I am not those men. I am Salahuddin. Salahuddin.
I am not those men. I am Salahuddin. Salahuddin
Other urls found in this thread:
absolute kino movie, i watch it every year. easily on ridley's mount rushmore
Durkhi durhki alabadadabad?
The directors cut I hope
Salah. Salah Udin. Oh, yes, Salahudin.
Salahuddin actually did let them go.
Only the ones that could afford ransom. The rest were sold as slaves.
that goes without saying of course
>glorifying islam
islam is shit
Orlando Bloom is such a charisma black hole. I know he didn’t have a lot to work with but literally every other character in the movie is more interesting than him.
shut up faggot it was a kino
>I don't like X therefore I don't like the entire group of people that like X
There was little difference between Christianity and Islam back then. The difference today is that Islam refused to grow up.
Is he not blooming, dare i say?
>I am Salahuddin. Salahuddin.
I’m going to start introducing myself like this.
the only role i liked seeing rolando bloom in
absolutely fucking kino scene
I find myself repeating those lines quite often just because
Back then, it was the awesome civilisation on the planet, driving some of the greatest advancements in medicine and warfare. We don't have to pretend shit was always like it is now, things change, it's how history works
The Islam of then vs. the Islam of today ~
It is a meadow to a forest, or night to day ~
Why didn’t Balian just fuck her and seize the crown?
The Church actually got a bunch of money together and paid ransoms as well. A minority of citizens were sold as slaves.
I agree. Baldwin and Salahuddin, hell, even the traitor is more impressive.
pretty boys can't be charismatic, they're too feminine
*blocks your 800 year golden age*
Imagine being as attractive as Orlando Bloom looks in this movie...
So he didn't do it then.
because he was a good knight
that's the entire point of his character arc
it's one of bloom's best. he plays the common blacksmith very well. granted, every actor around him is just that much better, but he had to be straight man/audience insert
>Why didn’t Balian just fuck her and seize the crown?
That's not how things work? She was lawfully-wedded to a still living husband.
Did you miss the part where Baldwin asks Balian to marry her and he refuses?
they literally just conquered and stole roman land and culture. islam in itself would never be able to get shit done
Holy fucking shit that green-screen in the beginning of the webm. That is some of the worst shit I've ever seen.
Oh right, she did ask before.
Well... beats me, user.
This movie fucking sucks, and yes I mean the director’s too. Bad acting, terrible characters and story, ugly CGI and green screens, and keeps shoving religious messages down your throat. How do any of you faggots watch this garbage unironically?
>they literally just conquered and stole roman land and culture
That's a /pol/ meme with 0 substance
ok, faggot
That's patently not true. In medicine alone the importance of preventing infection and many surgical techniques began to be developed in the Muslim world. Sure they were influenced by, and built on, what came before, but that's true of every major fucking civilisation which ever existed. It's called the Islamic Golden Age for a reason.
If you've got a point about the contemporary Middle East then fine but denying the achievements of that era, between say 800 and 1200, as just stealing Roman ideas is historical illiteracy
Pisslam should've stayed put in the Arabian peninsula
Finding out the real history of what happened ruined the movie for me.
hey that's Narsil's pommel and crossguard. and probably the rest of it as well
it's so crazy to think
if the mongols didn't expand that far west and sack baghdad so hard, that it single-handily ended the golden age and stopped progress for centuries that islam was STILL recovering from it into the early 20th century, we would have a completely different world today
fucking insectoids ruin everything
Everyone's a cunt in human history.
It's one of the worst beatings in the history of the world lmao. Literally kicking an entire civilisation back into the Middle Ages. I suppose the Ottomans carried the tradition on, in a sense
Do you recommend any books about this era user? I really don't know enough
yes shows how stable the culture was and that the "golden age" was just a meme that died instantly. nothing organic to it, else they would have recovered
Kingdom of Heaven is what Pearl Harbour is to WW2 movies. A chick flick with a bunch of revisionist bullshit. Which is sad since the actual characters/story is much more interesting than the hack Scott could produce.
That's going way overboard, user.
islam has always been shit
it only became relevant when they gained access to Christian scripture and Greek philosophy.
Go ahead and list all the great islamic achievements before muslims came into contact with the East Roman Empire.
>it's bad to call a turd a pice of shit
>little difference between Christianity and Islam
islam is a mix of paganism, idolatry, judaism and Christianity.
It's a mess. It's shit.
There is no such thing as islamic civilization.
When you speak of islamic civilization you speak of Christians under islamic governance.
And even that ceased to exist when the Phanariotes and the Dragomans were given admin positions within the ottoman empire.
