O.W.: I hate Woody Allen physically, I dislike that kind of man

O.W.: I hate Woody Allen physically, I dislike that kind of man.

Interviewer: I’ve never understood why. Have you met him?

O.W.: Oh, yes. I can hardly bear to talk to him. He has the Chaplin disease. That particular combination of arrogance and timidity sets my teeth on edge.

Interviewer: He’s not arrogant; he’s shy.

O.W.: He is arrogant. Like all people with timid personalities, his arrogance is unlimited. Anybody who speaks quietly and shrivels up in company is unbelievably arrogant. He acts shy, but he’s not. He’s scared. He hates himself, and he loves himself, a very tense situation. It’s people like me who have to carry on and pretend to be modest. To me, it’s the most embarrassing thing in the world—a man who presents himself at his worst to get laughs, in order to free himself from his hang-ups. Everything he does on the screen is therapeutic.

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did orson know he was a rapist?

Interviewer: uh... projecting much?

If Orson didn't hate himself then he should have lost weight the fat pig. Noone worships fat 'men', you need to be tall and physically fit.

Interviewer: seething

Based Orson. Incels and introverts forever rebuked

Attached: Annex - Welles, Orson (Citizen Kane)_04.jpg (1256x1600, 316K)

Yes. Some rapists may genuinely not understand what they're doing, but Orson was no such fool.

What build is he going for, Tasteless?

>It’s people like me who have to carry on and pretend to be modest
I too feel such burden

Don't even @ me, plebs. I am doing a favour to you by not genociding you to improve mankind as I should do

God bless Welles


Every time I hear a quote from this guy he comes across as a complete dick

Welles is spot on
The 2 extremes are Allen and Godard
Both full of themselves, and both pieces of shit, they just express themselves differently
The day they die is the day cinema wins

uh yeah I'm thinking he's based.

They used to fuck kids together

It doesnt matter if the Chad Orson is right, he's the extrovert who communicates whatever he wants whenever he wants, while Woody Allen is a furtive little creep who scuttles off and writes cope fiction about himself over perceived slights, yet who would never reveal himself in public. If Orson's wrong then he'll just make up something else funny and get over it in a second, while Allen has to hide in his own head all day unable to control anything

Welles would hate NEETs and people not making good money who are already in their 20s. In other words Yea Forums calling him based wouldn't make him your friend.

Attached: 300px-Welles-1980_01.jpg (300x370, 26K)

>No, no charm. To me, he was just a hateful, hateful man. I think Katie just doesn’t like me. She doesn’t like the way I look. Don’t you know there’s such a thing as physical dislike? Europeans know that about other Europeans. If I don’t like somebody’s looks, I don’t like them. See, I believe that it is not true that different races and nations are alike. I’m profoundly convinced that that’s a total lie. I think people are different. Sardinians, for example, have stubby little fingers. Bosnians have short necks.
>Orson, that’s ridiculous.
>Measure them. Measure them!

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t. anti-semite
citizen kane is overrated


>the day godard dies is the day cinema wins
leave this board and never come back

I love Orson, fuck that unfunny hack Woody Allen

If there's anything worse than the kind of men he describes, it's bigoted faux tough guy sourpusses like him.
Glad he got his.

That's what makes him so fun user

That's how men used to talk before jews and feminists decided what was right and what wrong.


Fuck off entry level fag

100% right. Woody Allen needs his teeth kicked in and the shit bumbled out of him. He is a despicable human being.

And yet, Woody's still alive and makes occasional movies while Welles died like 50 years ago.
Absolutely MOGGED.

Welles film was released by Netflix and won awards all over the world fifty years after his death.


I wonder what he'd say about Kauffman, he'd probably make him suicide

He loved Kauffman you mong. Look up the interview he had with him


seething cuck
Your impotent tears of rage are delicious

> y u mad
The go to response of the weak and the stupid

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Holy shit, how based can one man be?

What a chad, lmao

No, what you perceive as a dick is actually just a man speaking his mind without fear.
You have been told your whole life to be modest and always filter what you say. If you talked like Orson and gave zero fucks, you would literally be drowning in pussy, everyone would respect you and your life would be amazing.

return to reddit or the containment thread (the garbage arthouse generals)

He's right about Woody Allen but he's also projecting a lot here.

Welles was the kind of guy who acted tough to hide his own insecurities.

Orson Welles? More like Orson did well

orson would rape you for asking

You can be fat and Orson Welles and still have people admire you

I tried that. The world beats you down. The beige tapioca brains will smother you with their consensus think. The “leaders” of today are nothing more than cheerleaders and anyone else is shunned.

Orson did NOTHING wrong in his entire life.


