Tv show about a parasitic race taking over humans and considering themselves gods

>tv show about a parasitic race taking over humans and considering themselves gods
>we get advanced technology from aliens through this portal
>pro america but critical of corruption and secret services
>pro military/strength but also cautious about military commanders wielding too much power
>one episode has another people try to wipe out earth by giving them vaccines that cause infertility
How the literal actual fuck was this walking redpill of a series allowed to go on for so long?
I could spend hours listing all the ways the writers parallel our current struggle against the machine elves (satanic demons) and their NWO.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I thought you were going to talk about how the gewl'ed were metaphors for Jews. Well I think one user said it best when he responded to a Jew asking him what he had to say about Jews having the highest IQ and the most nobel prizes and so on. He said while it's true there are ways in which Jews are superior, the bottom line is at the end of the day, Jews need us. We don't need them. Just like the fuckin' gewl'ed.

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it was before sois took over scifi

Why is Pol is writing stargate fanfiction now?



GOAT serie

They would have to re-do all the CGI which is starting to show its age and would look even worse in 1080p or 4k. Then if any of the show was filmed in digital, they might not be able to properly upscale that to a higher resolution. It's expensive.

I wish they would do it but Stargate is essentially a dead franchise, there's no money in it.

>tfw you know you'll never get to go back to the platinum era of Sci-fi, watching stargate every week. And worse, if someone does bring back Stargate, they'll certainly ruin it like they did to star trek,wars and pretty much everything else.
I'd say stargate fans got off very lucky

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>pro america but critical of corruption and secret services
It was pro-america because it was backed by US air force. It had corrupt illegal shadow organizations so that the real government would look like the good guys.

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Brad Wright is rumoured to be working on a new stargate.

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stay the fuck away from stargate, shizo.

I heard about that, and that is a good thing. but optimism isn't rewarded these days

SG-1 and especially later Dr. Weir and Shepard regularly go against official positions for the greater good.

>there was a time when you could turn on the TV and new episodes of SG-1, Atlantis, and Battlestar Galactica would be playing
>now the best we can do is the Expanse
I want to go back

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Point is, the military is rarely presented as being incompetent. Even the colonel that gets WRAITHED in the first ep of Atlantis goes out like a badass (to a degree)

Why do you think Michael Shanks didn't want to play Daniel Jackson anymore?

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Cracks me up everytime

The absence of Babylon 5 makes this list incomplete and therefore terrible.

Literally on the second line.

You missed the part where the government lying to the entire world for years is expressly treated as a good thing and not the actual evil it is.
The whole of sg1 can be boiled down to
>military secret good
>civilian secret bad

For me, SG-1 was the biggest night of television

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>The whole of sg1 can be boiled down to
not really, no.

They should have had disclosure be the final two season arc of SG-1 rather than the Ori. Atlantis wouldn't have to worry too much about writing around it and it would have made for a more interesting ending.

General George "Do it" Hammond of Texas

Everyone seemed pretty open about it being that he wanted to try and break out into bigger and better roles and they dried up so quick on him he got scared and came back after a year. At least they joke about it like that and he has too but as far as anything concrete like what specific jobs he lost out on I've never heard. I watch a ton of those convention q&a's so that's where my info comes from, btw.

The last few seasons were all considered the final season and no more would be made.

I actually liked Corin Nemic and thought he was a better member of the team than Daniel.

So what are the Tok'ra then? controlled opposition? they fuck up literally every time

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Why did everyone trust Earth when they wouldn't even share knowledge of aliens and stargates with their own people?

Season 1-4 daniel was good. Then he uppityand thought he knew better than the writers.

Hi Corin

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>fuck up every time
>proceed to blame everyone else and remind humans that they are primitive
Sounds like American behavior

>TOS under TNG and weebshit
fucking kys whoever made this list

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most of the space stuff looks ok but all of the other CGI in the series looked shit even when it aired

>military keeps secret from the civilian population for the express purpose of denying the civilians their constitutional oversight of the military
This happens for nearly a decade. They keep it a secret because they don't want to be shut down by voters. They keep it secret because they don't want their diection to even change at all because of the voters.
The reason for this in narrative is because the poor dumb voters will panic and the big bad civilian authorities will manipulate them and it's better to let the paragons of virtue in the military that are totally above politics (rofl by the way, there's nothing more explicitly political than a man with O in his paygrade) handle existential threats to humanity with ZERO input from the people of earth itself.
>military secret good
>civilian secret bad

Prometheus always looked bad but for some reason Daedalus and the other ships still hold up. The worst offender in the show was the dragon, though. That needs an expensive overhaul.

