Only 5 months left in the decade...what has been your favorite film of the 2010's?
Mine is unironically Infinity War
Only 5 months left in the decade...what has been your favorite film of the 2010's?
Mine is unironically Infinity War
I just got done helping my 7 year old get through the water temple in oot. what asshole designed that shit?
How the hell do you get hooked on heroin in this day and age
No clue. Fuck that temple.
>worst heroin epidemic the world has seen
why do you want him to become a school shooter
Over perscription of Oxy is the bigger issue because people get hooked on it for legitamate reasons like back pain and shit. That leads to heroin.
First World*
they get on it really young, every one in my middleschool was on the stuff
The new decade doesn't start until 2021.
That's only with millenniums, user.
A decade is 10 years. 2010-2019
>people are doing drugs
Hey man drugs are okay now it's cool to do marijuana and heroine and get drunk and smoke and do meth man. The war on drugs is for dummies.
Whoever made this image was nodding themselves.
it’s unironically the greatest feeling you could ever have on this planet. but it doesn’t last forever.
Good choice
Why isn't it 2011-2020 then?
Because 2020 falls in the next decade and so on. That way the next centruy starts at 2100.
>the greatest feeling you could ever have on this planet
If you’re a scumshit junkie maybe. Nothing about this looks “great” or even mildly amusing.
I'm sure that's what my best friend thought every time too until he died. Get off that shit before you irreparably harm yourself.
Muh oxy.
Shut the fuck up. You have to be the biggest retard ever to take the jump from going to Walgreens for prescription pills to going to a heroin dealer.
The pic should say opiods, cuz prescription opiods is the underlying problem
Have you even done Oxy before to relieve chronic pain? Its pretty fucking easy to get hooked on the fix when you get the high and relief from pain.
People in this thread don't understand how physically and psychologically addictive opiods and heroin are
i bet she feels great
You need to be 18 to post here
God I wish that were me.
The chad heroin user VS the virgin meth or crackhead
>not the gold Zelda cartridge
This a myth
ITT dumb fuck former junkies muh addiction
Oxy is made from opium, next to heroin, the most addictive drug there is
She looks like shit but probably feels great
>get wisdom teeth pulled
>hey user here’s a bottle of vicodin. Oh if you run out here’s a scrip for more, no problem
>back surgery
>oh uh, we can’t really prescribe opioids anymore due to the heroin epidemic, here’s a tylenol-3
Thanks for ruining it for everyone, degenerate assholes. Mix in some drano with your next fix and do humanity a favor.
I grew up playing Sega Genesis. Feels good man.
>It's another freemarket did nothing wrong, Ben Shapiro is based and my uper middle class family had nothing to do with my success episode
Literal enemy of the people
Ah, so you were the latchkey kid with the overgrown yard and smelly basement. Every neighborhood had one.
My gf was sitting in a chair with a whole blueberry muffin in her mouth, nodding out, rocking back and forth with her eyes rolling back and chewing the loudest ive ever seen anyone chew, with her mouth open. She looked so annoying, I just wanted to slap the fuck out of her then. I should have recorded it and sent it to all her friends
>its another liberal who thinks hes entitled to things post
I grew up in an apartment on the upper east side
sounds based
but the next century doesn't start at 2100, retard
it starts at 2101 which is the 22nd century. we are in the 21st century already.
Was the muffin that good?
The delusion of cuckservatives
If you are so pro freedom, lets just abolish laws.
I bet it would be fun smashing your daddies skull and raping your mommy infront of you
I think you will like it too
Cucks tend to like shit like that
Go donate to closet Crowder now, after you finish college and find a job, you will be able to do it with your own money!!!!
Living the dream
People with no memory of 2010 are already teenagers. What the fuck is happening with time?
Why doesn't Nintendo a n64 mini
Lol is this a meme or do you idiots actually have a hard time beating this temple. I was 8 and did it without any help. So did my friends
I had an online friend that got on heroin. Everyone in the group tried convincing him it was fucking retarded but he said he was only going to do it once a month, then every weekend, then he stopped coming online altogether and after awhile he managed to quit but for all that time he was homeless and would sleep with bums, and sucked drug dealers off.
Wow no shit but dont blame doctors you piece of shit
This is way harder
if we kill the blacks would the epidemic go away?
Time isn't moving for us, time isn't after us. Same as it ever was.
I think it's more a white issue but i could be wrong.
The Other Side of the Wind. It was released last year, fuck you, it counts.
Infinity War and Endgame together as a two-parter might actually make my Top 10 if I'm being generous. Individually neither would make it, though Endgame is a movie I ended up enjoying a lot.
no, they're just the bottom of the totem pole for the machine, thus they're the salespeople and take a lot of the blame. The Chinks are actually the ones making most of the fentanyl and shipping it to the cartels, and pharma executives are the ones who started this shit by pushing opioids like they were mints.
Sonic is easy. Donkey Kong Country games were pretty hard for kids.
It's cute that you believed him.
This. I can't even get Vicodin for my pain because of all the subhuman junkie bodies piling up, just bullshit Tylenol 3 b.i.d that wears off in an hour. Over a year in pain management and dozens of hoops, and I don't even have my pain managed yet. The damage done is already too great, probably gonna an hero soon.
>deranged leftist has fantasies of violence against his social betters
Cringe and (yikes), go overdose on fenty druggie
it's a meme retard the temple is just boring as fuck
literal 30 yo boomer. Never known a single person that has done heroine and I've known a lot of people into drugs.
