Heckle her

Heckle her.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Where’s the jokes?

Is that not a man?

raped probably

Men live objectively worse lives than coddled PoC, women and LGBTQ+ people.

What an incel level observation

It really depends. I hate when people just talk about a whole category of people like that as if there were no inner divisions.

>you look like a man
>you're ugly
>you have armpit hair
>you're not funny and you should kill yourself

knock knock

who’s there

If she hates men so much, why she spend so much time trying to look like one?


Attached: D_TCDnUUEAATYZE.webm (500x500, 1000K)

You're an unfunny dyke



This is an utterly cringe and tired boomer joke desu

the rapist

Your pussy stinks!
Women arent funny!
I am manspreading!

>AYOOOO, a man would feel less funny!

Attached: 23826986-portrait-of-a-late-20s-handsome-black-man-laughing-isolated-on-white-background.jpg (1300x866, 109K)

This. Identity politics is just a decoy so people don’t start thinking about all the wealthy people who have it better than they do.

>Men live objectively worse lives than coddled PoC, women and LGBTQ+ people
Imagine being unironically retarded and thinking this.


I'd lose weight, get married and become a neet for life. Being a woman is easy.

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only subhumans heckle at a live performance.

Whatever, lady.

she is an ugly woman, she lives almost the same life as a man

Ive seen this posted 3 times today. What does it mean?

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nice argumemt, MGTOW faggot.

Why is he talking like he's not a man?


>"Well I'd start by writing some better material."

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Who even is this?

Your minted and somehow keep getting work despite your films sucking JJ.

Rich Vos




class politics is just a decoy so people don't start thinking about all the hot chicks who have it better than they do

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t. socialist, incel, goyim
Like Bill Gates said: "If you were born poor, it was not your mistake. But if you die poor, it is your mistake."

Identity and class politics by themselves are insufficient. People need to think of which segments of society have more capital but also easier access to sexual and social capital.

Shut the fuck up faggot.
Nobody takes your marxist drivel seriously anymore.

“During one particularly harrowing moment, Hannah was describing a moment of violence that was all too familiar to women, particularly those in the LGBTIQ community,” McCann wrote. “The room was silent. Then, a lone male voice from the back of the room shouted ‘Where’s the bloody jokes?'”

According to McCann, the audience, which included a large contingent of women from a Canberra queer women’s group, immediately shouted down the heckler.

“Everyone is yelling,” she recalled. “One amazing woman who looked like she could snap me like a twig jumps up from her seat in front of us and was looking back into the crowd as if she was personally going to go find the guy. All the frustration and repressed anger of the night unleashed at once.”

“Through all this Hannah is standing on the stage, mic in hand, waiting out the crowd’s anger,” McCann continued. “Here’s this woman who is telling the most viscerally sad and confronting story I’d ever heard on stage and this one guy thought he was entitled enough to interject. I’d be furious.”

“She wasn’t. When she eventually speaks it’s to direct the ushers to remove him. ‘I don’t want you here,’ she says, calmly. ‘I’ll donate the money from your ticket to a charity that helps victims of domestic violence. Get out, mate.’ Then she went straight back into her set.”

Be more subtle with the samefagging nerd

No man would ever get a comedy special with that material

>sexual and social capital
these terms mean nothing to the 99% of the world that have friends and regular sex

oldish pre pepe frog meme

Fuck off, ma'am

>We need to stop being divided by race! It's the upper classes and 1% trying to separate us and weaken us!
>Yeah fuck white people by the way!
Why are leftists such hypocrites, bros?

>identity and class politics
>don't exist, they are Marxist boogeymen
are you a "temporary poor person but millionaire in training" too?

>>Yeah fuck white people by the way!
Most people aren't saying this though? If your own personal identity is so fragile where you think any criticism is "fuck white people", then that really tells us something about how fucking lost you are.

she's such a ridiculous caricature that it's not even worth it, she's the most cliché dyke feminist I've ever seen and her spiel about supposedly being raped while looking like the most unfuckable person possible and her hatred of any insinuation that teenage girls are sexually active and mature just proves that she's so insanely insecure she can't help but blare it in everyone's face

the people who praise her even know she's a caricature and exaggeration of reality but feel compelled to like her anyway and the whole ordeal is pathetic and sad and no one will care in five years

>Implying rape isn't the only sex this "woman" could ever hope to get.

>if a man had lived my life
men do not get an easy pass. men do not have it easier than women. white women are inherently more entitled and pampered than white men and are so solipsist and narcissistic they absolutely refuse to believe anyone else has experienced any hardship and think men live in some fairy tale land where nothing bad happens to them and everything is handed to them

men don't go onstage and talk about oppression because we know that oppression is a cop out for the hardships of life and that everyone is having a bad time and we accept it and manage to excel regardless.

>also, fuck dykes


t. Tranny

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She looks like the child of Nazis, just looking at her disturbs me. I feel sorry if she's actually had such an unhappy life, and unsettled that so many people have enabled her to think she should do stand-up. She would probably be happier doing accounting or something.

>tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny
that isn't an argument.

i can guarantee i'd be a lot happier if i lived a pampered life like her

and you're not a woman


It is shown through actions, and there are plenty of lefties "brave" enough to voice how they hate white people.

As an LGBTQ+ person I can say I live an infinitely better life as a result of it, every day I wake up wholeheartedly thankful that I don't ever have to put up with idiotic roasties.

>It is shown through actions
So you admit that most people are literally not saying it? Ok.
>muh lefties lefties lefties
Can you formulate an argument that isn't just a buzzword-fest please?
>there is a boogeyman of "leftists" who voice how they hate white people
Again, I'm sure there are literal whos on Twitter who say that. But the argument you missed for no specific reason (clearly), is that the majority of Americans are not doing that meme-behavior you attribute to your boogeyman.

>as a (____) let me tell you...
nobody lies on the internet, huh?

This is literally just a feels over reals argument.

Fuck off, jew

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imagine acting us though there isn't inherent hatred for white men and if you even like a presidential candidate that isn't black or a woman you get called a Nazi while blacks have the highest rate of ethnic pride of any race and no one thinks anything of it

go dilate and then kill your fucking self



you're right, I'm not. Since I'm not a tranny.


A man wouldn't allow himself to be raped or to be used dumb cunt

>imagine acting us though there isn't inherent hatred for white men
There really isn't? You spend too much time around /pol/niggers, buddy.
>and if you even like a presidential candidate that isn't black or a woman you get called a Nazi
I mean, now it's harder to make that distinction when the President is telling non-white American Congresswomen to "go back to your country" and adopting a literal word for word mantra used by the KKK's official Twitter handle...so, it's not as if those insults are from left-field anymore.
>but whatabout
I think that's equally bad? Did I say otherwise?
nu/pol/ used to be able to argue something, now you retards can't even go a single post without falling apart into an emotional fucking mess like an SJW. Really pathetic stuff. But I guess victimhood is appealing.

