Antagonist is evil because... he's evil

>antagonist is evil because... he's evil

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Read the silmarillion faggot

Movie that requires background material to work is a failure.

Okay some guy on the internet!

he's not wrong, though.

>antagonist is evil because... he's evil

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An antagonist with murky origins doesnt mean a film doesnt work

>battling to save your race and nation from vampires is "evil"

holy shit you've made this thread so many times

Far better than faggots with "muh noble goal achieved through extremist ways".

>the main villain is named Sauron
>the secondary villain is named Sauronman who lives in a place called Orc Tank

Tolkien never ceases to amaze me...

Billbo Baggins lives at Bag End on Bagshot Row

>some motherfuckers are always tryin to ice skate uphill.

based "read the books" user

>be OP
>walks down the street
>black man points gun and asks for wallet and cellphone
>"why you bad, my fellow human friend?"
>gets shot
>"hur dur, antagonist is evil because... he's evil"

That was what he was though. He was an aspect of the smith (Aulë) like Saruman. He loved to create, was a perfectionist and hated waste of resources/time. Melkor lured him over by convincing him that what the others had created was wasteful and imperfect

>mentions black men unprompted
Rent free. What did black men do to you, sweetie?

He was the only good guy in that war

They exist and steal air

>defends black men unprompted
Fuck off cuckold redditor


Sensitive as fuck. Now I know who those testosterone pill commercials are targeted at.

>Want to read the books
>look to buy them


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wow so subtle and funny
is this the epitome of reddit comeback?

Just go to the fucking library and check them out you nutcase.

Just read LOTR, the hobbit and The Silmarillion.

Men can be evil. Undeniably evil.
But very few evil people think they are evil. They think they are justified or that these actions will lead to a better future. That's probably the key to portraying a basic, decent villain and its true for Sauron.
Sauron wants to re-shape the world in his image so it fits his idea of perfection. To do that he is willing to do anything and has no boundaries in his aims, that is what makes him evil.

why did he wear the ring over his gauntlet?

>>Sauron wants to re-shape the world in his image so it fits his idea of perfection. To do that he is willing to do anything and has no boundaries in his aims,

sounds familiar

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>OP makes the same thread for the millionth time because... he's a faggot

more kinos like this aside from the obvious blockbusters?

>the main villain is name Hitler
>the secondary villain is name Himmler
Such hackneyed writing is enfuriating

White race isn't worth saving

saturday morning cartoon levels of writing

>antagonist is evil...because she saw a castle

>antagonist is evil because... he's an incel

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>Men can be evil. Undeniably evil.
I used to think that no person could be entirely evil but, fuck dude, I have meet people that enjoy being evil bastards. Coincidentally, these people tend to be very stupid.

Don't make me say it.

>evil people
B-but my smart sci fi show told me that evil people are smart


That whole idea is a very juvenile, "I want to sound smart but I'm actually not".

Some people just don't give a rat's ass about anyone other than themselves, and will hurt anyone if it benefits them and they can get away with it.

Some people even don't care about getting away with it.

Tolkien is both underrated and overrated. On one hand, he totally deserves credit for creating modern fantasy of we know it, and even to this day the molds and tropes he created have not been remotely surpassed or really improved upon at all, despite some attempts like from GRRM.

On the other hand, the actual books themselves are extremely boring there are a ton of plot holes and other things wrong with the story itself.

>protagonist is good because... he's good
>something behaves according to its inherent nature as the universe is full of predator/prey, guardian/destroyer, etc archetypes, but I want to seem highbrow because I believe in my own interpretation and understanding of what it profound and cannot comprehend empirical, elemental concepts and/or beings

>Some people just don't give a rat's ass about anyone other than themselves, and will hurt anyone if it benefits them and they can get away with it.
That's one very fitting definition of being stupid

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You're looking at a guy who from a MODERN point of view is evil but in his day he was only playing the game by the rules at the time, it's just that warfare had changed but peoples' mindsets didn't.

It was WW1 and WW2 that created the modern globalised worldview, back then you fought for your nation and that's what Hitler was doing.

He genuinely believed that jews were pure evil, imagine you thought there were literal demons going around in your country, the country that you love and there's just demons walking the streets, that's what jews were to Hitler and many people throughout history.

Why does a movie have to be an entirely self-contained narrative? Who made that rule? Who said that all of the characters origins, intentions, and outcomes have to be contained within the opening and closing credits? Does knowing the specifics of who, what, and why of the main characters always make the story better?

No it's not. Egotistical does not equal stupid, stupid.

What was her glorious image for re-shaping the world? There was none, only a scramble for her own power and slay queen.

