We live inside a dream
We live inside a dream
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Why he look so scared? I'm scared.
Wouldn’t you be scared in that situation????
we live inside a percolator
because he lives inside a dream
I wanna rewatch this but I'm worried it won't be as kino as my first run through
Yeah me too.
But who is the dreamer?
Silly anons. It only gets better. The only downside is that some moments might not have quite the same impact as the first time due to already knowing they're coming. But as I said, it only gets better, like a fine Pursued by Bear wine
the only possible way we're living inside a dream is if our past experiences are false but since our conciousness are one continous experience interrupted only by sleep i doubt it's real
what i'm saying is, we'd have to reject everything outside of our current experience of conciousness to admit we're living inside a dream.
Sounds legit
my dream is boring, wake this nigga up
We live inside a dream
(can't wake up)
Cooper was a scared little faggot without his gun and badge.
This moment was pure kino, gets better on every rewatch. Probably the most peaceful moment on the show besides Briggs’ vision
We live inside a meme
not at all
its just one long vision were having like a dream, and subject to ones own volition
la vida es sueño
Okay this is epic
>conciousness are one continous experience
Prove that you, the world and all your memories and sensations weren't created five minutes ago
Compared to the dreams we have, our existence is way too consistent for this to be a dream.
I can't.
We live inside a Sneed...
Well now, I'm not gonna talk about Judy, in fact we're not gonna talk about Judy at all
Y los sueños sueños son
I saw this episode live on a stream and when the face showed up I thought the streamer was messing with us (like the madlad who played "all-star" during the ending scene of Breaking Bad) but I tolerated it. When the face spoke it actually freaked me out for a moment
dreams can be as rock solid/unwavering as anything in daily life imo
[persuasion: 80%] Talk about Judy
I used to think my life was a dream but then I learned it was a nightmare
You got Lynched bruh
*Main Theme Intensifies*
What about this Yea Forums
What are these referencing? Also, I wish I had a giant room where I can just stash stuff I'm not using right now but don't want to throw away or sell.
*saves your season*
What about this, user
i'd give her the glad hand, if you know what I mean
you mean you'd make like maddy's uncle?
what was the point of this scene?
what was the point of your life?
Who was the woman in the red dress in gordon's room? I always assumed that it was a funny little scene where gordon hired a hooker and deflects the topic by telling a silly story about a turnip farm to albert, but apparently some people believe that they were speaking in code and the woman played the same role as lil in fwwm.
parody of pseuds digging into every fucking gesture and sign in lynch's movies like it's a key to solving some puzzle.
I'm still not sure. Lynch likes to portray law enforcement/feds in really exaggerated ways. In every single film they are all caricatures. I'm not sure if it's because they represent something important across his works or not.
I just finished season 1, 2 and the movie.
What exactly was this guy's problem?
Only three episodes of Cooper sucked but the season was kino.
Low-IQ but a big heart
meant for
he is low key based
He was cool
It's referencing kino
Literally too for thots, that's why he ran away from Donna
I love the slow pacing of all the Dougie scenes.
>that moment when he realizes it's all over
Same. I loved Sleeping Coop immediately and all the way through. I think people who hate on Dougie shouldn't call themselves fans of S3
>he didn't skip all Evelyn scenes
I am sorry, user
This. It really makes the second season bearable.
>Let teachers and priests and philosophers brood over questions of reality and illusion. I know this: if life is illusion, then I am no less an illusion, and being thus, the illusion is real to me. I live, I burn with life, I love, I slay, and am content
I only skipped all Lucy/Andy scenes and it was already quite a lot of work, but yeah: I could've skipped the whole Evelyn story line...
>Skipping Lucy/Andy scenes
Are you retarded?
absolute retard
It gets better like most of Lynch's stuff. Just finished my 4th watch of series 3 and now settling down to some comfy fire walk with me as we speak.
It was absolute garbage.
i just started a rewatch of the return last night
so far, it's still been based.
You're right. Don't listen to these "SKIPPING NOT ALLOWED" anons, there's just too much literally trash content in latter S2. Skipping is advisable for saving brain cells.
more like a fucking nightmare
Have you done a full 18 hour run?
I really really want to do it. I might split it into two segments of 8 and 10 hours over two separate nights, because I hate watching things in daylight.
I felt so sorry for him in the return. Shitty job, no gf, brain damage.
>tfw it's my birthday today
This but I unironically don't know.