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Leftists unironically consider the phrase "it's okay to be white" edgy and controversial.


Believe whatever you want


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>leftists leftists leftists
I'm convinced you people don't even know what the words you say even mean. That sounds like a /pol/faggot story that maybe was front page on some clickbait, Buzzfeed shit.

not an argument

go back

Attached: 🔫👶.jpg (317x265, 30K)

Neither was your nothingburger that maybe pissed off a handful of nobodies on a Discord server.

have sex

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the tranny really thinks I'm gonna read any of this

>If you critique a leftist that means you're a /pol/ack

Why don't you? /pol/ is essentially as goofy as rebbit now. You'd feel right at home with your SJW-tier identity politics.

I don't have to dilate so I guess you are right

shoo shoo roastie jew

jewjannies and shills have really fucked pol since epstein was arrested

>>If you critique a leftist that means you're a /pol/ack
Nobody said that you illiterate retard.

>never be a woman
these new buzzwords are so boring, you don't even make arguments anymore.

Attached: pol.png (1778x898, 104K)

>handful of nobodies
*received international media attention
nobody buys your leftist gaslighting

>imagine seething this hard

>received international media attention
they didn't though? You've blown up this entire story because you're trying to play the victim
>I don't know what gaslighting is/means
it doesn't surprise me that you're low IQ.

>international media attention


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>just laugh through the entire show even while (s)he’s delivering lines

the reason they call you a tranny is because no one would be stupid enough to defend this retarded rage harvesting liberal comedian unless they were a fucking transvestite or a faggot, it's a simple process of elimination, if you were a man you'd never say anything as inherently stupid. also, this whole laid back pretending to laugh at anyone who @s you doesn't work and doesn't make you appear anymore intelligent when the basis of your posts is idiotic lefty shit and calling anyone who doesn't agree a poltard. wow, so original, so cutting and cold, how did you come up with such a well thought out retort? see. we can act stupid too but it adds nothing to the point and its easier to just call you a tranny and tell you to go blow your dad and then hang yourself

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>wow, look at all of this anti-white hate being said on the internet, that's just not okay to do, that's insensitive you know?

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How many times are you going to copypaste this?

hahaha so epic, I'm gonna post this to tumblr dot com right now!

>they didn't though
They did though retard, the slogan literally made headlines and was widely controversial.
JFL at leftists trying to win white people back after talking shit about them for years. You showed your hand too soon.

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>he's an angry /pol/tard
you're the easiest newfaggots to trigger, honestly.

google it retard, this is not a pasta

>calls people's insults derivative
>continues to scream POL at the top of their lungs


Good evening ladies and gentlemen it's very nice to see you all here, well you know I was RAPED the other day.

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>this picture of a subreddit proves it had "international media coverage"
It was a quick-burn outrage story that lasted a weekend you triggered faggotron. Nobody has mentioned those stupid posters since it happened. You feed yourself on outrage.
>you showed your hand too soon ;)
I'm calling you out for the easily triggered baby you clearly are. I bet you believe in schizo shit like "da white genocide".

Not an argument.

>Like Bill Gates said: "If you were born poor, it was not your mistake. But if you die poor, it is your mistake."
Depends what country you're from. For most Americans, Canadians, Japanese etc thats not unreasonable. If you were born in Afghanistan or Mali . . .

First one gets you banned from most places and fired
Second one gets you a promotion
Retard much?

maybe if you didn't act like a /pol/nigger and act so outrageously offended, I'd stop? Pic related are totally not /pol/ threads bro

Attached: literally obsessed.png (788x1084, 733K)

>mongolian basket weaving forum
>mainstream media, silicon valley, news outlets everywhere, etc etc etc...

Non-Whites, women and faggots all of provably real government-enacted programs that give them free shit and/or free opportunities based solely on their Identity.

What do men have that counteracts/compensates for this? "White privilege" or some other SJW conspiracy-theory?

Attached: BBC is Liberal Garbage with Diversity Quotas.jpg (768x932, 163K)

tell your boyfriend about it, no one cares

Generally a people who kill themselves 2 - 4 times more often have it worse.
>inb4 women attempt it more
The failed genuine suicide attempt is an oddity

You get a promotion for pointing out anti-white statements on the internet? Okay, I know you didn't actually read what I posted...but sure.
>retard much?
Ask yourself that question.

this is actually a highly excellent post. feel like it's flying under the radar

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>that one schizoid is still ranting about MUH PAUL BOGERMANS
have you tried having sex?


he's right and you know it.

>nobody cared about it's iotbw
>maybe some ppl on discord
>it didn't receive media attention what are you talking about
>okay maybe it did receive media attention but they moved on
Moving the goalposts. Leftists are outraged by the phrase "it's okay to be white". You can't refute this.

i can tell nobody ever really reads your posts, user

lol how many of their stories need to get debunked before you stop posting them as a source?
>gays get free shit based on their identity
Please tell me, since I'm not as big brained as you, what homosexuals get that is considered a legal privilege that you as a poor dindu straight person are barred from?

I've never paid you rent so why am I still living inside your head?

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t. Commie

Not everything you hate about Leftism is a decoy to distract people from your Retard Revolution that will never happen.
Sometimes Leftists are just shitty.

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>This is your brain on 9fag memes

don't try to mention the fact that men kills themselves at an insanely higher rate than women to a woman, they are incapable of accepting facts or logic if it doesnt fit their perception of being oppressed by whitey

>inb4 men are so fragile! kek
>while defending a comedian whose entire career is based on crying to large audiences about how sad her life is

you said some clickbait story that died in a week was "international media attention". You're retarded.

He's quite literally illiterate and didn't read the fucking post...

holy shit, what happened to this site?

>you said a story that was covered by the news in multiple countries was international media attention

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you're dumb

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this guy is more funny.

Get ready for a botw Patton Oswald edition soon!

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I've had women tell me being cat called while they have their tits and ass popping out, near bars at night on weekends, is worse than men killing themselves in droves.

Worse than men getting harsher punishments for the same crimes. Worse than men losing their homes, children, pets, to wives, simply based on their gender. Men being disqualified for jobs based on their gender. (This is actual systemic sexism/racism).

Shit women refuse to acknowledge.

It's a real policy they are enacting you cum-guzzling faggot. You can look it up.

>what homosexuals get that is considered a legal privilege that you as a poor dindu straight person are barred from?
What part of this are you not getting? They are targeted by Diversity Quotas, giving them an advantage in selection for fucking anything.
How the fuck else do you think literal trannies end up with internships at fucking NASA? Earning them? Fucking lol.