Woody Allen is a sniveling pedo cunt. You are projecting

This and also unironically, the world is ruled by limp dicked bureaucrat types

Why let yourself and your opinions be swayed by actual retards in the first place?

Woody Allen is Yea Forums personified right down to the taste for Asian incest cunny, let's not fool ourselves

Because he's an insecure faggot who needs the world to re-affirm his beliefs

Based Orson

I have a mortgage and I need a job to pay for that mortgage.

You're afraid of jews and women. You are as far removed from men as one can get

I keep quiet about my beliefs because I need to keep my job.

So, a dick

He's right though. He described incels. Total pussies afraid to talk anyone, but think they're better than anyone.

OW: have sex

I'm not saying you should go full 14/88 GAS THE KIKES RACE WAR NAO at the water cooler, causing you to get fired, but to start with you should try to stop conforming to things you find asinine. Perhaps the same routine you have contempt for is also a cause for contempt for a lot of people in your social and work circle, except they find it just as fearful to claim so.
>It's like that drawing of commuters on the underground(metro/train) looking around with a speech bubble of "look at these automatronic sheeple, I am the only individual here" leading to every head in the train carriage.

My way of conforming is to remain quiet at work and focus on the tasks at hand.

You need new beliefs edgelord

You two are cringeworthy

He makes one a year he's a beast

How so?

Interviewer: How do you feel about french champagne?

>drowning in pussy
Get off my board you zoomer high school teenaged faggot

Lamest shit I've read all day. So many personalities exist in the historical record that defy your claims that you should be physically ill from being so ignorant and stupid.

>Interviewer: I’ve never understood why.
>O.W.: He doesn't do anything

The one time I laughed at this meme we can put it to rest now

and you're a nigger

who is the guy who burned spike jonze?

Orson got prime pussy right up until the day he died

Attached: the frenssshhh.jpg (480x360, 14K)

Tbh speaking your mind and being an ass is easy when you have wealth and fame backing you up. Not so much when you’re just one of us regular grunts.

Found the redditor

Imagine thinking Orson Welles was wildly respected/didn’t get prime Pusey just because he was fat kek. /fit/ has fine a number on you

Arguably he wasn’t by the time he was doing champagne commercials and voiceover work to support himself. His shitty behavior got himself blacklisted as a director pretty much everywhere.

>actually referencing XKCD unironically

Are these the opinions you need to keep inside while working?

absolutely BASED


Guess they finally removed the filter.

I would too if I were jewish and would get money thrown after me because of it

it's the uppercase t

>xkcd cringelord comic reference
The reality however is very different from what was depicted by that comic.

The missing part of this equation is that you also need to be a respected filmmaker who runs in circles of high society
Some wimpy nerd trying to talk big in college with absolutely nothing to back him up isn't going to get far

yeah you can bet he was fucking prime european cunny even on his death bed. meanwhile fit gymcels jerk off to very questionable porn videos

he was in such poor health that he wouldn't be able to get it up. Drunk, fat, heart problems, advanced age all spell impotence.

based muaahhhposter

>dude everyone has to look like a skinny twink to get respect

men can be overweight and still demand respect and admiration. he was a genius and worked his ass off, he simply loved to indulge in life as well

>he was a genius

no he wasn't, not a single fucking hollyjew director has ever been a genius. Richard Feynman was a genius, Von Neumann was a genius. Orson welles was a retarded drunk film maker.

*tips fedora*

what a genius retort. You must be a hollyjew director.

stop raping your kids, woody.

Orson must have had a crazy strong pedo-dar.

Fuck, this almost describes me.

You have to be a pusher and/or shover to get into those circles in the first place.

what a genius retort. You must be a world renowned physicist.

Never claimed I was, but thanks for that hilariously butthurt "no u". You are truly the Newton of our age

that guy never claimed he was a genius hollyjew director either

let's wipe the reddit off Yea Forums, then we can get back to pedophilia and capeshit threads. oh, and sneed

Orson was NEET who was constantly broke because he put all his money to his movies that often failed financially.

Orson would beat your twink ass to a centimeter of your life left with his 'built for war' physique

Go to any city and you'll see homeless crazy people and niggers speaking their minds on the street. Somehow I doubt everyone respects them and their lives are amazing.

Oja so hot

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Orson was the opposite of NEET. Well, except for the exercise part.

orson welles was born in 1915, 20 years before woody allen.

He was constantly unable to secure funding for his films which is pretty much filmmaker version of being NEET.

Of course he still left unbelievably great filmography behind and fucked beautiful women so obviousoy he wasn't pathetic imageboard NEET

Yeah but what a ride.

Imagine being so low test that you have to try to earn respect. No one respects a screeching chihuahua m8

Based quadsanon.