Why did they do that?
*keeps muting Len in your path*
They usually lower the volume for others if someone's speaking, sometimes it comes off really obviously eg. pic related.
Do what
Oh man I love watching shows where everyone talks over everyone and you can’t understand a goddamn thing.
based Len
Have I got a show for you..
Honestly surprised he has the patience for Mike's bullshit
BotW Guests Power Rankings:
1. Colin from Canada
2. Freddie Williams III
3. Max Landis
4. Macaulay Culkin
5. Len Kabasinski
90002. Jim from Canada
They all suck to be honest.
1. Len
2. Samurai Cop dude
3. Freddie Williams
4. The canucks
5. That fucking bear
Colin, Jim and Len are the best guests. Freddie and Culkin are fine. Fuck Max Landis.
Oh boy!
>Samurai Cop dude
He was never in BoTW
Jim is boring as fuck.
Lenis the best guest. Worst guest is the guy who follows Macauly Culkin around, the bunny ears boy.
Shit. Misread it as RLM guests in general.
Also, the canucks look interchangeable to me
Literally the worst taste and ranking I've ever seen
>Had to take a Xanax to watch a movie about lions running around people
Indeed that faggot was the worst.
Roar was legitimately insane, though his reaction to it was way over the top
Colin's the Eminem-looking guy
Jim's the bearded, boring, mute one.
I know which is which. It's just that they don't seem to be terribly different from each other in a discussion.
1. Colin & Jim
2. Second appearance of Len
3. That girl who wanted to fuck Jay
4. Second Appearance of Freddie Williams
Power Gap
5. Mr McCulkin
6. Max Landis
7. First appearance of Freddie Williams
8. First Appearance of Len
9. Bunny Ears Guy
Colin has interesting stories and input on things. Jim is just boring and silent.
>3. That girl who wanted to fuck Jay
Poor girl
He's a little bitch.
She never had a chance.
I liked Rental Review at first but it's getting tiresome. All of his fat friends are annoying as fuck
That video is 7 years old. Why are you bringing it up now. Stop obsessing over everything related to Red Letter Media.
I like Colin too
I'd rate Mac after him because I like his energy
Haven't seen enough videos with Freddie, Len or Max
Jim is okay, nothing special
I wouldn't mind videos with just Jack, Jay, Mike and Rich
Max Landis? What is wrong with you?
Beardfat is the only one I can’t stand.
Thankfully max landis won’t be back because he was painful to watch.
*blocks your path*
He's the only guest with an Emmy.
>That video is 7 years old.
oh... god...
Not for long
It's a chain of command type of situation.
It was cute
Now that will be cringe
>Macaulay not first
>Max Landis over Macaulay
Is Jim from canada the wizard guy? He seems over 9000 level clattering buttock.
>people who saw this video as children now have own children
No, that's beardfat. This is Jim.
Like two peas in a pod. Except beard from canada was a professional something if memory serves.
No it isn't. They stated BOTW in 2013. What's more fucked up is that HitB will be 10 years old in 2021.
Yeah he's a special effects artist and actually won an emmy
>2011 was 30 years ago
I have never watched one. I wish it was just James and Mike doing the reviews.
I appreciate that Macaulay Culkin looks just as unkept and slubby as the rest of them.
This, also back then they had shit tier cameras so they couldn't do a zoomed in edit to avoid showing the person speaking without a voice.
In the other episode Len appeared on recently he was just as autistic but since they had nicer cameras they cropped in to have him out of frame.
Wrong, fucking hell
Brahman Tier
Mortal Tier
Hungry Ghost Tier
Max Landis
Len Cabbage had to learn to sew so he could tighten his t-shirt sleeves
Macaulay is overacted if he wasn’t a former child super star, Yea Forums would whine about him like all the other “guests”
is this achievable natty?