Greatest Director's Cut of all time. Ridley's last great film before he fell into senility.
sssssh no logic allowed
>It's called the Islamic Golden Age for a reason
Yeah, by people trying to shill islam as the religion of peace and whatnot as opposed to the big bad christianity. The advances had jack shit to do with the religion.
Saladin couldn't hold together against a gay Englishman on his home turf. Most overrated general in history.
Is there any other way.
The difference is that Islam started a very successful war of agression.
>Go ahead and list all the great islamic achievements before muslims came into contact with the East Roman Empire.
Like I said, all great civilisations have taken and built on what came before. The Golden Age lasted seven hundred years, civilisations simply did not last this long without a significant degree of ability within themselves to develop and progress. This is not fucking difficult
at the right time in the right place
I doubt the muslims would've achieved anything if it hadn't been for the devastating Roman-Persian war of the 7th century
>hurr durr this civilisation was shit because it no longer exists today, in 2019
That's the dumbest fucking post in this thread by some distance
Islam is just a religion built on lies and hypocrisy. ALLAH is the Hebrew word for CURSE, so it's really embarrassing when you learn how the Jews tricked the Arabs, and convinced them to murder and enslave all the pagans and Christians, (LIKE COMMUNISM).
You are wasting your time arguing with that guy, user.
Their religious conquests were able to unite knowledge from Greece, Persia, and India, and the Hajj was responsible for movement within the empire that brought the spread of knowledge with it.
No it’s pretty much true. Foreign scholars (mostly greeks) made these advancements despite Islam not because of it. Either way the enlightened Islamic empire and the backwards Christian West is just a hollywood meme, completely ahistorical. They were pretty much at eye level.
>calls other dumb
>too dumb to even represent the argument properly
>Yeah, by people trying to shill islam as the religion of peace and whatnot as opposed to the big bad christianity
Stop viewing history through the prism of 2019, you'll learn more
I havent seen the theatrical cut since the DC came out.
why don't we refer to the Age of Colonization as the Christian Golden Age? It literally wouldn't have happened if the Christians hadn't kicked the out the Muslims from the Iberian peninsula
OK, how about this? Just because a civilisation no longer exists doesn't mean it was never great, or you'd be dismissing the achievements of the Romans, Greeks, Egyptians, Ottomans, British, Carthaginians, Mongols and countless more.
I can't believe I have to type such an obvious sentence, but I underestimated your fucking idiocy
Because it wasnt a golden age at all. Colonizing half the world by force and spreading Christianity around the globe is the opposite of a "golden age". The golden age of the West was 1990-2001.
you really seem to dumb to understand the argument I made. so extra for you:
>culture get beating
>culture does not bounce back
>culture most likely shit
get it now?
This is pretty much the only Mudslimekino ever made though so of course its going to shove religion down your throat dumbass
Fucking love this movie, it shows that Islam has an intelligent side when lead by an intelligent compassionate leader who is still very grounded in reality. There is literally no one like Saladin right now, only Assad comes close. Which means that Islam is literally 95% degenerate and most places Islam spreads to it leads to negative consequences.
They call it "Siglo de Oro", user. That's why.
Not at all. The movie is very clichee and ahistorical. Neither Saladdin nor Baldwin were peace loving hippies working on a multicultural future in the near East. The depection of 12th century Europe as backwards and rotten is ahistorical as well.
I don't get what he meant by this
>>culture get beating
>>culture does not bounce back
>>culture most likely shit
Romans. Greeks. Ottomans. Shit culture, right?
Not him, but youre wrong. Ciglo de oro refers to Spain's complete dominance in both European affairs, wealth, culture and straight up military power.
Not comparable to the golden age of Islam.
>Colonizing half the world by force and spreading Christianity around the globe is the opposite of a "golden age"
How is it not? Bringing civilization to the savages while going full renaissance. Peak western world is 1492-1945.
roman empire didnt collapse after the first sacking of Rom, you dumbo
Lmao what do you think happened during the Islamic golden age also know as the Islamic expansion, brainlet? 2/3 of the Christian world were conquered and slowly converted.
Greeks and Romans had their shit sacked countless times. Your argument is trash
you haven't given an actual reason why it wasn't a Golden Age for the Christians of that era other than CHRISTIANITY BAD
Also, you are completely oblivious of the fact that having a Golden Age does not mean living in peaceful times. Do you think the Muslims weren't constantly at war with the Byzantines or persecuting Christians in the Middle East?