Attached: BBC is PC Bullshit.jpg (1701x1645, 928K)

that troon pulls in half a million dollars a month? goddamn that's fucking hilarious

>I just like, don't care bro
Then stop bitching and moaning.

Depends on where you live

>MGTOW faggot

that isn't an argument.

>CPAC literally the largest conservative lobbyist group in the US
>Sinclair Group literally the largest media corporation, works with CPAC
>mainstream Fox subsidiaries are literally owned by Trumpfaggots, get talking points from Trumpfaggots and have Trumpfag admin members as CEO's, owners and board members
>"but da liberals made a movie with a black in them and I don't like it, they control all that media stuff!"

Attached: 1562830995634.gif (463x698, 174K)

>Most people aren't saying this though?

All influential people in the Media. All still employed despite posting "hate speech" on Twitter.

Attached: Verified Hate Twitter Compilation 3.png (4470x5327, 3.9M)


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Twitter actually encourages this.

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then start treating them like they accuse you of treating them, because no matter how nice you are to a woman they want their cake and to eat it to, they want to be adored and also be able to claim oppression at the same time

stop giving them what they want, treat them like dogs because it's what they're fixated on anyway, let them live in their delusions and care about yourself, men kill themselves because they're actually empathetic and not solipsist and take things to heart, learn to be cold and not give a fuck, it's the only way to live and save yourself from self hatred out of nothing and nihilism, fatalism when no one gives you credit for anything ever

look up fbi stats on men raised by the single mothers leftists praise and think can do no wrong, they all go to prison at higher rates and are either drug addled or commit suicide, stop letting women control your life when they all want to lead you to oblivion

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anyone has the video where she yells "I AM IN MY PRIMEEEE"

Whatsa troon?

>It's a real policy they are enacting
Except it really isn't. The original Daily Mail article you listed made the claim that "one in six BBC stars must be gay/lesbian/disabled by 2020" and no such policy exists, not even in your meme picture. Try again.
>They are targeted by Diversity Quotas
...by private companies? That's not illegal, you dumb faggot. You said that the government is giving gays privilege, legal entitlement classification. So what are they doing?
>How the fuck else do you think literal trannies end up with internships at fucking NASA?
I have no clue who you are referring to but is the assumption that you can't work at NASA if you are a tranny? Is being a tranny something that would prevent you from doing NASA work directly?

Yikes, what are you even arguing?

>CPAC literally the largest conservative lobbyist group in the US
Liberal lobbying is by far greater. Most corporations are run by liberals.
>Sinclair Group literally the largest media corporation, works with CPAC
>local news
lmao. 5/6 cable news networks are far left
>mainstream Fox subsidiaries are literally owned by Trumpfaggots, get talking points from Trumpfaggots and have Trumpfag admin members as CEO's, owners and board members
fake news

>news in multiple countries
you keep saying this happened.

>CPAC, Sinclair Group, Fox

Attached: (you).png (194x432, 159K)

>...by private companies? That's not illegal, you dumb faggot.
Advantaging and disadvantaging people for employment opportunities based on identity, such as Sexual Orientation, is literally illegal.
Did you think it was legal for a company to enact a policy where they just don't hire blacks? Because it's a "private company"? Holy shit you're fucking retarded. Please kill yourself, leftist.

I do enjoy when people say “blacks are so violent” and then turn around and talk about how they can’t wait for the day of the rope, lol

>Liberal lobbying is by far greater.
it's not. That's a meme.
>most corporations are run by liberals
also not true.
>I don't know what "far left" means
Most news organizations are not even left, you don't know how words work.
>facts I don't like are fake news
Whatever you say, bootlicking cuck. I guess it's just fine to have the President inform the talking points of a news organization he is personally invested in...just a coincidence.

>Sinclair Group
Can this fucking meme die already? They run shitty local news stations that no one cares about nad have no impact. They also control less than half of them. Yet for liberals his is considered an unfair advantage despite dominating all cable news.

This is why creeps are based and redpilled. I wish I had the guts to be "creepy" but I just have too much pride and fear.

Holy shit. Imagine having to do mental gymnastics this hard to try and deny that the media is massively, overwhelmingly run by insane leftoids.

Attached: Leftist Media Targeting Whites Compilation 1.jpg (4000x4004, 1.66M)

Which it did

>Is being a tranny something that would prevent you from doing NASA work directly?

Yes, retard. If you literally don't know that having a cock and balls makes you a man, you have no business being around fucking rocket-fuel.

>everyone who disagrees with me is a leftist cartoon
You're points are just retarded. Nobody is "disadvantaging" people for employment based on sexual orientation, under the Anti-Discriminatory act, the opposite (advantage based on preference) is not a clause under the Act, it's not illegal. You can't just make shit up, you know. Where even is your argument anymore? You're getting btfo; your original point is "the government is giving special privilege to gays and minorities", I asked an example of what gays are getting that straights aren't, you didn't bother.

>what is causation
>why would anyone want to hang people who make up 15% of the population and commit 50% of violent crime and have dangerously low iqs to the point retardation had to be changed as a classification because it was racist now that data shows blacks are literally retarded half the time
>those facts aren't real
>what is the bell curve
>what are fbi statistics

hurr durr I'm a nigger tho and I cant read

I wish I could shoop well enough to make it's clothes say 'eat white people'.

Where is that happening though. In your head?

I wouldn't even rape you.

Attached: carl-benjamin.jpg (650x390, 40K)

>all of these are either a single journal or webzines nobody reads

>it's not. That's a meme.

Strong and convincing evidence you have there, faggot.

I didn't realize that being a transexual prevents one from doing math or physics work.

>he opposite (advantage based on preference) is not a clause under the Act, it's not illegal.

OK, so businesses can just "preferentially" hire only straights, whites and males now?
Good to know, retard. Welcome back to Jim Crow.

Attached: Lumpy Touch Clown.gif (512x512, 1.4M)

watch dexter, you don't have to be a creep or narcissist or weird, his psychopathic lack of feelings and desire to still be a good person and excel is the perfect combo to succeed in this culture, do what you know is right and don't be a dick but don't EVER let anything pass into you, realize most people are genuine morons and their opinions cant stop you from succeeding and getting what you want as a male, remember that you have the natural power and everything you suffer from is thinly veiled schemes to take that power from you or make you believe it isn't there, you are the strongest gender and race and everyone knows it and they hate you because they literally fear you

>excuses for murderous genocidal hatred
Yeah dude, you’re so evolved. How are those statistics going to look once white people are responsible for the murder of every black person in the country? Retard. You make white nationalists look like fucking Abe Lincoln.