That last episode before Jonas left back to his planet you can see Corin deliver his lines begrudgingly. He's crying on the inside. Feels bad.

Why can't we have kino like this anymore?

>>pro military/strength but also cautious about military commanders wielding too much power
Sort of, generally it seemed to emphasize to an almost hilarious degree how civilian oversight = BAD

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Time for your examination user

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jews, women, niggers, etc.

he could've been ok but him being from a different planet was stupid and they had to come up with shit just to avoid it
still Michael Shanks sort of Jay Leno'd him didn't he?

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on rewatches he is actually really good but the first time around it was just too big a change. It wasn't his fault really. I did think it was a bit of a shame he didn't come back in the later seasons.
also boiz what fate omaroca

>the big bad civilian authorities will manipulate them
I mean, user. Kinsey was a thing. Later on they end up just putting it under the authority of the UN Security Council, by the time Atlantis is going on. But even before that, the only reason they didn't get forced to pass it on to others was because Thor and the Asgard explicitly said that no, they wanted Hammond and company in charge.

>who is dr. weir
>what is daniel having the moral high ground in almost every episode

yeah, I'm not denying they are keeping the stargate a secret, I'm saying you are appropriating the show and making this the primary theme of the whole series, after coating it in misplaced politics. Which is obviously dumb as fuck. Nevermind the fact that you sound like a conspiracy theorist living in a van in the desert when you write.

In order to do a proper (non bs scaling up) blu ray release, they'd have to do what was done for TNG, which was basically re-edit every episode entirely from scratch to bring the video quality up to a point where it could survive the transfer process. It would be particularly difficult to do with seasons 8-10 because they switched over to digital filming at that point, which makes the process even more difficult.

It's a time consuming and very expensive process. the TNG blu ray release was the largest video restoration project ever attempted, it took almost 2 years and cost nearly 20 million, and it only just broke even when it was eventually released.

MGM figures theres simply not enough of a demand for it. Thats even SGU didnt get a season 2 blu ray.

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>Exo Squad, Space: Above and Beyond, and Bucky O'Hare in low-mid and very low tiers
What kind of zoomer faggot made this trash list?

>Michael Shanks sort of Jay Leno'd him didn't he?
Can you speak like a mentally healthy person?

>"i'm a quick learner"
What a dumb copout to make his character exactly what Daniel was to the team.

I don't get what you're trying to imply I'm just referring to a well known popular culture event where Jay Leno was widely considered to have fucked over Conan O'Brien
what I mean is that Shanks left, Nemic took his position, didn't work out and Shanks came back, Nemic was told to fuck off
SG-1 is a most widely syndicated shows, a part of the main cast could be set for life

>That episode where TealC almost turns into a bee hive
Can someone explain the symbolism to me?

dr weir was in atlantis
Daniel was usually shown to be obtuse and inflexible to a retarded degree at least until later seasons when we got godmode Jackson. There's a lot of times where Daniels "morality" fucks up the situation completely and makes it way way worse.

>Daniel was usually shown to be obtuse and inflexible to a retarded degree at least until later seasons when we got godmode Jackson. There's a lot of times where Daniels "morality" fucks up the situation completely and makes it way way worse.
Care to give examples? Just one on the scale of nature loving pacifist Nox being superior to humans in every aspect

Because there was a shit ton of us. Remember the Goold strictly controlled most of the human population throughout the galaxy, as well as their levels of scientific advancement. Since they'd lost track of us we grew way out of proportion and could probably muster a force that would dwarf all the System Lord's combined. We wrecked Apophis and remember in Continuum, Ba'al had to unite all the other System Lords when he wanted to take over Earth because of how many humans there were.

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Weir is treated like a complete outlier until Wolsey decides to stop being comically incompetent and ambitious towards the very end. Besides her the civil authorities are only portrayed almost exclusively as self serving with little tiny exceptions like the Chinese security council guy immediately wanting to go public.
The theme is there its not projected onto the show suck my dick and fuck off.

Does anyone have that poorly drawn paint comic about stargate early seasons and stargate in later seasons where daniel goes from being a wimpy kid to GOOLD annihilator?

well of course it's going to be there, you dutifully projected it upon it, along with your schizophrenia.

