>biopics you'd like to see
one of the greatest comedians of the 20th century.
>biopics you'd like to see
one of the greatest comedians of the 20th century.
starring Idris Elba
>doesn't tell jokes
>looks for applause instead of laughter
Carlin is Hannah Gadsby for boomers.
i bet your name is todd
Comedians are supposed to make witty repartee instead of just tell jokes.
playing the architect in Scary Movie is the only funny thing he ever did
actually true
Dead well before his time. RIP
>joke about pc lunatics will remove gendered names and call manholes person holes
>20 years later pc lunatics remove gender names (in california) and call manhole maintenance holes
Close enough.
He was 71.
someone post the side by side picture of carlin saying "if you don't wanna be attacked by muslims don't go to the middle east and shoot at them, stay in oklahoma redneck" next to the woman who got beheaded by a muslim in oklahoma
in school we joked that that meant vagina.
Just watch Lenny, it's the exact same story but everything takes place 20 years earlier.
wow, thanks bro. how did I not know of this?
>it is on a woman
Lenny the movie is far better than Lenny the comedian.
George Carlin would unironically be labeled Atl-Right in 2019.
in his later years, absolutely
Are you retarded?
The dude shat on Cheney and Bush 24/7.
Pretty much
>tell left wingers how dumb right wingers are
>but do it in a funny voice
brilliant, truly the pinnacle of comedy
That quote is from her husband, not Carlin, dummy.
The alt right is not fond of Bush or Cheney, please.
He shit on snowflakes and PC culture too.
And he would have shat all over Obama for starting more wars, expanding the Patriot Act, the $14 trillion dollar bank bailouts, and the MSM and Twittershits that defended him by calling everyone racist.
ur in the wrong thread friendo
I hate when narcissistic dumbasses try to call /thread on a good discussion
>old man being edgy and cursing
let's see you make it that long kiddo.
you're probably taken out by a few tide pods.
>young man posting frog edits
shuddap jew
Because it's for men. Women can't hold property, not even on their bodies
>>it is on a woman
manhole, as in its for a man to "go down" and "inside" of, faggot.
By that logic, manholes should be called streetholes
>he thinks one person saying /thread actually "kills" the thread
Fucking redditors fags.
*throws you from a helicopter*
He was a hippy.
brainrot tribalists classify their enemies based on who they criticize, not who they ally with. i've been called both a nazi and an sjw for my views. the slightly more amicable retards call me a fencesitting centrist instead
genuinely never heard of him
>not wanting to hang Bush and Cheney from a tree
We want to hang ALL the (currently living) presidents from a tree
Except Trump though because he's based and redpilled, Praise Kek!
Not really. He made fun of hippies.
It's always nice to spot the people who criticize Carlin without having seen his shows
Carlin was such a tryhard edgelord
>Hmm how can I let everyone know I have extreme right wing opinions? I know I'll wear this faggy cowboy hat despite never working on a ranch and majoring in "fine arts".
Ben isn't even extreme right wing. He's libertarian.
Or Kyle.
Except Carlin was for in favor of abortion and women's rights, mocked religion all the time and was a fairly militant atheist, frequently mocked white people (like the whole house of blues bit), shat on republicans abd conservatives for three decades straight, would have hated things like GOO advocating for bills that say you are not allowed to protest Israel, etc. Besides all that, yeah, he would totally think contrarian nazi larpers were his people.
American definitions of left and right are fucked. Either way I'm sure he proclaims to despise everything "liberal" or "leftist" and tips his cowboy hat while doing so.
God damn alt-righters are so cringy. Imagine unironically having those things shape your identity.
God damn leftists are so cringy. Imagine unironically having those things shape your identity.
Brendan Schaub biopic when?
>dude I hate everything and call people stupid while peddling stupid talking points thinking I’m clever
Yank ‘humour’
Doesn't work like that.
Aristotle, maybe? Biopics of anyone who was alive in the last 150 years are the dumbest shit I've ever heard of, you people should be fucking ashamed of yourselves for lining up to watch some puff piece cash grab about some guy whose interviews/concerts/whatever they do are available on youtube.
Wait, the guy from hardcore pawn did comedy?
Ummm you might have missed out on his entire career. Even his late stuff was anti corporate hippy stuff. Thats like the one consistent thing about Carlin. Are you kidding?
I don't know if a traditional biopic would work but you could certainly do something with the supreme court case over his seven words you cannot say on TV routine. Or if you did something with his addiction issues and how he was a shitty father, like base it loosely on his daughter's memoir while juxtaposing it with his stand up career.