Fuck me, this is inane. The western Roman Empire was gone within sixty years of the sacking of Rome
>comparing the shitshow that were the Ottomans to the Greeks and the Romans
ITT: islamaboo Pisslam romantics shilling a sandnigger mountain goat fucking cult that has never reformed nor advanced in 1500+ years and has never brought anything of worth to the world and the advancement of mankind and never will
>15,000 of those who could not pay the ransom were sold into slavery
Most were enslaved you nigger. Saladin freed 1000 and his brother 1000 more.
I wasn't comparing Siglo de Oro with the golden Age of Islam, I was answering his question regarding the age of colonization and why it isn't considered a golden anything.
It is a golden something, it's the Spanish Golden Age.
the empire fell 330 BC??
>Bringing civilization to the savages
The big Meso-American civilizations were lightyears ahead of the Europeans (except for Byzantium and eventually the Italian city states which absorbed the exodus after Constantinople fell), they simply lacked the MILITARY TECHNOLOGY to resist.
Do you even understand what the golden age refers to?
Protip: Not talking about conquest or military power
And they eventually collapsed, dumb shit. It took similar factors over a similar length of time for the Golden Age to end
What civilization? South America, Africa and India are still shitholes to be avoided at any cost.
Jerusalem is not very valuable economically by way of either resources or trade, so 'nothing'. It's valuable spiritually and in prestige, so 'everything'.
You do realize that the Aztecs had more culture and civilization than the USA ever had?
Hurr durr the 410AD sacking
>The big Meso-American civilizations were lightyears ahead of the Europeans
human sacrifices are progressive as fuck
strategically the city is complete garbage and only a waste of resources trying to take it over. Spiritually however (for soldiers morale etc.) it means everything
read my post again. damn you are dumb
>The Golden Age
no such thing
if you accept the concept of the islamic golden age (as a past expression of islam) you MUST accept the concept of islamic terrorism and criminality (as a contemporary/current expression of islam).
>unite knowledge
there is absolutely nothing in the quran that commands muslims to study or preserve knowledge from other civilizations or religions -
preservation of foreign knowledge has absolutely nothing to do with islam.
the only book muslims are forced to read is the quran.
ALL other knowledge is discarded as inconsequential.
the study and preservation of Ancient Greek and Christian knowledge was an unintended consequence attributed to people who valued knowledge in general more than islam and the quran itself.
Just like the ottomans valued trade more than islam, and decided to place Greeks in admin positions (as diplomats and envoys) to keep good trade and diplomatic relations with Europe.
islamic culture is personified by mohammad
mohammad was a serial rapist
a slave owner
a child rapist
a warlord who had people tortured, raped, and beheaded.
this culture still exists to this day in many muslim countries. The islam we see today in Pakistan for example is the one true islam that mohammad created. It is pure and untainted by foreign schools of thought.
Greek and Roman culture is still alive.
Whereas the muslim world is a cesspit - all muslims want to escape from it and come to beautiful Christian Europe.
Those who seriously believe in the Islamic Golden Age and talk about it any chance they get are the weirdest people on earth. It’s like if someone really solemnly believed in the Chicken or Aardvark Golden Age and believes it’s some sort of accident nobody else has ever heard of it.
Culture that did not impact the rest of the world in any meaningful way.
>he doesn't like the director's cut
The only hack here is you
>burning people, after torturing them for 10 hours and making them admit the devil is inside of them is progressive
>making peasants pay money to the church, so that their dead loved ones dont spend eternity in hell is the shit yo
Fuck you, you've got nothing but meme pics
And I wanted my own comeback I'd have wiped it off your mom's chin
They should've never left, imagine all the hapa cuties there'd be in the Mideast
>The big Meso-American civilizations were lightyears ahead of the Europeans
when the Europeens came the beaners were still running around in loinclothes and chugging on spearheads. this is some impressive WE WUZ PHARAOS levels of self-delusion
Have you eaten corn recently? What about chocolate? Or what about tomatoes? Are you even aware what linguistic root tomato has?
Saladeen wasn't religious in the movie.
>if you accept the concept of the islamic golden age (as a past expression of islam) you MUST accept the concept of islamic terrorism and criminality (as a contemporary/current expression of islam).
Bullshit. Some of us can hold more than one opinion at once
Stop spreading your fanfiction.
That glorious US education hard at work.
They didnt get conquered they collapsed due to internal issues. Go shill your lefty shit somewhere else.
