Do you ever notice how the most popular shows have terrible protagonists?
Do you ever notice how the most popular shows have terrible protagonists?
I hate Dobson as much as the next guy but the core of what he’s saying is correct. If you think tony soprano is cool you’re watching the show incorrectly
I wonder how this guy feels about Girls or Broad City, which are great, but the main characters are total shithead parodies of the creators who constantly behave awfully.
Every person alive is a cunt to others but if we seen their day to day lives we would root for them
>morally uneven characters are compelling
>this is news to this faggot
He's actually correct though in that the protags in these shows tend to be complete sociopaths and that for some reason people end up putting them on a pedestal instead of acknowledging the show's message that these dudes are fucked up.
Mad Men is an additional example for that list. Yea Forums relentlessly sucks Don Draper's dick and holds him up as turbo-chad but he's a pretty pathetic person when you look past his success with women and marketing, and everything he touches he destroys.
The only thing I'd criticize here is that it's not just shows with male protagonists. In general American TV just seems to really enjoy embracing the scummiest type of people, because the producers know that drama and controversy sells.
Agree, we need more PoC and women protagonists who are terrible people.
>That these shows are a step by step critique on the very nature of toxic masculinity?
No? I don't recall Sopranos and Breaking Bad being written by a teenage girl
>dude-bros out there IDOLIZE these dpictions and think they're the best thing in the world?
Yeah, it's called writing decent characters with a lot of layers and ambiguous morality instead of making one-dimensional cartoons that are only there to represent or voice a bad point of view before they're knocked out by the female protagonist in a yass queen moment.
You're doing an exploration on an arc or theme and that comes with portraying individuals and institutions you may disagree with in a realistic manner and acknowledging that the public will receive that just like they could receive such a figure in real life if they were close to them. Besides, in some of those cases, like Walter White's, if there was no empathy generated among the audience the show would have failed its purpose of being a study in morality.
The best movies won't just say "this is evil" but actually implement part of the appeal of this evil in their characters and let the audiences deal with those mixed messages however they can. It's a better vehicle for promoting debate than making black and white propaganda, and to not attempt to persuade the entire audience at once to a specific point of view is the cost of that. Oliver Stone is a good example of how to do it right: everyone quotes Gordon Gekko and Barnes and understands their reasons and how they justify their actions, at the same nobody even remembers the names of Charlie Sheen's characters. Yet not a single soul could have missed the point of Platoon and Wall Street being criticisms of Vietnam and Capitalism.
Why do people feel the need to share their opinions?
That's because television is an escapist fantasy where people like to live vicariously through protagonists that never fail or face typical consequences.
If you think it's possible to watch a show "incorrectly" you are a fucking brainlet and a child.
A bad protagonist who you may empathise with or even idolize is a lot more interesting than unicorn farts saving the day from the scary incel.
>If you think tony soprano is cool you’re watching the show incorrectly
what is cool?
tom cant imagine liking something that isnt aligned with his political ideas, i feel sad for him
All of the main characters in those shows have clear badass/assertive moments
Dobson is a literal autist who thinks anti heroes arent supposed to do anything cool cause then you might like them
I'd rather be friends with some savage character than some picture perfect do-good mormon
>Fat cunt infamous for his inability to take criticism views fictional characters as distinct, clear-cut moral stand-ins instead of archetypal facets of a complete personality that might be gleaned through self reflection and critique
Imagine my shock
You ever notice how many with cartoon avatars are literally hideous in real life?
People, in general, have a fascination with criminals, killers and other kinds of destructive characters
They are empowering in a way
Women have a fetish, which is exclusive to females, of wanting to bang serial killers
Didn't this nigger ever read Crime and Punishment?
Dobson is seething about how people would rather idolize successful "toxic" men than fat bald betas that live with their parents like him
We admire the characters for their ability to get shit done in the face of adversity. Their commanding attitudes allow us to live vicariously through them without facing the negative consequences of their behavior in real life. It's an escapist fantasy like most media. His line of argument is equivalent to the evangelicals in the early 2000s who believed kids would murder hookers after playing GTA.
>dobson thread
Great way to start the week
>implying Yea Forums does any self reflection instead of using it to justify themselves murdering animals in their tranny discord servers
Motivated protagonists are more fun to watch than sympathetic protagonists. Cry more, see if more people like you (they might give you sympathy but they sure as fuck won’t give you admiration)
I think that's an oversimplification. I think these shows understand why these characters are so appealing and work to explore that as well as just criticizing them. What makes most of these characters great is that there is some nuance to them.
Is this the guy who drew that comic of himself as a bear beating up a transphobic person at a convention or something lmao
Seeing this made me subscribe to HBO on my hulu app and finally start the Sopranos
What am I in for? Reminder that intentional spoilers are bannable :)
Watching the pilot now
>did you ever notice how 13% of the population
God I agree, I hate all these modern protagonists like Sherlock Holmes.
I love how this guy is operating on the sloppy nuance level of a late teen/early 20something and he's probably pushing 30 or even 40 by now. The irony is his take in these characters is as one-note as the takes of the people he's complaining about.
>If you think tony soprano is cool you’re watching the show incorrectly
Announcing bans/threats of bans is also [grounds for vacation.] :)
>Do you ever notice how many critically acclaimed shows feature sociopathic protagonists? There are far more shows that don't but just focus on the six that I've listed and assume my argument framework that it's a common trend!
>Ever notice how these shows adhere to my very general ideas pertaining to toxic masculinity?? I'm very profound!
>And yikes! There's such a clear correlation between a group of people I dislike and these shows that I've determined are problematic!
>Isn't it just so UNJUST that shows that espouse morals I consider benevolent are MOCKED (even though I'll conveniently abstain from naming one or six examples).
>Of course It's not that these shows that are mocked may just be written/acted/produced poorly! They're only mocked because of white nationalists!
Fuck off, Dobson
there are aspects of tony soprano that are cool, though.