She's ugly

Heavy make up and this is the best she can get? 6/10. She's just famous, I've dated girls way better than this, and I'm just average looking.

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Still made you seethe like a lil bitch

Oh just shut up

Insulting woman online isnt dating user.

What is this shit?
>t. 31 boomer

Post more pics

Based feminist roastie toasties

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ok, let's say I'm a faggot incel or whatever. But in all honesty, how often do you see a girl(IRL or tinder) looking better than this?
Do you really think this is ideal? give me a break dude... average at best

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Its strange, she is not conventionally attractive, but i still wanna badly pound her more than a 9/10 thot. There's just something about women with bitchface that gets me off.

>ok, let's say I'm a faggot incel

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ur a cunt, just answer the question

She cute

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you know those broads on tinder are also caked in make up, right? If she tried hard, she'd look as good as any thot on that app

Post more pics to support your aspersions

>Its strange, she is not conventionally attractive
It's not strange, you're attracted to her because of her status, that's all.

isn't she supposed to be average for the role? some chick working in a mall in Indiana likely won't be a 9 or 10

She's meant to be a dorky average girl not some 10/10 Stacy

They could’ve done better

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Yeah she's very pretty

are you stupid, she isn't supposed to be beautiful 10\10 by the plot, that's why Steve was seeking other girls ignoring average looking co-worker.
she's cute btw

Who cares? It's not a competition. I think she looks very nice and would happily stroke her hair and kiss her and stick my soul's flesh inside her and wiggle until I am released and she puts her finger through my hair and whispers that she loves me. She also seems like a lovely person so I might want to stick around afterwards and have a nice chat and do things together.


Jokes on you having sex with average white women is way better

Attached: Stranger.Things.3-8-2.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

>you know those broads on tinder are also caked in make up
And she isn't? JFL She's a fucking netflix actress daughter of 2 celebrities that has professional make up artists hired to make her look as good as possible.
But even without makeup, just think about your highschool days, she can't even compete with your average stacy

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Attached: Stranger.Things.3-8-3.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

Yeah, she's average, that's what I've said from the beginning, so your point is????

Show me a 10/10

The only real issue I see is she has a weak chin. Combined with her long neck it makes her look awkward.

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Love her here, but I have a weakness for short haired girls.

Here she looks gross on the other hand. Wouldn't fap.

You must be joking

Youre on a board who obsess over brie larson and find her plank body attractive, of course theyre gonna find this ugly dyke attractive too. Holywood is filled with ugly woman now, the best looking ones today are 7/10's, look at that man jawed spic from the mummy everyone was obsessed over

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Her smile is plain ugly. She looks good pouting or with a neutral look.

Platter face

She looks like a human Shih Tzu.

Her smile is cute. Read John Ruskin brainlet.

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So you'd genuinely prefer a default porn star? That's a very teenage taste in women.

chin, zygomatic bones, undefined jaw, fat nasolabial fold, ugly nose, ugly smile. She looks like a chicken

maya is an angel

Attached: maya-hawke.jpg (1600x1201, 132K)

I don't think you really like women, m80.

She has a cute "girl next door" look

It's not even her status, it's her mannerism & looks. It just feels more human.

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unironically they're better looking

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Welcome to Yea Forums(nel) the home of the literal and spiritual adolescent

Did you honestly expect people on this site to have normal tastes?

This chick is litterly a step up from lena dunham, you people are either so obsese and ugly that you need to bring your standards down or youre just so pathetic you would only go for a chick that repulsive looking, absolutely pathetic anons

I think even Lena would turn you down, mate.

>so obsese and ugly that you need to bring your standards down
That's the answer

Who is this?

Post more pics

This. It's kind of sad at this point. Any uberchad male will be criticized to death if they have a minor imperfection but people here pretend every ugly dyke in Hollywood is hot. Incels are annoying

If i were ever so brain damaged, ugly and desperate id ask and i did get turned down then id thank my lucky stars if she did turn me down, bud

Better looking but dumb as hell, if you're going to get tattoos at least get some that aren't completely retarded.

actually yeah, nevermind. I was being very retarded.

To make the distinction easier for you:

is hot.

is artificial and absolutely not hot.

You'll get an eye for the sort of bland surface that's supposed to hide the lack of anything worth discovering soon enough.

We get it, youre obese, so lonely and ugly your standards have taken a nose dive as well as your self esteem to the point where you lash out at better looking girls because you know youd never have any chance. Litteral incel, have sex, if your 2 inch dick hasnt been swallowed by your fat yet that is

Look, I am not trying to meme here but in all honesty please.
before I open the thread....who the fuck is this.
I have no idea.