Well, this thread won't be a giant screaming shitsho- by the Emperor, what the hell is going on here!?!?
the golden age wasn't a meme, they were 300 years younger than christianity of course but they had made leaps in progress compared to the dark ages that held back europe. but that 300 year head start goes a long way when you're building cultural foundations
the sacking of baghdad is arguably the biggest butterfly effect in history that nobody really knows/talks about. especially compared to columbus in the new world, waterloo, franz fredinand assination, etc. truly one of the greatest assbeatings of all-time
>implying you had any education at all, 75IQ Pablo
Pretty much nothing is known about Bailan other than the fact that he was there when Jerusalem was sacked.
You are aware that Europe fought a 30 year war that was more destructive than WW2 over Christianity and the church assfucking everyone for centuries right?
And btw, this was 100 years AFTER the socalled "savages" who already could calculate solar eclipses, were conquered.
Im from Austria, attended a private school and have a B.Sc. Nice try fatso. Im here to talk about history. Youre here to vent, because a literal brown manlet stole your job.
No, and I don't care. That's food, growing from the ground, that was growing there long before aztecs, and continuing to grow perfectly fine without them.
>the dark ages that held back europe
Somehow it doesn't surprise me to find that gem in a kingdom of heaven thread kek
Ok, since were being very selective in what culture is. What has the USA every given the world?
>The difference today is that Islam refused to grow up.
In practical terms Jerusalem was not worth much. It held no tactical value for Saladin's campaign, the city itself was already looted so it offered no significant riches, the Venetians were shipping artifacts back to Rome by the boat load, there was also the consideration that capturing it meant having to rebuild it and then garrison it which would only bog Saladin down. That all said, it held strategical value due to it's religious importance and because it served as the capital of who he was at war with, the Kingdom of Jerusalem.
How do you complain about violence then gush over Aztec “civilization” in the same paragraph.
>the sacking of baghdad is arguably the biggest butterfly effect in history that nobody really knows/talks about.
you mean the 4th crusade right
because if you even remember basic elementary school history, a lot of the colonies were founded on those ESCAPING christian persecution
there are too many denominations in christianity, more importantly protestants and catholics held a lot of power. with islam it was pretty much 90% sunni, so it was mostly done under one banner. but you had a faggot like henry VIII fucking it all up for spain/portugal/italian/french catholic commonality. the brits establishing their foothold in the original 13 american colonies is obviously the biggest domino that fell
Based, but it's just a movie. I hate shitslam and like this movie.
It is worth nothing materially. But symbolically and culturally it is worth everything. It has an abstract cultural and political worth.
the idea of an islamic golden age assumes that islam was monolithic and focused on the progress of humankind as a whole.
It assumes a valiant conscious and calculated effort of islam to preserve and advance the sciences and the arts.
This idea is absolutely fucking retarded.
The idea that islam is a criminal organization on the other hand is much more serious and based on factual evidence - since we know for a fact that when islam isolates itself from superior schools of thought it regresses to its actual utter shit nature.
contemporary saudi arabia and pakistan are pure untainted expressions of islam.
>/pol/ infographics
Lets not move the goalposts further. You got btfo. Move along.
so that's just British being faggots
The Sopranos.
The difference is that Islam refused to secularize as Christianity did so that modernity could usher in the decline of the western world. If watching your religion shrivel away through the centuries as your homelands deteriorate means “growing up” to you then you’re either an atheist or an actual fucking retard
>The difference today is that Christians are less Christian
I rest my case.
>Im from Austria
so the country that shits out turbo autists like Fritzl and Hitler
>attended a private school
Waldorf school is a private school alright
>and have a B.Sc.
knowing how to dance your name does not constitue as an academic degree
Stop posting anytime, Fritzl. You are embarassing yourself.
This. Fucked the Greeks so hard they couldnt contain the T*rks. Black death ravaging the Balkans was just the icing.
>it's just /pol/ memes
Literally rewatched it a week ago, it's aged like a fine ass wine.
how about you try to refute it then? also you don't know what infographics are, brainlet.
>You are aware that Europe fought a 30 year
Yes, Protestants committed horrific warcrimes for no reason.
The ram had touched the wall and affording ransom at all was an act of pure benevolence on his part. He was completely within his rights to reject any call for surrender in the moral framework of the time and then kill them all.
>y-you're /pol/
>claims hes not educated
>gets btfo
>hurr durr fritzl
Americans talking about history is like a donkey trying his luck with differential equations.
this is islam
this has been islam ever since the 1st day some camel fucker named mohammad decided to change career from merchant to warlord
>this thread
please never post about history again on this board holy shit
Yeah, those poor poor French Catholics. Those nasty Hugenots were literally worse than Hitler.
you're like a little babby
Nah, he's easily one of the worst parts of the movie.
I don't hate the guy as an actor, but he's just a big dry fart as the lead in KoH.
