You know, Fisk, they call me 'The Man Without Fear'...

>You know, Fisk, they call me 'The Man Without Fear'. Haidakhan Babaji said that such a man "would be victorious in all battles in life." But there's one battle I can't win. The eternal battle.
>Daredevil looks Slighty left at the camera.
>The protestants, the baptists, the mormons,the Jews...It's our responsibility to convert them, make them venerate the saints, submit to Rome’s Papal authority and accept that Mary was the immaculate mother of god who ascended body and soul unto heaven. And if we can't? Then they shall burn in Hell. The Day of The Inquisition is near, Wilson. We'll have every non-catholic in this country dead or baptised in 10 years, and may God have my nemesis resurrected by experimental spinal surgery if I'm wrong. God bless the American Catholic League!

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>When I was a goy

catholics arent white

would’ve been better if
>Daredevil looks slightly left of the camera

>tfw daredevil season 3 memes never took off

Fisk posting is better

Dex-posting had a nice little run for a few weeks

anyone have that Chess Fisk post

>"Hi, welcome to Lou's Laundromat!"
>"GOOD DAY... I would like to pick up my dry cleaning ."
>"Right away sir, that'll be $30."
>"Ahh, yes, I have... A COUPON."
>Fisk hands the man the slip of paper.
>"Oh, I'm sorry sir, this expired last week."
>Fisk's grimaces briefly.
>notices chess board on a nearby table
>"do... you know, the origin of Chess legends tell that there were once, Two princes who fought though brothers for the Hindu throne.... of their late father ...."
>"Excuse m---"
>"their MOTHER ... begged and pleaded for them to stop the SLAUGHTER with her every breath."
>"Sir, are you alrigh---"
>"but sure enough.... one brother died!"
>Fisk begins to walk behind the counter.
>"we could give you a discount---"
>"distraught beyond belief she told her winning son You have committed a great EVIL and I cannot forgive this vile thing you've done."
>"It's really no probl---"
>"He tried to explain that it had not been his,,,, FAULT but no words of his could mollify the queen."
>Fisk approaches him menacingly
>"And so he asked the wisest men he knew The way to lessen her distress"
>Fisk grabs his head with his enormous hands
>""They told him that he could impress her by using model soldiers on a chequered board to show that it was his brother's fault!"
>Fisk begins crushing his head
>"Thus they invented CHESS"
>With a sickening crack bloody sprays across the wall
>Fisk lets his corpse slide to the floor and wipes his hands with a rag
>on his way out Fisk glaces at the chessboard once again now covered with blood stains
>camera focuses onto the white King marked with blood

that was such a good scene and performance

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>*Wilson Fisk is relaxing on a blacony in his penthouse overlooking HIS CITY, thinking thoughts of Vanessa and Vanessa Vanessa*
>*an FBI agent begins strolling out towards him*
>*Fisk is fidgetting and tilting his head while he imagines different buildings as Vanessa*
>"Hello Mister Fisk, i'm here with the report on the new agents we have on the payroll"
>*Fisk, awaking from his stupor, his smile going from genuine to forced and focused towards the agent, his grin now a grimace*
>"Ah... Agent Sanders, i... So do admire your fastidious, urn...NATURE, ahuh... You know, in ancient times they used to, ehh... CASTRATE their body guards their first day on... THE JOB"
>*Agent Sanders looks nervous*
>Fisk turns towards him, hands behind his back
>"Nnnn... But such a practice is so... ANTIQUATED AND BENEATH US... BENEATH THIS CITY" *Fisk waves out towards Hells Kitchen, a rape is heard*
>"Men like you, and me, Mister Sanders... We're... SO MUCH MORE than that, ehhh.... So tell me, about this LIST of NEW OPERATIVES..."
>"Yes, well we had a hard time with a few but agents John West, Lee Marks--"
>*Fisk lies down and rolls over the agent to death while screaming in incoherent rage*
>*Dex, watching this from the surveillance room, also begins screaming*
>Blocks away, Matt Murdock wakes up in a cold sweat
>"Foggy *spits blood* we need to *breaks a rib* stop doing it *blinks and twitches* by the book. We need to stop Fisk once and for all *falls off roof*

>would’ve been better if
>Daredevil looks slightly left of the camera
lol this

>Wilson Fisk strolls in to the kinotorium, grunting as he brushes his bulk past the pick-n-mix crab leg dispenseries
>Robert is there to take his order, smiling
>"Ah yes, there. Robert. I would like to ORDER something... exquisite. Tell me, HOW IS the FILET MIGNON at this establishment? And are you able to deep fry it CAVIAR oil?"
>"Ah, sir, I'll certainly be able to enquire with the Executive Chef about that. Would you like to order anything for your partner?"
>"There is no PARTNER. NOT TONIGHT. My love, VANESSA, is... indisposed at the moment. But REST ASSURED our division will only be temporary, and our reunion as SEMINAL as that of Helen and Paris."
>"Of course, sir, but I must inform you that we enforce a strict no-singles policy at the kinotorium. We sometimes make exceptions for those who contribute hard labour in the popcorn mines, or in Milk Dud R&D, but I'm afraid if you are alone then I'll be forced to-"
>Wilson starts sweating profusely, grunting heavier and harder
>"Now, ROBERT. I want you to LISTEN. Not just for your sake, but the sake of your son. It must be so hard, seeing a WHITE MAN raise him - and of course, accidents can HAPPEN during a KEKING session. Now, bring me my filet and we will forget about this, and DESHAWN can live safely, securely."
>"I'm sorry sir, but death threats on family members is against the kinoplex's behaviour policy. I will have to ask you to leav-"
>Fisk headbutts Robert, before grabbing his shirt and slamming him into the counter. He roars, sliding Robert across before burying him face-first into the air fryer, and shoving the sous vide stick deep into his anus. He signals to an awaiting figure outside the kinoplex.
>"POINDEXTER. Dispose of the body. And kill everyone."
>Dex begins spearing everyone present with crab legs

Get fucked.

Don't try and shove this "he said something discriminatory" meme onto Daredevil too.


This, so much this! It's just so problematic. I wish I could upvote you more than once for standing up to these gross racist bullies!

>"Oy vey! Superheroes must never stand up for their people and the one true Faith, goyim!!"

Go to bed Charlie

Im not 100% sure Robert wouldn't win that fight


Niggers irl are notorious pussies.

Do people reposing this even know what it's referencing, or is it just a pure distilled meme at this point?

Somebody post the trilogy.

Robert isn't a nigger, he's a black guy. There is a difference.

Based. Except the part about the American baptist church. There is only one church.

The Catholic Church.