The Pillars of Creation were likely destroyed thousands of years ago and the light just hasn't reached us yet

>The Pillars of Creation were likely destroyed thousands of years ago and the light just hasn't reached us yet
>We're literally looking into the past
Kinos for this feel?

Attached: pillars-creation-nasa.jpg (1769x1844, 3.67M)

Other urls found in this thread:

That's a picture retard. All pictures are from the past.

>hurrr aykshchually

>when your big dick touches the toilet bowl
What about this feel?

What a worthless post of zero substance. Tripfags literally serve no purpose. Another to block list

You do know this in a artistic impression right?

We have no idea what it would actually look like if we could see it

>block list
Hello newfag.

Attached: ability_kick.jpg (56x56, 2K)

Not him but filtered, namefag


>Not him

Attached: Life_Transfer.png (128x128, 10K)

That's deep, nigga. Also, your post from the past too, so technichally speaking, we all are arguing with the past.

fuck off faggot

The Last Question(1956) by Issac Asimov

Cloud Atlas

How much time has to pass for the present to become the past?

nebulas are cringe anyway

Attached: Clash of the Titans - Intro.webm (854x480, 2.99M)

you fucking space fags are dumber than the flat earthers

The past is anything that happens before the moment you are perceiving.

Funniest post I've seen today.

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Actually it takes a fraction of time for your brain to process what you see, so we are literally living in the past.

No, it's a photo taken by the Hubble telescope, dummy.

Do you know how stupid your post is?

>likes oral
>calling anyone else a faggot

>nebulas are cringe anyway


Attached: when-now.jpg (1280x720, 165K)

It's not stupid. OP acts like he is actually seeing the pillars by looking at a rendition of them. If you were looking at them in the night sky it would be a different story

Immortals starring our boy. Grand Greek fantasy action directed by an auteur known for creating gorgeous images. I feel like watching these mythic gods destroy each other feels similar to the looking into the past feeling you're going for.

>le pretty space clouds
Space is fake, you moron.

Where is this from?

It's literally a fucking picture from a fucking telescope you absolute retard

science is about to reveal that the only way they can get the two main laws of physics to work together is if the Universe outside the solar system is a 3D hologram and not actually there.
so your pic of Space Dicks is actually an illusion.

Its a real photo taken by a certain camera on Hubble, which can only see one wavelength at a time (so youd have one colour shown in certain places, and everything else monochrome). The real colours would likely be some shade of green for light emitted by excited oxygen atoms and two reds for light emitted by excited hydrogen and sulfur atoms. Since that doesnt look really good, some artist recoloured it so that oxygen emission is in blue, the hydrogen is in green, and the sulfur is in red and then combined all three images together to make what you see there.

They weren't 'destroyed' the gas is slowly becoming stars.

LITERALLY fake colored and heavily airbrushed in photoshop, you NPC redditor.

And it's from the past.

did you try reading the filename?

God, this board is fucking trash.

Our current understanding in mathematics says that it's not a hologram, pinhead.

fuk u

Attached: Hs-2009-25-e-full.jpg (2439x2908, 2.56M)

Found the one guy in the tread without a head full of shit.
Those are second generation stars like the Sun, forming from the remains of first generation stars.

instead of your insults show me how General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics can work together.
oh look you cant.
but make the Universe we see a 3D Hologram and the two laws work together perfectly.


It's the same fucking thing as when people take an old black and white photo and use modern techniques to add the color to it. The color ain't an "artistic impression" it's what it would actually look like if not limited by technology. Dumbass.

If you think those are the colors that you'd see with the naked eye, you are worst than a dumbass

Another tripfag to be filtered. Excellent

>worst than a dumbass
Okay buddy.

Attached: 5897E541-F166-4EC4-97D2-8F704862B1D6.jpg (738x415, 45K)

nope, astronomers enhance the colors just so you can see the different gases.
google the horse head nebula image and see the several different versions that appear.

I take comfort in knowing that time is just motion within space.

Our entire lives are just atoms moving in a specific pattern that happens to form a conciousness, one day the pattern will break and we will die, but wait long enough and the pattern might re-emerge in some new form again.

Shame we will probably not remember anything of our past lives.

Attached: 1563501989699.png (900x448, 503K)

>dude the naked eye is the ultimate peak of perception. Nothing could ever possibly be different than how our eyes see them

Holy shit this thread get dumber and dumber the more you scroll through

>still believing space isnt CGI

Attached: carina nebula 03.jpg (2104x1937, 958K)

Those are pretty big words. You shouldn't be playing carelessly with those.

>The universe outside the solar system.

you had me there for a minute. I was going to start searching through articles on the topic.