Im not disagreeing with you nor am I vested in this in any way but I thought Saudi Arabia was one of the greatest countries on earth right now.
>imagine thinking this
why would I bother to refute a sourceless jpeg from a weeb image board?
Hes 100% right.
>complete garbage
Disagree. It's always been a defensible position with the hills and highlands.
Exactly I got three stormweenies out of the bush
The only thing the directors cut do is double down on how Scott and Monahan wanted to show the characters instead of how they actually were. Hamfisted heresy talk, cookie cutter good/bad guys, insufferable love story. He could have showed Balins trip to Constantinople instead of adding more of his ahistorical revisionism.
Oh it's you, what's up dude it's been about 2 months since we talked. You get a gf yet?
It's not green screen you dingus.
They're under a tent, and being lit by the ambient light. Everything behind them is being lit by direct light.
Go watch the scene in the context of the movie, there's a reason people only notice it in this one webm.
Nothing. Everything
>build by slaves
>poisons and oppresses its people
>has no industry
>exists only because the USA needs to control their oil
This. I personally met Salahadin and he literally said that Trump is a dick. Very non-based and bluepilled guy.
>all these /pol/turds seething because of based islam
>30 years war
You’re pretending, right?
You might be onto something here. Hes too busy looking pretty and pouting
>when the /his/ resident amerindiboo shows up
the greatest trick jews ever pulled was convincing christians and muslims to fight each other to death
I really tried, but I couldnt find an argument.
They would conquer a new territory and immediately draft them into the army. Its akin to putting your hand on the bible in court. Everybody lies.
People were promished riches and inclusion into the zerg that is Islam and that is how they conquered so much territory.
Christians on the other hand wanted people of character in their armies.
Are you?
this is stupid and ignorant of modern geopolitics
saudia arabia and pakistan are backwards due to the 20th century bullshit. modern saudia arabia is barely a 100 years old and that's because one fucking family who were fundamentalists and got british backing because of muh oil. same thing in pakistan, brits fucking up again. look at nasser or ataturk, much better examples of muslim leadership because they were still secular in their policies. saudis are the cunts of the region
the later greeks/orthodox were memes. muslim expansion to turkey was inevitable, especially when the world doubled in size after the new world, the rest of europe should of and rightfully focused on the americas
Islams golden age was won through zerg rushing, its ironic that an even bigger zerg toppled them. Bless those mongol sons of bitches.
>the only book muslims are forced to read is the quran.
>ALL other knowledge is discarded as inconsequential.
This is your brain on /pol/ infographics.
We get that you hate the religion faggot, that doesn't mean you should say shit without doing the most basic research.
Seeking education and knowledge (in any subject) is mandatory in Islam. Only during the later parts of the Islamic Golden Age has the notion of defying western knowledge began to spread (Al-Ghazali).
Both the Quran and Hadiths press on the importance of being educated and seeking knowledge.
you're right but this
>in the moral framework of the time
isn't an argument
Most of the people in the city WEREN'T enslaved because Saladin honored the ransom, not that most of the people who couldn't pay the ransom were set free.
>oppresses its people
>every man gets 60 000 as gibs just because
like it or not, sand people count as white, it's basic biology
>arguing with retards
>jews ever pulled was convincing christians and muslims
>all Abrahamic jewish shit
Wow, such difference.
Hm... I see some sort of reductio ad absurdum... Still no argument.
It pisses me off that a movie about a super-boring prolonged seige over a completely worthless city is literally all we have about the establishing of the caliphate.
That one guy called the Sword of Allah would insist on duelling the enemy commander before every battle. That's fucking bananas. Maybe make a movie about that.
That really depends on how you define it. They are certainly Caucasian but I'd hesitate to call them "white."
Hey. I BTFO'd you hard, Please respond.
Of course it's an argument. If he had done anything his contemporaries thought morally abhorrent he wouldn't be remembered the way he is today. This film wouldn't exist.
Vandal is still a dirty word 1500 years later. When you violate the principals of the time it matters.
Anatolia maybe but crossing the Bosphorus shouldve ended like 717 had the Balkan states and Greeks not been fucked.
Absolute kino movie
>Are you sorry for all your sins?
>for all, but one
>bitching about the West again
grow the fuck up you worthless paki
the only book muslims are obliged to read is the quran
no other required reading in islam
Thats forbidden you stupid fucking infidel, kuffar are so retarded, khalid bin al walid was a sahabi, you can portray him in a painting or a movie or anything like that, its haram.
>That one guy called the Sword of Allah would insist on duelling the enemy commander before every battle. That's fucking bananas.
