Where are black people???

where are black people???

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They are represented by the Orcs

Samwise is an honorary nigga.


That movie had some good representation, the Easterlings really did an awesome job portraying anyone who follows the Muslim faith. Peter Jackson really was ahead of his time.

Why the fuck is Tauriel randomly shopped into this RTOK shop

Cancerous character from the hobbit films only

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In Mordor.

thank you based boomers who allowed the civil rights movement to happen

>everyone is happy and the kingdom is at peace
Far, far away

More like dumb zoomer who didn't do well enough in his tests and now end up in a community college instead of a prestigious one.

mordor, isengard is a shoutoot to mutts

>tfw black

literally never even noticed shit like this until /pol/ flooded this entire board

>prestigious one
>he doesn't know

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Blacks are the dwarves
Asians are the Elves
Whites are the Humans
Natives are the Orcs

>he thinks affirmative action isn't real

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why are they dressed like humans?

Every single school in the country accepts non-whites (except asians) and women at a greater rate than white men and asians

Dwarves are the kikes. Tolkien literally based their language off of Hebrew

what about slavs?

Don't worry, they will be there in the Amazon show

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Can you believe this is a college, holy shit what the fuck is wrong with these creatures?

So instead of having the privilege of going hopelessly into debt he'll never be able to pay and being stuck working Starbucks for the rest of his life, he instead goes to a community college? Gee, how tragic.

Natives crafted steel yeah no natives lived in nature natives are elves whites are orcs with an affinity for steel and coal and industry deal with it

oh great more woke shit can't wait for all black elves

>ree we wuz white

>Fix culture

Here you whiny faggot. Whole fucking nation of them.

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wow! thats racist!

As all good things are

OP is racist piece of shit because he's looking at their race. So he gets what he wanted.

They're called Haradrim, you stupid non-book-reading cracker.

Slaves are easterlings, duh

>An orangutan died for this thread


Living in your head rent free

What's going on here

Working for the bad guys

just kill me

Whites are the Elves

absolutely fucking based

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no ->

They have dark skin but are they identical to black people?

>out of Far Harad black Men like half-trolls with white eyes and red tongues

This is from the chapter called ‘Battle of the Pelennor Fields’, so blacks are described in the book and it is stated that they come from ‘Far Harad’ which I assume is supposed to represent sub-Saharan Africa as Near Harad is supposed to represent North Africa.

was Tolkien racist?

he was, he firmly believed in different breeds having different characteristics even if he sent a letter to the nazi party to say he liked the jews.

He was a race realist.

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No, he was based


classic anglo

the orcs

college is basically free for african-americans and they have lower admission standards than any other race so they basically treat it like they're going to the mall. not true in all instances as there are many dedicated black students, but at the same time they're also the dumbest and most disruptive in pretty much every class.


You guys better back up copies of the original because they are going to re-release the trilogy in a few years with CGI added black people.


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Jews are Negroes with white skin. All those nappy headed curled hair hasids

Did the love for hoarding mountains of gold and jew-elry not give that away?

>college is basically free for african-americans

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No, blacks are orcs and dwarfs are jews


will some idiot make a soulless sequel?

Nope. The orcs were industrious and intelligent enough to be able to create the first industrial machinery seen in Arda. Orcs just represent evil, not any kind of race parallel although the memes would lead you to believe otherwise.

How many nogs in the TV show?

Yes, Amazon is doing it right now. I don't think it will be a sequel but it is set in the LOTR universe.

Source? He was always fond of Jews

Near Harad - Semites/Iranians/Turks
Far Harad - Blacks

what about Hobbit series do they have black people?


He was German tho and until WW1 pretty proud of it like myancestry Americans. He also believed that the Jews were the brothers of Germans.

>not emigrating to a whiter country before blacks start taking other

They aren't. America is 56% because of illegal latinos.


Where are white people?

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>live in south america
>go to college
>not a single shitskin

feels pretty good lads

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>when you fear death but also crave it

how do they keep getting away with it bros

Minorities get mostly free rides to improve diversity on campus

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is this your way of coming out as a retard

America was a mistake

are you black?

t. triggered incel planning to set fire to a studio

What the hell

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