I liked it.
I did too. Just a fun flick
This won't be out in México in a couple of weeks because fuck kino cinema, we want lion king every hour in every theater.
How was my boy Iko as a comedic villian in this movie?
Of course you like it you faggots. Otherwise you wouldn’t browse Yea Forums
It was decent, like Ride Along but not shit
>How was my boy Iko
>Of course you like it you faggots. Otherwise you wouldn’t browse Yea Forums
I'm not following.
How much screen time does Iko Uwais have in this? Do they waste him as much as The Force Awakens did?
Fuck. So hollywood still use him as "the asian that knows kung fu guy".
I miss Gareth Evans.
Because Yea Forums is a shit board for people who like garbage like pic related
The main villain of the film doesn't have even one line, it was so strange. They also treat him like a superhuman even though there's nothing in the plot that details exactly who he is and what he's capable of.
Look, it's not that great of a film. But it's enjoyable. Solid 3/5.
It makes me physically ill watching these faggots who actually enjoy portraying themselves as weak, stupid, scared, effeminate and they think it's funny. It's disgusting. Have some self respect.
fucking this. and now they're black or indian
He grows a pair by the end. All the things you mentioned are actually portrayed as negative character traits.
i can hear the lisp in my head
>How much screen time does Iko Uwais have in this?
Not very much. He doesn't even speak.
He never felt like a main villain. He felt like a Starscream, like somebody else's deadly henchman. Like that one Asian chick in the Kill Bill movie.
>Do they waste him as much as The Force Awakens did?
This is my first time hearing of the guy.
I'd definitely say his actual role was not important in the film---it uses discussions about his character in the background more than using him.
Even if you're looking for action scenes, you'll be disappointed. There's a lot of downtime when he's on screen, the fights aren't intricate, and his stunts don't really build the character in a logical way.
That's not to say he was bad, just heavily underutilized I think.
>Look, it's not that great of a film. But it's enjoyable. Solid 3/5.
You just made one Paki very happy
there's a thread in the archive that was questioning whether all the supposedly leftist elements of the film were satirical or genuine
you have a coalburner who gets left in the dust on her way to becoming a cool wine aunt, for one
Yea Forumsx/pol/ is just too hung-up on surface level stuff, same thing with Booksmart
Not really. He's a protagonist. He's supposed to make is cheer for him. Why would I cheer for a pathetic sniveling coward, unless I was one?
>It makes me physically ill watching these faggots who actually enjoy portraying themselves as weak, stupid, scared, effeminate and they think it's funny.
Because millennials actually are that cowardly and lacking in spine. It's an accurate portrayal, and the story's progression criticizes that character.
On one level, this film is a Generation X + Millennial coming of age story. Gen X needs to learn to let loose and Gen Y needs to learn to toughen up.
Besides, self-deprecating humor is the hallmark of Gen Y.
>Why would I cheer for a pathetic sniveling coward, unless I was one?
You wouldn't be because you clearly haven't seen it.
I refer you back to the post you just replied to, evidently without reading.
You have your foil that you want in Batista anyway. They are literally Deuteragonists.
>He's a protagonist. He's supposed to make is cheer for him
Bizarre assumption