Was she supposed to be hot?

was she supposed to be hot?

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Were you supposed to be gay?

Well from this pic she looks it

yes, to heterosexual men

how old are you? Are you 18+? Only fags and childs would say something like that

have 30% more sex

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ITT: low standard humans lol

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maybe if you weren't addicted to porn you wouldn't need an attractive woman to look like a literal prostitute with stripper nails and stilettos and implants to perceive them as desirable you fucking retarded incelibate faggot

some 19 year old youtuber watched lord of the rings for the first time and has been shitposting all day because even the most accessible kino ever made is blowing his puny brain wide open

>this much projection and rage over anything ever

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When I saw these movies as a child I remember her looking like an old lady and wondering the same. Now she looks cute, but definitely not on the level of Liv Tyler. Figures.

>my peepee don't work unless I see some street walking whore fucking five niggers
>stop projecting onto me user!

The point of casting her was that she was not as attractive as the elf-maid.


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why does your mind immediately go to black dick gangbangs? not cool at all

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No, she just was.

She is hot, are you gay .
Also she can decapitate a giant flying lizard, which is badass.


kill yourself, how's that

>supposed to be

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just think about it my friend. you shouldnt be so trigger happy to discuss bbc and other stupid shit. just goes to show how much of your mind is occupied with those thoughts

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how was saruman the first to think about focusing on the one weak point on helms deep? were middle earthers just that retarded?

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No, but she was hotter than the elf girl anyway.

Cutting the grate and funneling in a couple guys at a time would result in bigger losses than assaulting the walls/gate. Saruman was the first to have the ability to blow a hole in the wall with explosives positioned under the opening.

Dawg, you got owned and that other user is correct. You know it.

because only retards sieged it before

If you watch the movie, pay attention and have average IQ you would know that.


Plus, Cate played Hela and Miranda played Aunt Zelda. Both give me a nice half chub whenever they appear on screen.

>that other user
you can disagree that gwendolyn is hot or not but i can tell youre either samefagging or just another retard. hopefully the latter

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she's white and that immediately makes her hot.


this also took me out of it, i felt like she was dev hotter than horse mouth liv tyler

They didn't have c4


fake news

Eowyn is top tier you asshole.

>>accuses others for having low standards in women
>>posts pictures of men
par for the course sexually confused zoomer

This man is right.