Maya Hawke from Stranger Things 3.

COPE. You're trying to fool yourself into thinking she's hot because she's attainable, meanwhile the other ones are so above your league that it's impossible for you to even fantasize about, so you cope by saying "naah, it's not like they're hot or anything". But if you were good looking, you would never settle for anything other than the "artificial"

This, to be perfectly honest I can't stand fake. If you manage to look decent and natural, it's great. You don't see lads faking it, 'cause that'd be gay as fuck.

Yeah that helps.
What else has she been in, she looks like a scuffed tranny

I didn't realize people thought she was attractive. Above average at best, really nothing special


of course she's ugly, she has small tits

She’s not ugly. And she knows how to use her sexuality just like her mom. Uma wasn’t conventionally hot either.

There are a lot of hot women who have no charisma. They’re just dull and empty.

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>haha, no hot chick would ever have a good personality, thats why me, a real chad, goes for the dumpy dyke looking chick, because at least she slightly tried and might pay attention to me
Thats so pathetic anons

Nice projecting, loser.

>all these coping incels ITT

Attached: Maya-Hawke---2019-Paris-Fashion-Week---Christian-Dior-09.jpg (1360x2040, 159K)

It's ok for her to be average

Not about personality. Look at some of the biggest sex icons and they are not super model hot.

Monroe, Julia Roberts, Madonna, Eva Green, Emma Stone, etc.

But all of them know how to use their sexuality.

Why most supermodels fail as actresses. They have zero charisma or presence

Ok let's take Uma for example, she totally resembles her. Except she has better chin, jaw, nose, nasolabial fold, zygomatic bones and a beautiful smile

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Nice rebuttal hambeast
Are the incels the ones who arent so pathetic they arent attracted to the 4/10 frumpy dyke or are you talking about the obese losers who would find something like that so repulsive decent looking?

I like her exactly how I like Emma Stone.

Take it back. She's a marvel.

What I'm most upset about is that the two had great chemistry, the love story portion was set up for female fans to be absolutely enamored with the end result, just for the whole thing to end with a sike!

yeah, uma thurman is ugly too.

not if you're gonna call her attractive
Even past wall Uma Thurman mogs her

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mouth too big, face too long, weird nose

>they are not super model hot
>Monroe, Julia Roberts, Madonna, Eva Green, Emma Stone, etc.
I get that none of these examples are convencional 10/10, but Maya can't even compete with those ones.

She's not my type either, but if that's unnattractive then maya is below 5, stop coping

You know people called Uma ugly all the time when she was at her most popular. Same with Julia Roberts.

Everyone on here jizzes on Eva Green. She’s weird looking too. She’s not perfectly symmetrical which most beauties are judged on

why does it trigger you so much that people think she's beautiful?
preferring an older woman is a sign of low test, you're probably balding too

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I said that, they all had conventional traits to make up for it, look at their cheekbones, defined jaws, not a fat nasolabial fold, good teeth . Maya has none of that, literally your average chick

attracted to ugly girls is a sign of being low SMV

God you have shit taste.


Why's this one person hating Maya? Did she not tip OP or something?

This is a joke right

Show us what you consider a 10/10.

you're underrating her severely
>she's got deceptively large milkers, see webm in this thread. Her mom had the same thing going on
>has flawless white teeth&nice gums. I guarantee the girls you dated did not have comparable dental hygiene
>her voice has that rare, raspy sexual quality to it
and most importantly
>looks like a yung qt Uma Thurman

anything below an 8/10 and you're just a faggot, sorry. Get better taste asap

seething roastie probably

they made her frumpy on purpose because she's a dyke
just look at the haircut
no layering
if they wanted her to look cute they could have increased her score by at least 2 with a good doo

>show us a 10/10 in your opinion so we can be picky about the traits we personally don't like and say you have bad taste, nevermind the fact the we are idolizing a girl that doesn't score as a hot girl in any objective beauty standards whatsoever besides my own low selfsteem fantasies
perfect 10/10 women don't even exist, but here's a way better better looking woman
If you think that's a legit 8 I feel sorry for you. Real talk

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That's one of the most generic blonde models I have ever seen. Completely soulless.
t. from blonde people country

Too boring and bland. Why can't you comprehend that some guys like women that look more attainable and relatable?

looks like an average blacked whore, terrible taste kys

Uma Thurman, Uma Thurman, a perfect specimen for me to impregnate.
Family show family vehicle UH UH UH UH