>being one of the largest media corporations in the US
>is a meme
conservatives have been peddling "da liberal media" for 60 straight years into your ears, so that you ignore reality.

>all of these are either a single journal or webzines nobody reads


Bill Gates was born in a millionaire family you fucking mongoloid.

your picture? You took articles from the same fucking journal. And who do you know reads "Essence"? Do you?

I find it hard to believe this image and post were made by anything other than discord trannies

>"Durrrrrr, let's let the guy who doesn't know that an XY Chromosome makes him a male do sensitive calculations that could cost us millions of dollars and people live or die by."

Sounds great, retard.

Are you someone who struggles with reading comprehension? ESL?

You are an absolute moron or you are being intentionally obtuse. Progressivism is the dominant ideology of: The New York Times (and nearly all other legacy news corps), Harvard (and all other elite colleges), the Rockefeller Foundation, the Carnegie Foundation and most other well heeled foundations, Google, Facebook and most other new-money corporations. There is practically a consensus on which direction our society ought to go among the people most capable of driving our society. Conservatives have been losing badly since the dawn of liberalism, primarily because the centers of power are not on their side and have certain designs which they wish to preserve.

Attached: b000afd1a0ecdcee10bb4a916192398e.jpg (400x640, 50K)

>it's not. That's a meme.
Only 7/20 major lobbying groups give a majority of their cash to Republicans. 5 are in the bottom half in terms of total lobbying. The rest is for Democrats. opensecrets.org/overview/industries.php
>also not true.
>Most news organizations are not even left, you don't know how words work.
Thats because you're just obfuscating. Liberals will always change definitions or movie goalposts. "CNN supports Antifa? Well Antifa is centrist now!"
>Whatever you say, bootlicking cuck. I guess it's just fine to have the President inform the talking points of a news organization he is personally invested in...just a coincidence.
Sinclair owns less than half of local news. How does this prove that the media is overwhelmingly or even slightly pro-conservative? CNN , MSNCB, ABC, PBS, and HLN are al pro Trump?

>Vox, WaPo, The New Yorker, CNN, Esquire

OK so you DON'T have proof? Next time just say so, tranny.

>only a discord tranny would make fun of /pol/
you're delusional then?

Waste of time. It would be like heckling a Flat-Earther. You'd have to be as crazy as "she" is to think you could make a dent in that fortress of lunacy.

Are you someone who struggles with basic logic, and understanding that discrimination, one way or another, is STILL discrimination?
Of course you are. You're a leftist. It's only "discrimination" if it benefits whites, straights, males, etc. If it benefits anyone else it's just """""""leveling the playing-field""""""".

white european men founded this nation and it belongs to us and nothing you do or say or think will ever change that and you know it

ITT one leftist retard desperately tries, and fails, to make his ideology weather the onslaught of actual facts and sources.

Attached: SJW Seething.png (1000x1000, 594K)


>is a publicly traded American telecommunications conglomerate which is controlled by the family of company founder Julian Sinclair Smith. Headquartered in the Baltimore suburb of Hunt Valley, Maryland, the company is the largest television station operator in the United States by number of stations, and largest by total coverage; owning or operating a total of 193 stations across the country in over 100 markets (covering 40% of American households), many of which are located in the South and Midwest, and is the largest owner of stations affiliated with Fox and ABC. Sinclair also owns four digital multicast networks (Comet, Charge!, Stadium, and TBD) and one cable network (Tennis Channel) and streaming service (Stirr), and owns or operates four radio stations in the Pacific Northwest. Among other non-broadcast properties, Sinclair also owns the professional wrestling promotion Ring of Honor and its streaming service Honor Club

In 2004, Sinclair's political slant was scrutinized by critics when it was publicized that nearly all of Sinclair's recent campaign contributions were to the Republican Party. In particular, the Center for Public Integrity showed concern that the Republican slant of Sinclair's news programming, along with Mark Hyman's past history of government lobbying (such as for the FCC to loosen rules regarding concentration of media ownership—a factor that has assisted in the company's growth),[128] made its stations provide "anything but fair and balanced news programming." Hyman disputed these allegations by stating that its newscasts were "pretty balanced" and that "the reason why some on the left have characterized us as conservative is that we run stories that others in the media spike."[116][122]

The media is liberal. lol. Liberals have been pushing the Sinclair meme for years now. They own less than half of local news. How is this the majority of the media? How is this some overwhelming obstacle?

Attached: liberalism.jpg (1200x630, 163K)

2020 can't happen fast enough

White people exploited and massacred the indigenous native population which wasn’t white, and then flooded it with black slaves. Repeat: white people flooded this country with black people ON PURPOSE.

>In 2004, Sinclair's political slant was scrutinized by critics when it was publicized that nearly all of Sinclair's recent campaign contributions were to the Republican Party. In particular, the Center for Public Integrity showed concern that the Republican slant of Sinclair's news programming, along with Mark Hyman's past history of government lobbying (such as for the FCC to loosen rules regarding concentration of media ownership—a factor that has assisted in the company's growth),[128] made its stations provide "anything but fair and balanced news programming." Hyman disputed these allegations by stating that its newscasts were "pretty balanced" and that "the reason why some on the left have characterized us as conservative is that we run stories that others in the media spike."[116][122]

In April 2017, Sinclair announced it had hired Boris Epshteyn, who was briefly the White House assistant communications director for surrogate operations for the Trump administration, and a senior advisor of Donald Trump's presidential campaign, as chief political analyst.[129] All Sinclair stations are required to air Ephsteyn's commentary nine times per week.[130]

>the company is the largest television station operator in the United States by number of stations, and largest by total coverage; owning or operating a total of 193 stations across the country in over 100 markets (covering 40% of American households), many of which are located in the South and Midwest, and is the largest owner of stations affiliated with Fox and ABC. Sinclair also owns four digital multicast networks (Comet, Charge!, Stadium, and TBD) and one cable network (Tennis Channel) and streaming service (Stirr), and owns or operates four radio stations in the Pacific Northwest. Among other non-broadcast properties, Sinclair also owns the professional wrestling promotion Ring of Honor and its streaming service Honor Club
I like how you didn't read this.


>this politically motivated casting isn't something you should even think about
>you don't want to be like the /pol/ boogeyman, do you?
When people see castings like this they don't get scared and go into hiding, obviously they're going to talk about it. How stupid can you be?

>40 percent of American households with a direct B line to the President of the United States
>this is a meme, conservatives are being oppressed by moobies and saying nigger no twitter
Kill yourself, cuck.

tl;dr A group who owns less than half of local news market are considered too big by angry liberals and need to be broken up. Imagine being this weak.

