Is it worth seeing? Thought Homecoming was quite bland

Is it worth seeing? Thought Homecoming was quite bland

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Short answer: no.
Long answer: noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.

homecoming was keatno you pleb

I thought it was amazing, I really enjoyed it

It's better than homecoming.
I thought it was better than Endgame.
I also like that's it's a Sony movie. I'm not seeing anything Disney.

It was better than homecoming, but still pretty bland. The villain is the best part of the movie, but he's just a good performance and a bit thin otherwise.

It's nothing noteworthy

It's "watch at the gym" tier

It's alright. Probably wait to for it come on to blu-ray though.

how many times can you people watch the same fucking movie with a different title

it's way better than homecoming

>bong peter parker

It was bland

It's a Marvel movie, they're all exactly the fucking same.

it's shit, waste of time


Yes, it's far better than Homecoming. Its almost like they're made by two completely different directors.

Found it an enjoyable popcorn movie

>capeshit #892374 equal: go to europe for some reason

It was much better than Homecoming, and actually explored Spider-Man's character and struggle in a really meaningful way. Jake Gyllenhaal was also great as Mysterio. It wasn't a perfect movie, and there are some warranted major criticisms, but it was really different from a lot of capeshit and was a really pleasant surprise for me when I went on cheap movie night.

>Is it worth seeing? Thought Homecoming was quite bland
Are your testosterone levels below the minimum safe numbers? Then yes.

it is easily the second best liveaction spider-man film behind spider-man 2, dont lsiten to contrarians and dcucks

It's really boring and flat until the Mysterio betrayal. Which is like halfway through the film. It's a really good take on Mysterio but I'd only recommend it if you are fan of Spider-man outside film media because Holland sucks ass in this and Gyllenhaal carries it.

I prefer the Amazing Spiderman 2. Not only does it have lizardman but it is called Amazing. None of the other spidermen are called Amazing. I don't knwo why people keep deluding themselves