Not only that, he won every single battle he fought while almost always outnumbered.
balkans will always be a shitstorm
>If he had done anything his contemporaries thought morally abhorrent he wouldn't be remembered the way he is today.
you can't possibly believe that
>Vandal is still a dirty word 1500 years later
completely seperate from it's origin for 99.99% of the people using that word, is this your definition of being remembered?
> trying to take credit for corn and tomatoes
this is great , keep going
He turned the Islamic shithole of the ottoman empire into the successful, modern and secular Turkey.
Nasser was an idiot who got BTFO by the joos.
Oh. Well that explains why Mohammed never got his Technicolor/Superstar treatment.
How else does an empire come out of literally nowhere? It's astonishing.
Name a single thing the USA has achieved as a culture.
it's no secret that the brits fucked up everything in the 20th century
> boosted the saud family
> carved israel out of nothing
> fucked with iran and pakistan
churchill was retarded
>How else does an empire come out of literally nowhere? It's astonishing.
go suck on Muhammad's bacon wrapped 3/4 dick you secretly pork chop loving cousin diddling genetic dead end
>you can't possibly believe that
Please show me a western film that white washing the Mongols. That's my point. When you're remembered for thousands of years for being malevolent or benevolent it's because of the morally relative judgements of the time.
If you reach back and call Saladin a bad guy by projecting your own morality onto him then people like Henry V are reduced to racist evil tyrants by the standards of the day.
That's ludicrous and you're insane if you do it and you're disingenuous if you just do it to Saladin (or people like him) because you have some beef with people that like him in the here and now.
Seething kaffir, islam will win.
the eternal anglo...
Idiotic, this is more fedora than a literal fedora.
>Please show me a western film that white washing the Mongols
"Perkele" by Galenskaparna
nasser had incompetent/snake generals, as well as jordan being a retard ally
egypt was on its way to being a mini-turkey (economic power through major shipping control) and he was secular. his only mistake was underestimating how much the us was already israel's bitch. kennedy tried to fix this too, but we all know what happened to him
ثانك يو
I mean from a historical point you're totally right but morally they were evil, Saladin was evil. Sure it may not have seemed like it at the time but he was. There are moral stories going back as far back as the earliest civilizations, there's a reason for that.
Bad bait. Salahadins entire life was based around uniting Islam so they could kick the Europeans back out (understandably). Baldwin wanted to strike before Saladin could consolidate his powerbase, plus fanatic zealots (like Balin who hated muslims) was breathing down his neck. They both conducted numerous raids against each other, trying to provoke war. Kingdom of Heaven is like a weird romance movie, set in a historical period to lure in the guys, except non of the history is true.
Who cares?
With Evil vs Evil, Evil will inevitably prevail. Better them than us, I say.
From my point of view The Jedi are evil.
Pigs are taking turns fucking mohammed's tight asshole in hell just thought you should know lol
>islam will win.
if wypipo won't turn this planet into a post nuclear dead planet in the next 80 years you will be wiped off the face of this earth by the Chinese. one way or another, you will never rule this earth with your archaic backwards donkey fucking sandnigger cult. it is that certitude that makes me sleep tight at night with my mind at peace.
Henry V was based, killing frogs is god's work. In the hundred years war the English used a tactic called the chevauchee, basically burning villages, raping and killing everyone in a scorched earth manner.
>the English used a tactic called the chevauchee, basically burning villages, raping and killing everyone in a scorched earth manner
That's not a tactic. That's just war.
>There are in this thread Americans, who have never seen a Muslim IRL and only got their information from demonstrably false infographics and fraud Youtube channels, trying to explain Islam
Cry more, i never thought kuffar tears to be this delicious.
>successful modern turkey
Economic shithole for decades ruled by military dictatorships and genocidal corrupt hacks is apparently “successful”
they get their information from /pol/ and the hacker known as Q, MAGA bro.
now it just means seafood in a glass
Honestly I'd listen closer to them than some brainwashed hardliner. You can't put out a fire from inside the house.
Why is that man so happy? Have his slaves presented him with a goat in heat?
He knows islam will win and kuffar will get BTFO'd, inshallah.
>tfw chinks have put a million muslims into re-education camps, forcing them to eat pork and drink alcohol
Feels good desu
>persistent inbreeding, worse than rednecks
>fighter pilots can't even land at night
>we gon win guise
Michael Jordan and Elvis Presley
The only reason some terrorist hasn't pulled a 9/11 over that is because to the chinese, human life has no value to begin with.
t. seething
And he achieves this by molesting his goats and his cousins, and instructing young men to explode themselves on Jews? A strange strategy indeed.