>implying I'm trolling

Shame that an innocent unexpecting being eons away from my time in space is going to have to relive my stupid life with the same arrangement of atoms.

based and Malickpilled

Attached: 1516344508477.jpg (453x358, 20K)

just look at this. its fucking Space Pikachu. how the fuck is this thing real? NASA are dicking with us and I've had enough.

Attached: Sharpless 308.jpg (1824x1853, 808K)

No matter how the universe is "arranged" that doesn't make it a "simulation".
Have you read what you just posted

Huh, it actually makes some sense.
absolute kino

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Looks like a dolphin to me

Extension of this: all sci-fi movies focus on these grand voyages across entire galaxies and star systems when in reality we'll be lucky if we even get to explore a fraction of a fraction of the Milky Way. Are there any kinos that capture this feeling of being such an insignificant blip in a vast endless ocean that we'll never ever get to explore, and how the mystery of space will never get resolved?

reality is more fantastical than any fiction

I realise it's all just CGI, but I don't really care.

Sadly there are only books and such sci-fi is nowhere to be seen anytime around

the only 2 truly funny posts here

fuck off

dayum nigga

nasa could give the public some naked eye pictures for a chance

event horizon, they cant even pass the solar system

Hey thanks for sharing this user

An excellent retarded point.

literally 2001 a space odyssey. i know it's a meme but no one on this fucking site has ever watched a movie.

I love how many pseud retards are assblasted at your post even though OP is the exact same kind of vacuous shit and you completely BTFO him

Do you really expect people here having the attention span to get through the opening sequence ?

Enjoy this, anons.

Attached: 160.png (3440x1440, 3.27M)

Given the time it takes our brains to process information, everything we ever experience took place in the past.

Would be cool on the big screen.

All photos are fake color you donut.

What a Lovecraftian feel.

that just fills me with existensial dread, i could only watch it for a few minutes

Yeah I already saw that and it fucking ruined me knowing that eventually everything is going to fucking die and the universe will just be a giant empty void of nothing.

You "people" should legitimately be purged.

Newsflash dumbass there's a difference between taking a picture and capturing a moment as it is and not being able to see an event that has already occurred because it's so far away. Idiot.

what drivel

people who colorize historical photos literally are giving their interpretation of what they think the colors would have been. it isn't done using any special technique aside from just picking colors that "look right"

>dude I fucking love science
Its all the same pointless shit dude. That image of the nebula is like 5 different spectrums overlaid and colored to look like that. Who cares. We have the image, space is big shoop da woop.

what is the hologram made of?

Lot of dicklets here it seems. I know that feel bro.

this film is absolute shit and you know it

>cosmic structures being destroyed in merely thousands of years
no it's too large to change so quickly

I think you mean the water, dicklet

That unsuspecting person is you. You've lived this exact life countless times, it's the only life you can live.

It's a game, but Elite Dangerous captures the feel pretty well.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 175K)

>get up from the toilet, didn't realize my cock was still inside
>almost flush it down by accident
>leave bathroom
>trip on my dick on the way out

Attached: 1561275588488.jpg (208x249, 6K)

t. Nihilistic "dude le nothing matters xd" faggot

That's OP and the space is big crowd though. That's their known stereotype in fact. Again this is why those people bitching at FPBP is hilarious.

Actual autism

>That feel when no ethereal cosmic qt gf

Attached: Stellar_Spire_Eagle_Nebula.jpg (296x599, 36K)

You're a retard dude. Go smoke weed and watch cosmos.

Space looks like some shroomy 70's airbrush, maan.

Not me, imma argue with the future

Hey buddy, fuck you

>Dude FUCK appreciating the natural beauty of the universe! Just stay in your basement and watch anime all day! Fuck yeah nothing matters, lol space big who gives a fuck? I'm never leaving my basement anyways

Filtered. Good riddance you stupid retard. Hope I don't read your shitty opinions ever again

None of that is ever what I said, although again what you're seeing isn't "natural beauty", at all. OPs opining that this gas cloud has probably succumbed to entropy is the same feel as "that's a picture, it's already in the past" which everyone shit on. There's no difference in the point. The image is still cool. Every animal in a 90s movie is dead rly makes you think rite?

Here's your dose motherfuckers

Nothing does matter unless you make it matter you fucking mook. Go xD post on /x/ you titless rat

What do you think airbrushing means?

read blindsight
i read it after some user recommended it here a few months back and it's perfect for this feel

*blocks your path*

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Attached: LITTLE ANNY.jpg (1506x1020, 265K)

i mean, that is so incredibly far into the future that absolutely no one can say what will actually have happened until then.
maybe some civilization (not necessarily human) will have achieved godlike ascension by then

Imagine posting anime jpegs

>the secrets of the cosmos are locked away forever
kinos for this feel?

this, there's a reason it's called the Pillars of Creation

Cowboy Bebop

It's the friends we make along the way


>any movies that have my banal low iq teenage sub existentialist thoughts?
yeah a lot

You could take the perspective that the vast emptiness of space rather shines a spotlight on us as the sole thinking, feeling beings in the universe. How important our lives must be if billions of years in either direction of time and billions of lightyears in all directions of space we are the only people with the power of will and perception and intellect. We better not squander the position we've been given.

not wrong

what always weirds me out is as soon as you die all time passes instantly, your death is the end of the universe. you arent there to perceive it's slow passage. like laying down to a deep sleep you wake up instantly by your perception

babbies first

Attached: Dana.jpg (467x517, 38K)

automatic deduction for tripfagging
final score: not based, not redpilled

I really like this post. It was perfectly phrased to garner as many replies as possible. Very intelligent.