Then there's the Ori arc where humans and all sapient life in the Milky Way was revealed to be the Ancients.
I always thought there was something super poignant about the Ancients vs Ori and how the Ori actively involve themselves in the lives of their creations. By the time they invade, it's as though the invasion is not just conventional but metaphysical since the followers of Origin are literally bringing their God with them.

>That picture
In one of the books "Price of honor" I think is what its called, they managed to go to that planet and rescue a few of the members. one of the guys was standing infront of the gate was the bomb went off so he was killed

wouldn't mind seeing a reboot of SG-1
the major issue seems to be that modern show makers don't like writing/casting likable characters though

>You now remember the high school level production called Stargate Origins

>things like dialogue literally spelling out why Kinsey is bad is my invention
No one believes you by the way.

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>could probably muster a force that would dwarf all the System Lord's combined.
the only thing that saved earth was the asgaard's protection at first, before we discovered the ancient outpost in antarctica and started building ships of our own, by which time the system lords were a shadow of themselves. numbers mean fuck all when you have dozens of ships with orbital bombardment capabilities.

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so, the whole of SG1 can be boiled down to Kinsey, is that what you are saying?

redoing the cgi would be lovely
all except the event horizon on the gate and the in between gates travel sequence
both of those were already perfect

that gate opening with the "water splashing" out of it in 4k would be nice

>anything above SG1

>so watchya sayin is
Goalposts moved.
You're free to disagree with my personal sense of morality but if you're going to keep hiding behind pretending these things aren't part of the narrative from the beginning right up to the end of Atlantis you're going to be doing it alone.

wish Earth's technological advancement had been slower, it's a complete mess after S7 but even before that it would've been more rewarding to see much more gradual developments
like experimenting with naquadah powered propulsion systems on the X-37b

ur chillin at your house and all of the sudden



>STD and BASED Stargate Universe in the same your
>STD not in below satanic
whoever made this list needs to be shot

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>linking original post in my reply
>moving goalposts
based retard

Close the iris

hmm maybe the splash could be redone
also the metal iris could use a redo
but the stable event horizon always looked perfect to me
the space ship cgi all looked pretty decent too but I'm sure it'd look even better redone
the ring transporters definitely would need to be redone as well as the non puppet cgi asgard scenes

how about the season 1 DVD opening

same tier*

Close the iris and wait to see if I get an IDC.

If it's SG-1 then open the iris.

If it's the Tok'ra keep it closed.

I thought Prometheus was fine, the problem is they started getting a constant stream of Asgard upgrades (which started with the Prometheus hyperdrive, actually), so it felt a bit like cheating to me. The fact that a single second generation battleship could take on seemingly vastly superior forces and get away with it (see deadalus vs Ori fleet) didn't help the feeling that there was no more tension.

once they had drones that could fit through the gate and carry missiles..
why didn't they just send those through every time
at least on the planets that had a flyable atmosphere
the Jaffa had literally no defense against that

Rodney McKay is the best character in all of television.

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Prometheus got a hyperdrive and shields from the Asgard because the ones they were making from naquadriah never worked right, and as payment for helping the Asgard deal with the Replicators.

if it's Hathor open that shit up


The one where he ends up addicted to the Sarcophagus jumps to mind.
The show deals with Jack and Daniel both being intractable an awful lot. At least before Shanks threatening to leave ruins his character.
Sometimes Jack's shit is prudent. Sometime it's an overreaction. Sometimes Daniel is the heart of the party. Sometimes he's self destructively naive.

That actually makes sense. It would also explain why we're so slow at defeating the Jew System Lords. We don't attack them directly and just have operatives among them.

There's no Tau'ri equivalent. Maybe the Muslims could have been but they just went full system lord at the first opportunity from oil wealth.

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Ah the memories. What was it about her?

Joke all you want but Rodney had the best character moments.

Where should I start if I’ve never watched anything stargate? The movie?

>better than Oniell and Daniel
you just like him more because you have similar personas


Yes. And stop there.

extremely fertile hips and big tiddies?

He's up there but some B5 and Trek characters edge him out.

I get that, but I guess I would have preferred if we came up with something instead, to stay true to the "humanity fuck yeah" theme.

watch SG1 from the start until Oneill leaves
don't watch the movie first you'll hate it
don't listen to that other faggot
you absolutely won't regret it it's literally the best sci-fi ever made

Was he autistic?

