Is there such thing as steampunk kino?

is there such thing as steampunk kino?

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Is Sky Captain steampunk?

Mortal Empires is kinda steampunk.

Steampunk is cringe as hell.

Steampunk is for gay retards


steampunk by definition is peng and kino

urm errrrrr the cool kids on Yea Forums all hate it that's why

Treasure planet and the dishonored game trilogy

No, because it's intrinsically dishonest about being fantasy, attempting to pretend it's "alternative science fiction / period drama". There are some kino works here and there but the genre itself is cringe-worthy and mediocre.

steampunk kind of conveniently forgets that everything we've had that is steampowered was coal fired.

What about that Michael Jackson movie? Moving Castles? Guess it was shitty, since no ones even talking about it anymore. A 2019 movie.

final fantasy 9 was kino


what's the deal with steampunk? I never understood the appeal.

If you don't understand the appeal there's nothing much anybody can say, you'll either like the style or not I guess

Stardust (2007) innit


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Yes, but it's all animated. The couple of live-action movies that hint at being Steampunk are generally trash (Wild Wild West, Sky Captain). City of Lost Children is more cyberpunk than steampunk, but it's actually a good movie, and if you like steampunk aesthetics you may enjoy it.

Sky Captain is no more steampunk than the Fallout franchise

blade runner

no, cuz it's retarded aesthetics over logic and substance
There's your steampunk movie, broham.

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I don't like it much either, from what I've seen it's almost entirely about that retrofuturistic pseudo victorian aesthetic with very little substance to it, unlike something like cyberpunk that has more meat to it.

Dishonored series. Great kino in vidya form.

Yes, and Walt Disney did it in 1954.

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Dishonored is weird whale/sea punk. The victorian stuff makes it slighty steampunky but the technology and ways of life are very port/dock like with an emphasis on the whale batteries

Steampunk is pretty similar to lovecraft in that almost nobody who is 'inspired' by it actually understands the themes or the aesthetic and thus it's pretty much all shit. The only good stuff I've ever seen that captures both the themes and the aesthetic properly are:

>The mysterious explorations of jasper morello:
>City of lost children (if you want to stretch the definition to its max).
>1884 Yesterday's future (a.k.a. Yet another unfinished Terry Gilliam project).

Other than that, the only steampunk stuff is ironically all pre-steampunk films e.g.
>First men in the moon
>A trip to the moon
>War gods of the deep
>20,000 leagues
>Journey to the center of the earth

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