You guys ever look at the starlit sky and notice it's moving? Not talking about ufos, you can actually just sit there and manually watch the stars go by and it's faster than you think

It's true for the sun as well. Very trippy.

A tripfag is not the same as a namefag, fucking newfags.

This truly is something else. Even though I'll be long dead before this happens, watching this fills me with such a level of horrific extistential emptiness that I don't wanna keep watching it, and yet I can't look away because it's so beautiful and so peaceful, even if I won't experience it and it's probably humanly impossible. It's both optimistic and pesimistic for humankind, knowing that nothing really matters in the universe for our species, and any animal species on planet Earth really. I truly hope there is an afterlife on another plane of existence, or some alternative cosmic realm, anons, because you deserve it, even the worst of you. And I really hope that this afterlife is just some kind of personalized Heaven, so that everyone can life happily forever, whatever your paradise may be.

Attached: like tears in the rain.jpg (1280x720, 70K)

There is a difference you absolute fucking mong. Here's the difference:
>Taking a picture
>something happens that you experience in real time and you take a picture, capturing a moment as it's happening so you can look back after you've already observed it happening
>something happens but it's so far away the light hasn't reached you, meaning that it has already occurred and you haven't even been able to perceive it yet
You have to be a total fucking autist to not understand the difference.

This line of thinking is why you're a loser posting on Yea Forums. Find God.


Attached: 67480224_10217363822038817_8814600976884301824_o.jpg (1080x1012, 66K)

Why are there so many edgy contrarians in this thread?

Attached: 268.jpg (600x728, 43K)

Because Yea Forums is by far the worst board

same thing we do every night, pinky. we'll try to take over the world.

I think most boards say they're the worst.


Holy shit, I thought we lived at like the halfway point of the universe but we are actually right at its birth essentially.

I'm assuming you're maybe 20? Too generous?

The actual worst boards are in descending order:
Yea Forums
Yea Forums
Yea Forums
Yea Forums
Yea Forums
Yea Forums

not included: /r9k/ bullshit spinoffs like /soc/ and /adv/ or variations of Yea Forums

This sounds like the absolute schlock that Neil Degrasse Tyson says.

yeah, but /pol/ is always right

fun fact DC published the Hand of creation idea decades before NASA took this photo

Attached: Hand of God (2).jpg (1040x1600, 524K)


It's funny they showed this pattern in Angels and Demons because it's supposed to be "a simulation of creation of universe"

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user I GET IT

Attached: 927FDAB2-AC18-4CAD-84EC-9AAD97E9F4BA.jpg (480x360, 9K)

Space is real.
It's Earth that is fake.

Attached: carl sagan solar sail big_1446104524_image.jpg (1280x720, 154K)

Meh. Calling it a hologram is a lame metaphor / comparison.

Yeah. Was seeing a dolphin head too.

Correct and people 100 years from now are unearthing our archives reading all our posts with fascination.

that's deep

Attached: 1538841192029.gif (444x250, 3.04M)

i hated the part where he sledgehammers the dudes balls

thats a fucking rare rabbi

Nassim Haramein 64 Star Tetrahedron Grid

all atoms are mini black holes

Really made me think about my balls

Except your thoughts are one of someone who has never touched a philosophy book in his life and thinks this shit is deep, exactly like a weeb

And what thoughts are those? All I stated was a fact about the universe, with the implication that it was melancholic. But of course you faggots have to ruin everything.

Pseud cringe
And yes, “bro universe big earth small mean not matter nihilism dude so melancholy” is something a typical lovescience redditor says and thinks. If you had any grounding in actual philosophy you’d realise what a retarded statement it being “melancholy” even is, wow something made you feel sad, go write about it in your horoscope bitch

In all seriousness if you feel like your life or life itself, and the continual “in the moment” universe needs to be “relevant” (whatever that means) or that spatial distance somehow determines this, is sad because the universe is big, you are a retard.

Person from the near or far future reading this, you can suck my fat fucking dick

what the fuck is this garbage

The fountain

That's deep

fucking beeanarpy

Attached: 1556446538910.jpg (1024x576, 38K)

Did you just learn this in 7th grade summer school?

Here, here.