What is this movie going to be about?

What is this movie going to be about?

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Neck yourself

It's an animated tv show airing on the Disney+ app, dumbass.

>spiderman were gay
>steve rogers and bucky were gay
>iron man was tall
>brie larson was likeable

>what if OP wasn't a capeshitter faggot?

A world in which Hayley Atwell was my gf


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what if you had sex?

its a cartoon show starring Jeffrey Wright. on the disney app

Is this real? lmao

What If... Joss Whedon didn't hate Simon Williams?

What If... Ant-Man had created Ultron?

What If... She-hulk, Tigra, Black Knight and Hercules existed?

What If... we didn't literally skip from the 1960s origins to Infinity Gauntlet to the terrible 2010s storylines and actually used the vast history of comic books.

>What if.... Marvel movies were good and didn't rely on a shitty gimmick?

I prefer the Who Was? show

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it's a what if story in the comics

What if Starlord didn't fuck everything up

The fuck? What happened to this guy?

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I don't get it, I thought this was supposed to portray alternate scenarios

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he no longer represents the Britain today. It's not 70% indian/paki/arab

>What if the snap never happened

Or maybe

>they will introduce another timeline where mutants exist

Same thing that happened to real life england

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This with any luck

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>soulless Marvel flick #36
Something like this:
>random man/woman
>discovers some skill/power
>starts using power
>meets guy who wants to help/improve/mentor him/her
>then meets guy who needs to be stopped or who wants to kill protagonist
>big fight
>superhero loses, but escapes
>bad guy tries to do some world-threatening plan
>protagonist barely stops him
>post credit scene: "woah, theres more superheroes like me? COOL"

>What If Storm Was Black?

The movies are made for the wide normie audience. Don't you need to know comic lore to get a handle on all the different possibilities? asking as a normie

>iron man was tall

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Now that's a real hero

not British

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It's going to be X-men
>What if...mutants lived among us
Now that multiverses are a thing, they are going to shoehorn them into the main MCU movies.

Hulk vs Wolverine

WHAT if everyone in the Marvel universe was black?

white folks stopped being fragile?

>a peaceful utopia with no need for superheroes

ITT self-proclaimed nerds happily picking cotton on the Disney plantation

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who would be the heroes?

What kind of white kid would dress up as Black Panther?

I only watch rips of marvel movies at my friend's house, but I am actually interested in What If because I always liked the comic series.

lol I like how the mother is dressed up like a fucking tribeswoman
hey niggers, wakanda aint fucking real

>what if avatar is all time number 1?

the kind that dont live in hick flyover states, Cletus

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>what if janne foster found the hammer of thor?

I’d imagine white kids dressing up as Black Panther would be akin to blackface.

i wish the white mom was wearing open toed shoes so i could check out her foot game

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Gonna be one of those random alternate universe comics in movie form. So nothing.

What's the point in bringing every actor to reprise his role if the series is a cartoon?

easy cash grab

/toy/ here,
That's something that never happened. The Black Panther roleplay claws have always been in stock, and in fact have gone on clearance several times across the various stores I've been to.

Now the 2nd Black Panther wave of Marvel Legends, like the 2nd Guardians of the Galaxy wave are a bit trickier to get. It came out at the begging of the year, so most stores just skipped it in favor of extra Captain Marvel cases.

Luckily I was able to get tactical Killmonger for under $15 at walmart's website.

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A lot of What Ifs ended up happening in the canon universe

_ ____ __ ____ ____ _______

I want to rape Kamala and America so fucking bad

What would happen if doom became the thing? he still would have been cucked by dr. bombastic.

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Umm, the 90s called. They want their insults back.

What if loki got away. (endgame)

Is this legit... Fucking hell

>iron man was tall
I don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

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You shitting on nadiya faggot?

I'll take her over mo Farrah anyway.

>captain Britain

it's a cartoon character mate

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based manchild

What if Iron Man didn't reveal his identity to the public?

>white faggots in california want to further their creepy obsession with blacks by dressing up as black panther
sounds about right