Best scene in the entire series tbqh famalams
It's cooper, literally david lynch, or you. The viewer.
I'm not sure which but one of them certainly.
I’m so glad I decided to watch the finale at 2am
Ok what's the answer then
based and checked
Post your face when you realised David Bowie’s 2 minute scene in FWWM was the key to the entire lore of the show.
Dick is the best thing in the second half of the season
God. I just want a phillip jeffries extradimensional adventures spin off. The most interesting character on the show.
Make it animated, recast, have the fucking kettle just hovering around. I don't care. I need it.
so... who was in the wrong here?
Damn now I want a Phillip Jeffries Anime that follows him young coop, Albert and Gordon solving comfy FBI cases.
Bobby turning into a respectable cop and fulfilling his father’s dreams was one of the best parts of s3. I hope Shelly gets her ass beaten by her criminal boyfriend and Becky remains a broke junkie. Those sluts don’t deserve based Bobby
It actually makes the most sense. Not saying she is the only dreamer but she is the main one
So it’s pretty much agreed upon that the monster from the box was Judy, she possessed Sarah Palmer, and created all the evil spirits
But what is the jumping man?
none of the characters are "the dreamer" - that's not what the phrase even means.
stop thinking about this like capeshit
That scene where he looks at Laura’s Photo and burst into tears.
I think you have watched too much capeshit that you can't think of another thing without relating them both.
wrong again, I don't watch any
Anyone in a vehicle if we're going to spread any blame here. Never ever gesture for someone else to go, you don't know what might happen and while you might be following the rules of the road someone else could be doing something.
But also Richard was straight up driving in the wrong lane like a jackass so it's mostly on him.
Bob literally gets capeshitted to death
Has anyone played Silent Hill? I was thinking that maybe Laura is like Alessa: death but still living, warping reality with her dreams within dreams (nightmares) to hide all the trauma and abuse done by her parents.
I liked the longer Part 1 opening better. Wish they'd kept the extended shot of the Red Room floor
Then to what exactly "being the dreamer" relates to capeshit?
Throwing you off for the sequence that followed.
>*credits roll*
Bravo Lynch, you fucking hack!
>mfw people are arguing over TP lore even though the point of the show is creating mystery and atmosphere.
Watch Too Old To Die Young. It's a spiritual successor to Twin Peaks.
The point of mystery is to create questioning, unless you are a stupid schmuck
it's not complete garbage, it has some nice bits, but saying something like that is an insult to Twin Peaks.
I mean yeah question things but don’t argue like retards on a Ching Chong paper craft board like there’s a actual answer.
you didn't pay for the bluray?
stop pirating and support lynch you pleb.
That show is like a masterclass on taking things Lynch does brilliantly, and doing them completely wrong.
>"stop having arguments and discussion in my safeplace, it hurts me brain waaahhhh"
tpg is a comfy place sir
Too old to die young is good for what it is and it has some amazing scenes like the death in ep 8 or OHHHHH MAAAANDY
no no it isn't
Post laughing dick crystal, always makes me laugh
I have a genuine crush on Sheryl Lee now, thanks to CUTEposting.
Her smile is out of this world
It is. It's dime store trash taken to a stylistic extreme. It's perfectly enjoyable to watch while not having the artistic merit of twin peaks.
is she sleeping? :3
Alessa was inspired by Laura and SH was inspired by Twin Peaks
>astral projection
>doppleganger (Cheryl, Heather)
>is trying to help people
And there's more but I need a refresher on both series. Twin Perfect went on the similarities in their SH Inspiration videos
I knew most of the people who created the first Silent Hills took inspiration from Twin Peaks and Lynch work (SH2 having the Blue Velvet/Lost Highway part of it)but what amuse me the most is how well they blend together and how the nips could have understood it in the 90s while also adding a lot of classic american horror homages into the blend.
Nips loved Twin Peaks. Everybody wanted to be Twin Peaks, it's why JoJo Part 4 is the way it is, it's what inspired Silent Hill, it's what inspired Mizzurna Falls (I think that's the name) and they got their own Twin Peaks branded coffee commercials
Also Deadly Premonition.
It's meta commentary on people looking too deep into his movies for hidden symbolism. Lynch tells stories his way, and that's all
I didn't know about the reception in japan, sounds great. But I haven't seen jojo, I only read the first chapters of the manga, until the boat sinks I believe.
Mizzurna Falls got translated but there isn't anyone willing to patch the translation into the game.
This is perfect