Because they wouldn't put Goldeneye on it anyway so fuck them
bug people tragedies don't count
Same as always. When you start out you have a low tolerance so its extremely cheap and gives you some of the best experiences you've ever had in your life. You might just be doing it every so often and have it under control. Then you get greedy so you start doing it more and more often. Eventually you're doing it so regularly that you're building up a noticeable tolerance and slowly sinking into a physical dependency. The only way to deal with this situation is to do more heroin. Eventually you'll want to quit but then you just get have to deal with withdrawal for a day or so and then go around thinking "Fucking christ I love heroin, its the fucking best, I fucking hate my life. Heroin is the only thing that makes me feel anything anymore." So you just go back to doing heroin.
Its basically the same with all drugs. If you get into them at an early age you'll basically always think "Well I'm not going to get hooked" and then about a year later you're hooked. It doesn't help when kids can a living off a black market by pushing drugs themselves to support their habit.
In the big cities everyone is on H
>people born after Pearl Harbor are now old enough to serve in the military
Where does the time go, bros?
Can we kill them anyway, pretty please?
Wrong. The century is from 2000-2099. Moron. The next century starts 2100
Holy shit you are braindead
Fury Road
>sprain ankle
>get prescribed powerful opiate pain killers
>dude corporations proven to have pushed the prescription of Oxy and other powerful pain killers have no fault
>Be in 0 AD
>"This decade doesn't actually start until next year"
That's how you sound.
There's no year zero in the Gregorian calendar.
>dude pain management isn't a huge issue or anything
my best films of the '10s
>The Grand Budapest Hotel
>The Big Short
>The Great Gatsby
>The Disaster Artist
>The Dark Knight Rises
>Jason Bourne
>True Grit
>The Social Network
>Clear History
I too remember the good ol' days when heroin was used as a medicine for Pneumonia
Those fucking socialists
Holy shit i never wanted to murder a person until your post
Did you get kicked off reddιt for being too much 9gag?
human centipede 2
Heroin isnt an opiod dingus. Oxy is. Heroin is a drug.
>middle school
No they weren’t faggot stop lying
Heroin is a drug. Not an opioid. Oxy is an opioid.
>Heroin isnt an opiod dingus
you just went full retard my man
If I ever kill myself, I'm definitely gonna do a bunch of heroin first.
its true but i dont know if its typical, our highschool also had a big reputation for drugs in general
Its not, but people don't really have the full story here.
There is a widely reported problem with the abuse of Oxy through either the overperscrption or people selling their spares on.
This was cracked down on in a big way and then suddenly there are all these people who need to support a habit and Heroin is the only thing they can find.
Maybe when they stop accepting bribes from pharmaceutical companies I'll stop blaming them
Heroin was around before big pharma started aggressively marketing and doctors were allegedly over prescribing. People are looking for a scapegoat so they cant blame themselves.
It pissed me off that you could only use the Fierce Deity mask in boss battles. I worked my ass off for that thing and I wanted to fuck shit up.
Fuck this decade and fuck this century
Blame yourself junkie
and the jews
The water temple isn't difficult at all but it's boring as hell and poorly designed. That's the issue with it.
What do you mean? That he lied about quitting?
I'm not addicted, I stopped taking my hydro after surgery and still have half a bottle for emergencies
In my shithole inner city I literally lost my virginity to a 17 year old heroin addict when I was 11.
This shit is a fucking plague.
They hand out prescription painkillers like candy and heroin is dirt fucking cheap and absurdly addictive. One bad seed enters a social group and they get one person to try it, you're probably going to have a few funerals to attend.
Are you Nancy Reagan?
>get injured at work
>prescribed pain meds
>told to self-regulate admission, which is obviously ridiculous as opioids are the most addictive substances on earth
>pills stop working as tolerance rises
>"holy shit, heroin is cheap and strong"
>"i always thought i would never get to the point where I put anything in my arm"
>eventually buy something laced with fent
It's actually very sad. The only drug addicts I don't feel sorry for are crackheads, because cocaine is a 100% illegal substance which is never prescribed by any doctor.
>Withdrawal for a day or so
That shit can last weeks and I'd kill myself before I ever had to experience that again.
>all the wops that bullied me in high school then went straight to their dads construction jobs after all probably going to OD on fentanyl/opiods
based chinks
Is it actually a case of bigger % are doing herion or just more people = more herion addicts
that is the face of pure bliss. I'm jelly.
Sonic is easy to get through a lot of levels, but the games are really hard to complete all the way through imo. I've still technically never beat any of them (the first 4) even after like 25 years. I can't believe I'm saying that but it's true. I got the closest with 2 and 3.
>Heroin isnt an opiod dingus.
She feels better in that pic than you ever will in your entire life.
But yea she is junkie piece of shit
She's the quintessential example of an eternal truth: the pursuit of pleasure does not make for a fulfilled existence.
>4+ hour blatant Yea Forums /pol/ mod protected bait thread.
Tell your future advertisers "kike nigger".
People keep saying that's it a chemical addiction but the reality is that if you have someone who has had an abusive childhood, had bad living conditions, anxiety, depression, etc., when they get a taste of opiates, then their emotionally pain goes away
It's not hard it's just tedious for zoomers because they get annoyed by the constant switching into the slow ass menu to take the boots on and off
This only bothers people who just played it recently, anyone that played it when it came out didnt really think of it
That's only 30% of heroin addicts
Most heroin addicts started with heroin or some other drug because a bag of heroin is like $5.