It may be a meme, but it's not actually so far off in the sense that Hitler may actually have been a convinced, devout nationalist (he may also have been a grifter, but that just means that the people under him were the true believers). That gets lost a lot in the shuffle, but it also is left out of consideration because we've decided as a society that nationalism is entirely evil as a concept. The majority of the country believes patriotism and nationalism are Nazi values, that's literally the core principal of the European Union.

So I think it's less people failing to contextualize Hitler's beliefs, but rather people not caring because they agree beforehand that if Hitler believed it, it is inherently evil, hence why they would equate all nationalism with Nazi-ism.

>Tolkien's books are actually boring and full of plot holes
>The only writer to improve upon the epic fanstasy formula is GRRM
My god, how I know you're the most massive underaged faggot on this entire board. Is your summer going well? It's almost over, little Johnny, then your faggot ass is going back to school and those 5th grade bullies are gonna dab on you.

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No, there's a very, very big difference between being aware of the consequence and harm of your actions and not caring, and not being able to conceptualize or understand the consequence or harm of your actions.

>Delusional leftard: the post!
Top kek thanks for the hourly laugh.

Antagonist is Evil because he was formerly chuck

I think he's trying to say GRRM was trying to reshape and redefine the tropes and concepts of basic fantasy, but wasn't entirely successful because I think no matter what he does people will always see Ice & Fire/Game of Thrones as "Lord of the Rings but with blood". I don't THINK the guy quoted is saying GRRM managed to fix what he sees as problems created by Tolkien.

Though honestly I don't know, I don't think Lord of the Rings was boring, though I guess a lot of the Silmarillion was.

There's a difference, but its not a "BIG DIFFERENCE" and honestly, not a difference that matters. If you do bad shit even after understanding the consequences of your actions, you are definitely STUPID.

>not being able to conceptualize or understand the consequence or harm of your actions.
In that case you are not stupid but literally retarded.

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I'm legitimately curious how you got that from what I wrote. >If you do bad shit even after understanding the consequences of your actions, you are definitely STUPID.

What plot holes? The eagles?

>If you do bad shit even after understanding the consequences of your actions, you are definitely STUPID.
You're going to have to explain your train of thought here. How does doing bad things make you stupid? By what metric are you defining that? Stupid in the sense that you're not benefiting society? Stupid in that you are doing bad things despite knowing it will eventually come back on you? Stupid in the sense that you may be deluded into believing there will be no repercussion at all? I don't know what you mean here.

>In that case you are not stupid but literally retarded.
This is just being pedantic, and honestly it's a pretty stupid comment to make because it's so fucking vapid.

Such a pleb non-conclusion. Read his essays and poetry. He spelled out what he was attempting to do with his work, and it was more than "create tropes".

The Silmarillion is 100,000 times better than Lord of the Rings, and Lord of the Rings is a timeless literary classic.
Only the maximum-level pleb would ever claim that Silmarillion is fucking boring, and the only way to say something so embarrassingly stupid is to never have read it.
>Fingolfin vs Morgoth
>Beren and Luthien
>Turin Turambar
>The Fall of Gondolin

LOTR is like a few paragraphs in the end of Silmarillion, and it pales in comparison to Tolkien's true epic. Sòys couldn't even handle a proper visualization of The Silmarillion, in any media.

>we've decided as a society that nationalism is entirely evil as a concept
No, you fucking retarded child. The vocal minority of leftist anti-American, anti-western-civilization parasites have pushed this false claim via every one of their puppet mouthpieces, and ignorant tools like yourself have picked it up in your desperate attempt to fit in with our modern bankrupt and backwards culture. You are so fucking ignorant you don't even realize that you're the cause of this cancer.

Why don't you go suck him off then, faggot?

You're mistaking my interpretation of current sociopolitical trends for my personal opinions, I'd suggest you not do that to save you from dumb, pointless angry rants about nothing in the future.

It doesn't matter if it's just a small extremist fringe or vocal minority if it's the only voice that echoes. It is still a fact that the EU is bordering on outlawing nationalism or patriotism altogether, in favor of a global superstate. It's still a fact that you can't call yourself a nationalist in America, neither as part of a conservative identity or a political candidate because the only thing it will do is cause direct comparisons to Hitler. It doesn't matter if people quietly disagree with this belief and it's only a fringe of loud voices that push it, it's still the dominant narrative in society.

You rant against "our modern bankrupt and backwards culture" and then say I'm adding to the problem, but it's literally only getting worse with time and there is no possible way to turn it around, you cannot correct the ship at this point. At best you can maybe hold some water back for a little while before the vocal minority becomes the legislating majority.

This unironically

>user makes the same post the 1000th time because....he's a retard
Can this meme finally stop?

>user makes the same post the 1000th
do you know where you are?

hitler was an ethnic nationalist, no one cares if you consider yourself a european nationalist or something

Those 12 volumes are unreadable