Man, I'm usually the first person to make fun of white people who claim they're victimised because of their race and all but that image... I can't deny that's pretty disturbing. White people aren't oppressed or victims but the people in that image clearly do hate white people and they'd have all been banned if they had said it about any other race. I can't deny that.

>people discussing a casting on Yea Forums
no shit

>anytime a fictional cartoon character gets turned into a race I don't personally like, it's politically motivated.
You're just a baby.


Attached: 1562078062409.jpg (622x536, 66K)

As opposed to google, facebook, and twitter which have access to every household with the internet.

Do you hate men so much because you look like one?
When are you gonna tell some jokes? The political rally was yesterday.
Sweetie, if I was you, I'd be making bank from being a "protected minority". You know how great it would be if I could say whatever was on my mind without fear of retribution?

it's true though

-over 40 percent of all households air Sinclair Group media
-Nielson ratings show that conservative media gets more views than CNN, ABC and most left-leaning outlets
-the largest conservative media company, has a financial incentive to tow the President's narrative
-the President himself gets to prep talking points with Fox and Friends

If this is all okay with you, then you're the problem.

>but muh google muh FB muh Twitter
what's the argument now? Is Facebook getting prepped by the Executive Branch to pander to you?

the equivalent of spray painting 1488 on a building and then claiming "ITS JUST A NUMBER" when you're caught, it's ok to be white means more than just it's ok to be white

Yeah, but it is politically motivated though, don't try and deny it

I have never even heard of StarTribune.

Wow, a counterexample! Well done! Surely SBG has equal or greater capacity to manufacture consensus as: Harvard, The Ford Foundation, The Carnegie Foundation, The Rockefeller Foundation, The New York Times, MSNBC, CNN. Which is why our society has gotten so conservative over the last hundred years. Remember when we forced gays back in the closet, women couldn't vote and sex before marriage became a social taboo again? Man it has been a wild ride under these conservative overlords!

Not really, it was just a stunt to trick all the retards that hate whites into outing themselves

Only because you're obsessed and likely under 18.

>leftists don't hate white people stop being melodramatic
>it's not okay to say that it's okay to be white though mmkay?
They can't help themselves.

>call yourself a stand-up comedian
>people use words like "harrowing", "violence", "silent", "frustration and repressed anger", "viscerally sad and confronting" to describe your set

I don't care if she wants to have a lesbian group therapy hour, just dont call it stand up comedy and get offended when someone in the audience heckles your shitty """set""" because there's no bloody jokes

Attached: 1557426462523s.jpg (178x250, 5K)

Damn Patton really upgraded, that sly murderer rascal.

Attack me all you want, you still can't refute there's an agenda behind blacking every character on tv

it's the equivalent of posting a piece of paper of that wall that says "/pol/", you'd probably get in just as much trouble, the wording is different but the person is still implying the same thing

that is a man

The point is that the largest media and corporate groups in the US, lean conservative or lobby for conservative party members, it's partially why you win more seats. This is a recent meme where you literal teenagers think conservatives are some sort of struggling minority when you've been the status quo in government for nearly a century. Now, movies are casting blacks and mexicans and that's just a white genocide and totally uncool, bro! Meanwhile, the same conservative mainstream party who admitted (on multiple occasions) that they don't a single shit about the middle class, propose tax breaks for everyone except you and blame Democrats despite having a majority for 2 fucking years.

You're a dope. You've been the power in government. You're "the Man".

>-over 40 percent of all households air Sinclair Group media
This is why liberals are pathetic and authoritarian. You can't even handle less than half of one market being linked with the Republican party. If they had 20% it would probably still be too much for you. You can't stand any dissent at all can you? It's not enough to have big tech, cable news, the universities, and the newspapers, you also need local news to fall.
>-Nielson ratings show that conservative media gets more views than CNN, ABC and most left-leaning outlets
Because liberal are spread out amongst multiple cable news networks. Conservatives have Fox News and thats it on tv.
>-the largest conservative media company, has a financial incentive to tow the President's narrative
The reverse is also true. Liberal networks have an incentive to demonize him at every turn.
>-the President himself gets to prep talking points with Fox and Friends
Yes, and? He's isn't allowed to have personal relationships and get political advice from people?

You're the most pathetic authoritarian human boot licker on the planet. Go to China if you want media where all levels are controlled by one ideology. I know liberal hate competition.

every day i want to move to a world where men are treated like women and i get tons of compliments and random chicks going to insane lenghts to get into my pants
just imagine
it would take me 5 years to conquer this continent with this power
i don't understand how come there are so little successful women, they have all the advantages

You’re full of shit, man. I’m liberal and even I see how fucked up it is that you can’t even say it’s okay to be the race that you are. You really shouldn’t support this kind of thinking, it’s legitimately oppressive.

Sup tranny.

>Spectrum is a liberal company
wew, you /pol/niggers...

No, the point of them really was to see if you could actually trigger the true believes with such a banal statement. Most people, black or white, didn't care. But the real progressive fundamentalists went ballistic as was predicted.

why do both those assume people are giving $60/month on average

Obviously it's just about making fun of /pol/, it has to do with depicting /pol/ users as fat slugs while the faceless chad leftist gives succinct non-argument responses while the straw-man spirals in rage. Compare that to the ones on /pol/ and the difference in quality is clear.

Attached: 1520211993727.jpg (599x392, 57K)

a human clickbait article

She poses a reasonable question - who is it?

I only heckle comedians.

>it's ok to be white means more than just it's ok to be white
except it didn't and that was the point KEK

Lurk more

>You can't even handle less than half of one market being linked with the Republican party.
That's just one company, user. ONE singular conglomerate is 40 percent of all household news, on top of the dozens of Fox subsidiary and daughter groups.
>It's not enough to have big tech, cable news, the universities, and the newspapers, you also need local news to fall
lol almost all of those are dominated by conservative groups and think-tanks.
>Conservatives have Fox News and thats it on tv.
You keep perpetuating this lie.
>Liberal networks have an incentive to demonize him at every turn.
That's probably true for a lot of channels, but maybe...he's really just a bad President?
>Yes, and? He's isn't allowed to have personal relationships and get political advice from people?
kek, no. He's not allowed to inform private news networks what to say, that's State Sponsored news, comrade. Say what you will about your CNN boogeyman, at least they aren't basically shilled by the State.
>You're the most pathetic authoritarian human boot licker on the planet.
you're shilling for a billionaire real-estate tycoon, who's friends with every major international bank, who specifically and deliberately backs ONE news organization which just so happens to have Trump appointees working there. If you don't think that's bootlicking, then I can't save your tiny brain.

