Why the fuck did he take it out on a first date?
Why the fuck did he take it out on a first date?
Did everyone just fuck each other in the 90s?
he was feeling cocky
me on the right
No, this show did not represent your average person then just like Girls doesn't today.
Dreyfus really does it for me, is there any good deep fakes of her?
Elaine had a reputation, deserved or not.
Oh to be a naive zoomer
Why does Elaine love abortion so much? Does she want to get knocked up and then 9 months later have some brutal sex with huge cocks that causes her to miscarry because she's a sick sex addicted woman who only lives for pleasure?
he took it out?
he didn't look at it as a first date. He looked at it as the only date
bruh sometimes you need to give it some air every now and again
before internet you could do this shit and not be labelled a creep for the whole world, 1 out of 10 times this move worked
julia really had fun being a slut, what a fun slut and rich too.
Because you can freeze the fetus and use it as an ice dildo.
I've whipped my dick out on dates multiple times. its worked more than it hasn't. Live your life, boys.
I do it every time. The week leading up to the first date is usually "sexting" anyways. Might as well whip it out during kissing, see if she'll play with it. 9/10 times they will,sometimes you gotta put their hand on it.
>I literally rape people and it works!
>10 replies incoming
Why not? It's literally the point of dating. Women don't go on dates unless they're sexually interested.
I think you're on the wrong website kiddo
well i'd agree but if it works then godspeed
I knew a guy that said that was his best method, less than ten years ago. It unironically works on some women I guess
Yeah here
The whole picture.
The only time I've ever found her hot is the image the OP posted.
Waiting any longer is a waste of time.
he correctly identified her as the type of whore who would slurp down his cock on a first date. In the original edit, Julia Louis-Dreyfus takes the whole length down her throat for a solid 20 minutes of screen time until he blew his load in her mouth. Jerry and Larry thought it would give audiences a bad view of Jewish women so they did some re-shoots and made it seem like she was mortified at the idea
I did it once but I don't think she saw it. Not even when I told her
That was the reason she “didn’t” like it.
>t. never been on a date
This is known as the Cernovich maneuver
The women redpill is that they love being sluts but hate knowing they're sluts. Don't expect them to make any moves and don't pull a fast one like whipping it out. Women need to be drawn in like a stray cat. If you pounce on it it'll dash away and not come near you again. If you open up your arms and expect it to jump into them it'll just ignore you and wander away.
You have to be smooth. Hold you hand out, maybe with a little food. Wait for it to come go you. Let it have a taste, but pull back and make it come closer to you. Eventually you'll be stroking it and it'll be rubbing up against you.
Other than that, keep in mind that every woman knows she's hot but thinks she's ugly, the appearance of confidence is just as good as the real thing, and that women are dogs; they like to be led around.
t. kissless virgin
Can you see her cleavage anywhere outside the cleavage episode?
Yes, that explains the AIDS crisis
You need to have sex buddy
have sex