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well fuck

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Yeah but also her suggestive confident mimics

His cottonmouth is so bad I actually can't make it through a single episode of Atlantis without wondering how he was cast in the first place.

Absolute Power was Danielkino

There's nothing wrong with the later seasons.
It's not the same sure, but it's not entirely unwatchable either. In fact there's some pretty damn good episodes in there.

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They should've just let him buy the rights to SGA. To this day I still get my panties all twisted just thinking about it.

From what I heard it that was going to happen but then MGM went through some major changes and the whole deal was neglected by the new management.

>autism = activation of the ATA gene
were the ancients autistic?


I never said that I just didn't want to over whelm him considering how many episodes of sg1 there are
I rank SGU near SG1

though I rank SGA a bit lower because the wraith were terrible villains compared to the Goa'uld.
each one had the exact same personality except tucker and the one that helped Sheperd those few times
they rarely ever just explored the base when it was implied multiple times that Atlantis was filled with all sorts of goodies as well as things impeding them from fully exploring it and just miles of walk ways, towers, and underwater levels left untouched
buuuut they just wasted their time going to medieval European village after medieval European village
it was kind of boring and repetitive imo

Flanigan offered to buy rights to SGA to film season 6. It never happened.

How the fuck would an actor afford that?
Please source me for an interesting read

>send a ship on a million years journey with no supplies whatsoever
>remain trapped in a simulation they created aboard their ship for ten thousand years, still manage to have the simulation infiltrated by a wraith
>single-handedly brought about their own doom by creating the wraith
>those who ascended beforehand would let the galaxy burn through one of their own because "muh non-intervention principle"

Israeli Jews.

>they rarely ever just explored the base when it was implied multiple times that Atlantis
absolutely this. same can be said of SGU, the only person remotely interested with the ship was the head scientist. Fuck, they even had their little flying gopros that the incel discovered, and they use them for what? discount fucking MALP

His Season 1 pay was probably shit but he would have been making bank later.

Might watch the show.
Is it good right of the bat or does it take three season like DS9? Also, what season is it when the quality drops?

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Right off the bat. It sort of drops a bit in season 8 when Mc Gyver leaves the show, but it is still pretty good.

He had a group of investors with him and Momoa kicked in some Aquaman money

It drops around season 5 to season 6 but it never hits the floor.
Only at SGU will you get the "what the fuck is this shit" feeling a la 70's show.

Season 1 is kinda rocky cause they were still trying to find their niche, and they got sold a bill of goods from the idiot who did Code of Honor in tng and tried to do it again, but after that it quickly picks up and remains rock solid through the whole run.

Obviously some episodes are slower or not quite as dramatic, but really SG1 is the most consistently awesome show ever made.

Flanigan is one of those low-key stock market wunderkinds like Josh Brolin. He was already well invested even before SGA. The deal he brought to MGM was also backed by some German production company though, besides his own money. But like the other user said when they had a change of management the deal ended up getting ignored. So Flanigan retired to Hawaii to sell surfboards and surf all day. The end.

SGU scratched my itch for exploring the ship
but you're right they could have done waaaay more and I was always hoping they would
maybe they planned to though before """Syfy""" killed them all

very very good right off the bat
and keeps going strong for several hundred episodes
in fact now that I think about it im gonna rewatch it again

Stargate had the best waifus

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He probably had leverage from other backers and lenders.

>muh zat

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im re watching it and actually switching between atlantis and sg1 episodes just like it aired this time and damn it is comfy

wish i was old enough to appreciate it back when it aired, though i have some nostalgia for the music because my relatives were always watching it

I'd punch a chevron or two in her Chapa'i, if you know what I mean.

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gibe proto milkers

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Based and Jodellepilled

>wish i was old enough to appreciate it back when it aired

im 25

user, SG-1 ended 12 years ago...

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How are the other Stargate shows?

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atlantis is genuinely enjoyable due to some of the characters despite being pretty weak in a lot of ways

mediocre to passable

And with it, The golden Age of Sci-fi.

Not bad, decent contribution I say. At their worst,they are not offensive to the series as a whole.
I'd say the SG-1 moves were pretty good. Ark of Truth can be seen as a potential 11 season squeezed down into one movie, and continuum was a pretty good movie that tied up some loose ends.

It was the 90’s