>they didn't change this character's race to meet diversity quotas, there's no way
you must be under 18,I would know since I made you with straw
lol, grow up

>it has to do with depicting /pol/ users as fat slugs
you are that and the image didn't mention lefties or liberals once. So you're just obsessed or, one could call it...rent free?


if his piece of paper had said "being white is fine" there wouldn't have been anywhere near the same amount of outrage, it's the implication, the context of the phrase IOTBW and that phrases relation to pol that caught fire, quit being so literal minded

No normal person thinks the race of a fictional cartoon character even matters. If it makes you upset, that's literally your own fault.

>waa waa my life is hard and no-one else has any issues in their lives whatsoever
>now pay up

>Imagine being unironically retarded and thinking this.
But he's right. Minorities, women and Faggots have the red carpet rolled out for them. Different sets of rules and benefits. Being a minority of any shape in 2019 is a benefit in all aspects of life.

>Compare that to the ones on /pol/ and the difference in quality is clear.
lol oh get over yourself, they do the exact same thing. Only it's just one word buzzword-spouting garbage about imagined trannies.

>lol how many of their stories need to get debunked before
They haven't.
> what homosexuals get that is considered a legal privilege that you as a poor dindu straight person are barred from?
Special housing in colleges, special scholarships.

god there are 7500 people that give that freak money? He's crazy.

>That's just one company, user. ONE singular conglomerate is 40 percent of all household news, on top of the dozens of Fox subsidiary and daughter groups.
And you can't handle less than half of one irrelevant market being linked with the Republican party. You actually believe that 40% in one market is a majority.
>lol almost all of those are dominated by conservative groups and think-tanks.
>universities are liberal
>big tech is liberal
>the big 6 cable news are all liberal
Retardation at its finest.
>That's probably true for a lot of channels, but maybe...he's really just a bad President?
Irrelevant, I'm not everywhere to defend or support Trump's polices. I'm just pointing out that if you turn on the news anywhere, tv, radio, internet, newspapers it will be anti-Trump and for mostly ideological reasons.
>kek, no. He's not allowed to inform private news networks what to say, that's State Sponsored news, comrade. Say what you will about your CNN boogeyman, at least they aren't basically shilled by the State.
More fake news. The media was in love with Obama and the Clintons. youtube.com/watch?v=VCUIlV-AKY4
>you're shilling for a billionaire real-estate tycoon, who's friends with every major international bank, who specifically and deliberately backs ONE news organization which just so happens to have Trump appointees working there. If you don't think that's bootlicking, then I can't save your tiny brain.
Billionare's like Oprah, Jeff Bezos, and Ted Turner? Trump backs one news outlet because thats all he has. Obama was welcome and worshiped everywhere else.

I am not a conservative at all. Conservatives are bankrupt ghost dancers. Republicans win seats because of how electoral politics works in the United States and how states are drawn. Arguing against the republican party or conservatism means nothing to me. If anything, I agree that they are myopic retards, but for very, very different reasons I am sure. Nor do I care much about tax policy or race. I care about power and who has it.

Please tell me one social issue which has moved rightward in the last century.

Who says it is white genocide to cast negros as this or that role? The New York Times? Harvard professors? Literally any person with any institutional power whatsoever? Or is it a bunch of nobodies on the internet who, thanks to this technology, have managed to brainwash themselves rather than have some one else do it for them? If there has been any drift rightward among the US population it has been very little to do with some evil men in board rooms and everything to do with the way the internet has allowed people (for better or, usually, worse) to escape the walled garden of control that the dominant, progressive power centers in media and academia have erected. If you cannot see for yourself that the dominant values espoused by the most powerful voices in our society are Progressive I don't know what to tell you.

Attached: oh no.jpg (640x853, 78K)

>CPAC literally the largest conservative lobbyist group in the US
No it's not and even if it was liberals have much more clout.
>Sinclair Group literally the largest media corporation
Wrong on the first count and it's also just a holding company for local channels.
>mainstream Fox subsidiaries are literally owned by Trumpfaggots, get talking points from Trumpfaggots and have Trumpfag admin members as CEO's, owners and board members
I have no idea what you're even talking about at this point. But Fox news has been proven time and after time study after study to be the most balanced news network in the US.

They're so used to living life on easy mode that whenever things get difficult they just shut down and give up.

Both of the posters in this thread are falling into the %1 trap. You need to stop fighting each other cause none of you control anything. It's a waste of time engaging with internet low-lives. You need to start going after the ones in power. Name names. Put yourself out there. Become a martyr. Trigger a civil war. Literally the last time we had a civil war slavery was abolished. We need civil wars to level out the gross inequities in this country that increase over time.

All this internet debating is a big bag wind. Nothing is ever accomplished and you all look like NEETs with nothing better to do. Stop wasting your time and focus on bettering yourselves so you have enough power to stand up to the people really affecting country (Soros, Trump, Weinstein, Disney).

What's the name of that lesbian feminist who decided to LARP fulltime as a man for like 6 months, in order to prove how easy mens lives are?

Anyways, she ended up writing a book where she basically points out that men live "horrible lives" with constant threats of violence, etc compared to women.

Lefties just repeating the same talking points they hear over and over. They are called zombie facts as it doesn't matter how many times you kill them they just keep getting repeated as gospel.

Unironically based. However I would argue that there potentially has been a rightward shift amongst the actual majority of Americans on some issues, but I agree that it hasn’t been (and would never be) reflected by the media.

>Imagine being unironically retarded and thinking this.
Don't need to imagine, there is plenty of proof showing it is true.

>hasn't spent more than 10 minutes on this board

summer's almost up lad.

>these new buzzwords are so boring
if that were true they would die like every lefty meme that is forced on here.

Completely correct

>Imagine being unironically retarded and thinking this.
>Don't need to imagine
holy shit lol

You really set off the nest with that.
Yea Forums is /pol/ and you're the one who responded to his post so you're the seething one. It hurts because it's true.

So this is the culmination of the tranny hive mind's master plan to stop normal from calling them out, huh?

Yeah I went out and looked them up. They operate a lot of local news but in terms of things like revenue get destroyed by Comcast, Disney, Reuters etc. I'm not sure why they would be enemy number #1 on anyone's list of greatest threats to media openness or transparency.


>you are the strawman I tell you to be
No way, fag.
>the image didn't mention lefties or liberals once
So? It’s safe to say the majority of this character’s enemies are leftists did you expect me write about centrists and neo-cons too? You’re just bringing this up to get to quote your meme picture, aren’t you?

Found her. Her name is Norah Vincent. And it was 18 months larping as a man, not 6.

>Vincent's book Self-Made Man retells an eighteen-month experiment in which she disguised herself as a man.
>Vincent asserts that, since the experiment, she has more fully realized the benefits of being female and the disadvantages of being male, stating, "I really like being a woman. ... I like it more now because I think it's more of a privilege."