The movie isn't bad, but it is pure muslim propaganda
/pol/ retards
any movie that glorifies islam is by default utter shit
Do you literally not know what the word "most" means? Is that what's getting in the way for you?
this movie lumps them all together in the same boat actually, Jerusalem is only worth what a bunch of autists are willing to pay.
Indeed, Mohammad is literally seething like a bacon strip in the fires of hell lol glad you noticed
t. still seething
Yep he is and will be for eternity, you got that right.
/pol/ retard
You can’t isolate scientific progress from conquest that went on at the same time. Just like you said it was impossible to isolate Western progress from colonialism. Play by your own rules at least
I speak Hebrew and you have no idea what you are talking about. Stop getting your information from /pol/ infographics and copypastas.
>scholars conquered
>scientists colonized
Which sacking? There were a lot, user.
Which is incredibly naive and historically colourblind. Just a bad attempt to insert modern society/religion into a (supposedly) historical period piece. A cheap Marvel quip
It's my favorite movie.
>When I was sixteen, I won a great victory. I felt in that moment I would live to be a hundred. Now I know I shall not see thirty.
Except even then confession from torture could not be used in court.
Many Templars retracted their confessions once they got in front of the magistrates for example
>politics getting in the way of appreciation for art and culture
>muslim expansion to turkey was inevitable
I like how muslims try to claim Turkish achievements as their own lmao. Even then they only reason the Turks got Constantinople was because it was weakened from the 4th crusade.
>intelligent compassionate leader
Really? The guy was anything but and is over glorified. He butchered and enslaved all over the middle east.
After taking Jerusalem, He demanded a ransom of gold for each man to be spared, freed seven thousand poor in exchange for 30k besants, then marched the other half of the cities residents and Christians to slave markets. He didn't kill them all because he didn't have to take Jerusalem by force and according to the rules of war back then was more lenient. What happened in the movie is historically inaccurate.
Fucking terrific film, always has a place in my heart.
it wouldn't be if it hadn't been for the Turks
As much as I hate Islam, all that was par for the course in warfare back then. When the crusaders sacked the city they butchered the non-Christian inhabitants. Everyone was butchering and enslaving each other, especially those of different religions, but even Christians did it to other Christians and Muslims did it to other Muslims, at times. But it was always the worst in inter-religious conflict because the other side was seen as basically subhuman, rejected by God and damned. And whoever won the conflict was seen as favored by God.
Saladin wasn't really good nor bad, he was just your typical commander. I'd say he was a little more moral than the average Muslim military leader, but by modern standards, still an absolute bastard.
>everything that does not support my worldview is /pol/
we get it, Muhammed
This. Not every poster on /pol/ is an amerishart
Islam has already failed
This thread holy shit
>Reynald of Chatillon wasn't a Templar
>Reynald of Chatillon wasn't imprisoned by Baldwin
>Templar's weren't hanged randomly in Jerusalem
>Raymond of Tripoli literally betrayed the Franks
>The battle of Hattin would've been won, if not for Raymond
>Saladin spent more time fighting other Muslims than he did Crusaders
>Baldwin IV wasn't a peace loving hippy
>Balian of Ibelin wasn't a peasant
>Guy of Lusignan wasn't a Templar
>Guy of Lusignan wasn't unpopular
>Saladin's sister wasn't killed by Crusaders
>Franks weren't force marched prior to the battle of Hattin
>Head of the Church in Jerusalem during the siege did not tell everyone to convert
>Balian of Ibelin did not introduce basic irrigation to Muslims
That's what usually missing from the modern context, how much these fuckers hated each other, rightfully so as well.
A major reason for the hostility, outside of the religious context, on the Christian side of things was the span of hundreds of years Muslims spent actively pirating European shipping lanes and raiding coastal areas for slaves and wealth, effectively destroying the economies of certain areas for years.
Likewise, the Muslims weren't too happy about the Christians setting up glorified military outposts in their backyard, in the form of the crusader states, that made it their purpose to depopulate the surroinding areas.
I consider the Muslims worse for what they did, but ultimately both sides were pretty shit.
>all these SEETHING replies
BASED user dabbing on these islamocucks
Saladin was so based both the Crusaders and the Hashashim (Order of Assassins) wanted him dead.
Ironic that Salahuddin was a Kurd, now on the lowest rung of sandniggers today.
based retard historian
>Thinking it's Islam and not sand-niggers as the problem.
