Do you prefer Endgame or Avatar?

Do you prefer Endgame or Avatar?

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Thanks for playing along!

I watched Avatar for the first time this year and my answer is Avatar

Whichever has Brie Larson.

avatar because it isn't corporate Disney shit, but both a terrible films

Probably avatar, endgame was a really stupid movie.

Infinity War shits on both though.

Titanic. Both are CGI shits, Titanic works even if you remove all these unnecessary CGI scenes.

Avatar is a mediocre film, but I refuse to watch any movie-flavored products from Disney's MCU factory

all three of these are mediocre at best.

Based beyond measure

Unironically not seen either nor do I plan to.

Endgame. I was kinda dissapointed in both, but Avatar was offensive in its mediocrity disregarding technology advances.

Endgame. If only for actually being succesful on its merits as a movie rather than pushing a novelty gimmick like 3D that, in the long run, didn't end up adding anything worthwhile to the medium.

OP here.
Everyone who prefers Avatar, what do you think of Endgame passing it in the top box office?

Infinity War > Avatar > Endgame

>reasonable posts coming from Yea Forums anons
What the suck and fuck is happening?
Is it Mossad agents?

The actress that played that blue thing is toxic to any film she's in.

There are hundreds of blue things between the two movies. What are you talking about?

He's probably referring to the actress who plays both Gamora and.. whatever the female Avatar was called.

I respect Avatar more but both films are mediocre and kinda boring.

The absolute state of this shit board.

Movie company shills, market researchers and people with the shittest of tastes.

Original script based on many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics vs remake of Dances with Wolves.
Endgame of course

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i like both. none is my fav

This. I genuinely don't understand how anyone can argue any other way.

Avatar just kind of seemed to pleased with itself, too.

Soulless vs Soul

Don't really like either of those. I guess i'll just go with fucking avatar then.

Endgame is a B movie full of memes and fan service. Avatar was beautiful but boring. Avatar I guess.

space monke because I detest capeshit


>he didn't jizz with that opening scene in IMAX 3D

It was beautiful to witness

I want reddit to go

I can't even remember the opening scene of Avatar.

Imagine being so ADHD rotten. Enjoy your early dementia

Infinity war

miss me with that furry shit

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cope harder, I remember plenty of shit from better movies the same year

The only good thing from Avatar is the ruthless army leader and the alien soundtrack, the rest is dances with wolves in space.
I only Saw the first of the Marvel thanos movies:
Wakandians army is weak AF
>Black widow against proxima
The smart alien is just another clicke
They lower thanos power whenever they want
>Spiderman holding thanos
>Iron man "knocking" thanos for a few seconds
A lot more but the thanos movie is shit

I got plenty of problems with Endgame (I don't think the IW Thanos ever should have been killed off only to be supplanted by his 2014 self who is an inferior villain and character and has less history with the Avengers too) but the meme Endgame is soulless is so stupid. It was clear it was a labour of love from those involved. That's a fact irrespective of your thoughts on the film. It ends on a man and woman in love dancing to a song capping off a story thread had been hanging for 8 years with zero sequel bait or post-credits shit.

avengers is shit

you have a smelly and small willy and it only gets stiffy when you poo poo hahaha small pee pee that gets a little less small only when you poo poo haha cringe

>. It was clear it was a labour of love from those involved.
And other movies aren't?

>It ends on a man and woman in love dancing to a song capping off a story thread had been hanging for 8 years with zero sequel bait or post-credits shit.
It's probably the dumbest thing they've done with Cap's character that caused all sorts of time travel issues just because they wanted to go with a feel good ending.

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I didn't see endgame but avatar was really boring and formulaic. It seemed only made to experiment with weird stupid 3d technology that's not commercially available so now that it's not in theaters it's pretty much a useless movie, so I'm assuming endgame is better just by virtue of being something more unique and having a plot

>And other movies aren't?
What, movies in general or other Marvel movies? Either way, don't how the fuck saying Endgame was made by people with some care and passion for the project doesn't mean other films aren't a labour of love.
>It's probably the dumbest thing they've done with Cap's character that caused all sorts of time travel issues just because they wanted to go with a feel good ending.
I could have a really good night in a club if I had a pound for every time I read a post from someone that completely did not understand the ending on Yea Forums with complaints like 'why didn't cap stop 9/11' and shit like that. That aside, I liked it. Made sense within the context of his arc and was cathartic and bittersweet. Shock horror, filmmakers sometimes go for things that evoke those feelings rather than stuff that's far drier but more logically soundproof. But that aside, I explicitly stated it's not a soulless film even if you do have a litany of problems with it. I don't see how banging on about the ending being shit to you detracts from the claim it's a labour of love nonetheless.

They're both shit but Avatar made an attempt to be good.


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District 9

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Bravo bravo
Batman the ultimate capeshit

endgame, I only prefer the winning side.


I enjoyed Endgame and I was bored in Avatar. Not saying one is bad and the other is amazing just expressing how I felt watching them. Saw both in theaters.

not a fan of either but at least avatar was original in its execution. i would rather watch that i think. but i think both movies have the same amount of cgi

Imagine the smell...

Avatar, but just barely because there has never been a performance by Stephen Lang that I didn't like.

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The Hurt Locker is the only correct answer

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Avatar was shit, but at least I watched it and it's not capeshit so it automatically beats endgame

Last capeshit flick I watched was probably Ironman 2

avatar was great.

Na vi jake is taller than pink homer

How much money did you waste nigger?

Avatar was a typical modern Cameron film. Very enjoyable with zero re-watchability. Endgame was utterly mediocre. It seems the more bland you can make a film so it causes minimum emotional effect the better now.

Endgame was kino unlike that pretentious garbage.

Disney cheats.