Attached: 1478032731520.jpg (429x360, 43K)

>Most people aren't saying this though?
They are and if they don't directly say it they use as you lefties like call it "dog whistles".
>if your own personal identity is so fragile...
Thats pretty ironic coming from you.

>It’s safe to say the majority of this character’s enemies are leftists
everyone hates /pol/niggers, you 9gag tourist.

Oh, and the best quote;
>Men are suffering. They have different problems than women have but they don't have it better. They need our sympathy, they need our love, and they need each other more than anything else.

Johnny Depp looks like THAT now?

No it really isn't.

Attached: BIGOT01.png (342x552, 18K)

Men get about 20% more laughter for the same joke

>they are, they are just dogwhistling
so you don't have proof? ok.
>that's pretty ironic coming from you
"no u", eh? I bet you don't even know what my political leanings are?

>if his piece of paper had said "being white is fine" there wouldn't have been anywhere near the same amount of outrage
nice try shill
alternate phrases that would have the same response:
being white is cool
be proud to be white
being white is a-okay
white people are alright
I like white people

>Yea Forums is /pol/
no, it isn't. Go back

I remember her. She especially hated dating as a man because women are lazy thots who wouldn't even attempt to maintain a conversation

>be proud to be white
That would launch a national emergency.

What makes you think I care? My post about how those threads are more Yea Forums than /pol/, not whatever you’re thinking it is

>this isn't a feels over reals though
okay, faggot.

Don't even engage with leftist. Their entire ecosystem is built of rage and shitposting. They need frivolous debate with strawmen laced everywhere. They offer zero value otherwise.

The people giving the tranny in the OP powers are the ones ITT who vehemently despise what she stands for. Just accept morons like this exist in the culture and move on with your business. Liberals are like Freddy Kruger. They will go away when you stop talking about them. Because like that tranny Kruger, liberals are attentions whores who desperately need someone to bitch at. It's the only way they can fulfill their empty, moronic lives.

Check this out

Yea Forums is /pol/ and nigerial is a blatant act of pandering.

If most people don't even concern themselves over the race of Ariel, than how can it be "politically motivated", when only retards like you are the ones outraged?

>he can’t compare and contrast simple mspaint memes
>he doesn’t even know how to count

I missed when Congress made pandering illegal.

What are you even trying to communicate now?

>Everyone but me and people who share my beliefs needs to leave their beliefs at the door when they enter Yea Forums

Attached: 1553043869845.png (528x562, 48K)

worth pointing out that almost all of it we do to ourselves

>bait threads don't exist and /pol/ doesn't raid other boards ever, at all
I admire your innocence, enjoy your brief vacation here on 4channel.

>tfw if I went back to school I would qualify as an unorthodox student and basically get minority gibs
My old boss did this when she was my age(37 & 27, respectively) and went to ISU for next to nothing

how is saying it's ok to be white racist? lol you lefties really are mentally ill.

>It's another episode of plebbitor pretends to be an oldfag because he believes it gives him some sort of authority
Here's how it'll go. I'll ask you to find the oldest image in your reaction folder to prove you're an oldfag. You'll decline and come up with some bullshit reason like "uhh, I won't play these games", despite having made dozens of replies where you call others newfags.

You're fooling no one, you disgusting plebbitor tranny.

Attached: 1557228768496.png (890x768, 241K)

You pretty much proved the point of the whole campaign.

Fun fact: men are more likely to be homeless and harder to get out of it, because they often refuse to seek help.

If it isn't obvious: that's not the fault of "Non-Whites, women and faggots"...

/pol/ accounts for 1/3 of the traffic on here, you fucking moron, I already told you I’m not going to write every dissenting ideology, so what are you going on about?

>how is saying 1488 racist, it's just a number

Local stations that have not political biases. Please stop with your debunked nonsense.

>over 40 percent of all households air Sinclair Group media
thats false.
>Nielson ratings show that conservative media gets more views than CNN, ABC and most left-leaning outlets
False, there are zero conservative media outlets and there is no proof behind your claim that "Stats" show. If so then post them idiot.
>the largest conservative media company, has a financial incentive to tow the President's narrative
>the President himself gets to prep talking points with Fox and Friends
Again no more unsourced opinion.

>If this is all okay with you, then you're the problem.
I wish it was but everyone knows the media is 90% left wing biased.

>thinks a bunch of shitposting on the currently most shitposted board is indicative a /pol/ raid
>calls others newfags
Very funny but its time to go back little guy

Ancient meme that accurately depicts Yea Forums users

Don't believe a fucking thing comes out of this bitches mouth.

this is her in 2006: youtube.com/watch?v=6ORUdvdGC8Q

Before that she was homeless. (legit Homeless, and then in a Psych Ward. She cites the reason as severe ADHD...no really...)
Nobody fucking raped this ugly cunt. She's one of the most unattractive women you could possibly pick. Raping her would be a waste of a hard dick. That dick would be better spent on your imagination and your hand.

Attached: Oof.png (853x582, 411K)

You really think that because they serve the same purpose they’re equal in quality, I made fun of you for that.
Try thinking about the words you read

why doesn’t everybody just become rich lmao famine and poverty only exist in your mind

>how is making an ok gesture racist, its just a gesture
Mental illness and dishonest gaslighting is how, which camp are you in?

if you say things like "/pol/ is a boogeyman", you're a newfag. It's pretty simple.

>wew, you /pol/niggers...
He's right and Yea Forums is /pol/
>That's just one company, user. ONE singular conglomerate is 40 percent of all household news, on top of the dozens of Fox subsidiary and daughter groups.
And you're wrong you show you don't even understand the nonsense you're pushing.
>lol almost all of those are dominated by conservative groups and think-tanks.
No they aren't they are dominated by the left.
>You keep perpetuating this lie.
First it's half true because fox isn't conservative it's just balanced and yes it's the only non lefty wing news network on tv.
>he's really just a bad President?
Facts disagree with you.
>that's State Sponsored news,
It's not and there is no news network that is like that. Again the media is far left and liberal. It's become even more apparent since President Trump has been on office with the constant stream of far left propaganda.

That's what I thought. Thanks for playing, you retarded plebbitor cunt.

