Was the dude just takin' a piss???

Was the dude just takin' a piss???

Attached: featured12.jpg (500x341, 89K)

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His mom put him in timeout.

People thought this movie was real because nobody could verify it wasn't. Things were different before the internet.

ima be honest I thought he was just takin a piss, too. Didn't really see how that was all that scary.

He was blasting it with piss

what was in that cloth pouch, teeth?

You guys saw Blair Thumb too?

It was known to be fake if you took the time to look around. I knew when I went to see it at the theater but didn't tell anyone so they could get the full enjoyment.

I love pissing!!!

I think the implication was (other that it's bizarre/unnerving) is that the witch brainwashed him into obedience like that other guy, as user alluded to

He was licking the wall. What? You've never stood in a corner casually licking a wall for hours?

Only children and retards thought this when the Blair Shit Project came out.

Ye he pissing

Worst movie ever not only in its own right but because it gave way to a slew of shitty movies ever since.

classic meme sir +1 internets to you

>blair witch
>before the internet
3rd worlder spotted

Wouldnt suprise me if he actually was pissing and they just used it as an ending because they had problems with how to end the movie


Part of the reason people bought into the concept was because it wasn't a hollywood movie and you could originally only watch it in theaters that showed indie movies. The word of mouth about the found footage movie spread from there

He was waiting for Josh to kill Heather.

I remember as a dumbfuck 9-year-old thinking this was legitimately real.

The best scene wasn't even the one involving any of the "Horror" aspects, it was simply this. It's so convincing.

>dat scooby episode
what the FUCK were they thinking?

I was more impressed with the "Praise You" music video troll. Everyone thought the Torrence Dance thing was real. I was so pissed off when it beat Korn at the MTV vma's. Spike Jonze was a great troll.

>because nobody could verify it wasn't
Apart from the credits

The Internet existed at tht time. Most people had AOL.

don't break the illusion for the NPCs, man.

The Blair Witch gained notoriety because of the Internet. Please, do some damn research. That's what the Internet was designed for.

>before the internet

Attached: harry-knowles.jpg (1000x563, 532K)

I remember that

Nobody over the age of 10 thought this you mongoloid.

why the fuck did he toss the map?

I hate zoomers so much. The internet was around back then

>filming a conversation about a map for no reason
Sure buddy.

>The monster made him crazy and he stands in the corner :O
The amount of s*y

>indie movies shown in theaters aren't connected to Hollywood
Another myth no one in their right mind believes.

not for children dont watch children pls

I admire the dedication, meme lich

a huge part of their marketing was on the internet you dumb fuck

this time we shouldnt have meddled....we shouldt have meddled..

kek i remember watching this on TV at the time

>has director
>has writes
>has actors

Because the shithead that wrote the pile of trash was too dense to come up with decent plot so he wrote the characters as retards doing stupid shit to drive the story. Its also why there is no ending. The story just stops because shit for brains writer couldn't come up with anything else.


if they really wanted to go with that, they couldve had the guy holding the map and fall in the stream or something making the map wet and ruined instead of says "hurr we're lost fuck the map it wont help us lol'


>before the internet
were you even alive when it was released zoomer?

what year was the internet began?

You have a pretty damn broad definition of Hollywood then, especially if we are talking about the 90s indie film scene.

i like to think it got traction around 95-96

2006. Facebook and all that jazz.

your phone isn't the internet, Joshoah.

He realizes that appearing offline doesn't work.

Attached: WoRplays.jpg (800x488, 56K)

I read the world wide web was invented around 1990. So after that people and companies could create websites. My family got our first computer in 1994.

haha no

He was blasting one.

Well, I declare...

Internet is older than that.

Attached: Old video game post 1.png (360x253, 153K)

I had a 10Mbit/s connection at the day of release. Most pajeets have less today.

Stop being stupid.

post more user

Attached: Old video game post 2.jpg (996x459, 77K)


Attached: HL3.jpg (984x300, 27K)

Yeah it’s a re-enactment of how Rustin Parr murdered the children in the films back story.

Attached: Old video game post 3.jpg (659x884, 179K)

good bait
also I was downloading matrix and phantom menace at the time

I distinctly remember having AOL 4.0 back then.

I remember my brother pushed my parents for a cable modem in late 1998 and they bought one. It was kino.



>play phantom menace vcd at school
>pc so slow it takes minutes to react to anything
>sit through intro music at full volume before pulling power plug

Myspace was popular at that time though.

>pyfw this was originally going to be the ending

Attached: Myo0Nzo.jpg (533x600, 99K)

Myspace was at the peak then. A couple short years later they would get railed by Facebook.

boomers and millenials are retarded lmao

>next time you are making the tent!

haha gotcha bro!
lets go home
[happy music plays]

Blair witch would have been forgotten if it wasnt for that corner ending

Josh's teeth, eyeballs and tongue.


what did the witch look like

your imagination

Cunny semen demon

Cannibal Holocaust did it better though

What the reboot to find out

>It's so convincing.
Proabably becuase the actors were basically left with a map, script and some basic ration + protein bars and told to film it themselves with the directors following them around and basically spying on them only letting them know they were nearby with a lazer pen. They actors themselves were probably as tired and pissed off as in the film

The corner ending is better as it hints that the witch isn't real and that it's the crazed child murderer from years ago just fucking with them

according to the BTS, when theyre running to the house near the end heather says "What the FUCK IS THAT???" and it was set crew dressed up in all white running with them in the distance in the woods but they didnt tell the actors this was going to happen