As a lesbian, this makes me WET

As a lesbian, this makes me WET

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They always start with Lesbians.

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Fuck that is hot. I guess I should go naked to the next pride parade I attend.

someone just nuke USA already lmao

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I think the Greek version of Huff is the only rightwing one there is

Thanks for nothing, liberals.

Well it obviously wasn't going to be a male because gay men still scare people, but straight men can find the appeal in girls kissing girls.

It's just the same kind of hackneyed producer approved tick-the-box attempts at diversity that make SJWs clap like trained seals on Twitter but doesn't enchant anyone with an actual interest in diversity.

It's so transparent to an actual progressive that it's just corporate pandering, like green or breast cancer awareness packaging on toilet paper or whatever.
But righties will still get offended by it as if it's the height of wokeness.

>unattractive woman is a lesbian

imagine my surprise


When they actually say this but don't put it in the final movie because foreign market and china, it makes me laugh. Just because Marvel is just saying this to get virtue signaling crowds and then when they complain, it'll be too late because they already have their wallets. Just like Beauty and the Beast.

Would you guys go to this even if she was straight?

Why is Tessa pushed so hard? Multiple franchises, etc., clearly the SJW "it" girl. Is there a shortage of other women to cast?

>Tessa Thomson arouses you
Nice larp

China dabbing on faggots as usual

>where totally pro diversity but we know it's shilled from the top up
wow woke

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Shut Up, Subhuman Scum!

They'll back out as soon as China starts dropping these movies

Saves on casting multiple diversity hires

No they’re are plenty young black actresses with actual talent, this high yellow mulatta makes me and my black family sick

she's some bigwig's daughter

>from the top up
What did he mean by this?

Why can't niggers stop stealing white people culture?

Ok, I think Hitler was right.

Jane Foster as Thor
Negro dyke will find her queen

The next phase of Marvel will be utter trash

I'm offended for the same reasons you are...pandering/hollow virtue signaling. I wish more of your side of the spectrum would call it out instead of hyperventilating over it like caged seals being thrown a fish.


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They have to do something to keep this shit interesting, people are catching on that most of these movies are formulaic as fuck and the fatigue is going to have to eventually set in.

those tabs

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Trannies can't be lesbians

Worth it if her queen turns out to be dyke Natalie Portman character. Thor having to deal with awkwardness would be fun

Absolute degenerate filth

Lesbians are the Token Black Comedic Relief(tm) of LGBT inclusion.

It makes sense though? She would have fallen in love with Thor Thundercock if she were straight.

>when the world will know that you were right
>and they will know you were righter and righter and righter the longer you are dead
this is god's mercy on the souls of the saints

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Exactly this. And dumb leftards will lap it up.

I’m right wing but I have no problem with someone’s sexuality, it’s the political bullshit surrounding it I hate. If you think the likes of Peter Tatchell are healthy and decent enough to get the money and influence he has been given, then you’ve got a problem.

I thought Tom Holland's Spider-Man was the first gay Marvel hero

I can't watch or read Tesse Thompson interviews. Anytime she opens her mouth I COMPLETELY understand why gays get the shit beat out of them.

Stop that shit right now gweilo

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rip mcu

I’ve never found women kissing other women attractive at all. But I guess I’m odd because I don’t find Asians attractive either.

wasnt this girl fuckig hulk in the last thor movie? like green hulk not human hulk....right?

Pride is just a parade, it’s not like they’re raping kids on the street homophobe.

phonepost about some twitter type of shit. also capeshit. guaranteed 500+ replies. have fun op.

He meant leftoids are boot lickers for their jew overlords

Pride is a Sin and all faggots are pedophiles, bringing children to degenerate hedonist Sin parades is the proof

Weinstein got bumped, replaced by, well, all of this shit. Ironically, his dick kept everything in check.


And one they all of the sudden...

She's hideous. She ruins every movie she touches.

Give me 2 important reasons I shouldn’t wish for the US to burn to the ground.

donuts and nachos

I will be surprised when they announce they won't make any race, sex or prefference change to a new character, fuck Dicksney

Can't wait to see how she looks on the posters for Chinese theaters. Maybe the Thor logo will be directly over her face.

damn she makes me hungry for bacon

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I think you accidentally streamed a porn parody, user.

so she's all 5 of those things? damn

>Token nigger becomes a token rug muncher for no reason
Do women really like this?


Hitler was right about everything

Not yet. Check out some video of the Fulsome Street Fair.

don't cut yourself with that edge


Quick somebody post the graph with all of the upcoming Marvel movies

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Imagine being a sad enough person to get upset about this.

>marvel only now getting a LGBTQ character
>meanwhile DC has had interracial gay couples and trans characters for over a year

Cant wait for her to make a throwaway comment to some extra and have that count as evidence she's gay

Gotta appease the Chinese market

user these things are made to gather outrage and publicity from reactionary idiots.
Remember this shit?

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Ohhh yeaaagh. Scissor me timbers!

Call me when they bring in Miles Morales and make him a faggot

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>feige stealth confirming carol isn’t gay

>literally the most hated LGBT type for being an indecisive radical centrist fencesitting inevitable-backstabber

seems fitting

But she's a fucking sidekick.

Your axe wound of a “vagina” isn’t wet from arousal it’s leaking blood and fecal matter.

Homosexuals reproduce by molesting children. Their favorite tactic is to pretend to be anti-gay to trick people.

Romans 1:26-27 King James Version (KJV)

26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

Repent, discord tranny.

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>thor is now an old jewish woman
>asgard now ruled by an interracial lesbian couple

hollywood really did a number on norse mythology.


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This but absolutely unironically.

Good for them

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Imagine being so retarded that you can't detect a tranny when you see one