>generic is ugly
>muhh opinion
It's so funny when I call you out before you even comment but you still answer the same thing I predicted because you can't argue with objective standards
>muhh opinion bro
keep coping bro

>show us a 10/10 in your opinion so we can be picky about the traits we personally don't like and say you have bad taste, nevermind the fact the we are idolizing a girl that doesn't score as a hot girl in any objective beauty standards whatsoever besides my own low selfsteem fantasies
I said this as a joke, but it's not even a joke at this point, bot scripted responses, exactly like I predicted. You are the souless ones

>n-no you

>you are now aware she was supposed to be Ariel in the little mermaid but was passed on
>to be replaced by Chloe Moretz who dropped out
>so now we have a black

>Chloe Moretz
its supposed to be the little mermaid not the little minivan.

>If I laugh it's ok

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>he still thinks he hasn't been btfo'd by multiple people
big OOF there buddy

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You thought I was going to nitpick, which I didn't, your taste is fundamentally shit and rotten from the core. I bet you jack off to video game characters and cartoons as well.

Do you even know what the word means? None of your "arguments" have any objective standards.

Down to earth unpretentious taste vs soulless art hoe

t. capeshitter

he never mentioned any capeshit

I can smell the capeshit on him.

none of u are gonna smash anyway so why u even care baka

This ain't the early 2000s anymore. Hollywood love interests aren't cast as the most beautiful women because it isn't empowering or whatever to your average skank with an inflated ego. I see more attractive women everyday in public, especially at the gym.

Who is this

Attached earlobes though

Yea Forums incels need something to argue over

>tfw no Maya gf

I hurts to live brehs

Starwars is the capeshit of it's time

Attached: brehs.jpg (1080x1080, 122K)

>Hidden Fortress
>Children of Paradise
>The Apartment
>art hoe tier
You have objectively shit taste, I bet your top 3 would be fedoracore.

Most girls on Tinder are brainless normie thots, she has the quirky art hoe thing going on which gives her more leeway in the conventional beauty department.

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Why does her ass extend halfway up her back?

>incel gets "chasing amy'd" while watching ST3
>still seething

I prefer Uma.

Attached: uma-thurman-giorgio-armani-fashion-show-in-paris-01-22-2019-7.jpg (1280x1920, 241K)

You need a large foundation for an ass of that proportion.
She's built to fuck.


god damn man

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Because it's a shop

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Always amazes me how extensively both guys and girls get themselves tatted up these days, yet you can tell by the content of said tats their personalities/interests are as fucking basic as basic gets.

She unironically looks like she fucks black guys

She can't be famous if I have no idea who she is.

Looks like the model from the Junji Ito mangas


Genuinely boring face. Does nothing for me.

Obscure reference but I got it

I bet your top 3 are IPAcore

Except there were already super hero movies made at the time, try again soï

>47 years old
She's cute, and a MILF for sure.

Those were considered trash for comicbook nerds and small children. Starwars was pretty big.

>conflating capeshit with super hero movies
Ask me how I know you're a Zoomer.

>popular = bad
man you reek of onions, the OT was genuinely good and enjoyed by the masses, only posturing film nerds try to flex their obscure film knowledge, they use movies like fashion.

yeah we get it zoomer anything that isn't on netflix is pretentious arthouse

>>conflating capeshit with super hero movies
>Ask me how I know you're a Zoomer.

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>no argument
That's what I thought, Zoomy.

She's alright, but Queen Brianne of Sacremento did this cliche better.

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>>no argument
>That's what I thought, Zoomy.

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Based and dare I say larspilled

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I've probably seen more foreign and arthouse movies than you, few are great some ok a lot are bad same with most movies i'm also not gonna roll my eyes if someone says their favorite movie is back to the future, which is better than 99% of arthouse movies. Hipsters only care about aesthetics, probably buy 1950s italian movies posters of shit they've never even seen.


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have sex incel

Found OP

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>back to the future, which is better than 99% of arthouse movies
LOL, what a shit bait.

>i'm also not gonna roll my eyes
This entire argument started because some retard rolled his eyes at 'art hoe shit'

imagine ruining a perfectly good romantic storyline to appeal to 1% of the audience

me on the right

Sorry you made poor life decisions, user. Tattoos are gross and immediately identify their owners as lesser beings.

imagine getting turned off by lesbos

mmm I want to lick her pussy

She a cute. Reminds me of a crush about ten years back.

maya at

Sadie at

Millie ugly