarian system in space, but they mostly drew from the nazi´s
>yeah bro xd, lol I don't care bout nothing
Shit larp, this isn't how Chads actually act, go outside
I would take a retooled Vong. Just make them less edgy and more Uruk-hai
>Will Disney include the Extra-galactic threat that the Emperor was preparing for? after all those characters are dead?
If their plan is to end StarWars with a force that can end the entire galaxy like Infinity war but with no plan to retcon it after then i wholeheartedly support this idea
I still really do believe NJO would work well as an R rated tv show.
Kind of in a similar style to the Battlestar Galactica reboot, so feeling more gritty and grounded.
I think part of the reason Disney has already run out of ideas for Star Wars is because they're stuck with the same tone in every film.
Literally every entry in the Disney canon has been about the underdog hero rising up to beat the evil bad guy, literally every time.
They're totally afraid of taking any risks with the franchise, which was demonstrated when the Chris Miller and Phil Lord Solo script got canned.
But yes, the NJO arc has a bigger scale than anything else in the EU and is perfectly suited for a 5 or so season tv show.
The game of thrones of star wars, in every sense of the phrase
They'd already milked the EU to death at that point, there really wasn't much they could to keep things fresh by then.
It was an incredibly bold choice and whether the end result worked or not, undertaking a story arc of that size over so many books with so many different authors all writing at once was fairly unprecedented.
What do people think of the stuff that came after? Jacen going bad, etc
fpbp, villains should always be handsome edgy white men
>Led to a temporary return of the Sith
>Led to another Galactic Civil War
>Led to Luke being exiled
>Led to the most powerful force user ever being released
And for a long time nothing happened.
>Then the Sith returned again
No they didn't. There were several groups that hunted them for revenge, they lived in constant nomadic exile, under constant threat of being found and butchered. Coruscant was fucked and had its entire atmosphere changed, Ithor was completely destroyed, hundreds of trillions dead, several characters killed, Hapes was perma-crippled, Mandalorians achieved independence and unity for the first time in millennia. Every storyline after was caused by it, directly or indirectly, all the way to Krayt.
Are the Vong basically Star War's attempt at the Borg?
hope so
Jacen's arch was pretty interesting, except for Travis's Mandalorian boner.
Killiks were extremely boring.
I loved Abeloth simply for being genuinely creepy and the only fucking threat that felt stronger than Palpatine.
My main complaint was their reliance on Luke later in the series. I wish Jaina was the more central leader, since she was quite obviously Luke's successor, even over his son.
Nah. Theyre more like Species 8472 with a ton of religious shit thrown in.
They'll never acknowledge anything connected with Chad Skywalker
The Vong were the best pleb filter in Star Wars EU history.
>NOOOO you can't kill my husbando Chewbacca by dropping a moon on him while he's saving some dumb rapefugees, fuck you I'm happy Disney killed the EU
have sex
>Coruscant light circles there after Vong terraforming
Cover artist sleeping on the job again
Jaina is a good female character. She works and trains her ass off for decades and struggles constantly.
Rey fucking sucks.
It bugs me that in art the Vong ships kind of look like giant loafs of bread
>They replaced Jainafu with that derpface
Just fuck my shit up
Best book in the EU
I like that the covers were always super afraid to show leia looking old at all
Not even the best in the arc
I waited for so long for them to bring back Nom Anor after he dies off-page. The only good Vong character.
I liked Shedao Shai a lot, he got far more development in a very short space of time than Tsavong Lah did over the whole arc
>Read through Yuuzhan Vong arc as it comes out as a lad
>don't dislike it
>years later I sort of see how dumb it is
>Now I miss it and compare it favorably to Disney movies
It's really not as dumb as people make it out to be
Elaborate pls
>They will be a race of genetic purists, who can selectively breed males and females, and maintains and oppressive society where females are exclusively used to make children or as food
Regardless of how popular Handmaiden's Tale is, I don't think Disney want to be explaining selective breeding to 5 year olds (the real target demographic for this shit)
god damnit the star wars eu was just a neverending story of bullshit and more powerful siths getting released
The Vong invasion only worked because it was a huge event bringing together the EU. No one gives a shit about Disneys books and shit or the new characters so it would be completely pointless.
How can you be this fucking dense? The military aspects of the film are modeled after classic WW2 movies. Who were the bad guys in classic WW2 movies, user?
I would prefer them to be actually alien looking, as more alien than many races in this galaxy, since they are comming from outside of it. If not, they should be smaller scale treat in Unknown region or something
Snake hardens so vong can smack people with it
Imagine falling for your own trolling so hard that you actually LIKE to Yuuzhan Vong.
Faggot gay. You fucking kids are pathetic.You turned this website into your personal blog. Worse than tumblr.
Contains some of the best arcs of the entire IP. Jaina training under Boba, Jacens fall and rise, so much kino woven throughout the series.
oh,and rey took down them with a wave of hand and ugly expression, then credit rolls.
I thought people hated the Mandalorian wanking
>Jaina training under Boba
Horrible. Traviss wrote Jaina like a pampered princess not a girl who grew up IN A FUCKING WAR. And fuck her Mando superiority disorder BS. Revelation was boring trash.
>Jacens fall and rise
Completely flunked outside Betrayal and Sacrifice and capped off in Invincible with Troy Denning saying fuck it and throwing shit together so it'd be over, clearly hating Traviss' previous book which did the opposite of buildup the finale.
Alright this thread got me interested. Is the NJO worth reading in its entirety? If I wanted to experience the supposedly well written arcs of the Solo twins, what would be the reading material outside of this series?
I never liked the Yuuzhan Vong desu, thankfully they probably won't.
t. EUfag
I hope not, only because I wish Disney would stop stealing from the old EU. Come up with some original ideas fucking hacks.
It's not as bad as Dark Sabre or the fucking Sun Crusher. But yeah, they're not the best. ALso the Ssi-ruu suck, they made Dinosaurs SUCK, how do you manage that?
Nah, Sun Crusher actually had potential as a terrorism allegory
hurr it's also stolen from Kurosawa movies so I guess Lucas hates Samurai
My big problem with Jacen’s story was their over reliance on muh prophecy with him just to force him to do things or to make up a bigger threat
>Why are the killiks a big deal? Because Jacen had a vision!
>Why did Jacen turn evil!? Because he had a vision!
You also can’t ship gross villains
I really don’t remember anything to stupid in it beyond the average EU stupidity. It has been awhile though
They did it because they thought it looked cool. It's the basis of every weapon in anime.
>implying the lightsaber's existence isn't just a flashy weapon that looks cool to the audience
will we ever get Jaina on big screen anons??