You think they would be any better if they were christian? They acted that way long before Islam existed.
yeah burning the library at alexandria was great
islam was shit back then too
It was quite an accomplishment for Muslims to travel back to before Islam existed and burn down the Library of Alexandria. Friggin Muslamic time machines.
are you pretending to be retarded
when the muslims invaded egypt and conquered Alexandria they burned the library in the process
it was the last time the library was burned
It was already burned down before.
Only Romans had the right to burn down Greek libraries. That's the rule, Habib.
Islam is based
moar liek GAY lolololololololol
Kys kike
most of the time id say you're right but when it comes to islam, anyone who is a believer of that absolute garbage is a retard savage. the movie is great tho.
wtf are you a muslim? What reason do you have to respond in this manner?
It's really not.
You're both idiots. Alexandria fell into the ocean after an earthquake caused catastrophic subsidence.
Exactly. While I would put the initial moral high ground slightly in the Christians' favor due to the past Muslim aggression, once one massacres civilians it just becomes outright hatred and a cycle of vengeance. The Muslims were wrong originally during their conquest, for sure. But it had been centuries and, after the Christians slaughtered them, were the Muslims correct in taking vengeance for their slaughtered relatives and countrymen? I'd say so. How many generations need to pass before it is no longer moral to take vengeance and reconquer one's ancestors' lands with brutal prejudice? Once everyone from that generation is dead and the new generations had nothing to do with it? Hard to say. So it boils down to "let's fight over it and whoever wins is clearly right in God's eyes." Which is of course idiotic, but what else can one say to decide who was right in the end after all the brutal battling and slaughter? It's as good of an excuse as any.
movie is well produced and everything but
>the christian europeans were barbarians
>the islamic warriors were noble
thats just bullshit
take this bookpill
>put the initial moral high ground slightly in the Christians' favor
>Christians setting up glorified military outposts in their backyard
That wasn't their backyard. Why the fuck do people have preconceived notions about Christians not rightfully owning Asia Minor (or beyond)?
Who the fuck made the stinking arabs/muslims the de facto owners of the middle east? Who made blacks the de facto owners of Africa?
islam came from the gulf (arab peninsula) and invaded Christian lands.
islam has been the aggressor since day 1 - Christian Europe has been the victim and defender since day 1.
Nothing has changed.
what the actual fuck is with these replies?
and you are over analyzing imo. Islam was the enemy, is the enemy and always will be the enemy. period.
you got it backwards
according to islam it is ALL non-muslims who are the enemy
islam does not give us a choice but to fight it
this makes us the defenders by default
tips fedora.
Too bad the Nord Chad couldn't go to Jerusalem to kill arabs
Well, I guess it has its high points. They stone gays and whores to death. I can see why the left loves it.
There's Medieval ones and by the time of colonization the Protestant chimpout happened
>It literally wouldn't have happened if the Christians hadn't kicked the out the Muslims from the Iberian peninsula
Wrong. Colonization happened because the Turks took out the "based" Orthodox capital of Constantinople and blocked trade from the silk road to Europe.
is this just shitposting or like what's going on in this thread?
Nah dude the perspective is completely wrong too
>Colonization happened because the Turks took out the "based" Orthodox capital of Constantinople and blocked trade from the silk road to Europe.
and if it hadn't been for the Reconquista Spain wouldn't have sent explorers to the New World
Columbus set sail from Barcelona which was in Christian hands for over half a millennium by the time he left. The Spaniards also had naval supermen by this time and wouldn't need to worry about Muslim shitboats. The final states of the Conquistador was mainly spurred by Queen Isabella's dream to retake all of Spain as she came from a line of crusaders. She had more enthusiasm for crusading than her husband Ferdinand.
did they really march with a giant ass cross. seems like a complete waste of energy
>did they really march with a giant ass flag
you have to sail past Granada to get to the New World from Barcelona, dipshit
>The Spaniards also had naval supermen by this time and wouldn't need to worry about Muslim shitboats.
What part of this did you not understand. Gibraltar =/= Granada. Granada is inland, idiot. Malaga is actually a port city and would contend with a Spanish fleet more than Granada, fool.
it is amazing for the morale. just as amazing as it was when they discovered the holy lance
I guess the rumours about American education really aren't a myth. holy shit
muh deus vuldd :DDD aside, this was a great scene
>he thinks Granada means the city and not the Emirate of Granada
Nice excuse trying to cover for your ass, like I'm going to believe that. Like the Emirate of Granada is what you actually meant in the first place otherwise you would've stated it in first place.
what a retarded ass take man
islam got philosophy from greeks through christians in syria
science from persians
architecture from byzantines
theres nothing authentic in it
>all technological advancements stop when they run out of land to conquer
pure coincidence