>Local stations that have not political biases.
Point at the idiot and laugh:
>In 2004, Sinclair's political slant was scrutinized by critics when it was publicized that nearly all of Sinclair's recent campaign contributions were to the Republican Party. In particular, the Center for Public Integrity showed concern that the Republican slant of Sinclair's news programming, along with Mark Hyman's past history of government lobbying (such as for the FCC to loosen rules regarding concentration of media ownership—a factor that has assisted in the company's growth),[128] made its stations provide "anything but fair and balanced news programming." Hyman disputed these allegations by stating that its newscasts were "pretty balanced" and that "the reason why some on the left have characterized us as conservative is that we run stories that others in the media spike."[116][122]

>In April 2017, Sinclair announced it had hired Boris Epshteyn, who was briefly the White House assistant communications director for surrogate operations for the Trump administration, and a senior advisor of Donald Trump's presidential campaign, as chief political analyst.[129] All Sinclair stations are required to air Ephsteyn's commentary nine times per week.[130]

>, who specifically and deliberately backs ONE news organization which just so happens to have Trump appointees worki
The media is far left, that's not even up for debate. It's comical anyone would even argue that even liberals, you usually just used to say "because the truth is left wing"

>a lone male voice from the back of the room shouted ‘Where’s the bloody jokes?'
Fucking based


so what? Nothing stopping anyone from becoming wealthy. The "wealth gap" is a non-issue. With is created and not something one side can horde.

>the media is "far left"
You don't know what far left even is, there is no mainstream media outlet that is "far left" in the US. You fucking retards.

why won't you just do what he said and prove to everyone youre an oldfag since you keep calling everyone else newfags? it takes less than 30 seconds

The problem is very specific to the US, since white folks there never took responsibility for the atrocities they committed.

Unless that happens, those phrases will have a toxic connotation and you will never be free...

we're all /pol/ here. Yea Forums is pol

>how is making a hand gesture an insult, its just a gesture

Attached: unnamed.0.jpg.jpg (1200x800, 56K)

>fox isn't conservative it's just balanced
>Trump is factually a good President
>"far left" media
oh, you've been pretending to be stupid.

Attached: 1562816536403.jpg (224x219, 13K)

Think it's funny how you think you're still like some majority here or something, that pic just proves what everyone always says, Yea Forums is just hobby + /pol/.

>muh raiding
lol this is the way Yea Forums and most of the internet is.

maybe you'd be happier on reddit.

>this hentai anime porn site for weebs and NEETs is actually a sekret club for white nationalists and Naziboos because it's hard to kick us off

>fox isn't conservative it's just balanced
Study after study since the mid 2000s have shown this the latest was a harvard study.
>Trump is factually a good President
I mean by every metric of the health of the nation he is.
>"far left" media
Yes the one that even 55% of democrats think is liberally biased.

This isn't chophouse or whatever lefty subbredit you hang around on. We won't enable you confirmation bias.

>am literally so new, I don't think /pol/ raids

>the media is 90% left wing biased
Well, if you are one of those loonies on the far right, then yes, most media will inevitably seem left wing to you.

Let me tell you, left wingers do not feel that 90% of the media is agreeing with them. Quite the opposite actually.

>media not far left
Do you know the relative percentages of conservatives vs democrats in media?

>MIGAfag arguing with a deluded commie retard
Fucking christ

>thats false.
oh okay, looks like you really showed me with those FACTS and LOGICS

>legit Homeless, and then in a Psych Ward
Isn't that horrible? Almost a reason to feel some compassion towards her?

>Study after study since the mid 2000s have shown this the latest was a harvard study.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA no, your misquoting the Harvard study you dumb faggot.
>by every metric, he's a good President
you mean, a strong economic recovery he had virtually no hand in helping?
>Democrats are "far left" now
Is it a situation where you just honestly don't know what words mean?

>not a single poster has even mentioned Communism
>over a dozen posts crying about the liberal media, leftists, trannies and other boogeymen

The worst thing is that it's the exact same commie retard in nearly every thread.

In nearly every thread where some faggot starts to derail the thread, it ends up being the guy who spazzes out by calling everyone newfags, always refuses to prove he isn't a newfag redditor and is always anal about "muh /pol/ boogeyman".

Attached: 1544793538681.png (197x168, 57K)

Could it maybe just be that you act like an obvious /pol/tard that gets upset he's found out?

What are you doing?

Jesus, let it go, that guy you are "debating" is too far gone. Let it go, Stop enabling his contrarianism.

The Harvard study did not say that Fox News was "the most balanced" though. That's a misquote.

>If so then post them idiot.
Nielson ratings...

I came into the thread at 290 replies, and the guy (meaning you) had already posted dozens of times by then. Same as in every thread. And no, I don't browse /pol/.

Seriously, get some help. You're worse than those mentally ill Q-boomers from /pol/ who spilled over onto every other board in 2016/2017.

user, he’s just saying that he’s noticed a pattern, why are you taking it personally?

why is it that ONLY the trannies/liberals/Jews/SJWs/etc. are "le silly goofy strawmen", but when /pol/niggers act completely autistic and you point that out, it's a boogeyman that they will then proceed to cry about how unfairly they are characterized for 300 posts?

wasn't meant for you. Sorry, I just lost track with you arguing in circles

Oh its pretty easy to tell what you are, even if youre too stupid ti realize it. He doesnt think hes an israeli cocksucker either im sure.

50% of Yea Forums crossposts on /pol/you butthurt niggerfaggot. You're so fucking stupid (or new) you literally think people making threads for (yous) is evidence of a /pol/ invasion

Do you think all the capeshit is evidence of a Yea Forums invasion? I don't, because I'm not a fucking moron

the democrat party are moderates

time and time again, /pol/tards are the most sensitive bunch on this site and it takes a black cartoon mermaid to set them off. That's a fucking pattern. If you willfully ignore it, then you're either new or from /pol/. It really is that simple.

Might have something to do with implying everything you don't like is an invasion from a board most people frequent anyway. Or maybe its that the hallmark of a newfag is to complain about things that are commonplace here, and it viscerally disgusts people to know they share a board with you

Yes, I lost track when the guy started to quote himself

>Oh its pretty easy to tell what you are, even if youre too stupid ti realize it.
Well, I'm not a communist. So you really shouldn't be a gambling man.
>50% of Yea Forums crossposts on /pol/
it's not 50 percent but I'm not sure what the argument is? Crossposting is a bannable offense.
>you literally think people making threads for (yous) is evidence of a /pol/ invasion
Nobody said it like that.

I mean it. I said the same thing to those Q-boomers. Not because I disagreed with them, or you. But you genuinely should see a psychiatrist. And no, even though the psychiatrist might recommend mind-altering medication, it does not mean he is a /pol/tard.

>hundreds of bait threads in a single day about black Ariel is just "board culture bro"
>/pol/ being an uncontainable mess of faggotry is just commonplace
I can't wait until you get someone killed again and get your swamp deleted, again.

Why can't you just accept that /pol/ has been the subject of mockery for over a decade, newfriend?

>imagine defending /pol/ because it's the closest thing you get to a hugbox, that you share with the literal mentally insane and actual, real-life Nazis with criminal records

I don't even like /pol/, and especially not after 2016, but seek help. Seriously.